Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 230

by Michelle Love

  Going to the bar, I settle him in a chair and put his feet up on the ottoman then go and make him a drink. “I think you might think about getting yourself another assistant and letting others help you more but leaving the position of the company your father worked hard for isn’t a thing you should do. You love your work.”

  “I love you more,” he says as I hand him the glass. He pulls me down on his lap and leans his forehead against mine. “Stress has always been a factor in my weekday life. That’s why we partied so hard on the weekends. To get rid of that. Do you think the way I’ve stopped doing that is what has me like this? Impotent.”

  “Okay,” I say as I pull my head back to look at him. “You are not impotent. You, merely have a low sperm count. There can be many contributing factors to that. And if you think I’ll ever allow you to go back to that party scene, you’re sorely mistaken. Those days are behind you, husband!”

  “Got it, wife!” he says with a chuckle. The sound is good to hear coming from him after his reaction to the news. “So, grab your laptop and let’s do some brainstorming.”

  He seems to be getting into a better frame of mind, so I climb off his lap and go to my office to get my computer. As I leave the room, I hear his cell ring and he moans then answers it.

  I must be one of his parents asking how the visit went with the specialist. Boy, won’t they be surprised by the news he has for them? I know I was flabbergasted by it!

  Could children be the one thing we won't get…?

  Chapter 2


  “It’s me, not Cami, Papa. Can you believe that?” I ask as I’m still not processing the information. “I prayed for it to be me and I feel like an idiot for doing that.”

  “Your prayers didn’t make a miracle happen, son. What did the man say was the reason why?”

  “He didn’t know for sure. There can be many reasons,” I tell him then sip my drink. “One thing’s for sure, I have some life changes I have to make. Less stress is one of them.”

  “Yes, the stress of working the way we do, or I did, is a thing that can get to a man. Maybe you should take some more time off,” he offers me. “I could step in for a while longer.”

  “You’ve already done that so Cami and I could have a month-long honeymoon not that long ago. And with all that relaxation, it still didn’t change a thing. I don’t know what will help.”

  The door to the bar swings open and in comes Cami, “I think I’ve found something, Cyprian! We need to have less sex!”

  “God, no!” I shout. “Papa, I have to go. Cami’s lost her mind!”

  Tossing the phone on the chair next to me, I look at Cami and find her looking back at me with pure joy in her deep blue eyes. “Seriously, Cyprian. I think the problem is that we have too much sex.”

  “Baby, sugar, honey,” I say as I pull her back to sit on my lap. “Babies are made by having sex.”

  “I am a scientist,” she says as she frowns at me. “I’m well-aware of how babies are made. But look at this article I found.” She turns the laptop toward me and I see a picture of a man with a large X over his genitalia. “It says here that when a man ejaculates too much and too often, it can lower his sperm count. Baby, you ejaculate, on average, five to six times a day.”

  “And you’re saying that’s too much?” I ask because I don’t think it is.

  “It is,” she lets me know.

  “And you never felt the need to let me know this until now?” I ask her as my cheeks heat with embarrassment.

  “Well, I didn’t actually have a problem with it. It’s nice how many times you can make me come unglued in a twenty-four-hour period. Up until now, it hasn’t been a problem, it’s been a very big benefit.” She bites her lower lip and looks into my eyes with a sultry gaze.

  “So, you’d like to start this thing with less sex?” I ask her as this makes no sense to me. One doesn’t have babies by having less sex. That’s just crazy!

  “I think we should start there and add in some more things. Get rid of your tight underwear. You can wear loose boxers instead of those tight ones.” She points at another thing on her computer screen. “Your rock-hard body is made by exercising pretty excessively every day. If you read this, you’ll see that can be a problem too.”

  “Whoa, hold on!” I shout as she’s trying to take too much away at one time. “You think I can stop having sex and stop my daily routine too? I can’t do that! You see, I don’t ever show anyone any pictures of myself before I turned eighteen and started working out. I was chubby. I don’t want that to happen to me again. It takes the working out to keep me fit.”

  With a laugh, she says, “You’re more than just fit. You’re buff. You’re built like a gladiator, Cyprian. I’m not saying you can’t do some moderate exercise but all that you’re doing now needs to slow way down if you want to have kids, that is.”

  “You know I do,” I say as I sigh. “But this isn’t going to work. Without sex and exercise, my stress level will climb to new heights. That’s what I do to help with the stress of my job. I’ll have to turn to drinking, I guess.”

  She points to another part of the article. “Nope. That’s another thing you’ll have to cut out.”

  “No way! Damn it!” A pout forms on my lips and I have a feeling it’s going to be on them a lot if I decide to do this.

  “If the shoe was on the other foot, I’d be looking at getting fertility treatments that could lead to having multiple babies all at one time. But I’d do it. I’d have to have hormone shots and extensive treatments that would make me irritable and easy to get upset. But I’d do it.”

  “Saint,” I say as I shake my head. “I’m not one of those. I don’t know about any of this. You’re talking about upsetting my entire lifestyle. You see, Cami, I get up and I go to the gym I’ve built here and workout. Then I shower and get ready for work.”

  “I’m aware of that. I do live with you,” she says with a smile.

  “Okay, then you know my life is a mess of things that I’ll need to stop if we’re to have a baby.”

  “It is,” she says then climbs off my lap. “Look, I need to go see the chef about the Thanksgiving menu. It’s in two weeks and I want our first ever Thanksgiving to be a hit since both of our families are going to be here. I’ll leave my computer for you to read about your situation. If it’s not a thing you want to do, then I’ll understand.”

  I watch her walk out the door and wonder if she really will understand if I can’t do everything it says I should. I want kids, I do but giving up every damn thing that makes my life worthwhile seems too much to ask a man to do.

  Looking up, I have to ask, “Why, Lord?”

  When I look back at the computer screen, it flashes and I set it down, worried I might have done something to it. The screen goes black then I see it come back on.

  My heart stops as the image of a tiny baby fills the screen. It’s all wet with the icky stuff that it’s born with, covering it’s little, wrinkly, red body. And in the background, are the parents. Smiles and tears on their faces tell more than words ever can.

  Closing the computer, I set it on the table next to me then get up. To the little wet-bar, I go to pour the remainder of my Cognac down the drain. I want a baby more than anything. More than sex, more than being built like a brick shit-house, more than booze. I want a baby that looks like me and Cami more than I’ve ever wanted anything, other than the kid’s mother.

  The traces of the amber liquor roll in a circular fashion around the tiny drain and I have to wonder if this will be enough.

  Will I see the day when my wife’s tummy is swollen with my child…?

  Chapter 3


  “The aromas in this place are amazing!” Catarina tells me as she brings the kids and comes inside. “It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Is Cyprian’s cousin, Jasper coming today too?”

  “He’s here,” I tell her as I take her coat and she picks up the kids’ coats as they’ve shuck
ed them off and ran to find the rest of the family. “But you’ll have to go easy with him, Catarina. He’s not like the forceful men you’ve left in your past. He’s not that caveman who’ll toss you over his shoulder and take you to his cave. You can’t expect that from him.”

  “We’ve been on a handful of dates since you’re wedding, nearly a year ago. He’s just not making any effort,” she whispers as we make our way into the formal living room where everyone has congregated to wait for the Thanksgiving meal to be served.

  “Perhaps you should meet him half-way,” I say as she’s not once gone to see him in New York.

  “That’s not my style.” She tosses her hair back and pouts.

  “Your style made need to change if you want a nice man in your life.” I push the door open and find everyone talking and laughing. Everyone except Cyprian. He sits on one of the sofas with a glass of coconut milk in his hand, a blank expression lets me know, he’s nearing his breaking point with the celibacy, no exercise, and no alcohol.

  Nudging my sister toward the smiling man whose eyes lit up as soon as Jasper saw her, I make my way to see if I can’t bring a smile to my husband’s face. Taking the place beside him, he looks at me. “Looks like everyone’s made it. I’ll go tell the kitchen staff we’re ready to eat.”

  “I’ll come with you,” I say as I get up and take his hand.

  After we leave the room and walk a little ways down the hall, I wrap my arm around him and pull him with me onto one of the many patios outside the house. The air is brisk and cold. “What are you doing?”

  “I want to ask you something,” I say as I press up against him, pushing him against the wall. “I want to ask you if we could possibly make love tonight. It’s been two whole weeks.”

  He stammers as his eyes search mine. “Are you being serious? I thought you said we’d have to wait until Christmas?”

  “I know I did. But you look like you could use a little reprieve from your sexual exile. We can get back to the celibacy thing tomorrow. Then we can have some Christmas fun in a month from now.”

  “A month,” he says as he wraps his arms around me. “My God, it sounds so long. So far away.”

  “So, is that a yes for tonight?” I ask as he looks past me and out at the scene behind me.

  “We should wait. I really want this. I can wait,” he says then lets me go.

  With a nod, I go back inside with him following me. I can’t wait, though and I will get him to give in later. He needs this. He needs to get a break from this.


  “I shouldn’t have eaten that much,” I say as I can feel the bulge in my stomach. Normally, if I was still exercising, my stomach would be much too tight to show anything I ate. But my body is already beginning to look softer.

  Cami sits next to me on the sofa in front of the fireplace. Everyone has left after the Thanksgiving dinner, leaving us all alone. My body goes tense as she pushes my sweater up, running her hand over my stomach. Her lips touch my neck as she coos, “I need you, baby.”

  “Aw, you’re not playing fair,” I whine at her as my cock stirs. I haven’t allowed it to even move this much and she’s going to make this so hard not to do.

  “I know I’m not. I want you. I ache for you,” she says with a low groan. “I don’t care if we don’t get pregnant. I want you. Please, Cyprian. Please take me to Heaven like you’ve always done. Kids will come to us or they won’t. I need you.” Her mouth feels like hot lava as she sucks on my neck.

  “Cami,” I moan as her mouth moves around then she’s on my lap, straddling me and putting her mouth on mine.

  It’s been two weeks since I’ve tasted my wife’s kiss. My hands move to take her by the shoulders and pull her off me. Instead, one goes to hold the back of her neck as the other runs up her spine.

  My mouth won’t let me stop. My cock grows as she moves on my lap, enticing me to give into her. Though my head is telling me I shouldn’t be doing this, my heart and lower regions are telling me they won’t let me stop.

  Her mouth leaves mine and she looks into my eyes. “In front of the fireplace would be very romantic, don’t you think?”

  I can only nod as she gets off me and tosses a soft throw on the carpeted floor right in front of the fireplace. The warmth of it flushes my skin as she pulls my sweater off. Her hands move over my not so hard abs.

  I push her dress off her shoulders, kissing one of them as her creamy flesh begs me to. Soft kisses I trail up to her neck as she undoes my pants and they fall down my legs to the floor.

  Kissing her earlobe, I whisper, “I love you, baby.”

  Her mouth moves down my chest as she moves down my body, ridding me of the boxers and kissing the tip of my very erect dick. “I love you,” she says, making her lips graze the tip of the organ that is pulsing with the blood that’s leaving every part of my body to fill it up with what’s about to happen next.

  Moving her to the blanket, I take off her bra, stopping to admire the tits I have dreams about. Massaging them, I find her moving her hands with mine. “You’re beautiful.” I leave a kiss on one nipple.

  “So are you,” she says as she pulls her hips up. “These panties are bothersome. Would you be so kind as to remove them?”

  As I do as she’s asked, moving down her curvy body and pulling her panties off. My face hovers near her sex. The heat from it warms my lips. I could just get her off and keep my sperm to myself. “How about we change things up?”

  With a kiss to her clit, I find her hands on my shoulders. “How about we don’t?” She pulls at me to come to her and I can’t seem to tell her, no.

  Instead, I trail kisses up her stomach and stop at her throat. “You want me inside of you, don’t you?”

  She shakes her head. “No, Cyprian. I need you inside of me. I crave you. I want to feel that smooth skin slide into my wet depths.”

  “Damn it,” I groan as her words have me even harder. “Baby, are you sure?”

  “Please, Cyprian.” Her lips press against the hollow of my throat. “Show me how much you love me. I’ve missed you, even though I’ve seen you every day, I’ve missed your touch.”

  “As I’ve missed yours,” I say as I move my cock to her entrance and shiver as the tip touches the outer edge of her sweet, sweet canal.

  She arches up to me and I find myself moving up. “Please.”

  I can’t stop myself. I have to feel her. Slowly, I ease into her and our combined moans fill the air. “Yes!”

  Her satin skin runs all around me. Her heat is felt all the way to the tip of my toes. “Please don’t hate me later for this, Cami.”

  “I could never hate you, Cyprian,” she says as she takes my face between her palms. “If a child never comes to us, I still will never hate you. You and I are one in the same. Now let’s put this nonsense behind us and be the man and wife we were before we let this get in our way. I love you and I want to show you. And I need you to show me how you feel about me.”

  With one easy, long stroke, I say, “Words cannot express how much I love you. So, allow me to show you just how much I cherish you.” Her lips taste like lemon pie, she smells like sage, rosemary, and thyme. She feels like and angel in my arms and I’m ready to show her what she means to me.

  Children or no children, I have a wife who loves me so much, she’d forgo children just to feel my touch. I can’t see that as a bad thing.

  But will I be the one who regrets this night…?

  Chapter 4


  His hands are soft as they roam over my skin. His lips graze along my collarbone, sending a slow heat all through me. I don’t recall a time I’ve felt quite like this. I’m not exactly horny. It’s more of a need to be with him. It’s odd but I’m thankful he’s given into me.

  My body arches up to his as he makes a near exit. I can’t seem to get enough of him. His back is rippling as I move my hands all over it, relishing how his muscles feel.

  He’s complained about them becoming les
s defined in the two weeks he’s limited his exercise regimen. I feel a slight difference but he’s still a total hard-body. His commitment to raising his sperm count has been astonishing.

  I know it’s only been two weeks but he’s amazed me. Not only did he limit his exercise, a thing he dearly loves doing, but he’s stayed celibate. No alcohol has passed his lips and he’s ingested only food that he found out raises sperm counts. His determination to have children is inspiring.

  I didn’t think he’d go this far. It’s nowhere near as much as a woman would have to do to try to overcome infertility but it’s a hell of a lot for a man to do. Cyprian will be an excellent father, of that I have no doubt.

  “I love you, Cami.” His lips move along my neck then his hands move through my hair and he inhales. “You smell like home.”

  Breathing him in too, I whisper, “You smell like I could seek sanctuary in your arms forever.”

  His movements have my body flowing with his. A perfect slow dance that joins us. I don’t recall it ever being like this. So, easy yet deeper than any other time before.

  My eyes catch his as he moves from kissing one side of my neck to kiss the other. He stops and we look at one another. I caress his cheek as I feel the tremors, signaling the onset of my climax.

  He feels it too and kisses my cheek. “Come for me.”

  Grabbing his shoulders, I wrap my legs around his waist and hold him as close to me as I can as my body explodes around him. “God! Yes!” My jaw is clenched as I grind my body against his until his eyes close and he goes stiff.

  His heat rips through me, going like a missile into my soul. I feel the pulsing all through my body as it releases. Our hearts pound as he lies on top of me. Like two drums, beating out a rhythm, the sounds fill my ears.

  I open my eyes as his lips touch mine. “I love you, Camilla Girard,” his lips move over mine with his words.


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