Immortal Espionage

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Immortal Espionage Page 6

by Debbie Behan

  Ricco read the note and nodded. Jay could see a flash of eagerness in his eyes. He was just as excited to go on the mystery trip.

  A taxi pulled up and received a quizzical look from Ricco. He was confused they didn’t take Jay’s car. His lips curling into a smile, he shrugged it off, winked and joined him. Jay could barely believe he was finally heading off to see Alina himself, never mind letting the prince tag along on the journey.

  After a few changes in disguises and the switch of two trains, Jay felt more at ease. It was then he started to talk to Ricco, telling him of his plan for the rest of the trip.

  ‘She doesn’t know you are coming?’

  ‘No. I want to surprise her. This cloak and dagger plan, it will blow her away. Make her happy to think I cared enough to bother.’

  ‘You know her that well?’

  ‘Bit hard to get to know someone when you can’t get your head past the navel.’

  ‘Point taken. I guess I thought I had plenty of time for talking. I was wrong.’


  ‘What if you’re wrong, young Jay, and we are followed, even after all this planning? What if you lose her too?’

  ‘Not ever.’

  ‘Confident, aren’t you.’

  ‘I may be young compared to your years, but I’m smart enough to know when I find a precious commodity, and I know how to treat it.’

  Ricco grinned. ‘Okay, enough. If I have to share her, tell me more of your time with our Sleeping Beauty. It relaxes me although god knows why. I’m so jealous.’

  Jay grinned back and the expression of gratitude he received for giving in eased the tension that had started to build. Jay was pleased that Ricco’s mood changed while he shared the private conversations between him and Alina. Ricco sat quietly absorbed in stories of their late night calls and the way she made him laugh. ‘She sounds so innocent, yet I know she is far from that,’ Jay finished.

  ‘Yes,’ Ricco agreed with a smile.

  * * * *

  Jay and Ricco arrived at the casino just in time for Alina’s gig. Well, it was what they hoped was her performance. It didn’t worry either of them if it wasn’t. They had decided if this was not the right casino, then they’d catch a plane and fly to the next.

  Ricco got the drinks while Jay found a suitable table. He chose seats in darkness, way at the back of the room. Jay was so excited by the time they announced her he thought he was going to pee his pants. He glanced at the prince. He was excited too, although his male pride kept his features calm. He noted that Ricco could hardly talk and when she came out and started singing Jay even saw a tear glisten on his cheek. If she only knew how much he loved her Jay didn’t think she’d ever run again. Ricco understood her. He said she had been running for many years and he wasn’t sure if she might ever stop long enough to fall in love truly. He said just seeing his chéri tonight though may be enough for now. He had no intentions of scaring her away.

  * * * *

  Alina sang and danced her way into the audience’s hearts, and cheers rang out for the star she had quickly become. How totally wrong he had been. Her voice was that of an angel or at least, if he ever heard one sing, he bet hers was better. The room erupted into clapping, whistles and shouts of encore as the first bracket finished and the performers left the stage. They came back for act two in half an hour so Jay and Ricco decided to get another drink while they waited. It was then Jay spotted Detective Berry and three of his goons sitting near the front row. Alina was sure to have spotted them and by now, be running again. By the time Jay had processed it and turned to Ricco, he had come to the same conclusion. Jay felt the colour drain from his face.

  ‘How the hell did they find her?’ Jay whispered. ‘They must have hacked into my computer or put a bug on my phone. Hell, who are these people? We have to help her, Ricco.’

  The prince nodded, grabbed the closest waiter and flashed a badge. It was so quick, who knew what he flashed, but it worked. It stopped the waiter in his tracks and left Jay reeling at how fast Ricco thought on his feet.

  ‘I’m a detective from Queensland and have tracked a couple of bank robbers.’ Ricco gestured towards the plain clothes police. ‘Get security! Hurry!’ He gave the waiter a slight push to get him moving.

  The waiter practically bowled over a patron as he raced for help.

  The prince snapped at Jay. ‘Quick, the place is most likely surrounded. You checked out the layout on the computer. Think! What exit would she use?’

  ‘This way,’ Jay pointed and was grabbed firmly on the arm by Ricco who moved at such a pace towards it, the room blurred. The shock of his forcefulness and arrogance he set aside, concerned only with how to save Alina. Through the exit they spotted Alina running down the stairs. Police and plain clothes detectives covered every exit. She was cornered. Ricco dropped Jay’s arm and with incredible speed, caught up to her and snatched Alina up into his arms. The action stunned not only Jay but the couple of police who lurked silently, and both took a step backwards.

  ‘Sorry officers,’ Ricco said as he passed them with her kicking and screaming. ‘My wife is addicted to the damned poker machines and I swore if I caught her here one more time I’d pick her up and carry her out. She thought I was kidding.’ He grinned and winked.

  They thought him funny and let him past, thinking they were just a couple having a domestic. The prince did look convincing. But hang on, what was that flash of bright light before he started talking. Jay didn’t believe in magic but who knows what secret powers, these people have that seem to be attracted unconditionally to his new friend Alina. Jay shook his head. He remembered feeling drawn to the prince after that same flash he had experienced. Surely not, they just believe him. Like he had. He was a big brute having fun with his out-of-control wife, end of story. No time to dilly dally on crazy unexplainable thoughts, Jay walked after them and put on an amused expression. ‘I’m with them.’ He chuckled. ‘The dobbing brother.’ Jay shrugged, giving them a cheeky grin. They bought it and ignored the fuss, returned to their posts and watched up the stairs intently.

  A cab door open gave Ricco the means for a speedy getaway. Jay slid in next to them before shutting the door behind him.

  ‘Drive!’ Ricco instructed the cabbie.

  Alina didn’t look amused when she realised who had her.

  ‘Jay, don’t tell me he sucked you in too.’

  Jay had his mouth open to answer when sirens rang out behind them. ‘Police…but how?’

  Someone had wised up to their gambling wife performance or one of them had a tracking device planted on him.

  ‘Pull over here now,’ Ricco yelled at the driver who slammed on the brakes.

  Once they were clear the frightened cab driver took off, squealing the wheels.

  ‘You two stay here!’ Ricco shoved them both behind an industrial bin. ‘I’m going to get us some wheels.’

  Both watched as he ducked out of sight, Alina clung to Jay, fear in her eyes.

  The sound of an engine kicked over and when the vehicle neared and Jay saw Ricco, he positioned them both and pulled open the door, then helped Alina in first.

  ‘Jay, get in!’ Ricco started to move the car, with no time to spare.

  Seat belts were buckled as the vehicle sped off at a high speed; Ricco manoeuvred the car in and out of the small alleyways. Jay could see why he chose this particular car. He had to have done this before as it was precise. It was as if Ricco knew every curve and hump in the road.

  Ricco glanced in the rear vision mirror at Ali and Jay in the back seat. ‘You guys okay?’

  ‘What’s your plan?’ Alina eyed him.

  ‘To ditch this car as soon as possible.’


  Ricco didn’t answer and Jay knew he had no plan. Neither did he, so he sat back and let Ricco think.

  Tension built as sirens closed in on them again. Their faith was in Ricco. Both watched in anticipation as Ricco dialled a number on his cell that signalled a garage do
or to lift. The car pulled up with a squeal of tires on the cement floor. Jay peered behind them. It looked as though they had slipped away unnoticed, although as the garage door slammed shut he was not entirely sure. They suddenly found themselves in darkness.

  ‘Shush!’ Ricco instructed.

  The search moved away from them and he breathed out and flicked on the interior light.

  ‘Now do as I say! And quietly.’

  ‘Don’t worry Alina; he’s not like this all the time. Are you, hot-head?’

  Ricco gave Jay a smirk and winked at Alina. ‘Just making sure the softie holding my girl knows she’s mine!’

  ‘You wish,’ Alina said.

  ‘Ali, we have to talk and we will. But for now I need to get you away from here and if you don’t trust me, trust Jay. He knows I mean you no harm.’

  Jay, although irritated at the prince for being so annoyingly precise in all he did, had started to trust in him to get them out of this mess.

  ‘He’s right Ali; he is doing all this on his own. He could have ditched me when we saw it go pear shaped before.’

  Alina didn’t look as if she believed him.

  ‘Forget it Jay. I will just have to prove my worth. We’re swapping cars,’ Ricco said.

  ‘A Hummer nice! Always wanted to drive one of these.’ Jay stood at the driver’s side while Ricco helped Alina belt up.

  ‘Not today buddy.’ Ricco shook the keys at him. ‘Back seat and stop fooling around back there. This is serious!’

  ‘I can drive!’ A sulky Jay slid onto the back seat next to Alina.

  ‘Seatbelt!’ Ricco snapped at him.

  Jay smirked as he pulled the belt around him and buckled it, his arm going around Alina’s shoulders as he kissed her head, amused at Ricco’s face in the revision mirror. ‘Ready big boy.’ He stirred him up by hugging Alina.

  Eyes now ahead, air thick with testosterone Ricco sent the car jolting out into the night as the electronic door rose. He intended to get them out of town, and fast. ‘There’s a safe zone and a phone just on the edge of the city. I can get my team to pick us up there.’

  Jay lifted his arm from around Alina to talk. ‘You want me to be with Alina for a quick getaway if this goes pear shaped, right!’

  A nod in the mirror told Jay what he needed to know. His hand at once moved to check Ali’s seatbelt was fastened. Ricco knew only too well how close Alina and Jay had become. ‘If I can’t be with her, then it is you I trust.’

  The car veered as Ricco swerved to miss a couple of drunks whose fight spilled out on to the street.

  ‘Idiots!’ Jay called to them.

  The sound of any further words stuck in his throat as the sound of a chopper roared overhead and a beam of blinding light shone at them.

  Ricco glanced at them. ‘Hell, it’s your phones! Chuck them out the window.’ He went on a mad race through the city again slipping in and out of back streets. It was hair-raising and the fear of being caught had Alina hold Jay’s arm tightly. Jay on the other hand felt totally safe with Ricco and prayed he was good enough to keep their girl out of the hands of the law.

  Ricco whistled to get their attention. ‘I’ll pull up in a minute and I want you both to do as I say without argument.’

  ‘Tell us what do you want us to do and we’ll do it. Just get us the hell out of this,’ Jay yelled back at him over the loudness of the motor being worked far beyond its capabilities.

  ‘One of you two has been bugged. Remove your clothes and toss them out the window.’

  ‘What, everything?’

  ‘If you want to risk it, keep your underwear on, but I wouldn’t.’

  Alina didn’t have to be asked twice and started to remove each piece of clothing and toss it from the moving car.

  Jay shrugged. ‘If you’re game.’

  ‘Jay I want to live, free.’

  ‘Sorry guys. This is the only way. If you leave anything in the car I can hide it for you.’

  Naked, they felt silly and started poking fun at each other.

  ‘Quit it you two, this isn’t a joke. Now I want you to run as fast as you can up to room 214.’ He handed them a key. ‘The door I drop you off at will lead up to a staircase that is never used so no one will catch you streaking.’

  ‘Well that’s handy to know. How embarrassing is this. You sure you two haven’t got me on one of those reality shows where someone will come and say, “Gotcha”?’

  ‘Jay this is no joke!’ Alina snapped at him, and her eyes begged him to hold it together.

  ‘Sorry cutie. Go on Ricco, I’m listening.’

  ‘When inside, go to the wardrobe. Open it and bang three times on the back of the cupboard. This will open a secret door. The locker is totally safe. Hide in there and wait. Even if a bomb goes off, do not come out. The whole building can burn and you will be fine. Jay, promise me you will trust me on this and will not open it no matter what they say to lure you out. I swear I will come and get you as soon as I can.’

  Jay laughed, more from nerves, still unsure this was real. Maybe he was still in bed dreaming.

  ‘Jay, look at me; give me your word you’ll not open the door for anyone.’ Ricco raised his voice.

  Something snapped in Jay and reality struck. To be with Alina, this would be his life. He also knew Ricco would never allow any harm to come to her and his loyalty shown so far would keep him out of harm’s way too. Did he want this? He looked at Alina. Hell yes!

  ‘My word man, I’d never let that lynch mob get anywhere near her, you can trust me, okay.’

  Ricco turned to speak to him. ‘Jay! To come out the password will be Sleeping Beauty. If I’m unable to get to you first, the code will be spoken by my people.’

  The car screeched to a halt and the naked passengers fled. As soon as the door slammed shut Ricco accelerated and was out of sight.

  ~ Chapter Seven ~

  Promises Given

  Jay opened the door to room 214 and moved them both through it. He locked and bolted it behind them to prevent easy access. Alina went straight to the wardrobe, flung the door back and pushed her way through a thick divider to find the secret entry. While she used the coded knock to activate the door, Jay looked for clothes. Nothing in the drawers, so he grabbed the sheets and quilt off the bed as he passed it. He barely made it in before the big heavy door mechanically shut behind them. A light came on, showing a space larger than expected and lined with storage units.

  ‘This is crazy stuff. Who’d put a secure room in a wardrobe?’ Jay shivered. ‘It’s so cold in here.’

  ‘I’d say it’s made of strengthened steel.’ Alina ran her hand on the material. ‘My guess it’s a mixture of substances. The colour is unusual, has a gold fleck.’

  ‘Perfect hideout,’ Jay said as his heart rate started to settle.

  ‘Who is this guy? Who’d have a hideout built inside a broken-down hotel room?’ Alina had real suspicions of Ricco now.

  Jay glanced at Alina, buck naked was the least of his worries, but she had her hands covering her privates. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not perving. I’m calculating how much sheet you need.’ Jay tore the material to give him something to wrap around his waist and handed the rest to Alina. Once decent, they pulled the bedspread around them and huddled together on the floor, waiting.

  It was then Jay allowed himself to think. How did Detective Berry know she was there? He’d been so careful in his planning and didn’t understand how they found her. They’d never have organised themselves in that short span of time if they had just followed him.

  ‘You’ve got a nice bod Jay.’ She made an effort to take the weirdness out of their situation.

  ‘What about you—a Brazilian!’ He nudged her and smiled. ‘And the vine tattoo that runs down there. Sexy!’

  They both chuckled together and she hugged into him. Jay put his arm around her and as reality set back in, they sat quiet again, freaked out, but glad they had each other. They must have fallen asleep because when Jay snapped h
is eyes open, it was from a noise he heard in the other room.

  ‘What was that?’ Alina asked.

  ‘Not sure.’ They hugged tight and listened.

  After a while they relaxed. It was just their imagination. Jay had locked the other door and they wore no clothes into the motel so they couldn’t have been followed.

  ‘You honestly do care for me don’t you Jay,’ she whispered as she stirred and felt his tight protective embrace.

  Jay squeezed her. ‘Yes I do and I don’t know how to explain it.’


  ‘It’s not in a girlfriend boyfriend way. You know I have a lover, Ali.’

  ‘What, since we last talked?’

  ‘We’ve known each other most our lives. I thought I was over him but catching back up again was a surprise to us both. His folks moved away but now he’s old enough to live on his own. A couple of weeks ago he moved back into town.’

  What’s his name?’

  ‘Kev–Kevin Reynolds. He got a job as a bouncer in a Lasso’s nightclub where I hang out.’

  ‘Sounds serious. What are you doing here then?’

  He shrugged. ‘I was worried. You sound upset when I talk to you sometimes.’

  ‘That is so sweet.’ She stretched and kissed his cheek. ‘But don’t let our friendship get in the way of your relationship with Kev.’ Alina looked at him as if he was the only friend she had in the whole world and it made Jay feel ten feet tall. He was clueless as to how their relationship had developed so quickly but it had, and he only hoped Kev did understand.

  ‘Me sneaking off to be with you will he be hard for him to comprehend but he’s going to have to share me.’


  ‘Heart stealer.’

  ‘Thanks for coming.’ She grinned. ‘I’d be in their clutches by now if you hadn’t gone against my wishes to stay away.’

  What about Ricco? Are you still annoyed I dragged him along?’

  ‘If you hadn’t trusted Ricco and brought him too, we’d be in big trouble about now. He came through didn’t he?’


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