Insurance Plan of the City of Toronto. Vol. 9, Sheets 948-1 to 978. Toronto and Montreal: Underwriters’ Survey Bureau Limited, 1956.
Kennedy, J. de N. History of the Department of Munitions and Supply: Canada in the Second World War. 2 vols. Ottawa: King’s Printer, 1950.
MacDowell, Laurel Sefton, and Ian Radforth. Canadian Working-Class History: Selected Readings. Third Edition. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2006.
Regulations of the Scarboro Plant: Clean Workers. Toronto: General Engineering Company (Canada) Limited, September 30, 1941.
Regulations of the Scarboro Plant: In Case of Accident. Toronto: General Engineering Company (Canada) Limited, 1941.
Roberts, Leslie. Noranda. Toronto: Clark, Irwin, 1956.
Rules and Regulations for Plant Guards, A.W.S.C. Project No. 24, Scarboro, 1943. Toronto: General Engineering Company (Canada) Limited, 1943.
Schofield, Richard, Meredyth Schofield, and Karen Whynot. Scarborough Then and Now (1796–1996). Scarborough: Scarborough Board of Education and Scarborough Historical Society, 1996.
Stacey, C.P. History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War, Six Years of War. Vol. 1. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1955.
Stevens, John A., and Harold Pfeiffer. The Man Who Makes Heads with His Hands: The Art and Life of Harold Pfeiffer, Sculptor. Burnstown, ON: General Store Publishing, 1997.
Stone, Gilbert, ed. Women Workers of World War I. Glasgow: Mansion Field, Zeticula, 2007.
What the M.W.A. Can Do. Scarboro, ON: The Munition Workers’ Association, G.E.CO. Scarboro, circa 1941.
“Absenteeism.” Review of Industrial Relations Article 29 (July 1943): 61.
“Employees Associations (‘Munition Workers Association’).” Review of Industrial Relations Article 21 (July 1943): 43.
Hall, Jean. “What Production Management Needs to Learn about Women!” Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, July 1943.
Ignatieff, Florence. “Cafeteria and Canteen Service.” Review of Industrial Relations Article 16 (July 1943): 29.
“Medical.” Review of Industrial Relations Article 17 (July 1943): 32, 33.
Morrow, L.C. “Industrial Relations: Key to Canadian Plant Success.” Factory Management and Maintenance Volume 103 (1945): 105.
Official Bulletin of Toronto East Medical Association (February 1944): 1.
Pitcher, W.H. “… and Pass the Ammunition — Review of Fuse-Filling Operations at General Engineering Co. (Canada) Limited, Scarboro.” Canadian Chemistry and Process Industries (May 1944).
“Service Recognition.” Review of Industrial Relations Article 24 (July 1943): 46.
“Sick Benefit Plan.” Review of Industrial Relations Article 20 (July 1943): 41.
“Suggestion Plan.” Review of Industrial Relations Article 23 (July 1943): 45.
“Transportation.” Review of Industrial Relations Article 28 (July 1943): 50.
“Vacation with Pay.” Review of Industrial Relations Article 18 (July 1943): 34.
Bradley, La Verne. “Women at Work.” National Geographic, 1944.
GECO Fusilier
“800,000 Canadian Men and Women Now Employed in War Industries.” August 1, 1942.
“A ‘Break’ For GECO Softball Players.” May 9, 1942.
“A Farm — A Construction Job — A War Plant — And 236 Days.” April 11, 1942.
“A Praiseworthy Safety Record…” June 5, 1944.
“A Tribute from a Son.” January 16, 1943.
“After V-Day Comes R-Day.” April 16, 1945.
“All Those in Favor Say ‘Aye’.” June 11, 1945.
“Ammunition.” June 5, 1944.
“Attention All Ye Maidens Fair Fame and Fortune Ye May Share.” June 20, 1942.
“Awards Given for Good Suggestions.” December 12, 1942.
“Baseball Teams — Sing a Song of Softball.” July 4, 1942.
“Battle of the Century.” July 18, 1942.
“Beware Ye Men of GECO and Restrain Thy Mirth.” November 6, 1943.
“Bingo Encore.” April 25, 1942.
Brimicombe, F.G. “To Those Women of All Ages.” January 30, 1943.
“Bus Transportation Establishes Record.” August 29, 1944.
“Cascade of Runs Features Softball.” July 18, 1942.
“Charming Taxi Driver Selected by Paramount.” November 20, 1943.
“Christmas Dinner Story…” January 10, 1944.
“Col. Clapham Concludes Big Job…” August 14, 1943.
Davis, Ross. “Editor’s Column.” April 11, 1942.
Davis, Ross. “Editor’s Column.” August 1, 1942.
Davis, Ross. “Editor’s Column.” November 28, 1943.
“Day Nursery Scheme Developing Expected to Solve Big Problem.” August 15, 1942.
“East End Day Nursery at Dawes and Dentonia.” February 27, 1943.
“Eighth Victory Loan Goes Over…” May 14, 1945.
“Employees Thanked by S.A. Official.” June 5, 1943.
“Facts and Figures.” July 31, 1945.
“Fingers.” Cartoon. April 30, 1945.
“Five Thousand at Xmas Dinner…” January 8, 1945.
Flexman, Major E. “Magnificent Contribution to War Effort Made by Scarboro People.” July 31, 1945.
“For Health and Beauty’s Sake…” November 20, 1943.
“From Farm to Munition Plant.” July 31, 1945.
“GECO Canteen One the Finest…Operates on Non-Profit Basis.” May 9, 1942.
“GECO Car Stickers.” August 1, 1942.
“GECO Contestants Selected…” July 3, 1944.
“GECO Fusilier — A Powder Magazine.” March 28, 1942.
“GECO Glamor Girls on Parade…” June 19, 1944.
“GECO Transport Big Business…” October 23, 1944.
“GECO War Loan Campaign More than Doubles Quota.” March 28, 1942.
“Goodwill Towards All.” December 18, 1942.
Hamilton, R.M.P. “Another Scarboro Victory.” November 20, 1944.
Hamilton, R.M.P., and P.D.P. Hamilton. “To All GECO Scarboro Employees.” July 31, 1945.
“Healthy, Happy, and Safe.” July 31, 1943.
“Hitler’s Helpers?” April 11, 1942.
“Impressive Total for B.W.V.F. Donations.” November 20, 1943.
“Intriguing Expansion Underway in Recreation Club’s Program.” January 16, 1943.
“Jack Be Nimble.” April 16, 1945.
“Just in Case.” October 17, 1942.
“K. Russell Finalist in Beauty Contest.” August 1, 1942.
“Let’s All Pull … Together.” October 17, 1942.
“Let’s Give It Everything We’ve Got.” October 31, 1942.
“List of ‘Shortages’ Daily Grows Lengthier.” March 28, 1942.
“Lively Interest Aroused by MWA Rep. Nominations.” January 30, 1943.
“Loan Quota Reached First Day.” April 30, 1945.
“Meat Shortage Felt by Canteen: Meatless Days Looming Ahead.” September 26, 1942.
“Mixed Feelings Greet Closing …” May 28, 1945.
“Mobile Canteen Officially Presented.” June 5, 1943.
“Mobile Canteens Playing Big Part.” April 10, 1943.
“More and More Ammunition Is Needed to Save Lives.” June 5, 1944.
Morgan, Joyce. “Cleanside Visit Opens Stenogs’ Eyes.” March 27, 1943.
“Munition Workers’ Association Nominations Getting Underway.” January 16, 1943.
Neville, Laura. “‘Piston Packin’ Moma’ Joins GECO Fleet.” November 20, 1943.
“New Bus Route Starting Monday.” March 27, 1943.
“New Shift Schedule.” October 31, 1942.
“Nothing Else Will Do.” July 4, 1942.
“One Thousandth Blood Donation Reached by GECO Clinic.” March 12, 1943.
“Our Barrier Lady.” July 31, 1945.
“Our Front Cover.” July 31, 194
“Over Two Thousand Youngsters Coming to GECO Christmas Party.” December 12, 1942.
“Pin-up Girl Idea Popular.” March 13, 1944.
Pope, F.G. “Well Done ‘Scarboro’!” May 22, 1943.
“Proper Use of Salt Tablets.” August 1, 1942.
“PUTT — PUTT.” July 31, 1943.
“Pyjamas — House Dress?” November 20, 1944.
Read, Lieut.-Col. H.R.A. “Good Ammunition Corner-Stone of United Nation’s War Effort.” January 24, 1944.
Robbins, Ruth. “Scarboro Girls Prize-Winners…” July 31, 1943.
“Rustle of Spring.” April 2, 1945.
“Saga of a Man.” September 26, 1942.
“Saga of a Woman.” October 17, 1942.
“Santa Claus Revisits Scarboro.” January 8, 1945.
“Sawdust Brigade Play Part in Passing the Ammunition.” February 27, 1943.
“Scarboro Beauties Selected …” July 3, 1943.
“Scarboro Blood Donors Flock to Perform Patriotic Service.” December 12, 1942.
“Scarboro Building Number Nine Sends ’Em Back White and Fine.” September 12, 1942.
“‘Scarboro’ Bus Transportation Establishes Enviable Record.” August 29, 1944.
“Scarboro Defies Storm King …” December 18, 1944.
“Scarboro in the Beginning.” July 31, 1945.
“Scarboro Takes V-Day Calmly.” May 14, 1945.
“Scarboro’s Most Exclusive Club…” March 19, 1945.
“Scarboro’s Tool Hospital Plays Important Part in Production.” August 15, 1942.
“Sculptor Models ‘War Worker’.” July 3, 1943.
“Skating and Sleighing Parties.” January 10, 1944.
Taylor, Bill. “Lest We Forget.” October 23, 1943.
“Ten Thousand Dollars Collected for B.W.V.F.” April 2, 1945.
“The Fourth Arm of the Service.” March 28, 1942.
“The Last 119.” July 31, 1945.
“The Real Meaning of Sc/C.” June 20, 1942.
“Thirty.” July 31, 1945.
“To All Geco Scarboro Employees.” July 31, 1945.
“Today’s the Day for Scarboro Beauties — Honour, Reward Await ‘Miss War Worker’.” July 18, 1942.
“Tribute.” August 1, 1942.
“Turkey ’n Everything All for ‘Two Bits’.” January 2, 1943.
“United for Victory.” May 22, 1943.
“Victory Gardeners Eager to Commence.” May 22, 1943.
“Victory Loan.” November 6, 1944.
“Visitors Remember Women of Scarboro.” January 2, 1943.
“Volunteers and Parents Invade Canteen to See Santa Claus.” January 2, 1943.
“War Loan Committee.” September 11, 1943.
“War Very Real to Mrs. Peggy MacKay.” March 27, 1943.
“Watchfulness the Price of Safety.” July 4, 1942.
“We Did It Once — We’ll Do It Again.” October 10, 1942.
“Weekly Meetings of Workers with Management Resultful.” May 23, 1942.
“Whispering Gallery.” March 28, 1942.
“You Are Doing a Grand Job for Us Chaps.” August 28, 1944.
Other Newspapers
“16 Families To Be Given Living Unit.” [Toronto] Evening Telegram, July 10, 1946.
“18 War Workers Injured When Bus, Truck Collide.” Toronto Daily Star, January 27, 1945.
AN R.E.L. MAN. Letter to the Editor. “Pape Avenue Buses.” Toronto Daily Star, February 14, 1942.
“Athlone Says Workers Score Greatest Victory.” Globe and Mail, March 25, 1944.
Carrick, J.J. “A Ton of Books.” Publication unknown. Circa 1943.
“City Area to Supply 4,000 for Arms Plant.” Toronto Daily Star, November 1, 1940.
Currell, Harvey. “Born of War II Geco Near End.” [Toronto] Telegram, January 21, 1957.
Dunwoody, Derm. “Proud Of GECO Homes Bid Aldermen Come, See.” Toronto Telegram, June 16, 1950.
“Eight in 4 Rooms Tight Fit, But GECO Quarters Aid Evicted.” Toronto Evening Telegram, July 15, 1946.
Fairhurst, Lt.-Colonel Annie. “Home League Notes.” The War Cry, May 1, 1954.
Filey, Mike. “Rediscover Echoes of GECO’s Past.” Toronto Sun, April 7, 1991.
“Find Meals Better Here in Industrial Cafeterias.” Toronto Daily Star, April 26, 1944.
Gamester, George. “Wartime Toronto’s Lost City.” Toronto Star, January 13, 2002.
“GECO, Ajax Need Girls to Put Kick in Shells.” Toronto Daily Star, July 4, 1944.
“GECO Housing.” The War Cry, June 14, 1952.
“Geco Needs 3,400 Women To Feed Monty’s Barrage.” Toronto Daily Star, June 28, 1944.
“GECO New Year’s Riot Is ‘Worst,’ Man Knifed Can’t Find Assailant.” Toronto Daily Star, January 12, 1952.
“GECO Spotless Heaven, Women Like Job There.” Toronto Daily Star, June 30, 1944.
“Hold the Shell Line, Save Canadian Lives.” Toronto Daily Star, June 28, 1944.
Hornby, Lance. “Former Leaf Star Gaye Stewart Dies.” Toronto Sun, November 19, 2010.
“Man Dead, Schools Closed, War Plant Shut — The Storm.” Toronto Daily Star, December 12, 1944.
“Mighty Chain of Munitions Complete — Fuses Pass Test.” Toronto Daily Star, June 7, 1941.
Milley, Danielle. “Queen Visited Golden Mile Plaza in 1959.” Scarborough Mirror, July 22, 2009.
“POW Survived Black Christmas.” National Post, May 30, 2007.
“Scarboro Council Approves Plan to Purchase GECO.” Enterprise, September 30, 1948.
Schofield, Rick. “Scarborough’s GECo Plant Holds Many Memories.” Scarborough Mirror, March 18, 2010.
Schofield, Rick. “Tunnels Serve as Reminder of Munitions Plant.” Scarborough Mirror, November 14, 2003.
“Thriving Outpost.” The War Cry, March 15, 1952.
Carr, David. E-mail correspondence with author, April 2013.
Cranston, Peter. E-mail correspondence with author and letter. April 2012.
Eden, Jackie. E-mail correspondence with author. 2012.
Elstone, Mary. E-mail correspondence with author. August 2014.
Farer, Mika. E-mail correspondence with author. September 2014.
Hamilton, Louise. E-mail correspondence with author. August 2014.
Knight, Carol. Letter to author. June, 15, 2007.
MacDonald, Stanley B. Letters to author. July 26, 2014.
Murray, Barbara. E-mail correspondence with author. 2013, 2014.
Pickles, Ernie. Letter to author. July 31, 2014.
Roberts, Brian. E-mail correspondence with author. Various dates, 2012–2014.
Szydlik, Sue. E-mail correspondence with author.Various dates, 2012.
Interviews and Telephone Conversations
Byrne, Heather. Telephone call. August 2014.
Clements, Sharon. Interview by author. Markham, 2012.
Danniels, Molly. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2009.
Drake, Victoria. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2012, August 2014.
Elstone, Mary. Telephone call. August 2014.
Everest, John. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2012, July 2014.
French, Hartley (Anthony). Interview by author. Scarborough, various dates, 2009, 2010.
Greenwood, Audrey. Interview by author. Scarborough, February 2013.
Hamilton, John McLean Parsons. Interview by author. Elora, Ontario, February 2013.
Hamilton, Philip H.B. Interview by author. Montreal, July 2012, August 2012.
Hamilton, R.M.P. Interview with Hartley McVicar. Let’s Visit. Radio recording. Toronto, c. 1945.
Harris, John Alan. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2012.
Hermann, Tamara. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2012.
Howe, William. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2012.
Ignatieff, Paul. Interview by author. Telephone call. France, August, September 2014.
, Carol. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2007.
Knight, Leonard. Telephone call. July 2014.
Langfeldt, Barbara Holmes. Interview by author. Toronto, 2013.
Ledson, Sidney. Interview by author. Scarborough, January 2012.
Lorimer, Cal. Interview by author. Oshawa, October 2011.
Lowcock, Stella. Interview by author. Oshawa, October 2011.
MacDonald, Phillip. Interview by author. Picton, November 2012.
MacDonald, Stanley, Interview by author. Telephone call. Gravenhurst, August 2014.
McRae, Dorothy. Interview by author. Scarborough, various, undated.
O’Hagan, Rena. Interview by author. Newmarket, 2012.
O’Hagan, Barry. Interview by author. Newmarket, 2012.
Parkin, Anne. Interview by author. Telephone call. Vancouver, 2013.
Pickles, Ernest Herbert. Interview by author. Scarborough, January 2013.
Reay-Laidler, Ronald. Interview by author. Scarborough, April 2012, July 2014.
Shearer, Maimie. Interview by author. North York, January 2013.
Simerson, Greg. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2012.
Sullivan, Jim. Interview by author. Newmarket, January 2013.
Sullivan, Kerry. Interview by author. Newmarket, January 2013.
Waddell, John and Priscilla. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2009.
Warner, Elizabeth. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2012.
Wood, Ronald. Interview by author. Scarborough, 2012.
Archives of Ontario, GECO Fonds
F2082-1-1-2. The General Engineering Company (Canada) Limited — British Counterpart to Sc/c. c. 1919.
F2082-1-1-5. Department of Munitions and Supply, Defense Projects Construction Branch, the General Engineering Company (Canada) Limited, A.W.S.C. Project No. 24, Scarboro, Ontario.
F2082-1-1-6. Construction and Maintenance Costs.
F2082-1-1-7. Decontamination and Desensitizing, 1945–1946. 1946.
F2082-1-1-8. Desensitizing Scarboro Plant, 1945. 1945.
F2082-1-1-9. Downing, I.N., I.O. (P). Letter to E.N. Martin, General Engineering Co., (Canada) Limited, June 27, 1945.
F2082-1-1-11. GECO Fusilier Collection. March 28, 1942–April 15, 1942, May 23, 1942–July 4, 1942, August 1, 1942–August 29, 1942, September 26, 1942–October 31, 1942, November 28, 1942–January 16, 1943, February 13, 1943, March 27, 1943–May 22, 1943, June 19, 1943, July 31, 1943–September 25, 1943, October 23, 1943–November 20, 1943, December 21, 1943–January 24, 1944, April 24, 1944–May 8, 1944, September 11, 1944, November 20, 1944–December 4, 1944, January 8, 1945–February 19, 1945, April 30, 1945–July 31 1945.
Bomb Girls Page 25