Anything For Love

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Anything For Love Page 27

by Janelle Taylor

  At eight o’clock on Sunday evening, July twenty-first, Rachel sat alone before her television in the casual area of her great room, eagerly awaiting Quentin’s second preseason game and praying he played tonight so she could see him if only for a few minutes. The Dallas Cowboys and Denver Broncos ran onto the field, the starting line-ups in the lead and being introduced. She didn’t care if it was storming outside and deluging Augusta with one-point-six inches of rain; the only points she was interested in were those which “The Man with the Golden Arm” put on the scoreboard.

  A coin was tossed and strategy selections were made. The teams took their positions and players readied themselves to do their tasks. The clock started as the first ball was kicked and opponents ran toward each other as if to do fierce battle for the victory. The first quarter was underway.

  Rachel watched in suspense, praying again for him to get to participate and to do it splendidly. Her tension mounted by the minute. Having learned facts about the sport, she found herself calling penalties and yardage won or lost before the officials announced them. Her heart leapt with joy and her body trembled with excitement when Quentin got to head up his team before the quarter ended. She smiled and cheered her lover on each time he was allowed to be in charge, and he played without errors and with enormous talent. She was elated when the sportscasters praised his skills.

  Her gaze remained glued to the television, fearing for his safety while being awed by his movements. During camera close-ups, she saw his ebony hair peeking from beneath his helmet. She looked at the dark smudges under his blue eyes, there to prevent blinding reflections from the bright lights. He was so handsome that her breath caught in her throat. His body was sleek and muscular, sexually arousing, as the snug pants molded to his hips and thighs. She would love to touch him all over, have wild and wonderful sex with him again. She had become accustomed to their daily lovemaking and missed it terribly.

  The hour grew late, but she didn’t nod off a single time. Quentin was on the field at least twice during every quarter and shone like the blazing star he was. After the game ended, he was interviewed in the locker room, and her gaze engulfed every sight of him, her ears, every word. When questioned about his plans if he didn’t make the team, he flashed a sunny smile and said he would “think about that when and if it happens.”

  “Good night, my love.” Rachel pressed the button to turn off the television, unaware of the tragedy looming ahead of him.


  When Quentin phoned on Monday, Rachel laughed and asked, “Are you still soaring in the clouds or have your feet touched the ground again?”

  “I guess I’m still on a high,” he admitted, then chuckled. “That was some game; Lordy, I loved it. And I love you, woman. I think I’m doing this well because of you. Even if my career ends soon, it’s been wonderful, and I have you and the ranch waiting for me.”

  Though he was sincere and elated, Rachel heard the yearning in his tone to finish the season and to do an exceptional job, to go out in pride and on his terms. She hoped and prayed he would be given that opportunity and would triumph, and do so without suffering permanent damage to his body. She knew that was a frightful possibility given his vulnerable right knee and left shoulder, his legendary throwing arm. “I’m glad to hear you talking like this. You sound so happy, relaxed, and confident.”

  “Thanks to you and to my last two showings. I’ll accept the inevitable; I have no choice, but I’m aching to play the whole season.”

  She wanted to give him reassurance and faith but not false hopes. “I know, and you’re on the right track; you’re doing splendidly. I wish I could do as well in tennis as you do in football. I played with Betty Burke today after her partner canceled on her at the last minute. It’s been a long time since I was on a court and I was rusty, but we had fun; she didn’t go for my blood like so many sports lovers do to their opponents.”

  Quentin realized she changed the subject, knew why, and cherished her for it. “You didn’t get too exhausted to work on your book, did you?”

  “No, I put in five hours on it today and plan to do the same tomorrow. Before I forget, I won’t be home Wednesday night. Scott is out of town on business, so I’m staying with Becky so we can work on the papers for the celebrity auction next Saturday. We have to get them finished and to the printers by Thursday. We were waiting until the last minute because items are still coming in that need to be included on the list. If you need to reach me, you have Scott’s number.”

  “I’ll call tomorrow night, then again on Friday. We leave Wednesday afternoon for New Orleans. Thursday’s battle with the Saints is the last preseason game. Final cuts and assignments will be made afterward. That will be it, Rachel, my moment of truth. I can’t afford a single error; if my hands and wits fail me, I’m done for, gone.”

  “Good luck, Quentin, but you don’t need it; you’ll be fine, I’m sure.”

  “It’s going down to the wire on some selections, but I can’t imagine Coach Switzer choosing me over any of the other three quarterbacks.”

  “From what I’ve seen, you’re giving all three a run for their money. You have skills and experience two of them don’t.”

  “Even so, they’re young and healthy, not a risk like I am.”

  “Any or all of them could be injured on or off the field at any moment. You guys take these preseason games seriously.”

  “Our jobs depend on how we look during them. I want this badly, Rachel, but it won’t kill me if I don’t get it, now that I have you. If I didn’t have something important waiting for me, I’d be crazed about now.”

  “I’m happy I mean so much to you.”

  “Soon, you’ll be my life, my world, my career. Why don’t you come to Dallas on September eleventh when we play Houston?” If I’m still a Cowboy. “The first game of the season is in Pittsburgh on the fourth, but I’d rather you come here so you can see the ranch and decide if you have any ideas for Scott before he begins his work. Since you’ll be living and writing here, you should see if you want to make any changes. I think a nice home office is just what you need for creating your stories. I promise, no interruptions when the work lamp is burning.”

  “That sounds wonderful and thoughtful to me. I miss you and I’m more than ready for a visit.”

  “After twenty-seven days of separation, so am I. Lordy, that’s three more weeks until you’re with me.”

  “All the better to work up a large appetite for me, Mr. Big Bad Wolf.”

  Quentin chuckled at her playful words, and his loins reacted to her sensuous voice and mood. “Extra time isn’t needed, Little Red Riding Hood; I’m ravenous for you now. I’ll probably devour your treats in five minutes.”

  “Oh, please, make our next meal last longer than that.”

  “Without exercise and practice in that area, my stamina is low and my skills are rusty.”

  “Good, but don’t worry; I’ll help you improve and repair them.”

  “That’s an offer I won’t pass up.”

  “I take it to mean I’m hired for that glorious and coveted job?”

  “Only for the rest of our lives, beyond it if possible. I love you, woman, and I need you. Maybe we should get married while you’re out here; then, you can stay. That would give you three weeks to get things done there. We play in Dallas again on the nineteenth and we’re idle on the twenty-fifth, so that’s three straight weeks in town.”

  Rachel was thrilled by his suggestion, but a clear head and unselfish heart prevailed over her desires. With so much at stake, she had to reason, “That isn’t wise; you don’t want the coaches and owner to think your mind and loyalty are elsewhere and you’d just as soon be home with a new bride than on a muddy or snowy field getting soaked or frozen and risking injuries. Right?”

  “I hadn’t thought of it like that, but you’re right. They could view that as a major distraction, and it would be, you would be. Thanks for helping me see the light and for being so understanding and generous. Lor
dy, I love you, Rachel Gaines, and I’m a lucky man to have you.”

  “We’re both lucky, Quentin. It won’t be much longer before we are together for the rest of our lives. Do what you have to do, and I’ll see you in Dallas next month. Whatever happens, I love you and I’m proud of you.”

  “I’m so happy for you and Mr. Rawls, Mrs. Rachel,” Martha the housekeeper said on Wednesday, noting her employer’s smile at the change in her name after twenty years of calling her Mrs. Gaines.

  Rachel glowed as she said, “So am I, Martha. I hoped I would find a man like him one day and marry again, but I was doubtful. I certainly never expected to be moving away from Augusta, Karen, and my friends. I’m going to miss you and I doubt I’ll find anyone like you. If there’s anything you need besides a reference, just ask; I owe you so much.”

  “You stop worrying about me, ‘cause I can find another house to do on Wednesdays after you’re gone. My years with you have been good ones; you’re the best person I’ve worked for. You go with him and be happy.”

  “I can hardly wait for the football season to be over so I can join him. It seems like ages since he left. As soon as he finishes his season and returns, we’ll announce our engagement and get married. You’re one of the few people who knows about our plans.”

  “I’m glad you trust me so much, Mrs. Rachel. I’ll do whatever needs doing to help you get ready to move; we don’t want you getting overworked afore your honeymoon. If you want, I can come over on days others cancel out on me and help you sort through stuff, like that attic and garage; those are big jobs. Have you figured out what to do about the house?”

  “Not yet; I want to speak with the girls before I decide about selling it. Evelyn and Eddie won’t be moving back here, but Karen might want it. She loves this house and it’s perfect for her and David and their family. If Karen moves in, I’m sure she’ll want you to keep working here, if you like.”

  “I would love working for her, Mrs. Rachel. I watched that girl grow up into a fine lady, and Mr. David is nice, too. With them working and afore the kids come, they’ll need somebody to take care of things for them. If she don’t want the house, I’ll help you get it spic-n-span to sell.”

  “Thank you, Martha; you’re a treasure and I love you dearly.”

  * * *

  On Wednesday, Rachel and Becky decided to spend the night at Rachel’s home instead of at the Coopers’ because Rachel’s computer was needed and just arrived items for the celebrity auction had to be marked and stored in her garage. As soon as they finished eating dinner, they went to the upstairs office and set to work on the project, laughing and chatting as they did so.

  During one break, Becky asked, “How is the book coming along? Do you have much time to work on it between all of your projects?”

  “I’ve been making the time because I want to finish it before Quentin and I marry and I’m busy with the move and a new husband.”

  Becky smiled and giggled. “If he’s as sexy and attentive in bed as he is out of it, you won’t have any free time, for a while at least.”

  Rachel laughed and murmured, “I hope not. He’s so wonderful, and very supportive about my writing. I told you he wants to make me an office at the ranch. He even understands about the privacy required during the creative process. I’m not looking forward to packing up this computer and setting it up again; they can be so complicated. I suppose it would be best to have a professional disconnect the units and cords here, then hire another one in Dallas to reconnect everything.”

  Becky lowered her glass of diet cola. “That sounds smart to me, Rach. Jen hated to miss out on the fun tonight but this dinner with Adam’s insurance client is important to him. The things we southern wives have to do sometimes to help out our husband’s careers,” she quipped and laughed.

  “I remember. I’m going to miss you two terribly. I’m so glad you’re coming over with Scott next month. Maybe you and Jen can visit later and check out the renovations. I’m confident Scott will do a fabulous job. I’m eager to see Quentin’s home and ‘spread’ as he called it; I’ve never visited a ranch before, so I don’t know what to expect.”

  “Without even closing my eyes, I can picture you dressed in cowgirl jeans, chaps, boots, and a Stetson, riding the range beside your handsome cowboy. It’s a good thing all of us took those riding lessons years ago. He’ll be surprised, impressed, and pleased that you know how to sit a horse and control one. You might want to start visiting Kelly’s Stables to refresh those skills; at least get your body in condition. Mercy, remember in the beginning how we bruised, ached, and couldn’t walk straight for days afterward?” Rachel nodded with a playful grimace. “Oh, Rach, I’m so happy for you and Quentin; you’re perfect for each other. I just hate for you to move away.”

  “I thought my daughters would be the ones to live elsewhere, not me. And I never imagined he would walk into my life again. I don’t want to sound silly, but I love him and he drives me wild with desire.”

  They talked and laughed and reminisced as they worked and during other breaks, ignorant of the tragedy in Texas that afternoon.

  Thursday morning, Becky departed at nine to take the celebrity auction list to the printer to make copies for the attendees. Rachel left shortly afterward to pick up a group of senior citizens to take them on errands and to appointments. Again, she missed an important call from Texas at eleven, but her answering machine took a message.

  Rachel returned home at six, tired from the lengthy day’s activities and sweaty from the late August heat. She took a long and soothing bubble bath and ate her dinner so she would be ready to watch the football game at eight o’clock on ESPN. She was eager for even a glimpse of her lover, and prayed it would be another glorious night for him.

  She chatted with Becky and Jen before settling herself on the sofa, a glass of diet cola and the remote control within reach and her bare feet propped on an ottoman. Minutes before the game started, Rachel realized she had not checked the answering machine this evening. She decided to wait until an official time-out with lots of commercials to go upstairs to the office to do so. She had spoken with her two friends, and her daughters and Quentin weren’t expected to call today. Anyone else, she reasoned, could wait until she was certain she wouldn’t miss a single sight of or a precious word about the man she loved and missed terribly.

  The sportscasters began talking about the Cowboys and Saints, and shook Rachel to her core with one revelation. She sat up straight, gaped at the screen, paled, trembled, and listened to their words in sheer terror.

  “Tonight is a sad time in the history of football as the sport loses one of its all-time great quarterbacks: Quentin Rawls. It’s a real shame Rawls won’t be playing for the Cowboys tonight or in the future. In the last two games, ‘the man with the golden arm’ proved he was still at the top and deserved to be there. For a while, it looked as if Coach Switzer would have trouble deciding which three quarterbacks to keep on the roster. That accident which took place in Texas yesterday afternoon when Rawls was en route to the airport to join his team and fly here for tonight’s game was a real tragedy. He’s going to be sorely missed in this sport he loved. He gave a lot of people countless thrills and joys over the years. If anybody can be called a hero on and off the field, it’s Quentin Rawls.”

  “You’re right. To pull three trapped people from a wrecked car before it exploded when he was injured badly himself took courage and mettle, and he showed both. Thanks to Rawls, a woman and her two small children are alive today. The truck driver who jackknifed, struck both vehicles, and sent one over that steep embankment died in the crash.”

  “From news reports, he’d already gotten several speeding tickets and two traffic citations for drunk driving. The coin’s being tossed, so we’ll tell you more about Rawls and his career later.”

  Rachel felt weak, nauseous, faint. If Quentin was safe, she worried, he would have phoned by now so she wouldn’t hear this shocking discovery on the news and panic. She leapt t
o her feet and almost tripped several times as she raced up the stairs to check the answering machine. Sure enough, the red light was on to indicate a call had come in. She extended her hand, then yanked it back in fear of learning who had phoned and why.

  With trepidation chewing at her, she sat down at the desk, her legs too shaky for standing. What would she do if he was…“Don’t even think such a horrible thing! Please, God, don’t take him away from me. Let him be alive and unharmed.” It had been terrible to lose Daniel in that plane crash fifteen years ago, but it would be far worse, she admitted, to lose Quentin to death. She loved, needed, and wanted him more so than she had Daniel. She couldn’t imagine her life without him in it, She dreaded listening to the message, but had to see if it was about him. Again, she prayed for his survival, more than his survival, for him to be uninjured. Yet, she knew from what the two announcers had said that he was hurt or…

  Her heart pounded. Her chest felt as if it were constricted by a steel band. Her breathing was shallow and rapid. Her lips, mouth, and throat went dry. Her stomach felt as if it was in knots. Her anguished gaze was locked on the device that might hold news of her beloved and their future. Rachel’s reluctant forefinger pressed the blue button to hear the message. She began to cry in relief and happiness when his recorded voice filled the room. She let the cleansing tears flow and thanked God even as she listened to Quentin’s enlightening words. She pressed the repeat button to hear them again.


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