Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party!

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Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party! Page 4

by G. M. Berrow

  “Yeah?” said Applejack. “How do they look?”

  “They look guh-reat! Keep up the good work!” Pinkie said, regaining her focus. “No time to stay and chat! Serious business to take care of!”

  Rainbow Dash and Applejack sunk down in defeat.

  “Bye, Pinkie!” Rainbow called out, and then turned to Applejack. “I thought we had her for sure!”

  “Don’t worry. The others are ready to go,” Applejack reminded her, watching Pinkie canter off into the distance.

  As soon as Pinkie turned the corner by the Carousel Boutique, Rarity trotted outside to catch Pinkie. “Darling, I’m so glad I saw you passing by! I need your advice on these posters for the rock concert!” Rarity pulled out a large stack of hoof-made posters, covered in pictures of flowers and bows.

  Pinkie scrunched up her nose. “They’re nice and all, Rarity, but why the flowers and bows? It’s a rock concert, silly!”

  Rarity smiled. “Oh? Then what should I put on them?”

  “Um… rock things?” Pinkie was using all her Pinkie Power not to explode into some sort of party monster right there. She was itching to take over, but she held fast to her promise to her family. “Actually, I think they are great just like that. Good luck with the posters, Rarity! See ya later!”

  Rarity sighed as she watched her friend leave. “Well, I tried,” she said to herself. “These posters are absolutely hideous!” She threw them up into the air, and they gently floated back down on top of her.

  But Pinkie Pie was on a mission. She needed to get to the library. Little did Pinkie know, Twilight and some other guests were expecting her there, too.


  A Peace of Pie

  As Pinkie made her way to Twilight’s home at the Golden Oak Library, she thought about how she’d resisted helping Rainbow and Applejack with those poorly inflated balloons. And then she’d stopped herself from redesigning Rarity’s posters, even though they’d made no sense at all. While she couldn’t believe her own Pinkie Power, she felt a little funny—and not in a good way. Why had she given up parties again? Pinkie was starting to forget the reason. She found herself imagining the right way to blow up a balloon and what sort of rock concert poster would look really awesome.

  Focus, Pinkie! she thought as the library came into view. You have to save the farm! All she needed were a couple books, and Twilight just had to have them. Twilight was really smart, after all, and books were where she found most of her answers.

  “Knock, knock, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted into the window. “I really, really, really, really need some books!”

  “Come on in, Pinkie!” Twilight shouted from inside. “What sorts of things are you looking for?”

  “Well, I’d like one on growing cucumbers and then one on how to run a rock circus and maybe a—” Pinkie pushed open the door, expecting to see just Twilight and Spike. Instead, she saw them—plus Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie’s whole family!

  “Is this a surprise party?” Pinkie asked, her glasses sliding down her nose again. “Because I’m tooooootally surprised!” Pinkie started to smile and then looked at her family and remembered why she had come there in the first place. “I mean, not that I like parties. I hate parties! Blech, parties are the worst thing ever!”

  “You know that’s not true, Pinkie Pie,” said Twilight.

  “Of course it is! I’m Pinkamena Serious Pie—the most serious-est pony in all of Ponyville. Maybe even Equestria! Would anyone like to schedule a business meeting with me?” Pinkie pulled out a planner and pen and started scribbling furiously in it.

  “No, but we would sure like our old friend Pinkie back,” Applejack said, stepping forward. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow nodded in agreement.

  “And we’d like our Pinkamena back, too,” Igneous Rock said, joining them. He looked a little embarrassed, but he was smiling.

  “You… you would?” Pinkie couldn’t believe her ears. “But I thought… I thought that my parties were too silly for you! I thought you wanted me to be serious!”

  “We’re so sorry, Pinkamena, dear,” Cloudy Quartz said. “We didn’t mean to hurt your feelins’. We’ve just been under so much stress about losin’ the farm and, well… we didn’t think you’d understand. You’ve always had such a sunny outlook on things!”

  “But I do understand! I do!” Pinkie said, taking off her glasses. “All I wanted to do was help!”

  “We see that now, thanks to Princess Twi—thanks to all your friends here,” said Igneous. “You’re a real lucky pony. They were the ones who told us how you’d changed yerself just to please us. This talking baby dragon here was real concerned.” Spike puffed out his chest.

  “Well, Gummy and I were both worried,” admitted Spike, patting the alligator on the head.

  “We didn’t realize what we had done until we saw you out the window just now, struggling to hold back your natural talent and not helping your friends.”

  Cloudy shook her head. “You don’t need to do that ever again, sugar! We love you just as you are.”

  “Oh, family!” Pinkie felt herself bubbling over with happiness. She ran over to her family and scooped up all four of them in a big hug. “You guys are the bestie-westest!” When she pulled away from the embrace, her mane was at maximum poof. Pinkie Pie was back!

  “Now that that’s all over, we just have one question for you, Pinkie….” her mom said.

  “What is it?!” Pinkie shouted, bouncing up and down. “Ask me! Ask me! Ask meeee!”

  Igneous Rock cleared his throat. “Will you plan our rock concert party?”

  Pinkie pretended to think about it. “Oh, all right. If you really want me to!”

  Everypony cheered. Now they were really back in business.


  Pinkie Takes Action!

  Pinkie snapped straight into action. It was all hooves on deck to rescue the party, and Pinkie could not have been happier. She bounced around the room, speaking a million words a minute. Her family stood by, amazed. Their eyes followed Pinkie as she darted back and forth, giving orders to everypony in the room. She was like a pinball in an arcade game.

  “Rainbow Dash, you’re in charge of the invitations! I’ll need hundreds of tiny bags of rock candy with equally tiny parachutes on them! You can talk to Mrs. Cake about the candy and to Davenport at Quills and Sofas for the parachutes. Did you know he also does custom printing?! Little-known secret for those in the know. You and the other Pegasi take them all over Equestria! GO!” Rainbow nodded and rushed out the door.

  Pinkie’s mane was getting fluffier with each second. “Fluttershy, you call your old pal Photo Finish and tell her to bring in some of her famous friends! Spread the word that we need the biggest and rockingest bands in all of Equestria to perform! I want every musician we know up on that stage—Octavia! Lyra Heartstrings! DJ Pon-3! Switchhoof! Neigh-Z! Don’t worry, though. I also have some secret connections if those ponies fall through!”

  Pinkie winked at Twilight, who just looked baffled. Nopony knew that Pinkie had celebrity friends. But she was full of surprises.

  “Got it,” Fluttershy said softly, and trotted out the door in a hurry.

  “Applejack! Mom!” Pinkie shouted. “You’re next!”

  “Me?” said Cloudy Quartz, looking around as if there were some sort of mix-up.

  “Totally!” Pinkie laughed. “You guys are in charge of TREATS! I want apples. I want rock cakes. I want apple rock cakes! Enough to feed all of Equestria! Go, go, go!”

  Applejack saluted Pinkie and led a very confused Cloudy out of the cottage. “Come on, Mrs. Quartz! This is gonna be fun! We can go on a bakin’ spree at Sweet Apple Acres!”

  “Rarity! Twilight! Marble Pie! Limestone Pie!” Pinkie called out. The four ponies stepped forward, ready to receive their orders. “You ponies are in charge of… DECORATIONS!” Marble and Limestone exchanged an excited smile, finally allowing themselves a little fun. Their sister’s enthusiasm was c
atching on!

  “Oooh! That’s just the job I wanted!” Rarity said, clapping her hooves together. “Okay, girls, I have so many ideas for the main stage curtains! I’m thinking velvet, maybe some gray satin? Black, shiny ropes and some marble columns? Going with sort of a rock-stone-chic look, you know?”

  “That sounds amaaaaaazing!” Pinkie squealed. “The more rocks, the better!”

  “Got it, Pinkie!” said Twilight, nodding. “Whatever you want!”

  There was only one pony left without an assignment. Igneous Rock shuffled his hooves in the corner. “What should I do, Pinkamena?”

  “Dad!” Pinkie bounced over to him. “You have the most important job of all!”

  “I do?” he said, looking at his jubilant daughter. “What is it?”

  Pinkie jumped into the air. “Have fuuuuuun, of course!” she yelled before trotting out the door. “This totally rocks!”


  Pinkie Pie in the Sky

  The roads to Ponyville were soon jammed with crowds of ponies from all over Equestria trying to make their way to the concert. The skies were busy with Pegasus traffic, and the Friendship Express train was at full capacity. It seemed like all of ponydom had come out for the party!

  Pinkie watched in awe from high up in the sky. She was in Twilight’s balloon, shouting greetings to the sea of ponies below and sprinkling them with rock-shaped confetti. “Welcome, everypony!” she yelled into her megaphone. “Welcome to PONYPALOOZA! You’re all going to have the rockingest time EVER!” This was the biggest party she’d ever planned. It was so thrilling!

  “Yaaay, Ponypalooza!” Fluttershy yelled quietly, flying beside Pinkie. Her voice was too soft for extreme cheering, but she tried her best. She landed inside the basket of the balloon and turned to Pinkie. “What a great turnout for the concert! You ready for your big entrance?”

  They had the whole thing planned out. Pinkie would land onstage, thank the guests for coming, and tell them about the rock farm. Then the concert would begin, and everypony would rock the night away!

  “You betcha-wetcha, Fluttershy!” Pinkie yelled into her megaphone. It was so loud that it caused Fluttershy’s pink hair to blow backward in a gust of wind. Fluttershy winced. “Whoopsies!” Pinkie giggled, moving the megaphone away from her face. “Sorry, got a little carried away!”

  “It’s okay!” Fluttershy said, taking off again. “I’ll see you down there soon, Pinkie!”

  A few moments later, Fluttershy arrived at the front entrance. It was decorated with several large rock piles, bunches of rock-shaped balloons, and a festive banner. Twilight and the others were there, wearing their all-access badges. Pinkie Pie’s family stood beside them, watching as the hordes of eager attendees entered the field. There was a buzz in the air, and it wasn’t just the happy bees that were flitting around in the fragrant flowers.

  “This is going to be sweet!” a tall royal-blue stallion yelled to his pack of buddies. “I can’t believe Pinkie Pie got Coldhay to perform! They are totally my favorite band of all time!”

  “Yeah, and I heard they are going to do a set with the Whooves,” said his beefy red stallion friend with a guitar cutie mark. “It will go down in Equestria history as the most rad performance ever!”

  Just after them, a group of giggling mares wearing matching shirts all trotted inside. “When does John Mare go on? I’m so in love with him.”

  Igneous Rock’s eyes were wide with disbelief. “How did our little Pinkamena do all this? I’ve never seen so many ponies in my whole life!”

  Igneous turned to his wife, who also looked shocked. Cloudy’s jaw was practically on the ground. “And they all came out to help us?”

  “What did I tell you?” Twilight smiled knowingly. “You have a very special daughter. She sure knows how to bring ponies together.” Twilight turned to Rarity and whispered under her breath, “Now, let’s just hope it works!”

  “Oh, it will, darling,” said Rarity, winking. She was full of giddiness and excitement herself. For a social butterfly like Rarity, this was heaven. “It will!”

  The two ponies hoof-bumped and ran off to their assigned stations. It was almost time to get this rock party started!


  The Rockin’ Ponypalooza Party!

  Just inside the front entrance, Applejack was working the cider and apple rock cake booth. “Come get ’em! Apple rock cakes! Pie family secret recipe!” she hollered to the crowds. She really didn’t need to try very hard to sell them. Cloudy Quartz had helped her with the recipe, and the cakes were delicious. So far, the concertgoers were buying them faster than Applejack could dish them out! They’d already sold two whole batches, and the show hadn’t even started yet. “Giddyup, Apple Bloom! Bring out another batch!”

  “Got it, sis!” the little filly replied with an excited smile, and ran off to do as she was told. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo followed her. “We’ll help, too!”

  Near the stage, Rainbow Dash was pumping up the crowd with some awesome Wonderbolt-style tricks. She dived into a barrel roll and flew right above the hundreds of ponies. Then she landed on the stage and hoof-bumped a white pony with a blue streaked mane and sunglasses. It was none other than DJ Pon-3, who was busy spinning some beats to get the party started on her turntable.

  Suddenly, a couple of Coldhay’s road-ponies burst through the crowd and ran toward the stage.

  “Go for Casper!” a white stallion in a headset shouted, and was quickly followed by a young zebra doing the same. “Go for Razzi! T minus three minutes to showtime! Let’s go, everypony!” Whispers of excitement rippled through the crowd, and everypony stamped their hooves on the ground.

  The sun was just starting to set over Ponyville as Pinkie Pie’s balloon floated down onto the stage. DJ Pon-3 transitioned to a new song as Pinkie hopped out of the basket.

  “Fillies and gentlecolts of Equestria!” Pinkie Pie shouted into her megaphone. “I’m Pinkie Pie, and I’m here to welcome you to… the first annual Pinkie Pie Family Rock Farm Ponypalooza Party!” The ponies went wild with cheers. Pinkie bounced and flipped all over the stage. “Let me ask you this: Do you love rocks?! I know I do!” Pinkie screamed into the megaphone. The crowd started chanting rock over and over. “Wahooooooo! Are you ready to rock?!”

  “Yeah!” the crowd yelled back.

  “All right, let’s goooooo! Please welcome Canterlot’s very own… COLDHAY!!!!” Pinkie Pie welcomed the band and waved to the crowd as she exited.

  By the end of the night, it was Pinkie’s name that the ponies were all chanting. It was the most fun she’d ever had—because she was being herself and nopony else. It rocked.


  A Rockin’ Success

  Over the next few days, all anypony could talk about was the rockin’ success of the Pinkie Pie Family Rock Farm Ponypalooza concert. The performances had been stellar; the ponies had danced all night. And most important of all, they were reminded of how totally awesome rocks were!

  It was incredible how the rock farm had gone from struggling to thriving overnight. Igneous and Cloudy were taking orders for front path stones, cottage bricks, and even pet rocks! It seemed like everypony wanted something! Cloudy and Igneous couldn’t stop smiling.

  When it was time for them to go home, Pinkie Pie and her friends gathered to wish them a safe journey. “How can we ever thank you, Pinkie?” Igneous Rock said to his daughter. Cloudy and Pinkie’s sisters stood nearby with wide smiles on their faces. “You saved the farm!”

  “I could never have done it without the help of my friends… and you guys!” Pinkie giggled. “Wasn’t it a fantilly-astically great time?!”

  “Abso-tootley-lutely!” answered her dad with a wink. “Be sure to come and visit us on the farm, now! Your mother’s birthday is coming up real soon.”

  “A birthday?!” Pinkie’s eyes grew wide and she did a little kick. “You know what that calls for?”

  “A party!!” everypony chorused.

bsp; “Hey! How’d you guys know what I was gonna say?!” said Pinkie Pie.

  Read all the My Little Pony books

  by G. M. Berrow

  Pinkie Pie and the Rockin’ Ponypalooza Party!

  Twilight Sparkle and The Crystal Heart Spell

  Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror

  Rainbow Dash and The Daring Do Double Dare

  Coming soon!

  Rarity and The Curious Case of Charity

  Applejack and The Honest-to-Goodness Switcheroo

  For more great reads and free samplers visit



  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Welcome, Spring-Sproing Springtime

  Chapter 2

  Pinkie’s Party Ponies

  Chapter 3

  The Road Less Sparkled

  Chapter 4

  The Spring-Sproing-Spring Party!

  Chapter 5

  Between a Rock Farm and a Hard Place

  Chapter 6

  The Pink Sheep of the Family

  Chapter 7

  Pinkamena Serious Pie

  Chapter 8

  Pinkie-less Party Planning

  Chapter 9

  Perusing Ponyville

  Chapter 10

  A Visit to Sugarcube Corner

  Chapter 11

  The Pinkie Trap

  Chapter 12

  A Peace of Pie

  Chapter 13

  Pinkie Takes Action!

  Chapter 14

  Pinkie Pie in the Sky

  Chapter 15

  The Rockin’ Ponypalooza Party!

  Chapter 16

  A Rockin’ Success


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