Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set

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Alphas & Millionaires Starter Set Page 57

by Brooke Cumberland

  My grip on her is firm, wanting to make sure I give her the kiss of her life. After all, it needs to be worth crossing off her list.

  I control the kiss, first soft and slow, then deep and possessive as if I can’t get enough. She kisses back with just as much desperate eagerness. My hand cups her face as my other one grips her waist, pulling her chest against mine.

  One of her hands explores my body, moving from my chest, down my stomach, and around to my back. She tightens her fist in my shirt as I tilt her neck back and kiss her with everything I have.

  “Kate,” I breathe out in a heavy pant, not wanting to release her, but somehow I manage. I rest my forehead on hers, feeling her heavy breaths against my neck. “Perhaps we should head back down before we fall.” The way things were escalating, the last thing we needed was to be perched on a tree limb.

  “Right,” she agrees, shaking her head. Her eyes are glazed over as I push myself away from her.

  “I’ll climb down first so I can help you.”


  I make it to the bottom and drop down, ready to direct her back down. She manages to do it was grace, much better than I expected, considering she’d never done it before. I wrap my hands around her waist as soon as I can reach her and she jumps off, directly into my arms.

  She turns around and smiles up at me. The intensity between is so thick, I’m not sure how to handle it.

  “So, how was your first time?” I smirk, shaking off the nerves.

  She snorts at my innuendo and shakes her head in approval. “It was great. Everything I imagined,” she says, playing along.

  “Glad to be of service.” I wink. “Well, you got to cross two things off your list at once. At that rate, you’ll be done in no time,”

  “That’s the plan.”

  I grab her hand and lead her a few feet out, kneeling down on the grass and pulling her down with me.

  “When do I get to know another one?” I ask, lying down on the grass.

  “When the opportunity arises,” she says, laying down next to me, but leaving a noticeable gap between us.

  “So which ones have you done so far? Can I at least know that?” I turn and face her.

  “Dye my hair blonde,” she says, pointing to her head. “I’ve never colored my hair before this.”

  “I like it. It suits you,” I say sincerely.

  “Thanks. I’m getting used to it.” She looks up at the clear sky.

  “What else?”

  “Learn to pole dance.”

  “Ahh, the stripper dancing.”

  She rolls her body over and slaps my chest. “You’re so rude.”

  “And you’re so beautiful.” It catches her off guard, but that’s the point. I roll to my side, facing her, but she continues lying on her back.

  She swallows, ignoring my comment. “Climbing a tree and kissing a stranger were other ones.”

  “I hope the rest of your list is a bit more interesting.”

  She finally turns toward me. “Oh yeah? And what would be on your list?”

  “Ziplining, swimming with sharks, rock climbing—just off the top of my head.”

  “So basically anything athletic and dangerous.” She chuckles.

  “Well, this is a list of things you wouldn’t normally do, yes?” She nods in agreement. “I didn’t exactly grow up with an athletic family. Everything was business-oriented and there was ‘no time’ for athletics,” I mock with air quotes.

  “Well, that explains quite a bit.”

  “And why’s that?” I raise a brow at her curiously.

  “You’re very stiff.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Your body language. The way you stand. The way you eat. They’re all very calculated, as if you’ve been properly trained how to do those things from birth.”

  I shrug lightly, not completely disagreeing with her. “Comes with the territory, I suppose.”

  “I know that feeling,” she says softly, rolling back over. This girl is covered in secrets, and I can’t help the eager feeling inside me that wants to dig deeper, reveal those layers that she’s so bent on keeping hidden.

  I lay back on the grass again, letting my arms rest next to hers in between our bodies. We continue staring up at the sky in silence, our bodies saying everything we can’t.

  Track 8: Right as Rain


  We make it back into the house just as Natalee and Trace return from the airport. They picked up one of Natalee’s bridesmaids and her fiancé and dropped them off at a nearby hotel. Apparently, they wanted some “couple” time alone instead of staying in the house, which I actually don’t mind at all since it’ll give me more time alone with Gabe.

  Natalee is extra cheerful as she begins rummaging through the fridge. She’s always a peppy person, but today she was covered in sunshine and rainbows.

  “Why are you so happy?” I ask, leaning up against the kitchen counter with my arms crossed.

  “I’m getting married in three days. What’s not to be happy about?” I notice the smirk on her face although she’s not completely facing me.

  “Wait…what time did your friend’s flight get in?”

  “Around eight-thirty.” She slams the fridge door shut, her hands filled with sandwich meat and lettuce.

  I start mentally counting in my head and realize they should’ve been home at least an hour ago.

  “Where did you guys park?” I ask smugly, unable to contain the amusement in my voice.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She grabs a loaf of bread and proceeds to start making a sandwich.

  “Natalee Mae, Goody Two-Shoes of the century, I know when you’re lying, especially about off-road sex.”

  She chokes on a gasp. “You’re so crass, Kate.”

  I laugh, getting a kick out of her blushing. “I’m not a virgin, Natalee. It’s okay to tell me you guys had sex in a car parked on the side of the road.”

  “It wasn’t on the side of the road.” She defends, then laughs at herself. I end up laughing with her, loving this side of her. “You only live once, right?” She grins, continuing to make her sandwich without making any eye contact but her message hits me hard.

  You only live once.

  * * *

  We spend the evening huddled inside, in front of the fireplace. It’s storming outside and we had planned on grilling but instead ended up ordering in because unless it’s something simple like a sandwich or a can of soup, Natalee’s pretty useless in the kitchen.

  Gabe and I sit across from each other at the table again with Natalee and Trace. We pick at the containers of Chinese food, each grabbing for the last egg roll. I grip my fingers around my end, hoping he’ll be a gentleman and let me have it.

  No such luck.

  “Let go,” I demand. “I grabbed it first.”

  “If you grabbed it first, I wouldn’t have the other half in my hand.”

  I roll my eyes. “You’re a child, I swear.”

  He shrugs unapologetically. “When it comes to food, I don’t mess around.”

  I move my gaze over to Natalee, who’s biting her lip. Ever since this morning, he’s turned a complete one-eighty on me. Now he’s the one giving me whiplash.

  “Just split the egg roll in half,” Trace suggests.

  I raise my brows at Gabe, daring him to deny me. But he doesn’t give anything away in his expression. Now it’s a game—who’s going to give in and who’s going to stand their ground?

  “It’s a damn egg roll,” Natalee hisses, getting annoyed with our pathetic game.

  “But it’s the best egg roll I’ve ever had,” I whine. Gabe’s eyes are trained on mine and his stance isn’t giving anything away. “Fine, take it.” I release my fingers, looking back at the food left on my plate, but then say fuck it to myself. I lean over the table, snatch the damn thing from his hand and shove the whole thing in my mouth before he even has time to react.

  He watches in pure amusement, his eyes
never trailing off me. As soon as I can finally talk, I say, “So delicious.”

  I grab my plate and take it into the kitchen just before heading back up to my room. Now that I’ve made an ass of myself, I just want to read alone in my room.

  I read two chapters of my book before I hear Gabe’ door close next door. The storm has settled, only a light trace of sprinkles now. I turn my Kindle off and stand at the window that’s overlooking the backyard. The moon is shining really bright tonight. It’s glistening over the water and the soft waves that are pushing to the rocks.

  You only live once.

  Natalee’s words echo in my mind as I consider doing something else from my list. I smile to myself as I make a split-second decision, hurrying downstairs as quietly as I can before anyone hears me.

  I walk across the dock, looking out over the water. It’s chilly outside and it’s still sprinkling, but I just can’t resist.

  I strip all my clothes off, letting them pool at my feet. I step out of them and toss them to the side where they won’t get wet. Chills run over my body, a hard shiver running through me as the wind and rain both hit me.

  No turning back now. Skinny-dipping—number eight.

  I walk to the very edge and instead of giving my body time to adjust to the water, I count.




  I jump off the dock, the water enveloping my entire body. More chills run up my spine as the crisp water surrounds me and goose bumps line my arms and legs.

  Once my arms stop flailing and I push my hair back, I actually allow myself to enjoy the cool water. It’s not as bad as I anticipated, the thrill making it all worth it.

  I know I need to continue moving to keep my body heat, so I begin stroking my arms back and forth, my body floating away from the dock. I lay on my back, my arms moving back and forth slowly as I find a steady rhythm. I stare up at the moon, enjoying the light it beams down on me. There’s a sense of peace that overcomes me as I take everything in. It’s gorgeous.

  Skinny-dipping a success!

  The water has calmed, only soft waves surround me now. I close my eyes, reveling in the fact that I actually did it. I would’ve never done this otherwise. Aside from feeling the dull aches in my leg, living in the moment is so much more thrilling, and I can’t believe I didn’t allow myself to before.

  The waves begin shifting, distracting me from my thoughts. I look toward the rocks where the moon is glowing and see a shadow coming toward me. I shift my body so I’m no longer floating, but continue moving my arms back and forth so I stay afloat.

  I swallow as it gets closer. Gabe. Under the moonlight, his body looks glorious. His biceps are filled with tattoos that blend into his hard chest. It looks even better than before, for some reason. Perhaps it’s the way the light is shining down on him, or perhaps it’s because I’m looking at him differently now.

  “Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to skinny-dip alone?” he asks with amusement.

  My body is fully covered except from the neck up. “Who says I’m skinny-dipping?” I raise a brow up at him, challenging him. My eyes focus in on his mouth, where he bites his lip in response.

  “Well, the fact that all your clothes are laying on the dock next to mine is a pretty good indicator,” he replies matter-of-factly. He inches closer, the water covering up everything I was gawking at.

  I scowl at him, knowing he’s full of shit. “I could be wearing a bikini,” I counter. He grins, brushing a hand through his short, dark hair. “Or…you saw me…”

  A deep, throaty laugh escapes his mouth. He can’t even deny it now. “Or…I saw you.” The corners of his lips curl up into his shit-eating grin that I’ve actually become fond of. It means he’s up to something. “Yes…I did.”

  I shake my head at him, biting my lip to conceal the smirk that’s eager to form. “You’re just seeing all kinds of me naked, aren’t you?” I try and sound mad, but I know I fail miserably.

  He swims even closer, both of us at eye level. “What can I say? I’m good at being in the right place at the right time.”

  “Apparently.” I snort. I would’ve had a better comeback but my mind was too occupied taking him in. Although we were in the water, I could smell his scent. His firm body—less than a foot away—is distracting me from any logical thought. His mouth—sweet Jesus, his mouth. The soft warmth of his lips is still lingering on mine from this morning.

  I suddenly remember I’m supposed to be pissed off at him. “Is this you getting even with me?” He raises both eyebrows in question. “For taking your precious egg roll,” I clarify, moving a fraction backward. I can’t think with him this close.

  His head falls back in easy laughter, his lips forming a genuine smile.

  “I didn’t care about that damn egg roll,” he finally says, taking me by surprise.

  “You didn’t? Then what was your problem?” I demand.

  “I knew you wouldn’t give up,” he says smugly.

  “You were pushing me?” I ask, surprised.

  “Yes.” He swims closer again.

  “Why?” I say just above a whisper, with no more strength in me to swim away.

  “I wanted to see where your boundaries lay.”

  I let out a dumbfounded laugh. “By testing me with food?”

  “I needed to know my limits.”

  It takes me off guard, so I just stare at him for a moment. “Limits for what?”

  He doesn’t answer me. His eyes remain locked on mine as he closes the gap between us. His hand grasps the back of my neck, pulling me to him. His mouth is an inch away, torturing me as he doesn’t yet touch me.

  “What number was this?” he asks, taking me off guard once again.

  “W-What?” I stumble.

  “Skinny-dipping. It’s on your list, yes?” I nod, still in shock. “What number on your list was it?”

  I clear my throat before answering, “Eight. It was number eight.”

  “Another one you can mark off now.” I nod, silently begging him to shut up and kiss me.

  “How was it?” he asks.

  “Exhilarating so far.”


  I’m panting, my body on fire as I desperately wait for his lips on mine again.

  “You’re going to get sick out here, you know?” he says softly. “I should get you back inside before you get hypothermia.

  Seriously? If I had balls, they’d be as blue as Papa Smurf right about now.

  I clear my throat, trying to hide my disappointment. “Oh, right.” I had completely forgotten about the chill of the water the second I saw him and now I’m fully aware of how hard my nipples are, although that could just be from his presence.

  “I brought you a towel,” he says as we get closer to the shore.

  “Oh, thank you,” I say with surprise in my voice. I hadn’t even thought of a damn towel. “You’re going out first.”

  He spins around, the water already down to his waist. I’ve kept my chest under water as long as I can, hoping not to reveal anymore of me than I already have.

  “Are you seriously that shy?” He perks a brow, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I don’t consider not wanting to show you my frozen girly bits shy.”

  He smirks as his eyes drop to below the water. There’s no way he can see anything, but I imagine his mind wandering anyway. “Stop it.”


  “Stop looking at me.”

  He laughs, his smile going so high his dimples peeking inside his cheekbones. “You can’t stop me from looking at you, sweetheart. Every inch of that silky body is engraved into my memory.”

  “That’s perverted.”

  “I bet to differ. You voluntarily walked out of the bathroom naked, sweetheart.”

  “After you barged in and stole my towel!” I begin to argue, but realize it’s useless. “Ugh, whatever.” I begin to walk toward shore when something hits me. “Wait.” I stop and turn back toward him
. “Are you testing me…again?” I cross my arms over my chest, concealing what dignity I have left.

  “I don’t know. Am I?” He mimics my actions, both arms covering his chest as he looks down on me.

  “You really have some issues, Gabe. I’d recommend seeing a psychiatrist real soon.”

  “No need,” he replies, smugly. “I’ve seen a therapist every week for nearly the last two years.” His curt confession takes me off guard, but I don’t question him. I turn back around and push the water out of the way with my arms, the cool air hitting my bare chest sending instant shivers down my body. Shit, that’s fucking cold.

  My arms hug around my front as my chin tucks into my chest, preparing to walk out bare-ass naked with Gabe directly behind me. My body is freezing, the chills and shivers escalating to a rapid seizure-like shaking.

  Before I fully emerge from the water, Gabe grabs my elbow from behind and pulls me to his chest. One hand cups my face as the other wraps firmly around my waist. My chest is fully exposed to him, but he presses us so close together, nothing can be seen. His lips find mine—my mouth automatically responding to his. They move perfectly together, his warm lips slowly heating mine. His hands are oddly warm, making my body relax against him. My hands instinctively lay on his chest, both our bodies concealing them.

  The taste of him is incredible, even better than before. I deepen the kiss, begging for more because right now I not only need more, I want more. List or not, my body responds to him in ways I can’t make my mind understand.

  The hand on my waist moves up to my face, brushing my hair back where it stuck to my face. His thumbs rub gently across my cheeks, sending warming sensations all down my body, mixed with pleasurable shivers.

  Too soon, his mouth releases mine and I swear I groan aloud. My eyes open and meet his. His expression is unreadable making me doubt he felt what I did.

  “That’s better,” he finally says, continuing to rub his hands over my face. “Your body was going to go into shock if you didn’t warm up soon.” I continue looking up at him, wondering exactly what he means. “Let’s get you inside now.”


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