Immortal Espionage

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Immortal Espionage Page 15

by Debbie Behan

  Kev lowered his voice and hoped it sounded close to Morgan’s. ‘Yep.’

  ‘Come on guys; leave him to finish reading the daily newspaper,’ Jay lied.

  Careful to sound noisy and natural, as if they knew nothing, they left the room and made their way to the bottom of the stairwell. The human plants now stood out to them. The same drunks and the female street walkers were still in the same positions.

  Jay and Kev joked and fooled about as usual, easing the tension. It put the secret agents off guard long enough for them to reach the manhole. Then like lightning the prince scooped them up and ran with them. Alina had jumped on his back clinging to him, clearly knowing what he was about to do. It shocked Kev and Jay as he snatched one up under each arm and sped off, carrying the three of them.

  He moved so fast, Jay felt as if they were rag dolls flopping around. He closed his eyes at first. It was that or throw up the two toasties he’d scoffed for breakfast. Kev started to laugh first and then both laughed so hard while they jiggled around that their guts were hurting. That was until the team following them caught up, then it got serious. They had not escaped at all and both kept dead quiet. Maybe they now followed their voices and that annoyed Jay. Up until now he felt superior, good about himself as he took control and gave the orders.

  ‘Hold tight guys, I have to pick up the pace. They have just shot a small missile at us.’

  The first explosion was so loud it just about blew their ear drums out. Ricco staggered with them but held firm to his friends and took off, diverted, helped them through a gap and into another tunnel. None of them dared speak and it looked as if they had lost the pursuit as they came out of a door to the train station. Fast paced they climbed up the couple of steps and into carriage of a train ready to leave. The doors closed. They found seats and sat motionless, thinking, Jay still in shock at the actual strength and speed of Ricco. He could see Kev was unconcerned. This he had endured a few times now with Ricco and it was why he had laughed hysterically; the infectiousness and Jay’s own fear had him join in. He was glad Kev found a way to cope. He didn’t feel he was doing so well. How Ricco carried all three of them was beyond his comprehension. And, did the enemy see them get on that train? Jay’s thoughts spiralled as he considered why they kept getting found. None of this was funny anymore and he motioned for the pen and paper.

  They had observed them for a week and would have his and Kev’s voice recognition as well.

  None of them could talk.

  This he wrote down and they all nodded in agreement.

  He continued to scribble. It’s best we part ways. You can get away on your own. This is ridiculous, four is too many. That was bizarre what Ricco just did.

  The prince snatched the pen from him. NO! Not an option. You know far too much about us and even though I trust that you wouldn’t talk, the police special ops teams have ways to make you talk. You would give them all you know.

  Jay looked at him unhappily and took the pen back. I want to help but I also care for Kev and want him safe too. I can’t see any other way; we may have to split up.

  Ricco held his hand with the pen in it and squeezed, forcing Jay to look at him. NO! he mouthed.

  Kev had fallen asleep in Jay’s arms and his face twitched as he dreamed and it made Jay smile. He had to come up with something and fast if they were to stay together. Make it better… but how?

  Jay’s mind wandered to the enemy. They had to have a base like the prince and Alina did, or had. He knew the sky was alive with satellites that tracked their every move. But what if! What if they had the equipment to hack into the satellites and reverse it on the enemy? They could look right back at the evil bastards, spy on them. All they needed was the gear and geek or two, and they had that already. He and Kev had done some awesome hacking in their time, even if it was just for kicks. It would be nice to pay these hunters a visit and see how they liked being hunted.

  Ricco tapped Jay’s leg to get his attention. He’d listened and passed Jay a note. Not all is lost my young friend. I never keep all my eggs in one basket. I have another base, a project of mine, and kept secret from my last site. Maybe it is there we take a stand. Maybe there you might find what you seek Jay, to make this go away and give our Alina a chance to start anew.

  ~ Chapter Sixteen ~

  Welcome Home

  Jay moved his head from side to side and mouthed. ‘You secretive…’ A slight grin etched his mouth. ‘An underground fortress no doubt.’

  Ricco nodded, easily lip reading.

  ‘How far away? Is this train taking us in the right direction?’

  He put his thumb up for yes and gestured with fingers it could take them around eight and a half hours.

  Still unnerved that his voice may be being traced even on the train, Ricco was glad Jay was taking care not to even whisper. He was unsure if Jay could lip read so wrote what he needed to say on paper and handed it to Jay.

  I hoped this might be a chance for us to get out of this mess, but this time it’s not only me running. I have a family now. Alina, you and Kev are my priority. I wish I didn’t have to snatch you away from the lifestyle you’re used to, but it looks as if it’s my only choice. I hope you and Kev are as good as you say. Then one day we will be able to live comfortably within civilization again.

  ‘What about Nash?’ Jay mouthed.

  Ricco took the page back and added to it.

  There have been many Nashes over the years who have sold me out to the highest bidder. He knows nothing. This little project is to insure my safety if all else failed and it has. It’s a self-sufficient place where I can live comfortably until the greedy pursuer, whoever that is at the time, dies. Then I’d resurface.

  * * * *

  The train stopped and bursting out the door they walked swiftly with the crowd to stay unnoticed. The cover dispersing, they ducked into a one way street. It took Ricco only seconds to snap the lock of a parked car. The four of them scrambled for the doors and slammed them shut as the car was wired and took off at a fast speed. Amazed at Ricco’s cunning, Jay and Kev eyed each other as they pulled the seatbelts tightly around them. It had been decided that none of them would talk until they got safely away. But both had grins that said it all. He was the coolest prince they had ever met. Well, the only one, but still the best.

  With precision driving it wasn’t long before they pulled up at an airport. Out of the car they ducked into a hanger where a modest, yet modern, small plane was stored. Ricco pulled across a ladder and connected it to the door. The turn of a key that he took from a cabinet had the entry open and he gestured for them to hurry. The engine sounded as they did up the harness. The entire experience was surreal. Jay and Kev held on to each other as the light aeroplane moved out through the automatic roller doors that Ricco operated from the plane. Alina turned from the front where she sat with Ricco and gestured with her hands to ask if they were okay. Both boys motioned back their confidence in Ricco and sat back as the plane left the airport and began its ascent.

  Jay eyed off the prince. This guy’s unreal! What city has he not visited and left planes, cars, hideouts and property lying around ready to use if need-be? Jay was impressed. It was a good day, the day Alina met him. Jay knew he might never have protected her that well. No wonder she chose him, the cocky shit.

  The prince turned and smiled, still listening to Jay’s verbal crap. Poor bugger, I bet he’ll be glad when he’s able to switch off and talk again.

  He looked around at Jay nodding at his thoughts and chuckled silently.

  Try not to think Jay… but it wasn’t long before his mind conjured up images of a hamburger with the lot, a stack of chips and a big chocolate milkshake. Further bored, Jay imagined Ricco riding along on horseback, up around the ranges below to avoid capture. Back in those days it was possibly the speed of the horse they rode that prevented capture. Now with jets, planes, helicopters, subs and bombs the task was tricky and had forced Ricco to become smarter. Still he evaded them th
en, and Jay had confidence he’d be able to do it now. With the four of them it was just a bit more of a challenge for him. How comfortable Ricco must have been before they came into his life.

  On the sound of the landing gear being accessed Jay sat forward to watch them land. Unable to tell their location from the landscape he could only assume they were in the middle of nowhere. Not a building or a sealed road was visible, only dirt tracks, mountains and forests.

  Ricco pulled the plane into a large dilapidated shed and even after departing the plane, he kept them silent and in silence they followed him to what looked like a vehicle he had covered with a tarp in the far corner of the inside of the old shed. When he pulled the cover off the Jeep, thick dust made them cough. It took every ounce of smarts Jay had to shut his mouth and not abuse the prince. Not only for nearly choking him to death, but for looking the hero to Alina. She enjoyed Ricco’s cunning of having this vehicle hidden so much her silent laughter had tears running from her eyes.

  At the speed he normally drove, foot to the floor, they took off with a jerk and he left his passengers to hang on tight. The hill in front came up fast and Jay hoped he had good brakes because he didn’t slow. Then like Batman and Robin he drove into his bat cave and parked. Well possibly not a bat cave but it amused Jay to think it.

  Jay was last to get out of the car, his head still reeling at how they got here. Foremost was the drive into this mountain. He saw no track and was astounded Ricco knew precisely where to find such a small opening. From out there in the vastness Jay could see only rock. He felt as though they were in a 007 movie when he followed them into a caged lift. This is all so cool. He high-fived Kev. Behind them Ricco slammed the cage door closed and the thing dropped–fast! Jay was glad he hadn’t eaten as he believed it would have stayed up on the surface. The damned prince and his still no talking is seriously getting to me. When Jay was allowed to speak, he was going to give him what-for for not warning him.

  They descended a kilometre underground before they stopped suddenly, the cage door flinging open on its own, leaving them standing in front of a large door. Ricco wasn’t joking when he called it a vault. He was such the poser with all this fancy secret stuff, which he and Kev reckoned was really cool. They couldn’t wait to see what else he had dreamed up and made happen. They waited as he pressed a code into the keypad on the door and it scanned his eyes. The massively thick door opened. When they got inside it must have detected they were there and automatically closed behind them with a loud thud. The room they looked down at was huge and Ricco finally smiled.

  ‘We’re home boys and this is your new playground. Enough equipment here that once set up, you should be able to find and keep tabs on an ant in the South African jungle.’

  ~ Chapter Seventeen ~

  Geek Heaven

  Unpacked boxes partly covered the benches and the lush carpeted floor below. Computerised equipment, speakers, laptops, screens of many shapes and sizes had Jay and Kev itching to get to work.

  Detective Berry was still out there and might be close. Jay had no intentions of letting him find them this time. Revenge was foremost on his mind.

  Ricco slapped a hand on his shoulder. ‘Everything a geek should need to become a spy.’

  ‘You spoke. Is it safe?’

  ‘Trust me, this fortress is impenetrable.’

  ‘Let’s get into it then.’ Jay was eager.

  Kev shifted from one foot to the other, itching to help.

  ‘Hold on lads. We have time for this. Let me show you around first and then we can all get stuck into it together.’

  ‘If we have to.’ Jay’s mouth pouted as Ricco led them from the office into a lift, talking the entire time.

  Jay guessed Kev was with him. Both wanted to start unpacking to see what he had. Who cared about the bedrooms? But they decided to follow and let him think they were half interested in the rest of the place.

  ‘Yawn, yawn!’

  Jay chuckled at Kev as he let him see he felt the same.

  Ricco turned to Jay, and both boys straightened and made out they were interested.

  ‘I get that your heads are back in the other room, but just humour me. This project has taken years and you are the first to see it. I believe that is not the only room of interest.’

  ‘Sorry, we’re just being boys,’ Kev apologised, knowing Jay never could.

  ‘Thank you Kev.’

  The doors to the lift slid open. ‘I started this about ten years ago when they got serious with nuclear weapons. I figured if the world goes to shit I wanted somewhere to live until it repaired itself. Fresh produce and food are a living and breathing part of the structure. Funnily though, I always hoped, but never dreamed, I’d have a wife and some good friends to share this. I’m glad I kept this a secret. Many times I nearly gave up on it and sold it, never had it in mind I would need it to hide.’

  ‘Sell this?’ Alina’s eyes widened.

  ‘The problems I have faced with this project have been huge. You’ll see why.’

  ‘I’m glad you didn’t.’ She smiled.

  ‘I agree, but that detective of yours is after us, Alina…’ Ricco shook his head.

  ‘Well he won’t be soon. Not after we end his miserable life,’ Jay grumbled.

  ‘Jay, I hate him too for what he did to us, but I’m no killer.’ Kev let go of him.

  Jay threw an arm around him. ‘Just saying.’

  Kev grinned. It was what Jay admired most, his ability to forgive his outspoken temper. Jay was not a killer either and he knew it.

  ‘If you two have finished…’ Ricco walked towards double doors.

  ‘We’ve seen enough.’ Jay figured it was just bedrooms they were going to view. ‘Can Kev and I go back up and start unpacking the computers?’

  ‘Hang on, not so fast. There is more, my impatient friends.’

  ‘Is there a bath?’ Alina asked. ‘If so, I’m soaking in it until it goes cold.’

  ‘You my sweet, will be happy to find I’ve put in quite a few luxuries,’ Ricco said.

  He guided them through double doors and they walked through a glass corridor. Through the glass Jay saw it stretched out as far as the eye could see… green grass, blossoming flowers, lush vegetation, rows of fruit trees and vegetable patches. Many breeds of animals grazed. Others drank from the spring of fresh running water. Watching them roam within the confines of this unbelievable site amazed them.

  ‘Okay, now I’m suitably impressed.’ Alina squeezed into him.

  ‘See what I mean? This has been hell getting something so big constructed and then you have the problems with diseases infecting others when new stock is introduced. It’s been gruelling and yes, at times I’ve wanted to throw the towel in, give up and sell.’

  ‘It looks as if you have perfected the issues.’ Jay stuck his face close to the glass to inspect all before him.

  ‘It functions now and is efficient. More breeds of animals added will refine the mix, but at least the ones I have are starting to breed.’ He pointed to a calf of a few weeks old, standing by its mother.

  ‘How did you get this done without Captain nosey Nash finding out?’ Jay asked.

  ‘Let’s just say he thought I had a strong sex drive. When I disappeared he assumed it was with a woman or two. Hence why I’m always seen with them on my arm; it is to give exactly that impression.’

  ‘Yes, I remember. That’s the reason I didn’t want to tell you where Ali was. I thought you were a two-timing piece of shit,’ Jay said.

  ‘Sometimes you can be a right pain. I thought you would have picked it up quicker than you did, Jay. I gave you enough clues.’ Ricco reached out to clock him one over the head and missed as Jay ducked just in time.

  ‘I still don’t think you’re good enough for my girlfriend so don’t get smart or I’ll steal her off you.’

  ‘She’s my wife and just try and I’ll steal your boyfriend.’

  ‘Touch my boyfriend and you’re dead!’

�Okay guys,’ Alina got out through her laughter and tears. ‘Finish the tour or we’re out of here and neither of you gets us.’

  It shut them both up, and putting a protective arm around their partners, they both sneered at each other as they walked back into the lift. One floor down the lift opened to what looked an extravagant motel lobby.

  ‘The sleeping quarters are on this level.’ Ricco moved towards one of the exits. ‘This leads to our room. You two can have the smaller apartment to the left.’

  ‘Only two rooms… you weren’t expecting company were you?’

  ‘I had adjoining rooms in case I came with a woman that I had to win over.’

  Alina slapped him.

  Ricco wrapped an arm around her. ‘Pre you, my love.’

  He glanced in the opposite direction. ‘There’s another ten smaller suites through the other exit.’ He pointed towards another door. ‘If you prefer one of those feel free to choose one.’

  ‘If these are the biggest, we’ll take this one.’ Jay turned and walked towards the other living quarters. ‘Mine first.’ Kev shrugged and followed him.

  Alina pulled at Ricco. ‘Let’s settle the boys in first.’

  ‘You’re kidding.’ Jay stopped, causing Kev to bump into him. Both dropped their jaws.

  ‘Pick it up boys; this is just a teaser to where I sleep with my bride.’

  ‘Really!’ Alina admired the wall to floor aquarium and the two person spa in front of it.

  ‘Not the luxury of the main suite, but pleased you like it,’ Ricco said.

  Jay was stoked and even happier when he opened the cupboards and fridge.

  ‘Fully stocked, I like a lot.’

  Kev threw himself on the comfy sofa and with arms behind his head and ankles crossed he used the remote to turn on the 3D television.

  Jay flopped beside him. ‘Loving this.’

  ‘Come on lads, you can rest later.’ Ricco sounded impatient.


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