by Gail Collins
celebrity culture
Celler, Emanuel
Chace, Elizabeth Buffum
Chapman, Hannah
Chapman, Maria Weston
Chapman, Nellie Pooler
Charles II, King of England
Charlotte, Queen of England
Chase, Salmon P. and Mrs.
Chase, Sarah
Cheaper by the Dozen (Gilbreth and
Checker, Chubby (Ernest Evans)
Chen, Lilac
Chesnut, Kate
Chesnut, Mary
Chicago, University of
Chicano movement
Child, David
Child, Lydia Maria
in colonial era
damage in
deaths in
doctors’ handling of
of pioneers
in twenties
see also midwives
child care
child labor
in colonial period
death of
in fifties
as indentured servants
in labor movement
as orphans
rearing of
in wagon trains
see also newborns and infants
Childs, Rhoda Ann
Chilton, Mary
Chinese immigrants
Chisman, Edmund and Lydia
chorus girls
Christian, Dear
Christian, Joanne
Church, Angelica
Churchill, Sarah
Civil Rights Act
civil rights movement
Civil War, U.S.
African American role in
Draft Riots and
nursing in
spies in
Clappe, Louise
Clark, Anne
Clark, Hannah
Clark, Laura
Clark, Spencer
Clarke, Amy
Clarke, Edward
clerical jobs
Cleveland, Frances Folsom
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
Clothing Bureau, Confederate
Cloyce, Sarah
clubs, women’s
Clyman, James
Cody, Buffalo Bill
Coffey, George
Cohen, Joseph
Cohen, Rose (Rahel Gollup)
Coleman, Bessie
Coleman, Madam
Coleman, Sally
colonial period
daily life in
women’s independence in
Columbia University
Comstock, Anthony
Comstock Act (1893)
Condict, John
Confederate Army
Congress, U.S.
women’s rights and
Connelly, Maureen
Constitution, U.S.
Continental Army
Cooper, Mary
Corbin, Margaret
Corey, Giles
Corey, Martha
Cornell University
Cornwall, Carol
Cotton, John
Covello, Leonard
Crabtree, Lotta
Craddock, Ida
Craft, Ellen
Craft, William
Crandall, Prudence
Crane, William
Crawford, Jane Todd
Croatoan Indians
Croly, Jane Cunningham
Crow, Polly
Culpepper, Nicholas
Culver, Helen
Cummings, Kate
Cummins, Maria
Cunning, Sheril
Cushing, E. W.
Custer, George
Custer, Mrs. George
Cuthbert, Margaret
Dale, Sir Thomas
Daniels, Carolyn
Dare, Ananias
Dare, Eleanor
Dare, Virginia
Davidson, Maude
Davidson, Sara
Davis, Bette
Davis, Jefferson
Davis, Varina
Davison, Emily
Davison, Jaquie
Day, Clarence
Declaration of Independence, U.S.
Declaration of Rights (Womanifesto)
Dee, Sandra
defense work
Defoe, Daniel
Deland, Margaret
Democratic party
Denman, Thomas
department stores
DePauw University
Depression, Great
DeTreville, Mary Darby
Dewees, William
Dewson, Molly
Dickens, Charles
Dickinson, Anna
Dieffenbach, Johann Friedrich
Diehl, Elise
Dier, Jane
diet, dieting
Dinsmore, Anne
discrimination, sex
“Distinctive Characteristics of the
Female” (Meigs)
Dix, Dorothea
Civil War and
in Gilded Age
in World War II
Dodge, Mabel
domestic life
in colonial period
in fifties
of pioneers
slavery and
see also homemakers, housework
Door of Hope Mission
Douglass, Frederick
Draft Riots
Drake, Mahala
dress reform
Drinker, Elizabeth
addiction to
Drummond, Sarah
Duff, Mary Ann
Dunbar, Lois
Dunton, Mrs. John
Durham, Temple
Dustan, Hannah
Duvall, Laura
Dyck, Mary Knackstedt
Dyer, Mary
Earhart, Amelia
Easty, Mary
Eaton, Anne
Eckford, Elizabeth
Ederle, Gertrude
Edison, Thomas
of African Americans
in colonial period
in pre–Civil War period
in public schools
of slaves
Edwards, Jonathan
Eisenhower, Dwight
Eisler, Benita
Elder, Ruth
Elderkins, Mary
Ellis, Anne
Ellis, Bob
Ellis, Mary
Ellis Island
of African Americans
Civil War and
in sixties
in World War II
see also career women; specific jobs
English, Mary
Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC)
Equal Rights Amendment (E.R.A.)
Eriksson, Leif
Etheridge, Annie
Euphradian Academy
Evans, Augusta Jane
Evans, Owen
Ewell, Thomas
Ewens, Agnes
factory work
in World War II
see also mill girls
Fairbanks, Douglas
Farmer, Fannie
in colonial period
in Depression
in pre–Civil War period
see also plantations
Farnsworth, Martha
Father’s Legacy to His Daughters, A
Faulkner, William
Fay, Delia
r /> Feaster, Gus
Felton, Rebecca Latimer
Female Seminary Movement
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan)
Ferguson, Katy
Ferguson, “Ma,”
Fern, Fanny
Field, Marshall
domestic life in
suburbs in
television in
Firestone, Shulamith
Fiske, Deborah
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fitzgerald, Zelda
Flax, Alice
Floradora Girls
Flowerdew, Temperance
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley
Fogg, Mary Rutledge
Ford, Betty
Ford, Henry
Forrest, Mrs. Thomas
Forte, Fabian
Forten, Charlotte
Fossett, Sarah Walker
Foster, Kate
Foster, Thomas
Fowle, Elida Rumsey
Fowler, Ann
Fowler, Harriet
Fowler, Nathaniel
Franklin, Benjamin
Fraser, Evelyn
free blacks
education of
Freedmen’s Bureau
Free Labor Bureau
Freistater, Rose
Fremont, Jessie
Fremont, John Charles
Freud, Sigmund
Freydis (Viking)
Friedan, Betty
frontier, frontier towns
in colonial era
slavery in
teachers in
Fugitive Slave Law
Fujikawa, Fred
Fuller, Jean Wood
Fuller, Margaret
Furness, Betty
Gadsden, Christopher
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gallaudet, Thomas
Gallup, George
Gannett, Deborah Sampson
Garner, Cornelius
Garrett, Leah
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gattus, Ottilie Juliet
Gayle, Sarah
G. D. Searle
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
Generation of Vipers (Wylie)
Geneva College
George, Octavia
Georgia Federation of White Women
German immigrants
Gibson, Charles Dana
Gibson Girl
Gilbreth, Anne
Gilbreth, Ernestine and Frank, Jr.
Gilbreth, Frank, Sr.
Gilbreth, Lillian
Gilded Age,
celebrity culture in
immigrants in
preferred body type in
shopping in
single women in
suburbanization in
women’s clubs in
Gilman, Caroline Howard
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Glazer, Willard
Godey’s Lady’s Book
Godkin, Edwin
Gold, Mike
Goldman, Emma
Gone with the Wind (Mitchell)
Good, Dorcas
Good, Sarah
“Goodbye to All That” (Morgan)
Goodrich, Juliet
Goodwin, John
Gookin, John
government jobs
Graham, Florence Nightingale
Graham, Rev. Billy
Graham, Sylvester
Granson, Milla
Greeley, Horace
Green, Ernest
Green, Mary
Greenhow, Rose O’Neal
Greenwood, Grace
Gregory, John
Grendon, Sarah
Grendon, Thomas
Griffiths, Martha
Grimball, Elizabeth
Grimke, Angelina
Grimke, Archibald Henry
Grimke, Francis James
Grimke, Henry
Grimke, Montague
Grimke, Sarah
Gruenberg, Sidonie
Grummond, Frances
Gunn, Elizabeth
Guntharpe, Violet
Gwinnett, Ann
Hahne, Dellie
Hale, Sarah Josepha
Hall, G. Stanley
Hall, Samuel
Hamer, Fannie Lou
Hammond, Catherine
Hanson, Harriet
Harding, Warren
Hargrave, Z. B.
Harland, Marion
Harlow, Jean
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins
Harris, Caroline Johnson
Harris, Sarah
Harrison, Sarah
Harte, Bret
Hatton, Joseph
Hawks, Howard
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hays, Mary Ludwig
Haywood, Bill
Hayworth, Rita
health reform
Hearst, William Randolph
Hemingway, Eliza
Hentz, Caroline Lee
Herrick, Mary
Hewlett, Ensign
Hewlins, Caroline
Hibbens, Ann
Hickman, Williana
Hickok, Lorena
Hickok, Wild Bill
Hicks, Frederick
Higgins, Ethel
Hightower, Mamie
Hildring, John
Hill, Tina
Hobbs, Abigail
Hobby, Oveta Culp
Holden, Ruth
Hollick, Frederick
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
home economics
homemakers, housework
black women as
in colonial period
in fifties
how-to-manuals for
New Woman and
in pre–Civil War period
in sixties
see also lesbians
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hoover, Lou Henry
House of Representatives, U.S.
Howard, Josephine
How I Learned to Ride the Bicycle
Hoyt, Dorothy
Hubbell, Augusta
Hudson, Susanna
Hughes, Everett
Hughes, Howard
Hull House
Hunt, Helen
Hunter, Addie
Huntingdon, Countess of
Hunton, Addie Waites
Hurley, Ruby
Hutchinson, Anne
Hutchinson, Susan Davis
Hutchinson, William
in Draft Riots
entertainment of
health problems of
housing of
as servants
temperance and
World War II’s effects on
“Incapacity of Business Women, The”
indentured servants
Indian fighters, female
Ingram, Charles
insanity and mental illness
Irish immigrants
Draft Riots and
Italian immigrants
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Mattie
Jacobs, George, Jr. and Sr.
Jacobs, Harriet
Jacobs, Margaret
Jacobs, Rebecca
James I, King of England
Jamestown, Va.
Jane Eyre (Brontë)
Japanese Americans
Jay, Sarah
Jefferson, Martha
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenkins, Theresa
Jennings, Elizabeth
Jewish immigrants
Johnson, Edward
Johnson, Jordan
Johnson, Mary
Johnson, Richard
Jones, Annie
Jones, Charlie
Jones, George
Jones, Mother (Mary Harris)
journalists, female
, female
Judson, Andrew
Kael, Pauline
Kaminski, Rose
Kane, Orissa
Keen, Yoke
Kelley, Florence
Kellogg, John Harvey
Kelsey, Nancy
Kemble, Fanny
Kendall, Florence
Kennedy, Flo
Kenyon, Dorothy
Key, Phillip Barton
Killingsworth, Sarah
King, Billie Jean
King, Henrietta
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King Philip’s War
Kinsey, Alfred
Knowles, Dr.
Knowlton, Charles
Knox, Mrs. Henry
Koplin, Emily
Kuczynski, Alex
Kuehlthau, Brunetta
Labor Department, U.S.
labor movement
Ladd, Anna Coleman
Ladies’ Home Journal
Ladies’ Magazine
LaGuardia, Fiorello
Langtry, Lillie
Lanza, Clara
Larcom, Lucy
LaRue, Ella
Lash, Joseph
Latham, Mary
Laukhug, Mrs. Chris
lawyers, female
Lechnir, Jean
Lee, Ellen
Lee, Lucinda
Lee, Mary
Lee, Robert E.
Lemlich, Clara
Leonardson, Samuel
Leslie, Mrs. Frank
LeSueur, Meridel
Lewis, Sinclair
library work
life expectancy
Lightfoot, Thomas
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Amos
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Lindsay, Mary
Linker, Mollie
Livermore, Mary
Lockhart, Matilda
Longley, Mrs. L. V.
Longstreet, Helen Dortch
Looking Backward (Bellamy)
Loose Change (Davidson)
Lovejoy, Edith
Lovejoy, Julia
Low, Law Shee
Lucas, Eliza, see Pinckney, Eliza Lucas
Lucas, George
Lucy, Autherine
Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
Lynn, Loretta