Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - SWAT Team Seven: Goddess of the Circle [The Men of Five-0 #5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - SWAT Team Seven: Goddess of the Circle [The Men of Five-0 #5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Where are the digs taking place?” Tango asked from the other side of the room.

  “Hawaii,” Edric said as he took possession of the mouse and keyboard then scanned down the screen. His forearm brushed up against her breast and she jerked backward. It felt like a spark of fire hit her. That move caused her to brush closer against Chance’s arm. His large body pressed against her shoulder. Glancing up, she locked gazes with Chance and he winked.

  “Melena, it could be he’s looking for the book,” Saxton said.

  She turned toward him.

  “You think?”

  “What book?” Xavier asked.

  “Through intel, we have reason to believe that Morago, Filletto, and Count Divanni are searching for the Book of the Founding Fathers,” Saxton stated.

  “What?” Gideon asked. His brothers reacted the same way. They were carrying on about what could happen if they found the book and possessed it. They discussed calling Samantha, Ava, and even Dani, their cousins’ mate.

  “Maybe this has something to do with the person in black that escaped Dashkin and Lunvolk’s warehouse while we raided it?” Edric asked.

  Oh shit.

  Melena felt the need to bolt, but she had to remain calm. She looked at Saxton.

  “Hey, I found something on Mercer Collette. He works for Donovan Kylton,” Mano called out and she quickly turned toward him. Edric squeezed her knee gently before he stood up and walked toward his brother. They started talking about Mercer and where he could be found.

  Melena needed a break. Suddenly her body and her mind were overwhelmed with thoughts of Gideon, Mano, Chordeo, Chance, and Edric. She needed some fresh air and alone time to think. Figuring that Gideon and the others would start looking into Mercer, she decided to flee the room and hit the lady’s room.

  “Melena, is everything okay?” Saxton asked.

  All eyes were upon her.

  “Yes. I just need to use the lady’s room.” He nodded his head and she exited the room.

  She entered the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks looked flush, her nipples hard. This was not normal. This couldn’t be considered normal. She read a lot about were lifestyles and of course Saxton and Tango taught her a lot as well. Could there be such a strong connection and bond between mates that being separated from them caused distress or even pain? Were there really gods that controlled the future and actually decided who engaged in sexual activities or married, well mated actually? She ran her hands through her hair. This was so damn confusing.

  She inhaled then exhaled before she exited the bathroom. Walking down the hallway, she decided to peek out the window. It was a gorgeous day and as she looked out toward the side of the building and the park, she saw the large group of people.

  She remembered that Filletto and Divanni were going to be part of the ribbon cutting ceremony. They made themselves appear as good citizens of the community but they really weren’t. These men needed to be stopped. The killings, the drugs, and the destruction of were law could not happen.

  She was going to do something about this. It was odd, but her desire and need to protect the were law and the circle members felt almost as strong as her sexual attraction to Dolberg Pack.


  She turned around, ready to head toward the office when she nearly knocked into two men, standing there. They smiled at her and instantly, she knew they were up to no good.

  “Oh, excuse me, I didn’t see you there. Can I help you?” She looked over their shoulders at the closed office doors. She wondered how they got up here.

  “We’re looking for you, Melena.”

  Before she could respond, one of them struck her in the neck with something. She gasped as she covered the spot on her neck with her hand where the syringe had entered. “No!” she yelled or at least she thought she did as her vision began to blur. She fought to remain conscious. This couldn’t be happening.

  “Let’s get her out of here. Take the stairs there.”

  The door opened, she was still conscious as the one guy carried her down the stairs. Whatever they gave her wasn’t to make her pass out. Either that or she had some resistance to the drug.

  She screamed aloud, her voice echoed in the stairwell.

  * * * *

  Julius awoke with a start. He glanced at the clock. It was daytime. It wasn’t a dream. Melena was in trouble. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He felt her heartbeat, the flow of her blood, the fear inside of her as she tried to remain alert.

  Do you hear me, Melena? Where are you?

  At first he got no response. He shouldn’t have expected one. He only drank from her blood and of her juices once. But despite his decision to stay clear of her, she was still his intended mate.


  Yes, Melena. Tell me where you are so I can send help.

  Stairwell at work. Two men.

  He focused on an image of Gideon then attempted to contact him. Then he pulled the emergency phone from the wall and called Cullen.

  “Let me know the moment she is in safekeeping.”

  “Yes, sir. I will,” Cullen said and Julius waited for Melena to give an update. This was torture for him. He could never protect her like she needed protection. She was better off with Gideon and his brothers.

  * * * *

  Gideon stopped mid-sentence and held his head.

  “Melena. She’s in trouble.” He hurried toward the door. His brothers were with him.

  “I smell rogue wolves. They’re not from a pack,” Edric stated.

  “They have our mate. I smell their scent mixed with hers. The staircase,” Chance said, and they hurried down the stairwell.

  Just as they made it to the last stairwell, they heard the exit door close hard.

  Gideon shoved it open, his brothers and Saxton and Tango along with him entered the back parking lot. They caught sight of the two men placing Melena into the white SUV.

  Gideon roared in anger that someone tried to take his mate from him. He was about to shift when Saxton stopped him.

  “Too many humans around,” Saxton warned him.

  “Chance is getting the SUV,” Mano yelled and just then Chance arrived as the other guys took off in the white SUV.

  “We must hurry!” Saxton yelled as they climbed up into the vehicle. As they sped from the parking lot, Gideon called out, “There, five cars ahead. They just took a quick right turn.”

  “I got it, brother. Ain’t no way someone’s going to take our mate from us. Never again,” Chance said as he skidded around the corner.

  Gideon looked at his brothers as they checked their guns. “Got anything for us?” Saxton asked and Chordeo winked as he reached into the back and pulled out a black case. Opening it, he passed two Glocks to Saxton.

  “Try these,” Chordeo said, but Gideon was having difficulty smiling at his brother’s move. His concern was for Melena.

  * * * *

  Melena attempted to forearm the guy who was on top of her in the backseat of the SUV. Her vision was so blurred that she missed his head and hit his shoulder. He found that amusing. Her frustration at being this affected by the needle they stuck her with pissed her off.

  Think, Melena. Think. How do I fight him?

  Hit the one in the middle.

  She heard the voice in her head and knew it wasn’t her own. Or perhaps it was her own and she was just totally losing focus.

  Hit the one in the middle. Fight, Melena.

  She heard the voice again as the SUV made a sharp right turn nearly making her fall to the floor below the seats. If she did, then he could easily restrain her.

  She closed her eyes then felt the man ease up on his hold of her.

  God, she wished Gideon or one of the others had gotten to her sooner. She cursed that thought. She was alone as usual. Just get used to it, Melena. Your destiny lies in loneliness.

  She shoved upward with her hand, pushing the man’s face and chin to the right. He hadn’t expected that as he m
oved slightly off of her and she made her move. Throwing her forearm toward the face in the middle of her blurred vision, she felt the hit then pain, but she hit her mark. He moved backward and she jumped up onto her knees and began to pound away at him. At the same time the car swerved, horns honked, and the SUV hit the sidewalk.

  She screamed and tried to grab onto the driver seat from the backseat as the second guy drove then lost control and hit the building.

  The man who tried to restrain her went to grab her as the first guy jumped out of the SUV. She swung at him numerous times until the door opened wide, the crunching sound of the hinges breaking, indicating that someone with brute force, or in this case wolf strength, pulled it open. A moment later she was alone in the backseat until the men arrived.

  * * * *

  One of the men shifted. So did Chance and the fight began. As the other man tried to run, Saxton and Tango stopped him.

  “Who do you work for?” Saxton asked as he shook the guy.

  “No one.”

  “She’s our mate. Why were you trying to take her?” Edric asked as he grabbed the guy from Saxton’s hand and shook the man.

  “I’ve got nothing to say.”

  “Edric, we’ll take him and handle this. Can you guys take care of Melena?” Tango asked.

  “Of course we can,” Edric replied.

  “Good. We’ll let you know what we find out,” Saxton said. He and Tango took the guys to the side of the building. Another vehicle approached. Xavier was driving.

  “Is she okay, Gideon?” Edric asked as he joined his brothers by Melena. She was lying down in the SUV.

  “I’m fine. My head is fuzzy and I can’t see straight,” she replied.

  “Did they hit you?” Chance asked and she shook her head.

  “They stuck me with a needle.”

  They mumbled curses as Gideon pulled her into his arms. “Have the men run this vehicle and find out the owner.” He carried Melena toward another vehicle by the side of the building.

  “Hey, how the hell did you know that she was in trouble?” Mano asked Gideon.

  “I didn’t. Not until Julius whispered it in my head,” he said, shocking his brothers. He heard Melena gasp but then she turned away and looked out the window.

  Chapter 12

  “What do you mean Wilton wasn’t successful?” Divanni asked as he looked around the park, waiting for the SUV to show up with the beautiful Melena inside.

  “They were taken into custody by two men and Dolberg Pack,” Colin stated into the cell phone.

  “Dolberg Pack? Why do they keep showing up around Melena?”

  “It seems that she is of importance to them. The two men must have called in Fagan Pack for backup. Their mate Dani, along with three of the five brothers are inside the building.”

  “Fuck. I hope Wilton keeps his mouth shut. This could destroy the plan completely. I need to find out who Melena is as well as the two wolves. Send me pictures so I can pass them along to Morago.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Divanni hung up the phone and waited for his driver. This was not good at all. “Who is Melena and why is she so important to Dolberg and Xavier?”

  * * * *

  Melena knew that the men surrounded her and that she was lying on a bed. It was better to keep her eyes closed than to face them right now with her vision still blurred and her body weak from whatever those men stuck her with.

  She felt the bed dip. Not just on one side but all around her. Opening her eyes, she could see them all there, but their images were blurry.

  She kept blinking.

  “We think they gave you some sort of sedative, but you were somehow able to resist it. It should wear off soon,” Chordeo whispered and she thought he looked angry. Maybe it was just the blurriness.

  “Don’t be angry. Everything worked out,” she whispered, and he released an annoyed sigh.

  She should really try to stand up, but as she attempted to rise, she felt the large, warm palm over her belly and fell back down onto the pillow.

  “Lie down and relax. We’ll take care of you.” Gideon. God, you’re so demanding and bossy.

  “I should try to sit up and clear my head.”

  “No, just lie down and let us take care of you.” Mano spoke this time, and then she felt the hand caress against her ankle and calf. She realized that her high heels were gone and her breathing suddenly felt shaky.

  “I’m okay. Really, I am,” she stuttered then attempted to run fingers through her hair in a nervous manner but missed her hairline and instead poked herself in the eye.


  “Hey, just relax. It may take some time for your vision to clear and the drugs to wear off.” Gideon took her fingers and brought them to his lips. He kissed each one as Chance leaned on the bed on the other side of her and drew circles on the palm of her other hand.

  She could hardly breathe from the excitement that exploded through her body.

  “I’m okay.”

  “You keep saying that. But we want to make sure,” Chance stated and she felt Mano’s hands move further up her legs then back down again.

  Gideon leaned down and whispered next to her ear. “You scared me, sweet Melena. I thought I lost you.”

  He continued to spread tiny kisses along her ear and jaw then over her lips. His kisses were soft, yet seemed to increase with every stroke. She found herself turning toward him and ultimately landing against his chest. His hands caressed over her lower back and the reality of his large size began to sink in. The man, the men were monstrous in comparison to her. Yet, here she was, fully absorbing Gideon’s embrace and caress.

  He explored her mouth while his hands explored her body. The moment his palm moved under the fabric of her blouse she pulled from his mouth.

  He gripped her tighter, nearly taking the breath from her. She pressed her palms against his chest and held his gaze. His blue eyes glowed, showing his wolf.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” she whispered.

  “Never,” he replied, and she closed her eyes and tried to calm her breathing. How did the situation grow so out of control so quickly? Hadn’t she questioned their loyalty to were law, to authority, to her, only a short time ago? Everything she had learned thus far about wolves, about the Secret Order indicated a breakdown in command, in abiding by laws and protecting their own. How would she know if they were part of the problem and the lapse in security years ago that killed her family or if they could be trusted now?

  He leaned down and kissed her again, momentarily making her forget what she had been thinking or why she was even fighting this attraction.

  He moved his hand along her waist, past her ribs and right to her breast. When he cupped the mound, she moaned into his mouth and he deepened the kiss. She ached now in both breasts and pushed upward against his hand. When Gideon brushed his thumb back and forth across her nipple then pulled the tip between finger and thumb, she moaned louder, her body tightening up.

  Gideon pulled from her mouth and held her gaze with a cocky, experienced expression.

  “I need you, Melena. We all do.”

  The reality of his words reminded her of the audience around them. She looked at them and each of their serious expressions and she felt the tears reach her eyes. Every part of her body told her that this was right, but her mind, her broken heart, the fear of trusting anyone other than Saxton and Tango had her grabbing Gideon’s hand. Taking into account the fact that she had never been this close, this intimate with any man before and now five sat before her in a bedroom, and yes, she was freaking out.

  She felt her breathing grow rapid. She nearly jerked her ankle free as Mano continued to caress her skin. She felt them everywhere on every bit of her skin and body. How the hell could this be happening to me?

  Gideon looked at her with deep, dark eyes of sexuality. She didn’t need to know about sex to know that this man wanted her and so did his brothers. She was panicking big-time as she thought about their size,
their bodies, and their cocks.

  “Please, Gideon. I don’t think I’m ready for this. I hardly know any of you. I feel so confused,” she admitted and he leaned on his side and began to slowly undo the buttons on her blouse. Chance touched a finger to her jaw so she would look up at him.

  “Don’t be scared of us. As your mates, we would never hurt you. We’ll go slow, Melena.”

  “As slow as you need us to,” Gideon added as her blouse parted revealing her silk off-white bra. The men inhaled.

  “By the gods, you are beautiful, woman,” Chordeo said from the left side of the bed.

  She nibbled her bottom lip and Gideon brushed his thumb across her breast. “Let us show you how good it will be.” He reached down and began to push his hand up between her thighs. She held his gaze, her lips parted, and she felt her legs begin to shake.

  She wanted this. She had been in sexual arousal since seeing them in their SWAT team attire in the conference room.

  Her sexual needs also stemmed from Julius’s touch. Her heart ached. She felt as if she were betraying him, but Julius wasn’t her mate. These men were her intended mates. They were her destiny. Julius obviously wasn’t or he would be here right now.

  “Open for him, Melena,” Edric said as he joined them by her left thigh. Now all five men surrounded her on the bed and then she felt Gideon’s fingers over her panties and against her mound. She reached down to grab his wrist and stop him from removing her panties.

  “Please, Gideon.”

  “It will be okay,” Chordeo said as he glided his hands up her thighs and reached her panties. Gideon moved his hand a moment and Chordeo pulled her panties from her body. She felt the gush of cream leak from her pussy and all five men growled low. Gideon immediately placed two fingers to her pussy and pushed upward.

  “Oh, Gideon, what are you doing?” She grabbed for whatever was in reach. Chance held her wrist and brought it above her head, then kissed her deeply. She grabbed onto Gideon’s shoulder as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy while Chance devoured her moans. She felt Gideon’s thick, wide thumb press against her sensitive flesh and she moaned into Chance’s mouth. Her hips thrust upward and then she felt Gideon shift his body between her legs. Mano was there to take Gideon’s place as he placed her other arm above her head so her breasts pushed forward. He and Chance each cupped a breast with their free hand as Chance released her lips.


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