Spencer (The Ninth Inning: Season Three #8)

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Spencer (The Ninth Inning: Season Three #8) Page 3

by Lindsay Paige

  The tears begin to form in my eyes.

  “I have three things I’m most proud of in my life. You girls. I have loved your mother since the moment I saw her, and you two girls since the moment she told me she was pregnant. No amount of money in this world will ever change it. Now, I can add Blake and Grant to the mix as well.” He kisses Grant’s chubby cheek, but he’s paying no mind to his grandpa. We’re all crying now, and I even think Blake is about to shed a tear.

  “Dad, tell us now,” I hiss at him. Normally, I would never cross my father, but this is getting to be too much.

  “Okay, I’m retiring. Today.”

  With the exception of Mom, we all stop breathing. We must have heard him wrong. This is Art Gardner. The man doesn’t even sleep.

  “In turn, since Sofia doesn’t want part of the company, I’ll be giving seventy percent to Harmony, fifteen percent to Grant, and fifteen percent to the unborn child Sofia is carrying.”

  “You know?” It’s Blake who is surprised.

  “I saw her drinking milk,” Mom says, making Blake chuckle.

  “Dad.” I’m still stunned. “Are you kidding me? I can’t run this without you.”

  “Harmony, you have been for almost a year now. Every time you tell me about a contract, whether good or bad, I do it. I never doubted it either.”

  This time, the tears roll faster down my cheeks. I knew he had been giving me more work, but I didn’t know he had plans to retire. I do my best to rein in my emotions but it isn’t working. I hate it when people see me cry. Even though I’m sniffling and carrying on as quietly as I can. I hear Dad saying something, but I can’t comprehend it right now. Then I feel his big, strong arm pull me up and into his. I lose it then.

  “Oh, Princess, it’s going to be okay.” I sob as he calls me my childhood nickname. “You’re going to be outstanding. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, Daddy,” I whisper because I can’t manage any more words.

  After a moment, I let go of him and realize Mom and Sofia are hugging me too. To some it may seem strange for us to be so close, but we are and always have been this way.

  “I’m sorry.” I wipe my eyes.

  “Don’t be sorry.” Sofia hugs me again. “I’m so happy for you. I know you’ve always wanted this.”

  Yes, deep down I do want this, but it’s still scary. This is a multibillion dollar company and now, it’s mine.

  “Let’s sit down and get the paperwork over with.” Dad smiles at me and we all take our places again.

  Mr. White explains everything to us. Since Grant and the unborn baby are…well…babies, Sofia and Blake will be in charge of their part of the company until they’re of age. As of five this evening, Art Gardner is now officially retired and I, Harmony Gardner, am now in control.

  I make it home the same time Spencer pulls up. As excited as I am about having sex, my mind isn’t in it because it’s still spinning from Dad’s announcement.

  “It’s been a very long three days,” Spencer smirks when I reach him.

  “Come on in.”

  “Oh I plan to.” He raises one eyebrow.

  I unlock my door and after I set everything down, I turn to him. “Listen, I know what I said, but something has happened.”

  Spencer’s smirks fades. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

  “I’m just a little emotional. Dad retired this afternoon, and I’m in charge now,” I just blurt out to him. Real smart, Harmony, you barely know this guy.

  “No way. Seriously?”

  I nod and take a seat on my couch. Spencer sits next to me.

  “Wow, Harmony, that’s…um…impressive. I guess is the right word.”

  “Something like it.” I rub my right temple. “I’m sorry. I know you were expecting something different.”

  He shrugs. “You owe me a hundred dollars, though.”

  I giggle. “You really want me to pay?”

  “Hey,” his face turns stern. “You place the bet, you lost the bet, you pay the bet.”

  I laugh harder. “Fair point.” I stand and go to my purse to get my wallet. “I have seventy-five. Are you willing to take a rain check for the rest, Spence?”

  He stands and strolls over to me. He takes the money from my hand, and pushes it into his pocket of the jeans he’s wearing. “A rain check?”

  “Yes.” I can feel his body heat and smell his cologne. My insides twitch. Maybe I can have sex, if he keeps standing this close to me.

  “I don’t do rain checks, Harmony.”

  “Then how do you want the rest of it?” My voice cracks a small bit, and I do my best to recover. The steel-gray eyes are staring right through me, and it’s making me hotter.

  He leans down and brushes his lips against mine. I softly gasp at the contact, and he slides his tongue into my mouth. I feel him run his hands all the down my sides and around my hips. He finds the zipper to my skirt. He unzips it, letting it fall to the floor. I wouldn’t have cared if he’d ripped it off me.

  We take few steps and my back is against the wall. Our lips are still glued together, and Spencer gives me that sexy growl. Damn, it’s hot. He grabs both my wrists and pins them above my head, securing them with his left hand. His right hand trails down my body until he’s under my thong.

  We finally break apart, and I moan loudly. Yes, I like sex, and I don’t usually move this fast. I at least get dinner and drinks out of the deal. I’ve never lost a bet to have sex. I guess there’s a first time for everything, right.

  Spencer’s cheek is against mine as he pushes on and plays with my clit. He knows the exact combination to set me on fire. I try to move my hands, but he holds me tighter. No other partner has restrained me, and it’s a bit kinky.

  All normal thoughts begin to leave me, the tension on the verge of being released like a needle to a balloon. It has been a long three days, and this is what I need. He pushes his hips against my thigh, and he’s hard. I can feel it, and I know he isn’t an average size man.

  Oh, I’m ready for him.

  I push against the wall with my back and pant out his name over and over as he rubs me harder. I know I’m soaking him. Trust me, I don’t care right now. My knees are shaking, and my insides are quivering as he lifts his heads and stares me down.

  “Congratulations on the new job title.” He kisses me softly. “And thanks for the rain check. I’ll call you soon.”

  With those words, Spencer releases me and leaves me standing in my living in my blouse, underwear, with my mind spinning.

  What the hell just happened?


  WHAT TO DO now? I promised Roman that I wouldn’t be back for a few more hours. He’s more than likely taking advantage of that with Carissa. I planned on fucking Harmony during that time, but I can’t very well do that when she is preoccupied with the news of becoming owner of her father’s company. Our compromise worked out well, though.

  I don’t think Harmony has ever been speechless, but she was when I left her. I probably like that fact way more than I should. I mean I’ve left women breathless before, but never speechless. And having this happen with Harmony Gardner, owner of a billion-dollar company, is definitely an ego booster. Not that I need one.

  With nothing better to do, I head to my favorite place to buy lotto tickets. I do have a bit of an addiction. The cashier, Tony, shakes his head when he sees me.

  “How did I know you’d come in today? Shouldn’t you be resting after the road trip?”

  I shrug. “I’m not tired.”

  “How much today?”

  “Two hundred. Give me a variety.”

  He tsks at me. “You’re going to piss off my customers,” he says as he starts randomly picking scratch off tickets for me until he has two hundred dollars’ worth. I don’t piss off any customers because I don’t mind waiting and letting him wait on other customers between picking out my tickets.

  Once I have them all, I walk out to my car and find my lucky quarter. My thought is th
e bigger the currency of the coin, the bigger the payout. Now, it doesn’t always work out that way, but that’s part of playing. What’s odd about my addiction is that I don’t even get a high from it anymore.

  I just like buying the tickets, seeing the different games, scratching off the tickets, brushing the shavings off my legs, and then seeing if I won anything or not. I like the process. And winning, of course. I blindly toss the losing tickets into my backseat. About ten minutes later, I start adding up my winnings: one hundred and fifty out of two hundred isn’t bad at all.

  “How much did you win this time?” Tony asks as I walk back into the store.

  “One fifty.” I hand him the tickets.

  “Still considering you a lucky bastard. You gonna buy more or take the cash and run?”

  Hm. “Give me the cash. I don’t buy more if I’m in the hole. You should know that by now.”

  He laughs. “And yet, you always have to take a moment to consider it. When am I going to get free tickets to a game? I’m like your enabler. I should get tickets.”

  Tony jokes about tickets to an Angels game every so often. “Where do you wanna sit?” I ask.

  “I don’t care. I just wanna go to a game.”

  “All right. Maybe I’ll see what I can do.”

  His eyebrows shoot up as he hands me the cash. “Really? You’ve never said that before.”

  “Really. Have a good one, Tony,” I say over my shoulder as I walk out of the store.

  I still have a shit ton of time left to waste. It’s only been an hour since Roman got home. Maybe they’re done already. I pull out my phone to text him.

  Me: done fucking yet

  Thirty minutes later, I get the all clear. Maybe they’ll stay holed up in his room for the rest of the evening. Carissa always acts a little odd when she knows that I know what they’ve been up to. It’s kinda funny. Sometimes, I’ll pick on her about it. I wasn’t so sure how things were going to work out between them, but I’m glad I helped push things along for her to move in.

  It’s like gaining the little sister I never wanted, but am glad to have now. She’s just an awesome chick to have around. Like Sofia, Heidi, Abigail, and all of the others are great, but it’s not like I’d actually want any of them to be my roommate.

  It’s been a long day with the traveling; Roman and Carissa stay in his room, so I take a shower and go to bed early.

  “So, how’d it go with Harmony at the fundraiser? You never said,” Carissa says over breakfast the next morning.

  “We went, had fun, and I took her home,” I answer.

  “Are you going to see her again?”

  “I don’t date.”

  “I didn’t ask if you were going to take her out. I asked if you were going to see her.”

  I glance at Roman, who shrugs. “What’s the difference?”

  “You can see someone without dating them, Spencer. So. Are you going to see her again?”

  “Don’t know.”

  “You’re impossible, Spencer.”

  “And you’re kinda nosey. We’ll both get over it.”

  My phone dings and lights up on the table. Carissa’s eyes immediately drop and widen at the name on the screen. I snatch it off the table and send a glare her way. “Not a word.”

  “But Harmony just texted you! You’re a liar, Spencer O’Dell!”

  “It could be a you’re a lousy person text or an I need a date to some event text. It’s not an I want to see you later text, Carissa.”

  “Wait, were you going to see her last night? Maybe it’s an I’m sorry we didn’t fuck last night text,” Roman says, chuckling a little.

  Carissa reaches over and plucks my phone from my hand.


  “What’s his password?” She looks at Roman.


  “Hey! What the hell?”

  They both ignore me as Carissa unlocks my phone and proceeds to read the text, first to herself and then aloud. Who knew she was the kind of person to butt into other people’s business? Or maybe I just have that effect on her.

  “‘Spencer, I’ll text you when I’m leaving work. Come over.’ What are you? Her booty call? Are y’all having sex now? But then, why would you come home early last night? Don’t hold out on us!”

  I glare at her and then Roman. “I’ve changed my mind. She shouldn’t live here. Can we kick her out?”

  Roman laughs. “Nope.”

  “It’s none of your business,” I tell Carissa, reaching over to take my phone back and responding to Harmony.

  “Well, are you going?”

  “Are you sure she understands English? She’s having a hard time comprehending me.”

  “Just tell her,” Roman says, shrugging as if it’s no big deal.

  “Fine. Maybe I’ll fuck her; maybe I won’t. Either way, it’ll be nothing serious, and you’ll both keep your mouth shut about it.” I don’t know why I’m suddenly irritated with them, but I am. I get up and head for my room.

  “I’m sorry, Spencer,” Carissa calls after me.

  “It’s fine,” I call back.

  I spend my day running a few errands, going to practice, and working out. I eat dinner alone because Roman and Carissa are out with Hector and Zoey. Around nine o’clock, Harmony texts me. I take my time heading to her house, but somehow still manage to beat her there, deciding to wait on her porch steps since it’s a nice night.

  I’m surprised when she arrives because she’s in someone else’s vehicle with a guy for a driver. She steps out, turns, and says, “Thanks so much. I can see myself to my own door.” The guy says something, and she adds, “No, thanks. Bye.” She shuts the door and hurries up the walkway. She’s dressed nicer than I was expecting to have come from work.

  “Next time I need a date for a work event, I’m calling you, just so you know,” she tells me as I stand. “Some people just don’t get the hint! I knew I should’ve taken a cab instead.” She opens the door and walks in, waving for me to follow her. “Something’s wrong with my stupid car and he offered to take me home, but of course, he’s expecting to be invited in. I’m glad you beat me here. Now, all I want to do is pour myself a glass of wine and finally celebrate the fact that I own and run Gardner Enterprises. Can you handle that?”


  “Good. Find the wine and pour us a glass while I change out of these clothes.”

  No wonder she runs the company, she’s bossy.

  I kinda like it.


  HAVING A REGULAR fuck is more fun than I remembered. It seems like we’re finding our groove. He had been here last night and today I’m able to get out of work a little bit early to see him before he leaves.

  “What’s your plan for today?” I give him a small smile. “You’re about to be gone for two whole days. What am I going to do?” I tease Spencer as he walks closer to me. The back of my knees hit my bed, and he’s looking straight into my eyes.

  “Take off your clothes.” He smirks, taking a small step back to give me room.

  Without a word, I begin removing my blouse and bra. I sway my hips to let the simple black A-line skirt fall to the ground.

  “Fuck,” he hisses when he sees I’m wearing only thigh highs and nothing else.

  “I figured I would be seeing you today for a quickie before your plane leaves. I’m saving time.” I place my hands on my hips as I stand there in the buff, except for my hosiery and heels.

  Spencer keeps looking up and down my body, but remains quiet. I’m not sure what he’s thinking, but in a second I’m clear on his intentions. “Lay down on your back. This way.” He points to middle of the bed. “Let your legs hang over.”

  I do as he says and I watch him walk around to the other side of my bed.

  “Where’s your vibrator?” he asks.

  “Top drawer.” I point to where he’s standing by the nightstand.

  He opens it and places the pink vibrator in my hand. “Turn it on.” Since I’m almost hang
ing over the side of the bed, he’s on the other side, behind me. He rests on his elbows and leans very close to my ear, but isn’t touching me. “Touch your clit.”

  My lips part, and I can feel my breathing becoming more erratic. I turn the knob, and the soft hum softly shakes my palm.

  “Touch yourself,” he orders again and this time, I comply.

  The tiniest moan leaves my throat as the vibrations seem to shoot right through me.

  “Close your eyes and think of my tongue on you.”

  I do, and I move the vibrator around my clit.

  “Imagine when I suck on you and slide my fingers in and out of you.”

  I arch my neck toward Spencer’s deep voice, wanting to kiss him.

  “Oh no darling, this is a show I’m going to enjoy. Just keep picturing me between your legs.”


  “Sshh, darling, just feel my tongue on you.”

  His minty breath is tickling my ear as he leans in closer. I moan a little louder as the familiar tension begins to build.


  “You’re getting close, aren’t you?”

  I nod.

  “Now picture me shoving my cock deep inside of you.”

  This time I moan even louder than before. I can almost feel myself stretching out for him. I push harder on the vibrator in a faster circular motion.

  “You can feel it, can’t you? You can feel me inside of you, making your body tremble, making you breathe faster, making your heart race.”

  “Yes.” I manage to say.

  “You want me to touch you, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I say again.

  “What about your breasts? Do you want me to touch your nipples? Twist them between my fingers or tug on them with my teeth?”

  “Spencer,” I pant.

  “Would you rather I pound you from behind? I bet you’d like it when I fuck you that way, with your head buried in the pillow, screaming my name, or with me tuggin’ on your hair, pulling you closer to me.”

  I can’t catch my breath, imaging both ways with him inside of me. “Spencer.” Before I can say his name again, the tension explodes over and I moan louder, working the vibrator harder, until I slow it down.

  Spencer chuckles. “I’ll see you soon, darling.” He kisses my cheek and leaves before I can even comprehend he did.


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