Immortal Espionage

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Immortal Espionage Page 20

by Debbie Behan

  ‘I don’t bruise and I don’t like you touching me.’

  ‘All right, but hell, after seeing you handle the gun like that, I’m not fighting any more while you’re still holding that kind of weapon.’

  ‘Good. I shall always carry a gun.’

  They retrieved the roo and threw it into the back of the vehicle. Alina didn’t ease up on the nagging. The more tired she became the more irritable he found her to be. ‘Time to call it a night, I have a big day tomorrow.’

  ‘At least I got to fire a gun.’ She looked pleased for a moment.

  In the carport Barry helped her from the Range Rover. With no side steps it made it impossible for her to be independent.

  She looked at her feet. ‘Well, aren’t these shoes daggy?’

  ‘But practical.’

  ‘Okay, but want my own back now. This was fun but I prefer to sleep at the resort. I really need some beauty sleep.’

  ‘Rose, it’s three in the morning; I have rooms with locks on the doors if you don’t trust me. I’ll take you home in the morning as I still have to tend to the kangaroo.’

  She rolled her eyes. ‘Likely excuse.’

  ‘Their meat is very delicious. Come for dinner tomorrow night and I will cook a slab of some I have left in the freezer. Trust me, you will like it just as much as the chicken.’

  She was tired and grumpy. ‘I’m not sure I’ll even be here then.’ She huffed. ‘Show me where I’m to sleep and I’ll think about it.’

  He walked her in the house and directed her to a room at the end of the hall. ‘There’s a shower in it and clothes in the drawers. It’s my sister’s room and stuff, but she isn’t expected to come home any time soon.’

  She picked up the sadness in his voice. In the morning, her first question would be on that subject. Alina changed into knickers and a tank top and checked out the fit in the mirror. After all I am wearing her clothes so I should at least know her name.

  The door she left open to find out just how trustworthy her new companion was.

  * * * *

  Alina woke to bacon and eggs frying. She slipped on a pair of short shorts and followed the smell.

  ‘I see you found the clothes although they don’t seem to cover much.’

  She looked at her skimpy outfit and went back to the room where she found jeans and a bra and tidied her hair.

  ‘Better.’ She came back into the kitchen.

  Barry nodded. ‘I have a guest coming over and she would not be happy if she saw you dressed like that.’

  ‘You have a what?’ Alina spun around and almost ran back to the room, and locked the door. Where can I hide? The walk in wardrobe was open and she slipped into it and slid the shutters shut. Inside, she shook with anger, dropped to the floor and hid in the corner like a trapped animal. What he said had been lies. She realised now he had been working her so she’d trust him, then bam! Bring in the guys with the funny white coats. How dumb could I be?

  * * * *

  Barry not once attempted to find her, to see what was wrong. So there she stayed, curled up and waited for Detective Berry and his goons to burst in on her. But this time she had a gun and intended to use it.

  A vehicle pulled up and after an hour, she heard muffled sounds come from outside. She made out Barry’s voice and a female’s response. She unravelled her legs and arms, came out of hiding, and peeked out the window. Barry walked his lady friend to her car and kissed her goodbye. He was very attentive and it was clear to her that he hadn’t betrayed her after all. It left her puzzled. What was his plan if he had no designs on her? Why bother putting up with so much crap. There was something very mysterious about Barry the barman and he had better start talking.

  When the car left he came back in the house and began to clear away the dishes, whistling happily.

  ‘She your girlfriend?’ Alina stood at the kitchen door.

  ‘I intend to make her my wife if she will have me.’

  Alina sat on the stool and eyed him. The idea she had was crazy, but she went with it. ‘Your sister’s name is Rose, isn’t it.’

  Barry swung around, his eyes wide, but not as wide than his mouth. ‘How did you know?’

  ‘Well you certainly don’t want me for my charm or my body after seeing your–Mrs I look good any time of the day–lady.’

  ‘I wanted to tell you last night when you said you weren’t Rose, but you are so much like her. I just wanted a bit more time to make sure you definitely weren’t.’

  ‘I’m very sorry Barry. I researched and simply looked for a missing person. Your sister’s name appeared. Who’d think her brother was the one I’d meet the very first day I used it? That’s freaky even for me. Never mind how you must feel that I took her identity. I will change it as soon as I can get to a computer. I really do apologise.’

  ‘No, don’t Rose.’ He moved over and took one of her hands. ‘I love being able to feel a part of her back with me. I get you will disappear as she did and I will handle that when the time comes. But for now, take her name. If she is dead and I believe she is, Sister Rose would want you to use it. It will keep her alive for a while and when you do go, this time I will be able to say goodbye properly.’

  ‘You are so weird Barry the barman. But I warn you, don’t go getting mushy or brotherly on me. I am my own woman so if I hang about, try not to tell me what to do, all right?’

  ‘I can’t promise too much but I can promise I will love you just like a brother and never make you feel like you’re a trophy.’

  ‘Good enough. Although for now, you must take me back to the resort. I’ll move into another one as I can’t be there with you. It will make me stand out because of our friendship.’ She paced about, frowning.

  ‘Rose.’ He took her by the shoulder. ‘Who or what are you running from? You’re acting as if you are a fugitive.’

  ‘I am hunted for my DNA and hated by the hunters. This is not good,’ she said. ‘Did you tell your girlfriend about me?’

  ‘Stop, Rose, you are not a bad person, only upset. I can help, and I will help. Stay with me. Your secrets are safe with me. Nobody will even question why you are here. I always have relatives staying. And as for my girlfriend and friends who have seen photos of Rose, I will tell them you are a relative from interstate with the same family name, and that you’ll be staying for a while. So there’s no trace, I’ll go back to the resort late tonight and empty your room. I’ll tell the cleaners you skipped town. It happens all the time.’

  ‘Why are you doing this? I could be dangerous, and not telling the truth.’

  ‘But you are not a danger to anyone but yourself at the moment, and I trust you. Whoever is after you, Rose, they are the bad guys.’

  ‘But I could be putting your life in danger just being here.’

  ‘Then I will join my sister sooner than expected. I may have a girlfriend, Rose, but my life is miserable. Nothing for a long time has cheered me up until yesterday. The day I met you.’

  ‘But I was angry with men and mean to you the entire day.’

  ‘I loved it. That’s what Rose was like and I miss her. Just be you, Rose. I don’t expect you to slap on any side for me or treat me any differently now that you have found out who I am. But please stay.’

  ‘As I said you are very weird, Barry the barman. Okay I will give it a go but–any sign of the cops, detectives or government agents and you won’t even get time to say goodbye to me. I will run. If you can live with that I will stay awhile and hang up my running shoes. My feet tire easily these days and do I need a rest from the world!’

  ‘You can change your tomorrows, Rose, remember that.’

  ‘Sure.’ Alina sounded sceptical. ‘However, if I am to stay you’d better have saved some breakfast for me. I will be pretty pissed if you gave it all to I’m too good for anyone.’

  ‘Her name is Jillian and she is not as bad as she looks. I happen to like strong independent women.’

  ‘There is strong and independent and then the
re is stiff and boring.’

  ‘Did you say you wanted brekkie or a saucer of milk, my catty new friend?’

  ‘Meow.’ She scratched the air and he laughed.

  * * * *

  Alina marked off the calendar. She had been living at Barry’s for six months. How time flies, she thought opening the patio door to find Barry. Needing his company, she took a sad stroll to the horse paddock, her mind full of memories of a love that still haunted her sleep with lovemaking and promises. Her past loves never left her side although Barry had her so busy most days she handled things better than she expected. He had saddled up and was ready to go riding. He looked pleased she decided to join him. She had been with him a while when she finally told him everything, spilling the lot, holding nothing back. He worried for her constantly and last night when he brought it up again, she wished she had kept it a secret.

  ‘We need to find your friends, Rose honey. Letting them know you are safe is the right thing to do. If it were me, I’d be beside myself. There must be a reason why they ignored you as they did. It sounds so out of character from what you have told me.’

  ‘Barry, quit it. I know where they are and they can go to hell. This is my new life. You told me I could change my tomorrows.’

  He looked at her with a frown. ‘You are special, Rose, and your tomorrows have to be protected.’

  He argued constantly for her to contact them, but he also knew how far he could push and backed away when he saw her get too upset. Thank the lucky stars I never told him where they lived. He’d be there in a shot, trying to mend the bridges.

  ~ Chapter Twenty Three ~

  Multi-coloured Nails

  Jay tapped the screen. ‘I think I found her Ricco, come here and see. The eyes are different and the hair is short and red, but I’m sure it’s her.’

  ‘Good work Jay, let’s follow her and see if we can pick any characteristics. Our last leads we moved too quickly and neither of us can handle another disappointment.’

  ‘It’s been six months. If that is her, I’ll be amazed.’ Kev looked close and eyed the woman carefully. He had only just returned after a couple of months’ back-packing through Europe. Jay and Ricco were obsessed in searching for Alina and he needed a break. Ricco was glad to pay for the trip for the work Kev had done helping set everything up, but Kev found it didn’t matter where he went, Jay never left his thoughts. It brought him back sooner than he intended, cutting his trip short.

  ‘Reckon it’s her Kev.’ He beamed.

  ‘Hope it was, Jay, but don’t go getting freaked out on me again if it’s not. I swear we will find her. If this is not Alina we just keep searching.’

  Jay missed his friend while he travelled. Kev was the positive Jay lacked while Alina was gone. Jay didn’t understand the connection between him and Alina, but appreciated so much that Kev never questioned it either. Kev was confident and smart enough to understand it wasn’t the same love that Jay had for him.

  ‘But it looks like her Kev. What do you think Ricco?’ Jay stood next to Ricco watching, waiting for his thoughts.

  ‘Well it was only luck we stumbled upon Detective Berry’s headquarters, and maybe this is another lucky break.’

  ‘What luck?’ Jay pressed buttons on the keyboard to keep the satellite footage on the woman they now followed. ‘If we had blown up Berry’s secret operation, we would never have found this lead. They had spy connections in so many countries that it stood to reason they would find her eventually.’

  ‘Berry touches Alina, just one hair on her head, and he is dead. My better judgment is to kill him now.’

  Kev put a hand on Ricco’s shoulder. ‘Keep it together big boy. We need him for now.’

  ‘I have to find her before they do.’

  ‘I know,’ Kev agreed.

  ‘What’s her name?’ Ricco turned to Jay.

  ‘Rose Bradshaw and lives with a man whose name is Barry Bradshaw. She must be just using his name. I saw how much she loved you Ricco. No way has this dude got her heart.’

  ‘I agree,’ Kev said. ‘No way has she fallen in love with someone else. Never seen a girl so smitten as she was with you Ricco, and she doesn’t look at him like that at all.’

  ‘Assuming it’s her.’

  ‘It has to be Alina, see the way she holds her head when you say something she doesn’t quite get? Ricco, I need to make sure. I have to go and check.’

  ‘If it’s her she’s married and not interested in either one of us. I’ll just wait here until he dies and then go claim her again. That’s if it is her.’

  ‘That’s okay for you, Ricco. You’ve got many lifetimes to wait. I have one life and I want her back. I will fight him for her if I have to, but if it is her, I’m not leaving until she comes home where she belongs.’

  ‘You will come back disappointed again Jay. If she did love us she’d come home. But go and get your heart broken again. Mine cannot do it this time. If Alina is married then she has no intentions of forgiving me. It hurts just thinking she would do that to me.’

  ‘Regardless of whatever has happened Ricco, we need to explain what happened. She will understand if she still loves us. I must try, have to see.’ Jay pleaded, wanting Ricco to go too.

  Ricco dropped his shoulders, his heart heavy. ‘I hope to god it’s not her Jay. How will I go on knowing we found her and I still can’t touch her or see her smile? I was a fool. I’m so sorry mate, this is my fault.’ He groaned and put his head in his hands. ‘Married! God Jay, that thought makes me sick to the stomach. To think of her on the run is so different to knowing that all this time she has been in the arms of another man not even caring about us.’

  ‘Pull it together Ricco. As you said it’s more than likely not her. Let’s just take one step at a time. First I will go and see. Then we’ll work out how to deal with it.’

  Ricco nodded. ‘Can tell that you think I’m weak Jay, but my body can hardly function. It aches for mon chéri so much. Bring her home.’

  ‘If it’s not her this time, Ricco will give up completely,’ Kev said after he watched Ricco slump out the room.

  ‘Try to get him to at least eat while I’m gone Kev. He hasn’t had a thing to eat in days.’

  Jay got on the net and booked a flight.

  ‘I’ll keep looking,’ Kev said. ‘Maybe we missed something in one of the other states.’

  ‘Keep a watch on Detective Berry and if he moves, we can guarantee it’s her.’

  Jay was ready to walk out the door when Kev jumped up. ‘There! Her hands. Check out the nails. It has to be Alina.’

  Kev enlarged the picture and there they were, multi-coloured nails. Jay was sure it was her now.

  ‘Don’t tell the prince for god’s sake Kev; he’s in enough pain.’

  Jay ruffled his hair. ‘Love you dude. I’ll be back soon.’

  Kev stood up and gave Jay a hug. ‘Go get your girl. I’m not going anywhere.’

  He was a good mate and Jay was so glad he decided to come back. He had missed Kev and reflected now on their first night back together. I cried like a babbling fool in his arms.

  Jay stood in front of the farm of Rose and Barry Bradshaw. With legs that shook he walked to the front door and knocked on it. Surprised to hear a voice behind him he turned.

  ‘The wedding party’s out back. I doubt anyone will answer,’ the person with a big gift said.

  So they were just living together and today I’m a few hours too late. His shoulders slumped heavily as the reality hit. They had just got married and it was all over, they had lost her. How could he spoil her wedding day? He loved her too much to do that so he decided to leave.

  ‘Hey this way, come on, you can walk out back with me if you’re nervous. They will be very disappointed if you go.’ The person came back and latched onto Jay’s arm. ‘Friend of the bride or groom?’ she asked.

  ‘The bride, but maybe she may not be happy to see me today. It’s been a long time.’

  ‘Never too late then! Th
at’s what I always say.’ She pulled Jay harder and he followed, allowing his uncertain self to be dragged, yet wanted to run in the opposite direction. Leave her alone to enjoy this happy occasion.

  ‘Look who I found at the front door—what’s your name, fella?’ the person that dragged him asked.

  ‘Jay.’ He spoke quietly.

  He could see the bride and groom in front with their backs to them, talking. The groom swung around at the mention of his name.

  ‘Jay, Rose’s Jay!’ he said, bounding over in a couple of strides. With a big smile he shook Jay’s hand. ‘Thank god you found her, I’ve been worried sick.’ He straightened. ‘Sorry, my name is Barry Bradshaw, Rose is my sister, well adopted, sort of.’

  His bride turned around and it was not Rose. Jay was confused and Barry quickly picked up on it.

  ‘As you most likely know she hates crowds and is tucked up in her bedroom. She won’t come out for me, but I’m sure she will want to see you.’

  His wife put out her hand to her husband. ‘Come Barry love, I want to introduce you to an old friend of mine.’ She whisked him away.

  ‘Last bedroom at the end of the hall!’ Barry called out before turning back to face his wife.

  Jay’s heart pumped hard as he walked down that corridor. It seemed a hallway that would never end. He wanted to reach the end yet was petrified at the thought of her reaction. She didn’t marry him! How things can get so mixed up.

  He folded his fingers and, shaking, knocked on the door.

  ‘Get lost Barry, you want to marry hag-from-hell girl, go for it.’

  That’s my girl. Jay smiled. ‘Bitch,’ he said through the door.

  Her voice was almost a whisper. ‘Jay?’

  The door unlocked, and opened, and Alina stood with her mouth open.

  Jay’s face crumpled at the sight of her, feeling so many emotions yet unable to express one of them. Alina’s response was what he hoped for as she jumped into his arms and squeezed so tightly Jay thought he’d pass out. It was not just with her hug, but seeing and holding her again. He shook and she dropped off him, gripped his arm and dragged him over to the bed. ‘Sit.’


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