Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set

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Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set Page 36

by Brooke Cumberland


  “I didn’t peg you for that girl.”

  I grab a button-up shirt from his closet and slowly button it as I walk toward him. “Peg me as what girl, exactly?”

  “A girl that sleeps with a man on the first date,” he teases as he slips his briefs back on.

  “Wow, that’s deep. Are you this sweet with all your conquests?” I stand between his legs as he sits on the edge of his bed.

  “Conquests? What do you take me for?” He slams a palm to his chest, pretending to be crushed. I laugh at his horribly fake, sad face. I hop on his lap and wrap my legs around his waist.

  “I take you for a man that knows what he’s doing.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Before I can retort, he slams his mouth to mine, taking me by complete surprise, and whipping me back on the mattress. I giggle as my body impacts the bed, taken aback at his reaction. As my legs are wrapped around his waist, I push him deeper into me.

  He lies on top of me, grinding his hips into me, making me feel his hardness. The feeling shoots electricity through my body as I ache for more of him already. The way our bodies react to one another is almost too much, but there’s no way I’m questioning it now.

  As my legs are wrapped around his waist, I use all my momentum and push him back as hard as I can, managing to get him on his back and pinned to the bed with my legs on each side of him.

  “Now that’s more like it,” he teases, grinning like a little boy in a candy store. He rests his hands behind his head, enjoying the view I’m about to give him.

  With each button I slowly undo, I feel him beneath me getting harder and harder as he pokes me between my thighs. I rip the shirt off my arms and freely drop it to the ground. I raise up on my knees and playfully place a finger between his skin and briefs.

  He manages to help push his briefs off the rest of the way and lays back down as I have my way with him.

  “Do. Not. Move.” I order, pronouncing each syllable slowly. I pin his hands above his head to make sure he knows what I mean. He grins and nods at my orders as I lower my lips down his chest.

  Our bodies are skin to skin. I lick my lips as I make my way down his chest, stopping at his nipple ring.

  “I’ve wanted this nipple ring in my mouth since the first time I saw you shirtless,” I admit, wrapping my tongue around it and sucking it thoroughly. Without responding, Eric yelps out a pleasurable moan as I taste him completely with my mouth.

  I lower my lips down his torso, making sure to capture every inch of bare skin with my tongue. The way he tastes is unlike anything I could’ve ever imagined. It’s a mixture of sweat and sweet man-scent. If his taste was the only taste I could ever have for the rest of my life, I’d die a happy woman.

  I make my way down and use my free hand to wrap around his thickness. He pulses at the sensation of my lips and hand around him. I’m eager to show him how much I care for him and how bad I want him, but the truth is, I have never done this before.

  Not knowing if I’m doing it right, I continue licking, sucking and jerking my hand up and down his length. The way he moans and arches his body tells me he likes it, so I keep going.

  “Fuck, baby,” he moans, reaching a hand out to push me down further.

  “No, no, babe. Hands up!” I remind him, smiling at his torturous pouty face.

  After Eric is thoroughly rubbed and sucked, I raise my body back up to him so we are chest to chest. I lean up on my hands and sink my body down on him. As soon as he enters me, I grind my hips down on him as hard as I can. I know I take him by surprise when his eyes pop open and he tries to place his hands on my thighs. I throw them back, reminding him to obey my orders.

  I find the rhythm and thrust and grind my hips against his. It feels unreal. I moan out his name several times unwillingly, but the way my body feels when it connects with his is something I never want to lose.

  I bend down slightly and grasp his lips with mine. They taste eager and sweet and I can’t help but smile at the sensation our bodies are creating. I jolt my hips up and down until neither of us have any more control. We scream out in unison as we climax together, trembling in each other’s arms.

  We clean ourselves up once again, and I put his button-up shirt back on, although I doubt it’ll stay on for long. This has to be one of the best first dates I’ve ever had.

  “So, tell me about your parents.” I say, lying on my side with my elbow propped up. We’ve been lying in his bed, soaking up the moment, not wanting it to pass us by.

  “Well, you’ve already met my father. He moved up here when I was fifteen years old. My parents are still together, though, and he visits on holidays and when he has a few days off. My ma is the best. Total southern wife all the way. She would love you.” He smiles, brushing a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

  “You’d want me to meet your mother?” I ask, surprised that he’s thought about it.

  “Of course. As long as you don’t tell her how I’ve corrupted you,” he teases, biting his lower lip and raising his brows. Fuuuuck, that’s hot.

  “All right, well, if we don’t get out of this bed, we’ll never get any sleep.” I give his lips a quick kiss, but he wraps a hand around my head and pulls me in deeper. It doesn’t take long for him to convince me as I stroke his tongue with mine.

  As our hands freely explore one another, the loud beeping of his pager fills the room. Ugh.

  “Oh, shit,” he mumbles, rolling off his side of the bed to grab the screaming pager. “Crap, I gotta go, babe.” He silences the pager and turns to look at me. I understand completely that this is Eric’s career and that he has to go, but I can’t help the sad feeling that rises over me as our night has to end. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’m not even on call. I don’t know why I’m getting paged but I’ll call as soon as I can.” He walks over to grab his clothes and quickly slips them on. I get dressed as well, knowing that I have to do the whole walk of shame back to my apartment.

  He grabs his keys and cell phone and shoves them into his pockets. He flicks all the lights off and makes sure the door is locked. I put my shoes back on and let him grab my hand as he leads us down the hall.

  “Be safe.”

  “I will.” He kisses me on the forehead as the elevator reaches the lobby. “I love you!” he shouts as he runs out the lobby doors.

  Part of my heart feels like it just left with him. The day and night we just had together was unbelievable. A night I’ll never forget, and yet, he’s gone.

  I don’t even realize how late it is until I get back to my apartment to a raging Carissa.

  “Oh my God…” She crosses her arms, looking intently at me. “First, I was mad you didn’t text me that you were going to be home late, but now…now I see why.” She winks at me and grabs my hand in hers. “Spill, I need to know all the deets.”

  I roll my eyes at her as she fishes for gossip. I budge, but just a little. She doesn’t need to know the intimate details. I’ve been gone the whole day, so she pretty much can guess what happened.

  “I can’t fucking believe it.” She shakes her head as if she was in a dream. “He’d better not hurt you! I swear I’ll cut his nuts off if he does,” she threatens, completely serious.

  “I know. That’s why I love you.”

  “Well, I’m sorry I can’t stay and chat, but I have a…prior engagement tonight.” She winks as she grabs her purse and heads out the door. I laugh and wave her goodbye.

  I get in the shower and soon realize how sore my body is. I think I pulled a muscle or two, but it was so damn worth it. The hot water and steam helps rejuvenate me, and I stand in there just a bit longer to contemplate the entire day.

  Eric. Good Lord. I can’t believe Eric and I made love—hot, steamy, fucking amazing love. I don’t know if it’s possible, but I suddenly feel like a completely new person. The fearful, skittish Velaney is nowhere to be seen. A new upbeat, fearless, cocky Velaney has arrived.

  And I like her.
r />   I step out of the shower, grinning like a complete lovesick girl, but I don’t care. I love him. Holy balls…I LOVE HIM!

  I need to tell him right away, but I know I can’t. Damn.

  I dress in some yoga pants and a tank top and decide to make some popcorn. I’m far too riled up to sleep right now. Just as the microwave beeps to tell me it’s finished, a hard, loud knock on the door startles me.

  Assuming Carissa forgot her keys, I whip open the door without even looking through the peephole.

  “Alex?” I frown, twisting to the side to give myself more modesty. Suddenly I feel like I’m on display. I grasp the door, not wanting to widen it anymore, but before I can comprehend what’s happening, Aiden barges past Alex, shoving me as he comes into my apartment. Alex follows him and holds me back as he slams the door shut.

  “What the hell is going on? Why are you here, Aiden? And Alex? You two know each other?” I keep my distance, demanding answers.

  “Shut up, you bitch! I’ll be the one asking the questions around here!” Aiden shouts, pointing a finger directly in my face as he steps closer to me. My body freezes as a wave of chills crosses my body.

  Bye-bye fearless, Velaney.

  My lips tremble as I fight to keep the words in. I’m confused as to why Alex is here…with him. And the last I knew, Aiden was in jail.

  “Your little friend caused some damage!” he shouts again, but this time closer to my ear, making the gesture intimate.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I barely mumble at hearing level.

  “Fuck if you don’t, Velaney! Your boy toy sent me to jail! If it weren’t for Mom and Dad—”

  “Wait! Mom and Dad bailed you out?” I ask. I’m surprised to hear that my own parents would bail him out after what he did to me. But then again, maybe it shouldn’t surprise me that much. At least not anymore.

  “Of course. I was wrongfully accused, thanks to you,” he sneers, making my body tremble with regret and fear.

  Go freaking figure.

  “Why are you here? What do you want?” I ask desperately, barely getting the air into my lungs.

  “We have some unfinished business, Princess.” His eyes are dark, intimidating.

  “Don’t call me that,” I mutter, backing down at the painful memories that are filling my head.

  “I’ll call you whatever the fuck I want!” he screams, towering over me. Alex senses how bad this is getting… fast.

  “Be cool, man. Just leave her alone,” Alex pleads, bracing a hand on Aiden’s back.

  If looks could kill…

  Aiden pushes Alex back up against the wall and just like that, Aiden pounds his fist into his face. I squeal as the impact forces Alex’s head to fall back and blood rushes out and down his chin.

  “Oh my God! Aiden, stop!” I don’t know what overcomes me, but I rush over and try to push Aiden off Alex. Wrong move.

  “You’ll have your turn, Princess!” He forcefully shoves me back, making me trip over a chair and fall straight on my butt. “Alex, here, was just a pawn…he used you, Princess. How do you feel now?” A pawn?

  “Is that true, Alex?” I ask desperately, feeling hurt and betrayed. I get to my feet, rubbing the soreness from my body.

  “Vel, I’m sorry! I didn’t know this was his plan. He told me he was trying to find his long lost sister. I swear, I didn’t know!” his voice is eager, pleading almost to get me to believe him. This whole frigging time… Alex was a set up.

  Aiden chimes in just in time to bring me back to the present, and the seriousness of the entire situation. “Now that you two have gone down memory lane, let’s finish what I came here for in the first place, shall we?” I want to rip that snarky grin right off his face. He thinks he’s winning. He wants control…to dominate…to be feared.

  I scan the room, trying to find a way to break from Aiden. He watches me, seeing that I’m making a plan. He lets go of Alex after shoving him against the wall one final time and lunges toward me. I take a step back, bracing for the attack that I’m about to receive.

  “Listen, Princess. You are mine. I made you mine!” The way the words princess and mine roll off his tongue makes me cringe.

  “I was never yours, Aiden. You stole that from me!” I spit out, anger suddenly making me brave.

  He grabs my hands and slams me toward the wall, bracing my hands in his. I squirm trying to get out of his grip, but he pushes his knee in between my legs to pin me down.

  “You willingly gave it to me. Stop pretending.”

  “You’re fucking sick! I didn’t give anything to you! I was eight years old!” With all the momentum I can gather, I push him back, trying to get out of his firm hold. Forgetting how strong he is, his body barely moves. Rage fills his eyes as he head butts me, knocking my head back against the wall.

  My eyes turn fuzzy as I see Alex behind Aiden. I quickly duck my head as Alex grabs Aiden from behind. I take the opportunity and run from the scene, grabbing my bag and shoes. Alex catches up to me and grabs my hand as we run out the apartment door.

  “Come on, I’ll take you.”

  I’m not sure where we’re going, but as long as it’s anywhere but here, I’ll go.

  Alex leads me to his pick-up truck and I help myself into the passenger seat. I’m not sure I fully trust Alex, but I’ll go anywhere as long as it’s far away from Aiden.

  “Why are you doing this?” I ask as he pulls out of the parking lot.

  “Velaney, I swear to you. I had no idea what Aiden was up to. He found out you work at the bar and when he connected the dots from Kenna to me, he used me to get close to you. He said you ran away from home and that he didn’t want to get too close to you because he was afraid you’d run.”

  I cross my arms over my chest, concealing the hurt and betrayal. I nod, letting him know I hear him, but I’m not ready or willing to go down that road with Alex.

  “I swear,” he pauses, grabbing my hand. “I really did like you, Velaney.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You lied to me.” I don’t make eye contact, because it really doesn’t matter. He was only a pawn set in place for Aiden to get to me. Eric is all that matters to me anyway.

  “I know. I’m sorry.” His face goes soft, sad even.

  “Where are we going? Where’s Eric?”

  “Aiden set up a fire out in the woods, over the cliff. It was part of his plan to get you alone.” He pauses, bracing his hands on the steering wheel. “I think he plans on killing Eric,” he finally confesses.

  My eyes widen with the realization of what Alex just told me. The whole freaking thing was a setup…from getting Alex to seduce me to getting Eric out of the apartment, to get to me and to hurt him.

  “Over the cliff?” He nods. “I know a shortcut,” I announce, pointing to a road. He takes my directions and soon we are overcome with black, ashy smoke. “Oh my God!” I lean forward, getting a better view of the whole mess.

  “It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I swear.”

  “Just stop it, Alex. Nothing you say will make this situation any better.”

  I’m seriously considering taking martial arts after this whole thing is over. I’m going to make sure Aiden never bothers me again. I will do everything in my power to make sure of it.

  I jump out of the truck as soon as Alex parks. I see a half dozen fire trucks with over a dozen firefighters fighting the huge blaze. The scene is unreal. I don’t know what Aiden did or what he has planned, but I know I have to find Eric.

  I run up the trail before I’m greeted by a patrol officer. “Miss, you cannot go through.”

  “Please!” I beg. “My boyfriend is in danger!”

  As I expect, he pushes me and tells me to back up. I run back down, finding a new path that leads me up to where the fire is.

  “Eric!” I scream, knowing damn well he won’t hear me. I scan the area, trying to find the safest route. Alex catches up to me and leads me down to where most of the firefighters are working, pumping w
ater into the flames.

  “Tell me Aiden’s plan,” I demand, looking him straight in the eyes.

  “I really don’t know…all he said was that Eric would die out here, and that’s why he started this whole thing. He convinced me Eric was the bad guy, the one who put him in jail.”

  “And that seemed worth dying over to you?” I cross my arms, furious at his stupidity.

  “Look, Velaney, I’m sorry! Aiden is a scary person. He pretty much forced this whole thing on me. He said if I didn’t do as he said he’d find a way to hurt Kenna. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  Sympathizing with him, I stay silent. Aiden has a way about him that just reads fear. He is dark, twisted and can easily manipulate anyone. It doesn’t surprise me that he pushed Alex to do to his dirty work.

  “Come on, let’s try over here. Aiden will probably be out here soon.” I let him grab my hand and lead me through a trail surrounded in trees. I use my free hand to pull my shirt up over my mouth as the smoke thickens, making my eyes water. We are so close I can practically feel the heat burning my skin.


  I spot Eric through the brush and do my best to inch up toward him without being seen by anyone else. I lower my body closer to the ground as I make my way over to him.


  “Eric! Oh my God…” I bend over on my knees, catching my breath before I can continue. He notices my concern and whips his helmet off. Even in all the distress, he still looks stunning. Seeing him in action is probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  Focus, Velaney.

  “What are you doing here? Are you all right?” He pushes me back away from the flames and tears his gear and jacket off.

  Oh, come on.

  His chest is dripping with sweat, but it’s insanely hot. I should probably focus here. Focus, Lane.

  “It’s Aiden!” I scream over the loud roaring echoes of water spraying and people yelling. I can tell he hears me by the way his eyes shoot open. “He stormed into my apartment! He’s after you!” I explain, hoping he senses the seriousness of the situation. I see him struggling with the news and I begin to worry he’ll react before thinking.


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