Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 131

by Michelle Love

  The events of the past few months seemed a million miles away – they both felt untouchable now.

  Isaac stroked her silky hair and pushed away the thought that maybe, just maybe they were being too complacent. The lingering specter of their ex-spouses still haunted him. What the hell did they want?

  Hopefully, the wedding would have put paid to that nonsense. If money was what Clare wanted, she could have it, she could have every damn penny – he didn’t care, all he wanted was Sarah.

  Dan Bailey was a different pony altogether. He couldn’t blame him for wanting Sarah back but surely, now, he must realize that wasn’t going to happen. You gave her up when you left her, Isaac thought, his mouth setting in a grim line. Too bad, buddy, you lose.

  His cell phone beeped. A text from Molly. All set for tomorrow – she really has no idea?

  Isaac smiled. The surprise party he and Molly had planned for when they got back to the island; they’d cooked it up at the reception. Molly wanted to thank Sarah for giving her the coffee house.

  None. Thank you for organizing it, look forward to seeing you all.

  Sarah stirred and opened her eyes. She sat up and stretched, peeking out of the window. They were flying into a bright Seattle morning, and as the plane flew over Washington State, the sun glittered on the water of the Pacific, and the city came into view. Sarah grinned at Isaac, kissed him.

  “Did you sleep?”

  “Some. I’ll catch up at home, I never could sleep much on planes.”

  She stroked his face. “We’re home. It’s the start of our new life together.”

  Isaac nodded. “Yup sure is. I can’t wait.”


  Molly flipped the sign and unlocked the door to the coffee house. It was already hot outside, even this early, and she decided to open the huge windows of the building, let the air circulate. She didn’t see Dan follow her in and started violently when she turned and saw him behind her. He smiled at her.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Hello, Molly, it’s been a while.”

  She put a hand on her chest to still her frantically beating heart. “That’s an understatement. How are you, Daniel?”

  Her tone was hard but Dan grinned back at her guilelessly. “I’m good. A little sad – I hear Sarah got re-married.”

  Molly felt irritation snake through her. Fucking Caroline. “Yes, she did and for once, she is truly happy. Isaac is the perfect fit for her.”

  She knew she was being mean but she didn’t care. Now he was close, she was even more convinced that it had been Dan who attacked her here, in this very coffee shop. His presence, his build, his smell – her body reacted subconsciously, shrinking back from him. She surreptitiously glanced out of the window to make sure that other people were around; people she could call on if he attacked. To her dismay, there was no-one on the street outside the coffee house, no-one to come to her aid. Dan smiled at her, obviously enjoying her discomfort. Bastard.

  “May I please have an Americano, Molly? I remember you were always such a good barista.”

  It should have been a compliment, but in Dan’s flat tone, it sounded like an insult. Molly was determined not to let him get to her – at least not to show it. “Of course.”

  She switched on the machines and got to work, always hyper-aware of where he was.

  “Where did the billionaire take Sarah for their honeymoon?”

  “I don’t know, it was a surprise for Sarah.” And I wouldn’t tell you anyway. She handed him a steaming cup of coffee. Drink it and go, please. She faked a smile. “You’d know all about surprising Sarah, wouldn’t you?” Dan smirked but didn’t rise to her taunt. “So, Dan, are you going to live in Sarah’s house? She told me you wanted to buy her out of it. I assumed you wouldn’t want to live somewhere with so many sad memories.”

  Dan inclined his head. “I have a child on the way, right here in Washington State, on this very island. I don’t run away from my responsibilities. Maybe you should ask yourself if Isaac Quinn is the same.”

  An incredulous bark of laughter escaped her then. “Are you kidding me?”

  Dan put a great show of being offended but she saw right through it. He’s enjoying this.

  “Molly, come on now. We were always such great friends.”

  “Were we?”

  “Yes, we were.” His tone had taken on a hard tone.

  She didn’t back off. “Right up until the point where you tried to kill my best friend?”

  His expression was sorrowful. “I heard I was the suspect in the attack. It’s ridiculous, Molly, why, I , why would I want to hurt Sarah?”

  She made a disgusted sound, her eyes sweeping over the coffee shop. They were alone. Dan followed her gaze and smirked. He stepped closer to her.

  “All I’ve ever wanted was to protect Sarah, to love her. To be there for her. And ever since I came back, everybody has tried to insinuate my motives are less than pure. Without any other reason than jealousy. I’m sure your brother was the one pouring poison into Sarah’s ears for the two years I was away.”

  “Away? Is that what you call it, you coward?”

  Dan’s eyes went dark with anger. “Just like your brother, full of hatred and jealousy. You always wanted Sarah and Finn to be together, I’m surprised you embraced Quinn so readily.”

  Molly walked around the counter and got in Dan’s face. “You are a scumbag, a bully, and a liar. Don’t come here and try to plead your case with me. And don’t try to intimidate me because you will never, ever, succeed. I’m not as nice as Sarah. She gave you far too many chances. You don’t get any more with me. Leave this island, Dan. Go far, far away and never come back.”

  She stepped even closer to him and Dan looked amused. She sneered at him. “You realize, don’t you, that now she’s married to one of the richest men in America, Sarah will be the most protected person in the history of this city? You won’t get near her.”

  “Molly, why does everyone assume I want to kill Sarah?”

  Molly froze. “I didn’t say “kill”.”

  Dan smirked. “My mistake. I thought that’s what you meant.” He moved away from her and sat down and studied her. “You know, I’ve been wondering something.”

  “I couldn’t possibly be interested. Please leave.” Molly started to walk away.

  “Are you in love with Sarah? Is that it?”

  She turned, an incredulous smile on her face. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Dan stopped smiling. “Your constant antagonism towards me, towards Caroline, even before I went away. The fact that, despite your obvious intelligence and talent, you choose to stay as a waitress in a coffee shop. Why else would that be, apart from the fact you get to spend hours every day with a beautiful, sexy, sweet woman? Oh yes, you realize she’s practically your sister but this the next best thing, isn’t it?”

  Molly scowled at him. “You’re a freaking psycho, you know that?”

  She turned away from him and then he was next to her. He put his mouth next to her ear. “Does it drive you crazy when she brushes past you? When you smell her scent, feel that soft skin against yours? Do you dream about kissing her, her mouth against yours? Going down on her? Or…”

  He stopped talking and just stared at her. She tried to push past him but he put his arm out and trapped her against the wall. “Is it the image of Sarah and Finn together that turns you on? Do you like to watch, Molly? Would you like to watch them fucking? Or is it more? Was it the three of you together? You, your brother…”

  She slapped him across the face. “Get out, you fucking asshole.”

  He stepped towards her, his face contorted with rage. Afraid now of the violence in his eyes, Molly took a deep breath in, trying not to scream. Then she saw Finn, leaning against the open door of the police station across the street, watching them. She met his gaze and felt her whole body relax. He was there. Protection. He jerked his chin up in a silent question – you okay, sis? She gave him the tiniest of nods.
Dan followed her gaze and, smirking, stepped away from her, returning to his table. He picked up his coffee cup and drained it in one swallow. “You’ll be seeing a lot more of me here, Molly. It would be nice if we could all get along.”

  He turned and walked out and Molly let out a long breath. Finn was at the door of the coffee house in a flash, his face creased with annoyance. He frowned at his sister. “You okay?”

  “A-Okay,” she smiled at her brother, “it’ll take more to get to me than that asshole. God, he’s repellent. I don’t remember him being this creepy.” She grinned at her brother. “Guess you did, huh?”

  Finn sighed. “That’s why I kept my distance unless you needed me; every time I see that smug face of his, I just want to blow the fucker’s head off.”

  “Good move. Although I think you scared him off. Dan is just like any other bully – a coward. Maybe it’s just women he likes to try to intimidate – the idiot thinks we’re the weaker sex.”

  Finn smiled at his sister. “He’s a fool if he thinks that.”

  Molly was indignant for a second longer then she met her brother’s gaze and she faltered. “Sarah is safe now, right? Isaac can keep her protected?”

  Finn hugged his sister. “I hope so.”

  Neither of them believed it.

  Sarah groaned as Isaac woke her and he chuckled at her rumpled form staggering to the bathroom. She looked utterly adorable as she came back, her toothbrush stuck in her mouth, her hair tangled up, her divine curves in a crop top and shorts. Isaac, bare-chested, lounged on the bed. She waved her toothbrush at him.

  “See,” her mouth was full of toothpaste foam, “you woke me up and now you’re not even getting dressed.” She glanced at the clock and scowled. “We don’t even have to be at the coffee house until noon.”

  Isaac, unrepentant, shrugged, grinned. “We have some sexytime stuff to do before that.”

  She rolled her eyes but smiled. “You are insatiable. Come do me in the shower then”

  Isaac was still laughing as he followed her into the shower. “I do love your potty mouth.”

  “Be quiet and fuck me hard, husband.” He grinned as they stepped under the hot spray and she reached for his cock, stroking it between her hands, cupping his balls, squeezing gently. He slipped his hand between her legs, felt the bare silky skin there and slipped his fingers between her labia to caress her. As the water pounded over them, he took her nipple into his mouth, biting gently down on the tip, sucking at it until she was begging him not to stop. His cock, engorged and heavy, ached to be inside her and he lifted her easily and thrust into her, pressing her back against the cool tile of the shower, grinding his hips against hers. As his pace quickened, they lost their footing and tumbled, laughing, to the floor. Still erect, he scooped her up and carried her back to the bedroom, dropping her onto the bed, not caring that they were soaking the sheets. He pushed her legs apart and entered her, smiling down at her then kissing her so deeply she had to gasp for air. He felt her body trembling, her back arch as she came, and his own orgasm ripping through him a moment later as he shot hot semen deep inside her.

  They made love all morning, reveling in the aftermath of their extended honeymoon. Tomorrow they would go back to their jobs – in Sarah’s case, just for a short time whilst Molly hired and trained new staff for the Varsity.

  On the way to the island, Sarah looked at Isaac with suspicion. “You’re up to something, Iss, I know you. What is it?”

  “Nothing.” He insisted but his wide grin belied him and she giggled.

  “Dude, you have the worst poker face.”

  Isaac looked over at her. “Didn’t figure out where we were going on honeymoon, though, did you?”

  Sarah muttered, conceding he’d won that one. “Paris was like a dream. I can imagine living there, hanging out in one of the cafes until late at night, walking along the Seine on rainy Sunday mornings.”

  “There’s no reason why we can’t go live there, even if it’s just for a while. I can work from home.”

  Sarah smiled. “Whilst that might seem like heaven, you’d get bored of me.”

  “Would never happen.”

  Isaac pulled the car off the gangway to the ferry and headed to Main Street. Sarah felt strange coming back – she realized, that with her marriage, she’d said goodbye to this place in more ways than one.

  She frowned when she saw the shades of the Varsity drawn. “That’s weird. Is it closed?”

  Isaac peered out of the car window. “Nope, I see people moving around in there.”

  Sarah grinned. “Have you got x-ray vision?” But she got out of the car. Isaac held out his hand to her and together they went into the Varsity.

  “Surprise!” The cacophony of cheers made Sarah skitter backward into Isaac’s solid body, her hand clutched to her chest.

  “Holy fuck balls,” she exclaimed to the laughter of the gathered crowd. “What the hell is this?” She started to smile as she recognized her friends from the island, her family.

  Molly came forward to hug her. “It’s your surprise thank you party. For the Varsity.”

  Sarah was touched beyond words. “You shouldn’t have.” But Molly and Isaac shared a look – they knew she was delighted. Sarah looked around.

  “Where’s Finn?”

  Molly looked awkward. “He’s working, sweetie. Sends his love.”

  Sarah smiled, her heart aching for her absent friend but soon she was chatting to everybody, getting the gossip, enjoying herself. Isaac watched her with a smile on his face.

  Damn, you’re a lucky man, Quinn


  Molly gave him a friendly poke in the side and he turned to her, smiling. “Good honeymooning, soldier?”

  Isaac laughed. “The best. How have things been here?”

  Molly’s smile faded and she pulled him away from the throng of people. “Dan’s still hanging around…no, don’t worry, nothing’s happened, it’s just…he scares me. He just reminds me of someone who hasn’t finished what he came here to do, who hasn’t let go of the past…of Sarah.”

  She told him about the strange scene the night of the wedding; Dan screaming silently into the empty coffee house.

  Isaac frowned. “That’s messed up.”

  “Right? A part of me is so glad that Sarah’s going to live in the city with you and your very helpful security team. Although I’ll miss her, I’m happy that she’ll be away from him.”

  Isaac considered in silence. “Do you think it’s worth trying to pay him off? Getting him to leave? Would that work?”

  “I don’t think money is his end game.”

  Isaac looked over to Sarah. She looked so happy, so much more than in recent months. Isaac turned back to Molly. “I’ll have him followed. If he comes anywhere near her, I’ll deal with it.”

  Molly nodded unhappily. “Please,” she said in a low voice,” I don’t want any more violence but keep her safe. Whatever it takes.”

  It was when the party was in full swing when Caroline Jewell showed up. Sarah rolled her eyes but told Molly not to bother when she offered to throw her out. “I honestly don’t give a crap about her anymore. She made her own bed.”

  It was a quarter hour before Caroline made her way over to Sarah. She raked her red-rimmed eyes up and down Sarah’s body.

  “I try and try but I cannot see what everyone sees in you. Your billionaire, Dan, Finn – have you got a magnetic vagina? Do you fuck in seventy different positions?”

  Sarah suddenly noticed Isaac behind Caroline with a grim look on his face. She grinned at him then looked back at Caroline.

  “Eighty and yes, in fact, I do have a magnetic vagina.”

  Behind Caroline, Isaac grinned. Caroline narrowed her eyes at Sarah, clearly trying to figure out why she wasn’t rising to the bait.

  “You gone soft, Bailey?”

  Sarah sighed. “I don’t want to fight anymore, Caroline. Not with you, not with anyone. You got handed the poisoned chalice, Caroline. Finn didn’
t love you, he told me that a long time ago. But you didn’t love him either, did you? You made each other unhappy; I had nothing to do with that. Let’s just call it quits.”

  Caroline smirked, running a hand over the growing bump in her belly. “Well, at least I have this to look forward too.” She met Sarah’s gaze. “Shame about you though. Can’t give your free ride a son and heir? Wow, that’s got to impact the prenup.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Sarah had paled and now Isaac stepped between the two women.

  “It’s time for you to leave, Caroline.”

  Shamelessly, Caroline grinned up at him. “What about you? Surely you want kids, Mr. Billionaire?”

  Isaac’s face was hard. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’ve never even considered it.”


  Isaac took hold of Caroline’s arm and propelled her towards the door. Caroline dug her heels in. “Tell her, Isaac.” Isaac ignored her so Caroline raised her voice above the noise of the party. “Tell her! Tell your barren wife about your son!”

  Her screech brought a halt to the party chatter. Isaac was looking at Caroline in abject horror. “What the hell are you talking about?” he asked in a low voice. Caroline looked directly at a frozen Sarah.

  “Your son, Isaac. The one you abandoned when you met Sarah.”

  Sarah gasped - a broken-hearted sound.

  Isaac closed his eyes. The room was utterly silent for a moment before Sarah finally spoke, her voice broken. “Isaac?”

  Before Isaac could answer her, Caroline, laughing, clapped her hands together. “You know what I’ve always loved? Reunions.”

  Isaac stepped towards her but Caroline darted to the door and pushed it open. “You can come in now.”

  Sarah’s heart was failing, her breath coming in short, shocked gasps. A blonde woman stepped into the coffee house carrying a baby boy, not older than a year. He had dark brown curls and wide, curious green eyes. There was no doubt whose son he was.


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