Immortal Espionage

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Immortal Espionage Page 13

by Debbie Behan

  ‘Perhaps they have a boat or jet skis hidden.’

  ‘I possibly should have asked before whacking the traitor.’

  ‘That might have been helpful. But a trained undercover operative can be very dangerous, resourceful and is best kept incapacitated. I’m surprised he let you get the jump on him in the first place. You did well to earn his trust enough for him to let his guard down.’

  Ricco checked Alina. Her colour was back and as he bent to kiss and wake his Sleeping Beauty, suspicion came to mind. He glared at Jay

  ‘You better not have taken advantage of mon chéri when she was in this state Jay. I know how seductive she can be.’ His eyes squinted at him.

  Jay grinned. ‘Mmm, you bet and I kissed her good.’ He was not surprised when Ricco shot his leg out and gave him a swift kick.

  ‘Little shit, you did not.’

  ‘Jealous sod, I wish I had, now.’ He copped a punch on his arm from Kev.

  Jay placed two fingers in his mouth and made a sick motion. Kev slapped a hand over his own to stifle a laugh so Jay didn’t get another whack from the prince for acting up while he revived Alina. Jay worked hard to get her extra hot to bring her around. He shook his head–the prince only had to kiss her.

  Delicate lashes fluttered as Alina woke.

  ‘You’re right now.’ He helped her stand.

  Ricco eyed Jay, not letting it drop. ‘And that’s how it’s done my boy and that is why I am her favoured one.’

  Jay hated that he was right and kicked the branch that was near him in frustration. ‘I should have taken her away and left you to rot.’

  Ricco roared with laughter, went over and put his arm around Jay and ruffled his hair. ‘You did well my friend. I’m proud of you and I’m forever in your debt for bringing mon chéri back. It’s because of your love for her that I trust you as I do. Like me, you’d die for her. I promise I won’t stir you any more today.’

  Jay loved the big guy as well. He made Jay light-headed with the magic he exuded. Back on their feet, Ricco swept them in for a group hug. ‘Thank the kindness of the gods we’re still alive. Let’s stay that way and get the hell out of here.’

  He suddenly drew away, detecting something. He scanned the area. ‘You ready now Ali? This island makes me edgy. It’s possible a search party will arrive at any moment looking for Eldon and we have no cover here.’

  ‘Ready!’ She slipped her hand in his and battered her eyelashes.

  Kev grabbed Jay’s hand. ‘You ready sweetie?’

  Jay grinned. ‘Yes honey lips!’

  Kev punched him as they ran off ahead.

  ‘Quit it you two. No skylarking. Zip it until we’re well away from this island.’ Ricco called after them as he and Alina ran up behind them.

  When they reached the bunker, Ricco made them wait outside in case Eldon had wiggled his way free. In a blur of speed he was back out with wet suits, air-tanks and the keys.

  ‘Your friend was conscious, Jay, and divulged freely where some jets are stashed.’


  Ricco grinned. ‘Was.’

  He instructed them to search for a covered manhole that Kev stumbled over, literally.

  With ease Ricco snapped off the lock with his bare fingers. They descended a ladder that took them underground. At the end of it was a cave, an underground spring and there, tied off on rocks, were three aqua jets.

  ‘Looks like we travel in pairs,’ Ricco said as he kicked over the motors. Two out of three worked. He tossed the air-tanks aside. ‘The jets are vacuum sealed so we won’t need these now I have the motors started. I didn’t trust the source.’

  He lifted the cover, helping Alina to get seated.

  ‘These are so cool.’ Kev climbed into the driver’s seat of the other.

  ‘Not so fast bucko, I’m driving.’ Jay shoved him across.

  Ricco drew a map in the sand. ‘Listen up; if we get split up guys, we’ll meet here inland.’ He put a cross on the hand drawn map in the sand. He slapped Jay on the back. ‘Let’s move out,’ he added, and kicked the sand around so the drawing disappeared before joining Alina. His smile was wide and happy as he pulled the handle, bringing the cover around them. Locked, air tight and secure he signalled to Jay and they eased off, navigating the rock beds on the way out.

  At high speeds, they kept deep under water and prayed they weren’t detected.

  ‘Ride parallel,’ Ricco hand signalled to Jay.

  ‘What’s he saying?’ Kev asked.

  ‘Ride beside him but not too close. He wants us to keep sight of each other in case something goes wrong.’

  ‘What do you mean, if we break down? We didn’t keep the tanks for air.’

  Jay grinned. ‘He’s not all that. I packed them in the back while you were helping Alina with her wet suit.’

  ‘That’s why he trusts you man. You never stop thinking.’

  Jay shrugged. ‘He doesn’t like to admit it but he needs me.’

  ‘I do too Jay, and I’m not sure about your new friends.’

  ‘Don’t worry Kev; it’s going to be fine. When you get to know them better you’ll like them the same as I do.’

  Kev shook his head. ‘I ain’t got no death wish Jay. Let’s split when we reach shore and go our own way.’

  ‘Not sure if we can now. I’m hunted too for being with them. Don’t want jail.’

  ‘Good on you Jay. Get me involved with criminals.’

  ‘Hey buddy, you can leave any time you want. They haven’t made you yet.’

  Kev gripped Jay’s shoulder and squeezed. ‘Sorry man, you know I want to be with you. Just letting off steam, that’s all.’



  ‘I want you here too.’

  Cautiously they ducked and weaved around the islands until they got to the one closest to the shore line. Open water left them sitting ducks but there was only one way to get to dry land and that was straight across the open waters.

  Land exploded and an aftershock came from Orca Island. Jay was right, the call had been intercepted. Berry must have sent out more weapon carrying aircraft to destroy them. Jay’s survival instinct had him look over at Ricco and he gestured to make a run for it, but deeper. Ricco agreed and using full throttle, they headed for the mainland, the last leg of the trip. The four of them were two thirds there when Jay’s engine choked. The one thing they didn’t need was for them to run out of petrol.

  ‘You’d have to be kidding. We have Murphy’s law sitting in the aqua jet with us.’ Jay huffed out an irritated and worried sigh.

  He unclipped and lifted the roof off, anchoring the jet to the floor of the sea, and both boys struggled with the air-tanks as Ricco came back. Jay waved him on but he refused to leave them. He made Jay take Alina. Jay understood the decision. Ricco was capable of swimming himself and Kev through the water nearly as fast as the jet. Not looking back, he did as instructed and sped off to get Alina to safety.

  Jay drove it as far up the beach as possible without stopping. With the speed he travelled at he managed to slide them under the overhanging brush. Hidden, both watched and waited. Ricco was quick and Jay imagined Kev holding on for dear life as they sped along under water. He panicked as crafts now hovered around their immediate vicinity.

  ‘How are they tracking them?’ Jay sighed and wished he was able to work it out. Worried for them, he prayed Ricco was fast enough to avoid the weapon fire that without warning pelted into the water, from the helicopter above. Alina went hysterical as the bullets sprayed around her man. Jay wasn’t much calmer. Kev, well, he didn’t want to imagine how frightened he’d be. His consciousness screamed at him to get Alina out before she made a move to save him. The way he saw it, they had zero chance of an attempted rescue or to get near them and survive. Ricco was resourceful and Jay had been with him enough, to be confident Ricco would keep Kev safe or die trying.

  ‘We can’t stay here Ali. You do remember what we discussed with Ricco. He insiste
d that no matter what, we head straight to the rendezvous point, and wait.’ He pulled at a crying screaming mess of a woman that hated him for not letting her try to help.

  Away from the action she settled, her cheeks wet with tears as she reluctantly followed. Jay didn’t ease up and dragged her through the scrub and up the inland track.

  ‘I don’t want to leave them either!’ he whispered to her firmly. ‘Ricco told me what to do and he would expect me to do just that!’

  He spotted a drain to give them cover while they waited. ‘Quick Ali, over there, it should keep us hidden while we wait.’

  Another few steps and Jay had her safe. It was the only thing he could concentrate on and puffing and panting they both huddled together to keep warm. Wet, silent and deep in the depths of despair they stayed this way for a long time, worried for their partners.

  Jay finally stretched and glanced towards the other end of the tunnel. ‘If the enemy finds us Ali, we should be able to sneak off and follow this underground water-pipe for miles if we have to retreat. There must be manholes where we can crawl up to the main street and hide amongst the civilians. It is our best hope.’

  ‘I can’t leave without Ricco.’

  ‘We might have to Alina. If Ricco lives and I got you killed, I’m a dead man. Please, don’t fight me Ali.’

  ‘So you only look after me because you’re scared of him.’

  ‘Ali you know I love you. Stop trying to pick a fight so I let you go.’

  She was quiet before responding, ‘I hate that you know me so well. I’m sorry.’

  He put an arm around her. ‘Me too. Did I hurt you when I dragged you?’

  She wiggled her arm. ‘Just my heart hurts. I worry for them, but Jay if it were you out there, having no powers, Ricco couldn’t have held me.’ She grinned.

  ‘Thanks.’ He kissed her forehead. ‘Ditto.’

  It was getting dark and the helicopters they heard stopped flying overhead. Finally Jay was able to give a sigh of relief.

  ‘Now that it’s dark, you’ll see, Ricco will come get us,’ he whispered.

  Alina sighed. ‘I wish for one thing to go our way. And where is my team? I left strict instructions not to take the satellite off us until we left the island. They ought to have been here the instant I was in trouble.’

  Jay recognised by the tremble in her tone how dejected and angry she was and didn’t blame her. It confused Jay too; they should have found her by now. ‘You need me or Kev working for you Ali. There’s no way it would take this long for us to find you. They must be useless. The satellite link ups are sufficient to cover even these remote islands. It isn’t that hard when you have the right equipment.’

  ‘I agree. If the enemy can find us this easily, why can’t they?’ She took a deep breath. ‘Incompetent fools; I’m sacking the lot of them when I get out of this mess.’

  ‘We have a deal then? I’ve always wanted to work in espionage.’

  ‘We do!’ They shook hands. ‘My right hand man is Sharon and she can go back on the streets where I found her. How useless did she turn out to be?’

  ‘Get em tiger; stuff them.’

  ‘The pack of twits!’

  ‘The pack of shit for brain wallies!’

  She giggled.

  He ruffled her hair. ‘I loved how easy it is to get you out of a bad mood.’

  In the filtered light of the moon, he made out a faint smile. ‘Don’t need them; I have my saviour and he’s right here.’

  ‘Way to make me feel ten foot tall and invincible.’ She is so good for my ego.

  Jay let his lids drop but still listened for any sound while they rested. They endured much. Yet he knew this was the way Alina lived her life every day, running and hiding. She was right; I must be crazy to want to do it too. And yet that is exactly what he wanted. He doubted he’d miss the mundane life as the geeky desk clerk. As he sat contemplating what to do if Ricco didn’t turn up, he revisited how the enemy kept finding them. He knew the enemy used satellites to track them but track what? Maybe sound?

  Another hour dragged by before Alina shook herself wake. ‘Still nothing!’

  ‘Not yet, but Ali I’ve been thinking. Would it be possible they use voice recognition and track that sound wave?’

  She shrugged. ‘It did cross my mind.’

  ‘Then from now on, or at least until we can prove the theory, I suggest no talking by you, okay.’

  Nervous, she nodded.

  He was extremely tense too. It was late evening and no sign of any normal park users, never mind Kev and Ricco. It was too silent, but now they both listened to the footsteps that ran towards them and stopped outside the drainpipe entrance.

  ‘Mon chéri, are you in there?’ someone said.

  Again the voice spoke. ‘Your husband, Ricco, asked me to come get you. He is hurt.’

  Could they believe him? Could they afford not to? If Ricco was hurt they needed to get to him and soon, so Alina could heal him again.

  Jay’s heart soared–Kev is alive for sure.

  Even so they kept quiet both whispered and debated if they should come out.

  ‘What are you doing sir?’ another voice said.

  ‘Err, sorry officer, I lost my dog and thought he may have run in the drain, but he’s not here.’

  ‘Then move along. I don’t know how you managed to get in here, but this area has been blocked off.’

  They listened for the steps to disappear and not long after as a set ran back.

  ‘We have to go now,’ the same voice whispered again. ‘He said if you still don’t answer to tell Jay to stop kissing you.’

  They both grinned.

  ‘It has to be Ricco that sent him.’ Jay agreed with an excited Alina.

  ‘Jay, they’re alive!’ she squeaked.

  ‘Shush! No talking remember?’

  Instead her hands flapped as she jumped to her feet.

  On exiting the hideout they both were surprised to find the man looked older than he sounded, yet they were grateful for the help. He signalled for them to be quiet and to follow him. He led them along a gully and then descended steps into another drain. When they reached Ricco and Kev, it was their worst fear. Ricco was near death, with bullet wounds that bled profusely. Kev held the worst ones to stop the bleeding that had dripped and formed pools on the ground. Kev’s shirt was off, torn into strips, and pieces of material plugged up the gushing mess. The torchlight made the scene eerie with the blood-drenched tourniquets.

  Alina ran to Ricco’s side and immediately started to give him healing. Her hands rested firmly over the wounds, her face drawn, features sad. It was as if she inflicted this on him and he was better off without her. She kept her word not to speak, and turning to Jay she reached out to get his attention and gestured for him to pull out the bullets. Kev glared nervously, his eyes wide as he got what she wanted Jay to do.

  ‘I can do this Kev, swap with me.’

  Kev now stood up and Jay was on his knees, eyeing the first wound and wondering how to get the bullet he could see sticking from the first open cut out.

  ‘Just pull them out Jay. Give me that stick over there!’ Ricco growled to snap him out of his quandary.

  Jay handed him the stick. ‘Sorry Ricco, but you’ll have to suck this up. That is unless you want me to try and get you to a hospital.’

  ‘Jay, do it.’

  ‘Hush! Close your eyes, once for yes, twice for no. I think the posse is tracking the vibration of your voices, both of you.’

  He and Alina’s gaze met with realisation. They agreed.

  Kev gripped Jay’s shoulder. ‘What about infection, surely you’re not going to use your fingers.’

  ‘Kev.’ Jay’s tone was firm and Kev let go, leaving Jay to work. ‘We need to fix him and then get as far away from here as we can. I promise this won’t kill him; he’s a tough mother!’ He eyed Kev. He’d been through much and was frightened. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap but the area’s been blocked off for a whil
e now and if we don’t do this and get out of here, we’re sure to be discovered.’

  Kev put his fears aside and handed him the pocket knife he confiscated from Jay on the beach. He had been wielding it wildly and now hoped Jay really knew how to use it.

  ‘Thanks mate. This will make it quick and less intrusive.’ He held the knife.

  Without another word Jay spun around and faced Ricco, who nodded and put the stick between his teeth. Kev held the torch and although it shook, Jay could see well enough. Ricco writhed in pain, yet never made a sound. Sweat poured from him and each time, sounds of a clink on the concrete let them know that Jay got rid of one more bullet.

  ~ Chapter Fifteen ~


  ‘Okay, that’s the last of them.’ Jay collapsed back against Kev, exhausted.

  ‘That’s over the top brave.’ Kev shuddered, traumatised by the sight of Jay digging bullets from the prince.

  ‘Kev, remember when we watched re-runs of 007 and I had dreams of being a spy one day. You were as excited as I was and wanted to be a part of it.’

  ‘Back up a minute Jay! We were ten and that was harmless entertainment. This is the real deal; a nightmare, and no way close to that same delusional belief.’

  ‘What may have started out that way has helped me through the last few months Kev. I was hoping you were strong enough to deal with it too.’

  Kev pushed him away. ‘I’m no pussy but don’t do that again. He saved you and now you’re both equal, but get it straight. It’s you I want to be with Jay, not a bloody gung-ho field surgeon. It made me feel sick, okay.’

  Jay grinned. ‘Okay.’

  ‘Don’t make fun of me.’

  ‘Promise I wasn’t. That freaked me out too.’



  ‘Come here.’

  Jay sat back with him. ‘Not long now Kev. Alina will have him as good as new in no time. Look how quickly she healed him on the island. At least now we’re in civilisation. Surely here we have a better chance to survival, lots of places to hide.’

  The guy that helped them slid closer to them. ‘I have a motel room not far from here. If the prince there can travel, you can hole up with me for a bit.’


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