Love in Paris

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Love in Paris Page 4

by Amanda Meadows

  “And if the government doesn't agree?”

  Hunter sighed. “Mom and Dad have a lot of influential friends here. They've given to a lot of causes so they're quite popular. I would be flabbergasted if there was an issue.”

  Amber sat back, a little stunned. “They're pulling strings for me? But I just met them!”

  “Do I seem like a trustworthy person to you?” Hunter demanded, leaning across the small table. “Be honest.”

  Amber giggled. “Well, yeah. Maybe even beyond your years.”

  Hunter narrowed his eyes. “Then why would my own parents doubt my decision in bringing you here?”

  Damn! She had wounded Hunter's pride.

  “I didn't mean . . . I'm just tired and not thinking straight. I just . . .”

  “What? You might as well come out with it now.”

  Amber tried to think of a delicate way to say what was on her mind. Finally, she just gave up and blurted it out.

  “I know that you haven't dated recently, but you're really smart and so handsome. So I figured you would have had your share of girls meeting your parents. And me, well, I'm so different and . . .”

  Hunter held up a hand to stop her.

  “You are the first girl I've ever brought home to my parents,” Hunter said softly. “I never felt this way about anyone until I met you.”

  What? Seriously? Amber stared at him.

  “Your mouth is open.” Hunter selected another pastry and sliced off a piece.

  Amber studied his face. He was perfectly serious.

  “I don't know what to say.”

  Hunter rubbed his forehead. “How about 'Thank you, Hunter, for being so open when I know that you hate to talk about your feelings.'”

  Amber smiled. “It almost makes me want to give you a break on the bet.”

  Hunter grinned, his body visibly relaxing. “Is that right, Miss Holloway?”

  “Almost. But not quite.”

  “I see,” Hunter said, rubbing his chin. He shrugged.

  “That's just as well because I have my winning strategy already planned out.”

  Hmm . . . That was the second time he mentioned having a strategy. Of course the control freak would have a plan. What was her plan? Oh, yeah. Avoid letting Hunter turn her on.

  “Thinking about your own strategy, baby?”

  Hunter was now definitely smirking. Bloody hell, he was arrogant. Arrogant and hot with that bit of chocolate sticking to his lips. Damn, Amber! Stop staring at his lips!

  “You don't think I have a strategy?”

  “You? Organized enough to think this through from beginning to end?”

  “Yes, me,” Amber said, crossing her arms across her chest.

  Hunter took a bite of his pasty. He chewed for a long time.

  Amber smiled, wondering how he was going to get out of insulting her without lying.

  “Amber, I believe that you can do anything that you put your mind to do.”

  Amber stared at him. Hmm . . . A compliment that didn't answer the question directly. Damn. He was good at his.

  “So I have a strategy?” she asked, pushing him further.

  Hunter smiled. “I thought I just answered you.”

  “You very politely circled my question.”

  Hunter paused with his fork. “Baby, I believe that you believe that you have a strategy and that you are confident in your ability to win this bet.”

  Amber rubbed her own forehead, trying to replay his comment back in her mind. The effects of the sugar rush were definitely wearing off. She was having difficulty keeping up with his word play.

  “Why are we even talking about this now?” she asked irritably.

  Hunter raised an eyebrow. “I believe you brought up the whole interrogation, gorgeous. I'm just trying to keep my ass intact.”

  Amber laughed. She was starting to get a little punchy.

  “Hey, don't start hyperventilating on me, baby,” Hunter warned, looking a little panicked.

  Amber felt her eyes tearing up. Oh, crap! Not now!

  “Take some deep breaths.”

  Hunter grabbed her hand while also calling for the waiter. After a few quick words in French, the waiter rushed back with the bill while Amber concentrated on her breathing. By the time they left the café, Amber was feeling better. The icy wind in her face certainly helped. She shook her head when Hunter suggested getting a taxi.

  “I think walking is better,” she said. “And I honestly think I might fall asleep once I stop moving again.”

  They walked slowly back in the direction of the hotel, stopping at several art galleries to glance at the paintings. Amber was exhausted. She saw Hunter rubbing his eyes like a little kid. Noticing her grin, he blushed and jammed his hands into his pockets.

  The street signs and shops all began to blur together after awhile. Even the constant murmurs of French no longer seemed strange. Finally, Hunter stopped at a small market and purchased fresh sandwiches and bottled water. They ate those slowly as they approached the hotel.

  “Please tell me that we can go to sleep when we get back,” Amber said wearily.

  “I think we're safe if we sleep now,” Hunter said. “We might wake up insanely early tomorrow, but that will be fine.”

  Amber increased her pace. Sleep! She had never been so excited to go to bed in her life. When they got back to the room, she quickly undressed down to her tee shirt and panties. She made a beeline for the bathroom, washing her face, brushing her teeth and using the toilet in record time. She didn't even wait for Hunter to get ready. She simply slid into the bed, stretched out with a groan, and shut her eyes.

  A few minutes later, she sensed Hunter in the bed with her. He felt for her face and kissed her gently. “Good night, gorgeous. I love you.”

  “I love you,” murmured Amber. And with that, she finally drifted into a deep slumber.

  Chapter 6

  Amber woke up not knowing where she was. She bolted upright, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She felt in the bed for Hunter, but he wasn't there. After a few moments, she saw the nightlight from the bathroom. Oh, yeah. Paris. Hotel. But where was Hunter?

  Sliding out of the bed, she squinted at the clock. It was only four o'clock in the morning. But they had gone to bed before seven o'clock the evening before. She had slept solidly for nine hours straight. After a quick stop in the bathroom, she headed to the living room.

  Hunter was lying on the sofa as he surfed through channels on the television. He was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. As usual, he was barefoot.

  “Anything good on?” she asked, startling him.

  “Hey, baby! I didn't wake you, did I?”

  Amber shook her head and snuggled next to him on the sofa.

  “Nope, I slept like a baby all night. Guess my body just feels rested enough to get up.”

  Hunter sat up and clicked the television off.

  “Are you hungry? I was just thinking about ordering room service.”

  Amber felt her stomach start to rumble.

  “Famished,” she said. “What are you planning to get?”

  “Eggs, bacon, waffles, the works,” Hunter said. “That sandwich we had last night vaporized hours ago.”

  “Sounds good.”

  She noticed Hunter's wet hair and realized that he had already showered. She couldn't believe she hadn't heard him getting up or the shower running.

  “I think I'll go hop in the shower while you order. Can you get some hot tea and orange juice as well?”

  Hunter already had the phone out, but he nodded.

  Amber padded to the bathroom, slipped off her things, and got into the luxurious shower. She was quickly getting used to this opulence. After she got out, she dried her hair but only slipped on a pair of comfortable pajamas and slippers. She didn't feel like getting fully dressed yet.

  Half an hour later, they were eating a delicious hot breakfast at the small table in the living room. Hunter pored over a French newspaper. To his credit
, he had purchased an English version as well.

  After breakfast, Hunter disappeared into the bedroom. When Amber followed him to get her French study guide, she could hear him brushing his teeth. She looked in the closet and found a shelf with extra blankets and pillows. Grabbing one of each, she set up a comfortable nook on the sofa so she could study in comfort. Armed with a cup of Earl Grey tea, she got to work.

  She heard Hunter come back in a little bit later.

  “Good idea,” he muttered, disappearing back into the bedroom.

  He fashioned his own little cocoon on the other end of the sofa while Amber returned to her book. She heard Hunter click on the television, but didn't pay much attention until she heard moaning.

  What the hell? She looked up, startled, because it sounded sexual. In high definition, Amber was treated to a closeup of a blonde girl, her enormous breasts bouncing freely, as she energetically bucked her hips atop a sexy guy moaning beneath her. Amber looked over at Hunter, now shirtless. He had the nerve to look innocent.

  “I'm sorry,” he said pleasantly. “Is the volume too loud for you?”

  Amber blinked at him and then found her tongue.

  “What the hell are you watching?”

  Hunter shrugged his shoulders.

  “I'm sorry, baby. But I have all this sexual tension built up and you've made it abundantly clear that you would prefer not to have sex with me until after our twenty-four hours are up. I'm just trying to distract myself.”

  Amber stared at him.

  “This was part of your strategy,” she said accusingly.

  Hunter narrowed his eyes. “You have your strategy and I have mine.”

  The bugger! And now she was supposed to sit here and listen to this? She forced herself to keep calm. There had to be a chink in his plan.

  “You're right,” she said sweetly, watching as his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

  “But I'm afraid that I chose the sofa first for my studies. You'll have to relocate.”

  Hunter was silent for a moment and Amber wondered if he was going to argue. But he surprised her by suddenly clicking off the television.

  “You're right, baby. That was rude of me. Especially since you are studying so diligently.”

  He smiled and grabbed the pillow and blanket. “I'll just move things to the other room.”

  What? Was he going to watch porn in the other room? Or was he trying to get beneath her skin? She would simply ignore him.

  She turned her page in her book and read the next phrase. Then she read it again. And again. Damn Hunter! She couldn't concentrate now. She sat still to see if she could hear anything from the other room. She twisted her head. The door to the bedroom was shut.

  How could she snoop without being obvious? She glanced down at her book and realized that her notebook and highlighters were still in her overnight bag. And her overnight bag just happened to be in the bedroom closet.

  She got up, walked quietly to the door, and paused. Did she really want to walk in on him pleasuring himself? Maybe. But what if this was part of his strategy? She bit her lip and opened the door. Hunter was lying on the bed, still in his jeans, as he clicked on the remote.

  “Need something, baby?” he asked, not looking at her.

  “Just my notebook and markers,” Amber said, going straight to the closet.

  She got her things and was half way to the door when the moaning started up again. She forced herself to keep walking. She settled back on the sofa and found her page again. But she knew she wasn't going to learn a damn thing with Hunter jerking himself off to some other girl.

  She sighed and took a sip of her tea. Of course it was cold, she thought. She got up to see if the remaining tea in the pot was still warm. As she was pouring herself a fresh cup, she heard Hunter open the door.

  She glanced up and then quickly back down. Hunter's jeans were now unfastened and hanging off his hips.

  “Can I get you something?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Just need a little water,” Hunter said cheerfully. “It feels a little warm in there.”

  He grabbed a bottle and stopped to give her a kiss on the cheek.

  “How's the studying going?”

  “Great!” Amber said through gritted teeth. “Couldn't be better.”

  “Awesome,” Hunter said and left the room.

  Amber stomped over to the sofa. Did he really think it was acceptable to get turned on by some bimbo with her in the next room? How the hell did he think that made her feel? Finally, she couldn't take it any longer. Furious, she stormed into the bedroom.

  “How dare you?” she seethed. “What kind of guy says he loves a girl and then uses a cheap porn movie to get himself . . . Why the hell are you laughing?”

  Hunter clutched his stomach as he laughed, twisting on the bed. He pointed at the television.

  “I don't need to see your filthy . . .”

  Amber broke off and stared in confusion at the television. Instead of the porn she was expecting, there was some sort of historical documentary on.

  “So you changed the channel when you heard me come in? Big deal!”

  Hunter was still laughing.

  “Your face . . .” he managed to get out. “If you could see . . . how . . . pissed off you are right now . . . priceless!”

  Amber stared at him coldly, only growing more angry. How dare he laugh at her!

  “Remote . . . kitchen . . . sink,” Hunter gasped.

  Amber turned and stalked off. Of course he was going to try to get out of this. She strode into the kitchen, certain he was trying to hide the remote while she went on this wild goose chase. But then she stopped and stared at the remote on the counter.

  Whirling around, she searched for the living room remote. Unfortunately, she found it in the small basket on the coffee table. Amber's mouth fell open. She couldn't believe it. He had purposely set her up! She stormed back into the bedroom.

  “That was mean and hateful!”

  Seeing him there, sitting beneath the sheet as though he was perfectly innocent, further enraged her. She jumped on the bed, grabbed a pillow, and started smacking him with it as hard as she could.

  Instead of fighting back, Hunter merely shifted so that she could only attack his back.

  “Turn over and look at me while I'm hitting you!” She lowered the pillow.

  Hunter shifted onto his back and the sheet slid down. His fully erect cock saluted her.

  Amber gaped. She tried to move head. Tried to look away. Damn him! She could feel an ache in her core.

  “I'm sorry, baby,” Hunter said, sitting up, his eyes blazing with passion. “I've been exceedingly naughty. Why don't you finish punishing me?”

  He moved closer. “Why don't you punch me or slap me? I do deserve it.”

  Amber tried to hang onto her anger. She tried to look away from his eyes. But those emerald jewels pinned her in place. She swallowed as Hunter took one finger and traced it down her throat.

  “I know you can fight better than that,” he said tenderly. “I bet it's this pesky pajama top holding you back. I bet it's restricting your shoulder rotation.”

  Still locking eyes with her, Hunter unbuttoned her top, slid one hand forward, and cupped her breast.

  “No,” she whispered. “You're not going to win this bet.”

  Hunter immediately backed off and removed his hands.

  “Is it okay if I change the channel then?” he asked innocently.

  “What? Hell no!” Suddenly, Amber was furious again.

  “How dare you?” she snarled. She pelted him with punches.

  Again, Hunter let her hit him. But this time, she noticed that he was breathing heavily. What was she doing? Was this what he had wanted? She pulled away.

  “Then I'll just watch you, baby,” Hunter said, moving his hand down to start stroking himself.

  Amber froze, a gush of wetness between her legs. Damn!

  “You're not playing fair,” she said, unable to take her e
yes off his hand moving up and down his engorged shaft.

  Amber swallowed, her core beginning to ache. She yanked her eyes upward. But that was a mistake. She was immediately captured by the magnetic pull of his smoldering green eyes.

  “Please,” he whispered. “I want you so much, Amber. I need to touch you. Taste you. Smell you.”

  Amber felt herself melting. Her brain was oozing like jelly. Damn the stupid, idiotic bet.

  Those lips were so tantalizing. She groaned. Just one little taste or she would go crazy. She knelt and took his bottom lip between her teeth. Hunter moaned beneath her and that was her undoing. She fell against him, needing for her skin to be touching his skin. She shrugged out of her pajamas and panties.

  For a moment, Hunter simply stared at her. Then he gently kissed her face, moving slowly to her ears, her cheeks, and lips.

  “Only you,” he whispered. “All I need is you.”

  He moved his hands down, cupping, pinching, rubbing and teasing. And then he followed his hands with his mouth, circling and sucking until she moaned.

  She reached for him, running her hands along his smooth back, running up and down his chest and then down to where he squirmed beneath her.

  Hunter retaliated by sliding his hand between her legs, causing her to gasp as his finger paused to caress and explore her creases.

  “Hunter,” she whispered. “Please. Yes. Please.”

  Hunter pushed her back against the pillows, propping himself up on his elbows above her.

  Amber couldn't help herself. Her legs thrashed on the bed beneath him, her body wanting him inside her.

  “I want to make love to you, Amber Holloway,” Hunter said. “Only you.”

  “Yes,” Amber said, guiding him between her legs. “I want you. I need you.”

  “Don't close your eyes, Amber,” Hunter whispered. “Please.”

  Amber stared into the depths of Hunter's eyes. The green was like a dark roiling sea.

  His face was flushed. He stared at her as he finally entered her, his mouth opening with a gasp as their bodies finally connected.


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