Do Not Respond

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Do Not Respond Page 21

by M R Field

  “He sure is,” Cole mutters, as he jams the key into the lock. He pushes open the door and hesitates. “Um….” His head turns to focus back on me, his eyes gaguing my reaction. “You might see some of your … artwork here, too.”

  I stare closer and see a very slight blush cross his cheeks. My chest swells as gentle flutters turn in my stomach.

  “I want to see,” I offer, raising my hand out past him to push open the door. I step forward and leave him behind. Sure, I am eager to see the man in Lycra naked, but I’m a woman, and I need to get the nosey snooping out of the way first.

  I bend down to take off my shoes, leaving them on the polished wooden floorboards. My feet connect to the cold floor. I walk, looking around at his house. There’s a neat kitchen to one side with a comfy-looking dining room near it. To the other side, there’s a large lounge room with an L-shaped brown couch that can fit five people. My eyes look past it, and I almost falter in my steps as one of my canvases is on the wall above the TV. My pulse quickens as I remember painting it.

  “I painted that after a dream I had.” I walk closer to it. “I dreamt I was on the beach on a rug, staring at the sunset. I remember feeling relaxed and warm. As soon I woke up the next day, I worked on it until I got the reds and oranges just right.”

  “Those were the sunsets from my childhood,” Cole says, approaching the far corner, dropping the duffel on the floor.

  “And my summers.” I sigh. The tension in the room builds.

  I refuse to reveal how lonely I felt while painting it. All those summers lost for so many years. My dreams obviously missed them. Judging from the fact that this picture is hanging in his house, he missed those times too.

  “I like the couch,” I say, breaking the tension as I stroll up to it and run my hand across the soft suede. The scratching of a very eager dog sounds from the back of the house. Cole’s reflection appears in the TV hanging on the far wall. I watch him stalk closer, no awkward tension left from our sunset discussion, as his eyes trace up and down my back from my legs to my arse and up again.

  “Anyone tell you it’s rude to stare?” I smirk, as his head jerks back slightly before his eyes connect with mine. A cheeky smile greets me in his reflection, and I raise my eyebrow in mock annoyance.

  “I wasn’t staring.” His hands curl around my hips, as his crotch presses against my back. I struggle in vain to restrain a groan. Duke whines against the back door, his cries continuing to get louder, as Cole’s hot breath brushes against the back of my neck. “My eyes were too busy tracing over prime real estate.”

  He kisses behind my ear, and I shift under his hands to face him, raising my arms to wrap around his neck.

  “You fool.” I shake my head, but secretly, I’m thrilled.

  Duke isn’t, though. He is about to tear through the back door with all his thumping. Cole sags under my hands, as his eyes focus on the ruckus before turning back to me.

  “Two choices. Introduction or seduction? I know what I’d rather do, but I have a feeling he won’t let up until I give him a cuddle. He’s persistent. He’ll make us feel like we have some demented furry voyeur listening in on us.”

  “Quick introduction, and then seduction.” I tickle the short hair at the base of his neck and move away from him. “Let’s go!”

  I grab his hand and tug him toward the scratching and whiny dog outside. Cole flicks on the corridor light and walks us down between the rooms that I decide to take a little peek in as we shuffle past. Bathroom with huge shower (bonus), study (boring), bedroom with a plain grey bedspread cover (typical male), bike on a bike stand (Mini-Marsupial approved), and another bedroom with a massive—.

  I halt and stick my head into that room, the light from the corridor showing me the outline of a very large and comfortable bed. Ready for Pound Town.

  “Pound Town?” Cole laughs, and I cringe at my lack of filter.

  “Your dog,” I blurt. “He sounds like he’s making a mess of your back door.”

  Cole raises one eyebrow as he looks down at me. “Really? Duke was who you were referring to? Could’ve sworn you meant something else.” His voice drips with sarcasm, but I wave it away with my free hand.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I tug on his hand, as another whine sounds. We reach the door, and Cole releases my hand to unlock it.

  “Now, he’s a bit jumpy, but we’ll just give him a quick pat and hope he shuts up and stops pounding.”

  I scrunch up my nose to stop my smile from surfacing. I thought we’d be naked by now, but we’re giving each other shit. It’s so us.

  The door swings open, and a jumpy, furry, and bounce-tastic bundle of energy charges through, jumping up against Cole’s legs for a moment before his dark eyes settle on me.

  “Duke.” Cole’s voice deepens, his authoritarian tone reminding me of him at work. “Sit.”

  Duke sits obediently, but the constant wag of his tail shakes his behind, as his eyes plead with me to pet him.

  “Hey, buddy.” I reach forward and stroke his neck, and he uses it as his cue to shift to all paws, relishing my pats while giving me a slobbery lick across my forearm.

  “Duke, settle,” Cole scolds, but Duke couldn’t give two shits. He’s getting pats. I give him a few more pats before Cole opens the door, after being openly ignored by his fur buddy, and tells Duke to get out.

  He doesn’t move until I stop patting him, and Cole growls, “Out. Now.” I watch the dog trot out the door as Cole closes it behind him. “Hopefully he’ll not kick up a fuss.”

  “I was enjoying that cuddle,” I tease, noting how quickly Cole shut the door so he has me all to himself.

  “Looks like he might like you more than Parker.” His eyes light up. “Can’t wait to give him shit over it.” He raises his hand and points back down the corridor. “Bathroom is on the left if you want to wash off Duke’s affection.”

  I follow him to the bathroom to where we wash and dry our palms quickly, and Cole takes my hand.

  “Do you need your bag?” he asks softly, standing in front of me, his thumbs rubbing circles on my upper forearms.

  “No, I’m fine,” I say, as I know there’s nothing in my bag that’ll help me get naked. That help is standing in front of me.

  We stand facing each other.

  No words pass our lips.

  Blue stares into blue.

  Soft breaths sound.

  Our chests rise.

  As if on cue, our faces move together, but our lips don’t make connection, as that’s replaced with the painful knock of foreheads. We both spring back. The blunt force of the impact sends a sharp ache to my skull.

  “Bloody hell!” Cole grunts, as we both rub our heads.

  “Seduction or concussion?” I groan, cupping the corner of my forehead with my palm while we both chuckle. Ouch. It hurts to laugh.

  We lock gazes, and he holds out his free hand. “Come.”

  I take it and follow him out of the bathroom, smiling at us both still clutching our heads like wounded children. His bedroom is only a few steps away, wherein sits that magnificent bed. Wild horses pulling chains on my nipples couldn’t keep me away from this moment.

  He releases his forehead from his hand and flicks the light on, and as I lift my hand away from my face, my breath catches. Right above a bed that could sleep the whole seven dwarves, and then some, is another of my canvases. The blue cover of his bedding matches the portrait. It was part of my Valentine Day’s exhibition, in which I made a deliberate attempt not to use red at all.

  “That’s my favourite one out of that collection.” I gaze up at the painting of two figures staring at each other, their bodies painted in a range of different blues and greys. Their naked chests are barely a whisper from each other, the swell of her breast covered by the frame’s edge. The two figures stand facing each other, the female’s hair windswept behind her. Their focus is not on anything around them, just each other. I sigh, wishing I’d etched that still into metal
. I could capture the tendrils of her hair and his gaze so beautifully.

  Cole’s hand grips mine, and I squeeze it back. Him having this piece feels like.…

  “I felt you with me some nights,” he admits.

  My eyes slide to the side.

  His lips press together, his brows dipping in concern. “Even while I pushed you away, there were parts I was pulling closer.”

  My chest rises at his admission. I tense slightly, worried I’ll see that tortured look from the gallery earlier. His pain-filled eyes were enough to make me want to stop him from feeling that agony again.

  I shift to stand in front of him and release his hand to rub my fingers up his arms. His skin tenses under my touch, and I smile at his immediate reaction to me. I run my fingers down his arms toward his hands and intertwine them together so I can draw them to my shoulders, and then down my sides to the back where the zip of my dress is. I don’t need to say any more, as his fingers break from mine to attempt to unfasten the hook and eye from above my zip.

  “Far out. It’s like Fort Knox here, trying to break through. How do you dress yourself half the time?” His fingers grip against the fabric, and I reach behind, shifting his hands away to unhook it easily, and then pull down the zip, eager to get him back on track.

  He’s back on track all right. His fingers move to my shoulders, shifting the straps down my arms. My chest rises, watching his eyes darken as his eyes trial the movement of the crepe as it slides down my skin. The material falls past my chest, and his eyes widen on the red lace of my strapless bra. His hands rest on my hips, but I wiggle slightly to send the loosened material right down to the floor to pool around my heels.

  “You wore red.” His chest rises, and a groan sounds.

  “Red makes you go faster, apparently,” I challenge. “You glad you’re not wearing it?” I tease.

  “Letty.” He closes his eyes for a moment. “I’m trying really hard here not to just throw you on the bed.”

  His fingers curl into my hips, and I take pity on him. I lift my feet to kick the dress to the side and begin unbuttoning his shirt. I run my fingers across the cotton as each button opens, enjoying his firm chest beneath the material. I unbutton his cuffs and soundlessly open his shirt, failing hopelessly at not groaning at the sight of his chest. Sure, that day in the shower I saw him in his naked glory, but touching him, smelling him, and being close to him are throwing more sensations my way.

  “We have all night.” I push the shirt over his shoulders and hook my fingers into his belt, pulling him against my chest as I undo the stiff leather. Hmm, speaking of stiff.… His crotch rests against my front, and I pull down his zipper. “We have plenty of time to behave … or not.”

  I push his slacks over his behind, for them to fall to his knees, and shamelessly cup his arse in my hands and squeeze. “You think it’s a struggle for you? I could crack chestnuts on this!”

  He chuckles, but it’s strained. His feet shift to kick his shoes off, and then he wiggles to flick the material away from his ankles, all while I continue to clutch his behind.

  “Comfortable?” he teases, and I squeeze him again.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely.” I press my lips to his, and he instantly responds, wrapping his hands around my back to deepen the kiss. His tongue marries mine, as I squeeze him harder. He tastes like sin, and I want to travel down that fiery staircase with him. We continue to kiss, and I rub my thumb under the elastic band on his underwear, slowly pushing it down inch by inch. He breaks the kiss to step back. He covers the clasp of my bra behind my back and miraculously unclasps it instantly, my breasts no longer encased by the soft fabric but instead feeling the chill of the room. A loud bark from Duke sounds, but we ignore it.

  Cole looks down at my chest, but doesn’t touch me, as his hands are too busy attacking the lace panties I have on. In one fluid movement, they are tugged to my ankles, and as he stands, I leave him no room to think, as I grab his underwear and haul it down to his ankles, too. We both stand in a heated horny frenzy, our hands hanging by our sides as we take in each other’s naked body.

  His carved chest and lean hips lead to his impressive cock. The anticipation to see what he has planned is almost too much to bear.

  “Before I touch you, I.…” Cole’s eyes linger over my breasts, and I can’t help but tilt side to side to see his eyes follow my every move. Interesting. I’ll track that powerful gem for future purposes. “I have a little idea I thought would be cool.”

  He moves over to the side of his bed, and I think for a moment that if he thinks I’m going to play dress-up or something stupid right now when I’m naked and raring to go, he has another thing coming. I will high-tackle him down.

  He picks up his phone and runs his fingers over the surface, tapping on a few things. Soon, the soft sound of Ed Sheeran fills the room while he illuminates the screen of his phone, causing stars to reflect against the ceiling. Normally, it would be mesmerising, and I do look at it for a moment, but my attention is swiftly drawn back to the Adonis in front of me.

  “No planets this time?” I ask, stepping closer to him, enjoying his attention now placed on me as the soft rifts of “Photographs” surrounds us, cocooning us in this tryst.

  The music builds while we stare at each other. I decide to move closer, my heart beating in anticipation, each beat drawing me closer to Cole.

  “Thought the stars were a nice touch, but I wanted to put a different soundtrack over the top this time.” He looks up at the ceiling, and I admire his strong jawline, how handsome his face is. My eyes trail down to his magnificent cock. I can definitely think of more things that will be a “nice touch.”

  He looks back to me and pulls me in to kiss my lips gently, sweetly. Our hands begin to explore, trailing over skin tentatively, reverently. I turn back so my calves are touching the side of his bed. I break free to lean down and whip his cover back, and I barely notice where it lands on the end of the bed. I then crawl on my hands and knees toward the middle, but his hands grip my waist and stop me.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful, and if I weren’t a gentleman, I’d slide into your gorgeous fucking pussy right now. But I want you to turn on your back so I can put my face in your sweet honey before I bury myself in you.”

  I look over my shoulder, and his eyes stare down at my behind as his chest rises. A large thump sounds to the side of the room, causing my body to flinch, and I look over to the window.

  “Seems like Duke is trying to be attention-seeking tonight,” I say.

  “He probably wants to sleep inside, but he can stay out,” Cole replies.

  The pause in the song leaves the room in silence for an instant before a loud booming voice projects, “We’re always looking out for your health and happiness. If life gets a bit tough at times, know that there are specialists out there to help you. Erectile dysfunction needn’t be a cause of—.”

  Cole curses and leans back off the bed to snatch the phone off the stand. I turn to face him. His face glows as he presses a few more buttons on his phone. The room is silent as he furiously taps. My eyes flick down and watch his cock jiggle, and I roll my lip between my teeth to suppress a giggle.

  “Right, I just bought the app, so I’m not having fucking ads pop up again.” He reconnects the music, sliding his phone back on the stand. I lean back on my elbows and laugh at how flustered he looks.

  “So sensitive,” I tease when I openly gaze down his body to his very not dysfunctional penis. “No problem I can see.”

  He moves to the edge of the bed, wraps his hands around my ankles, and tugs my body toward him. My arms fall behind me. I am his ragdoll to play with.

  My behind reaches the edge of the bed, and his hot breath brushes against my sex. My knees squirm to open for him.

  His tongue laps against my sex, and all traces of intelligence are wiped away and replaced with a moan. He presses into me, running his tongue and fingers across my clit, my mind too scrambled to pay attention to the exact parts, as I
feel him everywhere. His tongue, lips, teeth, and fingers all claim the skin of my wet pussy, which throbs under each of his touches. My fingers grip the sheet, and I want to grab onto him, but I don’t need to. His face is so moulded into my core that he couldn’t get any closer if he tried.

  My body remembers him, yet it misses him. I need him everywhere, all over and in me. My pussy throbs as he sucks my clit, and I almost knee him in the head, but his hand is fast and pushes my leg back down. My spine curls to bring my chest up, and I watch him devour me. His eyes lift to stare at me, and the thrill thickens my blood and heats my skin. We stare at each other, and he licks and sucks on me. He assaults my most intimate part with his love, and the rush of my orgasm claims me.

  My hips move back and forth against his mouth, but he moves his hand under my behind to hold me to his tongue, for every drop of my release as I throb against his lips. My chest heaves deeply. My head tilts back, and I breathe soundly into the room, the aftershocks still rippling through my body. I fall back with my hand draped across my eyes, and I try to calm my breathing.

  I lie there, stunned. My limbs ache as I struggle to raise them. This is the second time he’s been down there, and it was better than the first. I smile in appreciation.

  I sense Cole standing, but I feel too spent to move. Duke’s sounds now have changed from whiny to a direct howl against the window. Bloody hell, he’s persistent.

  “Fucking hell, is he trying to tell the neighbourhood that his owner is finally hooking up? He never howls,” Cole grumbles.

  I grin wider.

  “What’s that little smile about?” Cole asks.

  Cole’s smug voice breaks through my exhaustive thoughts of my well-treated vagina. “I was thinking that was better than last time, even though the other time was pretty damn spectacular. Typical of you to be an overachiever.”

  His hands rub against my tired legs, which realistically shouldn’t be tired, as he did all the work.

  I uncover my eyes and look up to find him staring down at my sex. “I think she’s giving you a secret high five, if you look hard enough.”


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