Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 177

by Michelle Love

  "Yes, then at the shelter the lady said that I was a legend so I bought the book at the library called, ‘The Legend’."

  "Oh, I see. How far did you walk home then after you did all this?"

  "I guess about six miles or so."

  There was no real harm in what Freddy did except that the altruistic behaviour may cause him to forget to eat or be stuck a long way from home without water.

  "Might I suggest that you pack some snacks and a water bottle before you head out next time?"

  Freddy was delighted at that idea. His face was glowing.

  "Well that's a marvellous idea, thank you."

  I looked at Sienna who was smiling at me now. She was enjoying the care I took with my clients. Many of them had silly things that made them cope easier and with Freddy, he was just a quiet, lovely man. He saw what he wanted to see and believed it pushed him onwards to help others. Sometimes his efforts were remarkable and I thought he could inspire many others who suffered depression or whinged about their life.

  Sienna looked at him sweetly and she saw his wonderful character. Had I tried to change the behaviour, he might lose his will altogether. Helping dogs or people was not a crime.

  Last week he had played the piano in a church he didn't belong to, and all because he had seen a piano in his dreams which had led him to seek out a piano. The local church group had needed him to fill in for an unwell pianist. It was a great story that he lived, really.

  "I am doing really well, don't you think so?" said Freddy.

  "Yes, you are Freddy. Will you come and see me next week? I want to start you on some social activities."

  "Oh yes, that would be wonderful. See you then. Bye Ms. Ruston."

  "Goodbye, have a lovely day," said Sienna softly.

  Freddy walked out and I noticed how beautiful she looked sitting behind my desk. I had wanted her to learn more and I knew she agreed with my practice methodology that was wholly based on care and social integration for the clients.

  "Sienna it is three-thirty go back to the dorm and I'll get Stephen to pick you up at six. Just dress casual and we will spend the night in."

  Sienna looked at me now with her green eyes. They melted me. I was infatuated with her.

  "I can't wait, thanks, I will see you tonight."

  She walked up to me and kissed my cheek and I was again made to raise my cock at a half salute. Oooh yeah, a private night in with my mousy brown. This would be extremely good.


  I got home to the dorm, showered and packed an overnight bag. I was a dag with my clothes really. I would wear jeans and a striped t-shirt and pack my flannelette, unicorn pajamas. I didn't own much sexy stuff except for my underwear which I liked to spend money on. It felt nice wearing lace or silk under my clothes. I liked the pastel colors too.

  I saw Jenna briefly, who was getting ready for the movies with a bunch of college students. They were going to be late home and I told her I was staying over at my cousin's place.

  She was totally enthralled with her evening that was about to unfold that she couldn't be bothered asking where that might be. I was glad that she was happy and she was content not to pry any more than she needed. After all, she was the most interesting subject in her own life. She wanted to be the centre of attention, so my night was not really a pinnacle point of interest and I was glad.

  Jenna left minutes later as a horn honked her to go. We said goodbye and I used the next few minutes to check if I had everything. My toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup, spare underwear, pajamas and some fresh clothes for work were all packed. I kept my dress for work on its hanger so I wouldn't need to iron it again. I looked out the window from the second floor. The limousine was not there, but a Mercedes-Benz and Stephen standing at the front of it.

  I grabbed my things and made sure my makeup was okay in the mirror, I liked the new me. I was a little bit dangerous and sexy, compared to the old me that was very boring, really.

  I sat in the car and thought about our relationship so far. It had only been two weeks since he'd laid me on the bonnet of the SAAB. I had been shocked that such a sexy possibility was even possible. I couldn't have dreamed Mr. Ellis up in my mind better, if I had tried.

  After that, the desk had seen me on it and then there was the club, The Voyeur. Oh God, that was good.

  I had watched lesbians on a sex tape at one point and then also sucked his beautiful cock and had an orgasm in the Langdon room. You couldn't have imagined it all in the space of a couple of weeks. But I had loved every moment of it. I had also managed to keep it a secret from Jenna, and somehow also kept a shift at Fleur's. Jeez, I could only guess at what would be next. It was like the biggest adventure, ever.

  Oh yeah, then I had accused Jonathan of cheating on his wife. A wife he didn't even have. Wow!

  Stephen drove past the office building and into the outer suburbs. The homes were exquisite with lavish gardens and locked gates. We went down a tree-lined street and stopped at a cream gate that was at least twenty feet high.

  I watched Stephen place the code in as he drove through the cream gate and down the bituminized driveway for a few yards. There was a tennis court, a swimming pool and a gazebo on the right and then a circular driveway that went in front of the huge place which was made from a beautiful wood and slate. Architecturally designed, I guessed.

  Surrounding the beautiful colonial home was a lawn that had been taken care of by someone who must have loved gardening, and there were many roses that were seen on the left of the house too.

  I opened the window and smelt the fresh air which was filled with the scent of roses and of cut grass. It was like the most beautiful scenery I'd ever seen. A cottage garden of sorts that surrounded the whole home. The tennis court we'd passed had been a grass court. The swimming pool had a fountain falling into it and a hedge that surrounded it apart from an arch which let you sneak in the view.

  I looked past the roses and saw a small hill and there were horses grazing the land. It was extremely beautiful and only a forty-minute drive from the city and office. Wow, I was impressed… and also very excited to see Jonathan.

  Stephen opened the door and I jumped out of the car. Jonathan came out wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with a pair of comfortable sandals. I had not seen him like this before. He looked extremely cute and very college-like. He would have been the cutest guy in college when he was there, that's for sure.

  I grabbed my bag and Jonathan carried my dress for me.

  "Thank you, Stephen. Take the night off."

  "Thank you, Sir."

  I moved in and waited for Stephen to go.

  "Come in gorgeous," said Jonathan.

  He smelled fresh after a shower and I was taken by him, more so now in his home. He was incredibly handsome.

  I walked into the formal lounge and we placed my things in there. The furniture and furnishings were very beautiful. Lots of sleek, modern designs and colors. Grays, blues, and blacks. It was a very masculine home.

  Jonathan grabbed my hand and walked me to the oak kitchen.

  "Want an orange juice before we start?"

  I looked at him in curiosity and a smile washed over my face.

  "Start what exactly?"

  He smiled at me and I knew that it wasn’t going to be said in words. I was even more curious at his plans for me, now. His stubble made me feel turned on and I was glad to be in his piece of paradise so I could see how he lived when he wasn’t at work.

  “Sienna, I know you like to eat dinner first so I ordered Chinese and after that, we can start.”

  The doorbell rang and I was very excited to see what would be next after the Chinese.

  Provoked by Him (Book Four)


  The doorbell rang and the Chinese arrived. We sat in the casual lounge room and Sienna looked gorgeous even just eating noodles. We had a variety of things to eat in a banquet on the coffee table. I wasn't really into soda because I knew that too much sugar wasn't great for anyo
ne, but Sienna loved it. She had a slight food addiction, and I liked watching her eat.

  "Hello sweet and sour, let me add you to fried rice and see if you go well together," she says laughing.

  Her dimples are so damn delicious on her gorgeous face. Her hair smells like peaches and I love watching her.

  "Do you watch everyone eat?" she asks with a cheeky smile.

  I realized that it must have made her feel a little uncomfortable but I didn't care. I wanted to see her all the time.

  "No, just you."

  She gave a smirk and continued on the sweet and sour and I could feel my stomach enjoying the black bean that I had devoured. She was so good and unbelievably sexy at the same time. I had only looked at other women in the last four years. In college, I had sex with a few but none were like Sienna. She was the whole package.

  "Jonathan, you mentioned that after Chinese we were going to start something. I don't know if I should hurry my dinner or eat very slowly."

  She smiled and chewed at the same time, then I watch her sip her soda with a straw.

  "Mmm, I think you'll like it, Sienna."

  "I had a feeling it would be something nice but I just wanted to be sure."

  She continues her plate of food which becomes empty in seconds and then she looks at me with her green eyes.

  "Where do I put these?" she says smiling.

  "In the kitchen, anywhere is fine."

  Sienna left the room and I looked out the window to see if Charlie and Sable are ready for the surprise. I could see that they were, so I waited for Sienna.

  "I'm back now what did you want me to do next, Jonathan?"

  I held her hand and kiss her, and her arms move around my neck so easily, as if they belonged there.

  "We are walking to the front door and then when we get to it, you need to close your eyes so I can surprise you as we go out."

  "Okay, but it better be good," she said cheekily.

  We got to the front door and she closed her eyes. I was holding her hand as she shuffled forward.

  "Okay, you can open your eyes, now!" I said.

  Sienna looks at the dapple gray Sable and the jet black thoroughbred Charlie. They were saddled in western saddles and ready to go for a trail ride.

  "Oh, my God, Jonathan. I love horses. Which one do I ride?"

  I looked at her in excitement and told her that Sable the gray is for her and Sally Anne helped us to get mount up. Sally Anne is my neighbour and friend, and she always lets me ride her horses. The family has so much money that they just keep buying them and then a few years ago, they decided to open a trail riding centre for both adults and kids.

  "I hope you can ride," I say teasing her.

  "My uncle has a ranch in Texas so I think I should be alright," she said, placing her feet in the stirrups.

  Sally Anne waved goodbye and we head off through the back gate and into her family's acreage. There is a nice dirt trail and she had packed us some water and champagne which sat in saddlebags over my horse Charlie. Sienna looked like a natural and even the helmet looks cute on her head. I am happy she can ride because the evening ride may have been a little awkward if she didn’t know how.


  An hour went by and Sienna rode next to me like she belonged only to me. The landscape was exceptionally beautiful with lots of trees and grass to admire. Sienna took it all in and I knew that we needed to head back before dark.

  "Do you need a drink?" I ask.

  "Yes, just some water please."

  I rode up next to her and handed her a bottle of water. We both drank and turned the horses home again. Her pale skin in the sunset is a beautiful sight.

  Sally Anne was just driving down the driveway as we got back to my house. She was happy to see that we are both still on our horses. Usually, she would accompany riders through the trails, but she knew I was a good enough supervisor and trusted me well enough. We had been good friends for six years and we both kept to ourselves because time didn't allow for much else. I worked and she worked, and we respected each other's privacy.

  "Was he good?" Sally Anne asks me.

  "Yes, he was quite well behaved except when we got to the blackberry bushes, he had a munch on them, but I reined him in."

  "Oh, he is a cheeky horse, so much like his father."

  Sienna hopped down from Sable and she whispered in his ear.

  "He will make you keep those promises, you know," I say jokingly.

  "Yes, I know."

  Sally Anne unsaddled them and placed the two beautiful horses in her float and drove away to her house next door. She still had to go out the main driveway because the incline was too steep to gain access through the adjoining gates.

  "What a lovely surprise, Jonathan. Thank you so much."

  Sienna was happy with the evening so far and so we went inside and sat down.

  "Sienna, please choose some music and put it on while I run us a warm spa."

  Sienna smiles and walks over to the CD racks and I ran upstairs to run the spa. I had already half-filled it before she arrived to save some time.

  I walked down and heard some Michael Buble music playing. It was nice and she definitely had good taste.

  "Jonathan, I'm having such a great time. I still can't believe we rode horses."

  I looked at her and walked up to her. I knew she was taken by my house, the business and with the addiction that we would share together.

  "Friday night at the club again?" I ask.

  Sienna's face blushes, "Oh yes, I think I'm free."

  We stood holding each other for a minute in a warm embrace and the central heating warmed us as the night became colder.

  "Won't the spa be ready?" she giggled.


  I raced up the stairs and she followed. The water was at the perfect height and we stripped and went in. It was a huge spa that could fit six people in it but we sat next to each other as the jets pushed and relaxed our muscles.

  "We're going to be sore tomorrow, from the ride," I say.

  "What more can we put our bodies through tonight?" asked Sienna, obviously horny.

  I looked at her green eyes and realized that it was possible that I may not ever want her to be away from me. She is too good and impossibly sexy.

  I move over to her and kissed her neck. She moaned from it and lay back to enjoy my kisses.

  "You are so sexy and beautiful, Sienna," I whisper into her ear.

  "I want you to fuck me, Jonathan."

  My body feels alive by her words. I got up and dried myself and passed her a towel. The spa had made us feel very relaxed and we both smell like peppermint.

  "Go and lay on my bed."

  I pointed to my bedroom and the four poster bed that is connected to the ensuite we are in. Sienna walked in and waited patiently for me to join her as I emptied out the water in the spa.


  I lay on the bed smelling of fresh peppermint. I have had Chinese food and soda and been spoiled to a sunset horse ride planned and executed by Jonathan and his kind neighbour, Sally Anne. I never expected it and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

  I am extremely ready for anything tonight. I am a bit tired from work but God, he is so sexy and I want him to take me in his bed. It smells so clean and fresh on top of the peach-colored bedspread. The temperature is perfect and he's invited me to the club again too. Oh, what a great few weeks I have experienced. Wow…

  Jonathan walked into the semi-lit bedroom and stands at the end of the bed looking at my naked body. His complexion and his well-formed muscles make me excited as I look at him. He is taking his time in eyeing my body. It is part of the addiction. He likes to look and he is immediately turned on by me, by what he can see.

  His silhouette is slightly turned to the left and his cock is fully erect as he looks at my body. I like him looking and his cock grows harder. He touches it as he stands there. I move my hand to my breasts and start fondling myself as he touches his cock.
r />   “Fuck you're hot."

  I like his dirty talk and I am so turned on by him touching himself. He couldn't help it and he continued as I fondle my erect nipples.

  I start to become extremely aroused as I watch him stroke his shaft and I put my hand down onto my pussy. It was wet and I placed a finger inside the opening to tease him.

  "Oh fuck, Sienna. Damn."

  I push my finger in and out very slowly so he can watch me do it. So he can see it, and hear it. He breathes heavily and comes to meet me on the bed.

  "I want to fuck you, baby," he whispers into my ear.

  "I want you to fuck me too."

  He moves away and places his hand into a drawer, pulling out a vibrator.

  "I bought this for tonight, so that I could make you cum before I fuck you."

  I was pleasantly surprised as I nodded a ‘yes’, and he placed his fingers inside me to feel how wet I was. He turns the vibrator on and places it on my clitoris, leaving his fingers inside.

  "Oh God, Jonathan!"

  The intensity is unbelievable as he frigs my pussy slowly and moves the vibrator on and off my clitoris knowing how extreme it feels by my moans. He watches my face and removes his fingers and comes up the bed a little to kiss me on my lips passionately. I thought he was going to slide his hard cock inside me but then I felt the vibrator enter me as it pushes deep and hits my G-spot each time.

  "Oh, Oh…, " I moan as he kisses me, and pushes it in and out of me in time. I was in sensory heaven and I found it hard not to cum.

  "Jonathan, I'm cumming."

  He pushes it inside as deep as possible and I moan as I cum, wave after wave of pleasure spreading through me almost in time to the vibrations. He gently slides it out and enters his cock into me, pushing in and out vigorously. My legs are shaking as he fucks me and I moan in pleasure, and become more and more breathless as he goes.

  He seems to have more energy than I can bear as his thrusts are in rhythm. I came again before I even realised what had happened.

  He turns me onto my side then, and laid down on his back on the bed.

  "Ride my cock until you cum again." The order was delicious.

  I sit on his cock and it hits my sweet spot again and again as I move up and down on it in ecstasy. Any tiredness just seemed to vanish immediately in the wake of the sensation that it gave. I place my fingers on his bare chest and the look of him and feel of his cock warrants a rising moan, a crescendo of gasps and a third orgasm.


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