Breaking Karma

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Breaking Karma Page 5

by Charity Ferrell

  I stared at the elevator doors as they closed us in. I looked down at the floor, remembering when we were in the elevator at Ivy’s apartment. I’d been trying to push him away then, too. But he wasn’t having it. I’d lost my breath when he pushed me against the wall and kissed me.

  “Yeah, I’m going to decline that ride.” I needed to stay strong.

  “It’s a ride, Gabby. I’m not asking for us to get back together or to fuck you in the backseat.”

  I shivered, trying to mask the effect his words had on me. “That’s never happening again.”

  I followed him back to the parking garage and stared at my phone screen until it beeped. I frowned, reading Cora’s text. Her car was in the shop for an oil change, and Lane was playing golf with his dad. Shit.

  “I guess I’ll take that ride after all,” I muttered.

  He led me back to the car Murphy had picked us up in and opened up the passenger door for me.

  “How long do I have to stay here?” I asked, getting in and buckling up my seatbelt.

  “Until the smoke clears. I’d estimate a few weeks to a month.”

  “A month? I’ll be a nervous wreck waiting around for a month.”

  He shrugged, starting the car. “Possibly, you never know.”

  “Let’s hope they catch this killer sooner than that.”

  “That’s why we need to figure this out.”

  “Are you working with the cops?”

  “Nope, but we’re working harder than the cops. We’re better at our jobs.” He changed lanes. “Does your mom know you’re home?” I shook my head. “She misses you.”

  “How do you know how my mom feels? You don’t even know her.”

  “I know what it feels like to lose you, Gabby. Uncle Kenneth says she’s heartbroken. Answer her phone calls. At least let her know you’re okay.”

  My chest hitched. “She lied to me.”

  “People make mistakes.”

  “Of course they do,” I muttered, getting out of the car when we made it to Cora’s. I shut the door and scurried up to her front door without looking back – even though it killed me. I hated walking away from him.

  Having small talk with someone you used to love, with someone you still loved, was agony. It was worse than ignoring them and acting like they didn’t exist, because they were in your face, asking questions and waiting on answers when you couldn’t even think straight because all you remembered was the heartbreak they caused.

  “So what’s the scoop?” Cora asked, letting me in her bedroom. She fell down on her bed and crossed her legs. She still had to know all the details for any juicy gossip. “I thought you quit that hellhole job?”

  I sat down next to her. “There’s not really scoop. I did quit, but there’s a problem with one of the cases I was helping with and they needed to talk to me. As soon as it’s cleared up, I’m not sure what I’m doing.”

  “Are you going back to Florida?”

  “I don’t know. Honestly, I thought I was going to take a year off to find myself, but there’s no way I can do that here now.”

  She pulled her strawberry blonde pair into a ponytail. “Then come with me to school.”

  “It’s a little too late to be trying to get into school. It’s practically the end of summer. What school is going to accept me?”

  “You could try a community college or something? I’m sure my dad, or Lane’s, could pull some strings and help you out.”

  “I’ll figure it out.”

  “Okay, let me know if you need anything. You know I’ll always be here for you no matter what.”

  I nodded. “I know, thanks girl.”

  “Have you talked to your mom?” I shook my head in response. I was already getting tired of hearing that question. “Gabby, I know it’s hard, but you need to talk to her.”

  “She lied to me for years. She always made me believe my father wasn’t in the picture, that he’d run off somewhere.”

  “He technically wasn’t in the picture and did run off somewhere. Just because he was close doesn’t mean anything would’ve been different. Plus, are you sure finding out he was your dad would’ve convinced you to have a relationship with him? He left your mom high and dry when she found out she was prego. That’s shitty. I wouldn’t want to talk about him, either.”



  “Reporting live from the home of Ivy Hart’s parents. Ivy was Atlanta Governor John Gentry’s alleged mistress. She was staying here after she went public about their affair to hide out from the media. We’ve also received reports that she’d been hiding from someone else as well. Governor Gentry couldn’t be reached for comment, which has convinced people he may be involved …”

  I flipped off the TV. Damn, I fucking hated the media.

  John had to make a statement. The longer he waited, the guiltier he looked. The media, they were hound dogs. They’d dig up every dirty detail about him, the affair, and I was sure they’d find out about us trying to bribe her. That would destroy our business.

  I looked up at the sound of my office door swinging open. “Did you forget how to knock?” I asked, leaning back in my chair.

  Leo shut the door behind him, chuckling. “I’m your older brother. I do what I want,” he replied. “So is this going to be our last public visitation?” He walked in and had a seat. “Do I need to start a commissary fund?”

  I flipped him off. “Funny asshole.”

  “Dad filled me in. What’s your next move, brother? You need to get the police off your back and send them sniffing somewhere else.” Worry filled his eyes. He was trying to make light of the situation, but the concern was there. He knew the vendetta Harold had against our family. Neither one of us knew why, though.

  “I have no idea.” I raised a brow. “Got any suggestions?”

  He ran his hands through his thick hair. “I’m afraid I don’t.”

  “That’s a first.”

  “I’m on the fence. A part of me wants to say fuck it and tell them everything – about John, his secrets, anything to get the heat off you. I mean, fuck Dalton, I don’t want you going down for trying to protect someone who doesn’t mean shit to us. It’s not worth it.”

  I nodded in agreement. “And the other part?” I asked, curiously. He always had the best advice. I looked up to him more than my own father.

  “The other part is wondering how terribly that would tear our family and the business apart. I am going to stress this, though. Like I said, if it gets too bad, throw that asshole politician under the bus, you hear me? Don’t lose everything over this deal … this job. It’s not worth it. It’s not worth your freedom.”

  “I will. My patience for this secretive bullshit is wearing thin.” I dropped my head back and groaned. “What do you have going on tonight?” I needed to get my mind off Gabby. As much as I wanted to call her, I had to give her time. She’d had a rough few weeks. I didn’t want to stress her out anymore.

  “We have Piper’s birthday dinner tonight, remember? That’s why I showed up here, to make sure you didn’t try to bail.”

  I let out another groan. A night with my family sounded like fucking torture. “Shit, with all of this stuff going on, I completely spaced it.”

  “I figured. That’s why I came to get your ass.” He got up from the chair and waved his hand through the air towards the door. “Now come on.”

  “I’m not staying long,” I muttered, getting up from my chair. I stopped him when he turned his back to me. “Hey.” He looked at me from over his shoulder. “Do you think you can hire me if I get fired from here?”

  Leo worked for his father-in-law, who had a plethora of companies. They were all successful and clean, and he’d given Leo a nice position in exchange for putting up with his crazy ass daughter.

  “Kelly hates you. She’d kill her father if he hired you. She doesn’t think you’re a good influence on me.” He laughed and opened the door. “Not to mention, your employment track record sucks.
I doubt dad will give you a good referral.”


  We were unfortunately having my sister, Piper’s, birthday dinner at my parent’s house. Not having dinner in a public place meant private conversations would be taking place. Leo and I strolled in to find everyone already seated around the long dining room table. Caterers moved in and out of the kitchen.

  Kelly, Leo’s wife, wasn’t there, thank God. She was attending a Charity event, and their kids were spending the evening at her parent’s house. Leo most likely knew there’d be John talk and didn’t want his kids hearing it.

  “My big brothers,” Piper called out, jumping up from her seat. A bright, pink-lipped grin spread across her lips.

  Piper didn’t have the best reputation. People called her a bitch, selfish, manipulative, and to be honest, she could be. But they didn’t know her well enough to understand why she acted that way. She wanted attention because she never got any at home. She wanted someone to love her, and she would hurt anyone that got in her way of getting it.

  “Happy birthday,” I said, wrapping my arms around her. “The big eighteen.”

  “Leo, Dalton,” my dad said, giving us a head jerk without bothering to get up from his chair. I nodded back, while Leo greeted him.

  My mom stayed quiet. She was either in a mood or too wasted to think about anything.

  As soon as we sat down, Piper laid into me. “What’s this I hear about you panting over that home wrecker’s daughter?” she asked, a sneer in her voice. She was like the rest of my family. She didn’t have a filter and said whatever was on her mind.

  I held my hand up, stopping her before she went any further and really pissed me off. “Don’t start that shit, Piper. You piss me off, I walk out of here without giving you your gift,” I warned. “Don’t insult Gabby or her mom, and I mean it.”

  She pouted her lips. “You know you can do better, right? Dad is never going to let you be with her.” She let out a snort. “Not to mention, you’re engaged.”

  “I’m not engaged, and I honestly don’t give a shit about what dad says.” I looked directly at him. His face turned red, but he stayed quiet. “I’m in love with Gabby. Anyone who doesn’t like it can kiss my ass.” I looked back at Piper. “You need to quit following in mom and dad’s judgmental footsteps and form your own opinion of people.”

  My mom took a long sip of wine before chiming in with her unnecessary input. “Piper, your brother will get over his little crush soon. He’s lusting over her, being childish like some love struck schoolboy. He’ll come to his senses, and the engagement will be back on.”

  I locked eyes with her glossy ones. I wanted her to know how serious I was. “I wouldn’t hold my breath on that happening,” I said, shaking my head. “I’ll repeat – I’m going to be with Gabby, and anyone who doesn’t agree with it can either get over it or not have me in their life. Now let’s stop fucking talking about it.”

  Everyone’s mouth slammed shut, and I noticed Leo’s grin from across the table.

  “At least the girl is acting appropriately given the situation we’re in,” my dad said, surprising the shit out of me and everyone else at the table. “I guess I have to give credit when credit is due.”



  A deep breath of courage knocked from my lungs before I lifted my hand to knock on the door. I was scared shitless about walking into my own home, practically feeling like an outsider after storming out that day. I shouldn’t have acted that way towards her. I knew that, but I’d been so damn angry.

  She didn’t get a heads up that I was coming. No warning. Nothing. I wasn’t sure if I was going to chicken out or not. Cora handed me her car keys an hour ago and told me to do the right thing. I drove around the block four times before finally gaining the strength to pull into the driveway.

  My mom was my best friend. I had to hear her out, so I could forgive her, and I needed her to forgive me. We had to move on from this. I realized she was only trying to protect me, because that’s what she’d done my entire life – work her ass off to provide for me and keep me safe.

  I jumped when the door swung open, and she appeared in the doorway.

  “Gabby.” My name fell from her lips with a gasp.

  Her face turned pale. Guilt crept inside of me. She looked exhausted, sleep deprived. I was to blame for that. No wonder everyone kept insisting I call her. She was a mess.

  “Hi mom,” I greeted, my voice breaking at the end.

  There was no stopping the tears from falling down my cheeks. I missed her. She’d been my backbone for so long. There was a special type of bond a child has with their single parent. The two of you were all each other had. She’d taken on the role of both the mother and father and taught me how to be strong.

  She opened up the door wider and gestured for me to come in. “Come in. I didn’t know you came home, but I’m so glad you did.”

  I followed her into the living room, trying to control my shaking hands, and sat down on the couch while she disappeared into the kitchen.

  Why the hell was I so damn nervous?

  I already knew the story.

  She’d already confirmed that John was my father and that he’d insisted she get an abortion after getting pregnant with me. When she refused, he left her. I wouldn’t be here if she had listened to him, if she would’ve chosen his love over me. Accepting that was the hardest part, and I knew there was no way I’d ever let John into my life, no matter how hard he begged.

  She wandered into the living room with a cup of tea in each hand. “I know I answered some of your questions when we talked,” she started, handing me a cup. “But I want to get everything out in the open. Ask anything you want to know. Anything. I’m an open book.”

  I took a sip of tea and took my time swallowing it down. “Why didn’t you tell me that night? The night of the party when he realized I was his daughter? Or before? Did you know I was working with him?” My mind, along with my mouth, was rambling.

  Those were the questions I was dying to find out the answers to. I couldn’t understand how we were only miles away from him after moving here and she never said anything.

  “I didn’t know you were working with him. If I had, I would’ve told you. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but to be honest, I was afraid for him to be near you. John … he isn’t the most stand up guy. He destroyed me when he turned his back on us. I was scared to give him the chance to hurt you again. He’d reached out before, begging me to see you, but I never called him back. He didn’t deserve that, and I couldn’t see him cause you anymore pain.” She took my hand in hers, giving it a light squeeze.

  “Mom, I know what kind of man he is, and I understand why you wanted to keep me away. At work, we were helping him cover up an affair, and now the girl involved is dead. She was murdered, but we don’t know who did it. The cops brought Dalton in for questioning and then asked about me. He’s brought me into his mess.”

  She let out a heavy sigh and wiped away a few tears. “I know, Kenneth has told me about the situation, but I don’t know all of the details. If you think you’re in trouble, Gabby, you let me know. As for John, I’m not sure about him murdering a woman. I couldn’t see him doing something that terrible, but people do change. I don’t want you to let your guard down around him or anyone else around there.”

  “I won’t.” I leaned forward to wrap my arms around her. “And thank you for telling me everything. I’m sorry for the way that I acted. I know you were only protecting me.”

  “So what’s your plan?” she asked, after we broke away from each other. “Are you staying here?”

  I shrugged, taking a sip of tea before answering. “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “And Dalton? Kenneth told me about what was going on between you two and how Wilson found out and embarrassed you in front of everyone.” She shook her head. “That asshole. Trust me when I say that you won’t be forced to go to anymore of their parties.”

at Dalton and I had … it’s over.”

  “Talk to him, honey. Things in his family, they’re complicated. His parents are overbearing and controlling. They use money as an advantage with their children.”

  “Mom, he was engaged to another woman.”

  “I know, but he didn’t want to marry her.” I gave her a look. “Kenneth was married when we met, but he wasn’t happy. He didn’t love his wife, and quite frankly, I don’t think she loved him very much, either. Trust me, I know it feels wrong to get yourself involved with a person who’s in a relationship. I wish I’d gone about it differently. I should’ve waited until Kenneth left his wife, but I didn’t. But according to Kenneth, Dalton had been trying to cut off his engagement for you, so maybe he’s not as bad as you think. In my opinion, he was trying to figure out what to do with the hand he was dealt and hadn’t found the solution before his dad decided to dump you with the ugly truth.”

  I opened up my bag at the feel of my phone vibrating inside of it and saw Dalton’s name. He’d only been unblocked for a day and was already calling. I hit the ignore button. A message popped up on my screen seconds later.

  DALTON: Where are you?

  I debated whether or not to respond. I didn’t owe him any answers to my whereabouts. But what if it was Ivy related?

  ME: My house. Why?

  DALTON: I’m coming to pick you up. We have a meeting with John.

  ME: I think you can do that on your own.

  DALTON: No, you said you wanted to know what’s going on.

  ME: I borrowed Cora’s car. I’ll meet you at her house.

  I gave my mom a hug and kiss goodbye, promising her that I’d be back, and got back into Cora’s car.


  “How did it go?” Cora asked, when I walked into her bedroom.


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