The Shifter’s Prisoner

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The Shifter’s Prisoner Page 8

by T. S. Ryder

  “Stop,” she gasped. “Mom, fight it. Fight it!”

  Her father moved past her. Willow lunged at him. Her arms locked around his knees and he fell, his face grinding into the dirt. He pushed himself right back to his hands and knees and made to stand. Willow threw herself over him, pinning him to the ground. Behind her, her mother got to her feet and stepped over them on her way back to the flames.

  “Fight!” Willow felt the helpless panic starting to rise up her throat and she forced it down. She grabbed her mother around the waist and dragged her back. She threw her mother over her father and climbed over both of them, wrestling to keep them both down.

  Sherwood drove his sword into Asa’s shoulder. The dragon roared in pain and swatted at the fairy. With a laugh, Sherwood withdrew the blade; his laughter was cut off abruptly when Asa rolled. Sherwood was knocked off his feet as Asa rolled into him, then pinned him beneath his bulk. His clawed hand lashed out, grabbing the sword and knocking it away.

  A fist caught Willow in the side of the face, knocking her away. Her father grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back. She cried out as her mother stomped on her leg. Together, her parents tossed her away and turned back to the fire. Willow forced herself back up, though pain exploded through her body, and charged them again.

  There was a roar from behind her. Willow didn’t turn. She threw herself onto her parents again. They went down inches from the flames that engulfed the entire pyre. Her father whirled, a terrible grimace twisting his face. And suddenly, he froze. He blinked rapidly as he seemed to see her for the first time.

  “Willow?” her mother whispered.

  Willow clung to both of them, holding tight to make sure they wouldn’t suddenly try to bolt into the flames again. She looked over her shoulder to see Asa moving back from a still body that lay motionless on the ground. Sherwood. Dead? Could a fairy really die? Or was he merely knocked unconscious?

  All around, the villagers shook their heads. A few of them looked around in confusion, while others stumbled here and there. All of them backed away from Asa. He pulled the fairy blade and tossed it away before he shifted back to his human form. His body was slick with blood, but he met her eyes and smiled.

  “We did it, Willow.”

  His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he crumpled. A few of the villagers gasped and backed further away. Convinced that the thrall was over, Willow released her parents and scrambled to her feet. She started forward, but her father was suddenly there. He grabbed her, thrust her behind him, and raced forward. He snatched up the fairy blade. With a howl that ripped from his throat, he charged Asa’s unconscious form.

  “No!” Willow raced after him. Once more, she tackled him to the ground. They both went sprawling. Willow climbed over her father and threw herself over Asa’s prone form. As the villagers started to crowd in, she glared at all of them, shielding him with her body. “You idiots! He just saved all our lives and you want to kill him?”

  Her father picked up the blade again. “Get out of the way, Willow.”

  “What the hell?” She clung to her dragon tighter. “He fought through the spell holding him and saved us all. Put that down right this instant! You, go get yarrow. I need to treat his wounds. And you,” she pointed at her dad, “I need you to put that sword down. Someone tell me if that fairy is still alive.”

  Her brother came up behind their father. “Fairy? Spells?”

  “He kidnapped you,” her father said. “I won’t let him take you again.”

  “He didn’t kidnap me. I went with him.” The actual details could be sorted out. “I wanted to leave and Asa gave me the opportunity. If the only time you actually started to care about me was when I was in the hands of a dragon who loved me more than you ever did, then you might as well drive that sword through both of us.”

  The villagers all stared at her as though she was insane. Only one of them checked Sherwood and looked up with a grim expression. “The dragon killed your friend.”

  Willow rolled her eyes. “No, the dragon killed the madman who put you all under his spell and wanted to destroy the world. Get me that yarrow right away.”

  She looked around. Everybody was staring at her as though she had grown a second head. Apparently, none of them understood what she was saying. Slowly she eased up. Well, if they wouldn’t help him because he had saved them, then maybe they’d listen to fear.

  “Asa is good friends with the king of Cendas,” she said. “If he dies, there will be hell to pay.”

  That got them moving. Willow could have rolled her eyes, but she was too focused on her dragon. She stroked his hair back from his face, listening to his labored breathing.

  “I’m here,” she whispered to him. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Sixteen – Two Hearts Combined

  Asa rolled his shoulders as he lifted his face to the moonlit sky. He tried to move as quietly as he could so he could catch Willow unaware as he approached the thick cedar grove that would shield them from prying eyes. Soon, he was standing just inside the trees, looking at her. Her graceful neck was bent as she concentrated – or pretended to concentrate – on the book in her lap.

  The silver moonlight washed over her red hair, making it glow. With the gentle breeze that managed to find its way through the branches, it moved like a living flame. She was beautiful. Asa’s heart warmed and his body swelled just looking at her in her calm perfection.

  Nerves started to flutter in his stomach as the feelings he hadn’t had his first time rushed over him. What if he wasn’t good enough? What if she was disappointed, or worse: what if she faked pleasure while being completely unsatisfied? It was his duty to make sure that she was fulfilled, but human women had a strange notion that it was their fault if their men couldn’t pleasure them . . .

  He cleared his throat and shook the thoughts from his mind. They had already coupled together. He knew her pleasure points and knew how she liked to be touched. And now there was nothing hanging over them to make it anything less than perfect. No rules, no fears about regrets when they were done, no crazy fairy bards wanting to kill them.

  Willow blushed, smiled, and turned her page, still determined to ignore him.

  Asa had to smile. Sherwood’s games were over. Dragons could kill fairies, and since he hadn’t had his human sacrifice to bring back his magic to its full strength, they were certain the fairy was dead now. It was a shock to many people that he had done what he had done, but after all was said and done, it was for the best. Now there wouldn’t be a resurgence of his power or quest for vengeance.

  It was still chilling at how random his pick had been. Willow merely looked like the fairy queen who had locked him away, so he decided to kill her. It was unclear whether she had actually looked like the fairy queen, or if they just shared red hair. Whatever the case, Asa shuddered at how easily he could have lost her. How if the thrall had been a fraction stronger – if Sherwood had waited a few more years to build more magic . . .

  It would have been comforting to think that the fairy was crazy or just plain evil. The truth was, though, they’d never really know and never fully understand what plans he had for the world before his defeat.

  Willow finally looked up. “Are you going to stand there all night?”

  “Maybe I just want to stand here longing for you. You know, the old romantics stated that yearning for love was more pleasurable than the consummation of love.”

  “I’m not an old romantic,” Willow stated flatly. “Now get over here.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Asa mocked a salute and joined her. She tossed her book aside and started to run her hands down his body. Her touch ignited a fire inside of him that had him moaning softly. She grinned at him, slipping her hands under his shirt to tweak his nipples.

  “Like that?” she breathed.

  Asa nodded. “Just be gentle with me. I’ve been through a traumatic experience.”

  It was the wrong thing to say. Willow’s expression darkened at th
e reminder of what had happened – or what had almost happened. She was still furious with her father for almost killing him, even though Asa himself understood the desire to protect the people who mattered most. It turned out that her parents had been under Sherwood’s thrall when they refused to ransom her back in an effort to ensure that there would be nobody left looking for her when he got her away from Asa.

  The dragon cupped Willow’s face in his hands. “Hey. It’s okay. I’m fully healed and back to my complete strength. You don’t have to be upset anymore.”

  “I’ll be upset as long as I want to be upset,” Willow responded, but her expression softened. “Sorry. I wanted this to be perfect.”

  “I know.”

  This wasn’t just any lovemaking. Under the light of the full moon, out in nature with this ancient grove surrounding them, they were going to bind themselves to one another fully. It had taken a little convincing for Willow to consume parts of his flesh, but it was the first step in extending her life – to make her as dragon-like as possible so they could grow old together. Asa brushed her hair behind her ear and leaned forward to kiss her gently.

  Willow responded by nipping at his lower lip. Her brows rose, a sly smile crossing her face. “So . . . Now that you and I are going to be mates, what does that mean?”

  Asa grasped her hips and pulled her to a kneeling position. “It means we can spend eternity trying out every sexual position we can think of. I can’t wait to see you dressed all in leather with a whip in hand and—”

  “You’re joking!” Willow’s jaw dropped, eyes wide as she stared at him. “You’re into that stuff?”

  Asa shrugged. “Don’t know. Never tried it. But like I said, I want to try everything with you.”

  A red flush rose up Willow’s cheeks and he smelled the sweet scent of her arousal. It made him grin. She chewed on her lip and shrugged while laughing in an embarrassed way. “Well. Okay, then. We’ll work up to that if you really want to . . . But, uh . . . Can I make a request first?”

  “Nope.” He pulled her tight against himself, his eyes sparkling. “If I recall, you got to control our first encounter. It’s my turn now.”

  Willow’s face went even redder. She nodded, eyes wide. He loved this. How she could be commanding with him one time and docile another. He loved being able to give up control, but he also loved being able to take control. With her, he knew that he’d be able to have both.

  When he brushed his mouth against hers, she returned the kiss eagerly. Her hands wound into his hair and her eyes fluttered closed. Her body wove in waves against him, grinding at times and moving away at others. Asa loved the way she moved, but as his fires roared and his body tightened, he needed more than that. He grabbed her hips and brought them snug against his. He was rewarded by a gasp and her fingers tightening.

  He moved to her neck, kissing fiercely as he licked and sucked on her delicate skin. Willow shivered, her head falling back to give him better access. Asa forced himself to slow, pacing himself he moved his hands over her soft body. She remained pressed up against him as she moaned. He hardened, stretching against the tight confines of his pants.

  “I’m going to take you now,” he whispered. “I am going to look into your eyes as I enter you, and I’m not going to allow you to finish until you scream my name.”

  Breathless, Willow nodded.

  Asa slowly removed her clothing. His hands coasted over her creamy skin before ending on her shoulders and firmly pushing her to her back. Her legs fell open, a clear invitation, and he checked her with one finger. Her anticipation must have been already driving her wild because she was slick and ready.

  Her gaze never left his as he removed his own clothing, then pressed against her entrance. Her hips rose and she gave a slight gasp as he entered in one smooth motion. He loved the way her eyelids fluttered. He began to move, slowly at first, but as he became more confident she was ready for it, he quickly gained momentum. Soon, he was jackhammering into her, teeth gritted tight against his arousal as she cried out, a lover’s flush coming to her neck and face. She gripped him tight and stared into his eyes.

  “Asa,” the word was gasped out.

  “Scream it,” he hissed into her ear. “Scream my name”


  He slowed his frantic pace, seeing how close to the edge she was, and eased himself in an out. Her head lolled as a smile lit up her face. Her eyes glowed as she looked at him. The soft moonlight on her face made her look like a pearl. A precious being. And he was lucky enough that she had chosen to bind herself to him.

  Asa lowered himself over her, pulling her into his arms so she was off the ground. His thrusts were gentle again, enough to keep them both hovering on the edge. He kissed her, mimicking what he was doing to her with his tongue. Her fingers tightened on his arms and everything tightened. Her back bowed, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and a long cry burst from her throat.


  Hearing his name again nearly ended him, but he bit his tongue hard to stop himself. He continued to move, releasing her with one hand to slide it between their bodies, determined to keep her pleasure building. She gasped with every breath, writhing, her hips thrusting upwards with a pace much more frantic than his own. Asa pinned her down with his body and ground against her as his own arousal reached a breaking point. She screamed his name again and that was it. All his tense muscles released at once.

  His tongue tangled with hers, his fires spreading through his body. Every place his skin touched Willow’s, it was as though fireworks went off in his bones. Soon, his whole body felt like the consistency of Jell-O. He collapsed over her, panting for breath, just able to keep his weight on his elbows so he didn’t crush her.

  Willow’s fingers ran down his back. Her head lolled back, a sleepy smile on her face. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Asa kissed her, tenderly, as he withdrew. The force with which he had taken her had made him a little sore, and he didn’t miss her wince, either. He kissed her again. “Hope I didn’t hurt you too badly.”

  “Hurt? Only if the best orgasm I ever had was a pain.” Willow laughed. “Wow. I think I’ll have to hand control over to you more often.”

  “Don’t underestimate yourself.” His hands ran over her body, finally coming to rest on her breast. “You are amazing. You know that, right?”

  She ducked her head, a pleased smile on her face. “You know what else is amazing?”


  Willow’s hand closed over his. She moved it down her body to cover her belly. Her smile widened and he knew what she meant. His eyes widened and she nodded. His heart nearly burst with happiness and he kissed her again. A child. As he deepened their kiss, he vowed silently to give her everything she wanted. And to never let her feel alone and unwanted again.



  Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading “The Shifter's Prisoner” as much as I liked writing it. Please consider leaving an honest review here; it means a lot to me to hear from you.

  T.S. Ryder

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  Specially Selected Bonus Content

  Taken by Two Football Dragons


  A shy, curvy newspaper reporter PLUS two disturbingly sexy athletes PLUS an indecent but sizzlingly hot proposal...

  Rachel Forbes is ready to move up in her career and find a boyfriend. She’s excited when it seems like one of her wishes is coming true. She will get to write a serious piece for her newspaper and finally escape the advice column.

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o do an interview. All he wants to do is play the game he loves and stay out of the spotlight. He fears fame will make it more difficult to hide his secret.

  But then, Rachel walks into his locker room and he’s suddenly into the interview and the sexy journalist. The attraction between them is undeniable.

  Rachel meets Michael’s best friend Sloan Ryder and finds his bad-boy charm alluring. She knows it’s best to do her job and get away from both of them, to keep herself out of trouble, but she finds herself drawn into a passionate love triangle. Should she choose one man or have her fun with both?

  Michael and Sloan share everything, including women. If they both desire Rachel, claiming her together shouldn’t be a problem.

  Chapter One

  A large, serpentine creature was gliding in the night sky. Its powerful wings were spread wide and its scales were iridescent in the moonlight. The creature searched the ground below before swooping downward, landing on four feet. It lifted its head, detecting the slight rustle coming from the bush ahead. It sniffed, gauging whether its company was animal or human. The source of the disturbance in the foliage emerged.

  “Having fun?” the deep male voice drawled.

  The dragon grunted, its shape contorting and shrinking into that of a man. Michael Pryce grinned at his longtime friend, Sloan Ryder. He reached for his clothes, neatly folded and tucked behind the thick root of a tree.

  “I always have fun soaring through the night sky. What the hell are you doing here? I left to give you some privacy with your female friend.”

  Sloan shrugged. “I got hungry. I sent her home to avoid having her for a midnight snack.”


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