Arsenal Reloaded (Full Metal Superhero Book 8)

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Arsenal Reloaded (Full Metal Superhero Book 8) Page 5

by Jeffery H. Haskell

  “Epic, set volume to max.”

  I close my eyes and listen. Then I hear it. The sight clickity-clack of claws on steel and concrete. Then the stairwell door opens, hangs open for a second then slowly closes.

  “Zoom in on the carpet outside Kate’s door.”

  The camera flickers then we’re looking at a times-ten magnification of the area. The carpet depresses ever so slightly in the form of a human foot.

  “Keep that there, show me the big image,” I say. He does.

  The door opens, and there’s Kate, in her bath towel, looking shocked... at nothing.

  “Freeze,” I say. Then I look around at everyone, then Kate. “I take it she wasn’t invisible?”

  “If it were that easy, I wouldn’t have called you,” Kate says with a wink.

  “We got this far. It’s just figuring out where she went afterword. I searched the grounds immediately following Kate’s alarm,” Fleet says, “Nothing.” He shrugs.

  “Hmm...” I lean to the side and look at the screen for a second. How is she invisible to the camera, but not to the eye?

  “For that matter,” I say, “How did she open the doors? They’re all biometrically locked. Anyone who isn’t supposed to be here can’t even go to the bathroom without help...” I turn and look up at the camera, at Milton, really.

  “I can’t explain it, mum. It’s like she was erased from the feed but in real time. I’ve run several diagnostics; there is nothing in the database that accounts for it. Nor for the doors opening without proper access,” he says.

  Unless he’s in on it... which, as mad as I am at him, I don’t think he would betray the team. No. If Milton were compromised it would be without his knowledge.

  Amelia, when we were on the space station I used a lock breaking algorithm to bypass the doors’ local security. All it required was proximity. It is possible they used something similar.

  “Yeah, but Epic, you’re an AI. You go through regular encryption like it’s not even there... this is Vixen we’re talking about. She isn’t a computer scientist. As far as I know she doesn’t have the tools to do this.”

  “Then someone paid her to do this and provided her the tools,” Kate says. She’s thinking like a detective now.

  “Maybe, but why? To break in and throw you around in your bathrobe?” I ask. “What could she possibly hope to gain? Now that the tech is exposed, we can make some changes to our security, make sure she doesn’t do this again.”

  “I believe I found her entrance,” Milton says. “Knowing that the doors were opening without alerting me, I scanned all the footage until I found the path of opening doors. She came in through the balcony on the break room.”

  I nod. “Okay, so she free-climbed five stories and came in. No cameras could see her, and the doors opened at her touch.”

  “Don’t forget,” Fleet adds, “she disappeared just as fast. Whatever thingamajig she used on the doors wouldn’t hide her from me, and I searched the entire area.”

  “No, it would not,” I tell him. “I don’t get it. She breaks in, and leaves as soon as she’s engaged? What, did she stop in to borrow some sugar?”

  “Oh, damn...” Kate says suddenly. She holds up her arm.

  “Kate?” Now it’s my turn to drag out her name.

  “It all happened so fast, and not having access to my powers added some confusion, but during the fight she bit me. Tore a mouth full of my arm right out.”

  “What?” I almost yell. “Your Animetal arm, she has a sample of that?”

  Kate’s eyes cast down and she nods. “Sorry, Amelia, I didn’t think of her attack that way.”

  “I don’t get it, what can she do with a mouthful of metal?” Fleet asks.

  Vixen? Nothing. However, whoever she is working for is an order of magnitude smarter. If Calhoon Strungel wasn’t verifiably deceased, I would say it was him. Epic’s words appear on the big monitor so everyone can see.

  “Not Strungel,” I say. “No one I’ve fought in the past four years had access to this kind of tech. Strungel was brilliant at copying anything and improving it, but this… this isn’t based on anything I’ve ever made.”

  “Then who is it?” Glacier asks, “And why the metal? If all the alien ships are gone, then they can’t get more, right?”

  Glacier is a genius.

  “Oh my God,” I say out loud.

  “I know that look,” Kate says.

  “They’re not all gone,” I say with a smile. “That’s the only explanation. They must think, or know, there are more. But why would they need a sample of… Epic, molecular frequency, right?”

  Yes, but... that would mean either the government or Superheroes for a Super World lied about the ships being disposed of.

  “Are you saying there are more alien ships on Earth?” Fleet asks.

  “Everything in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency. Normally, tracking such a frequency would be impossible, but...” I hold up my hand. “If you have something that vibrates on a completely different frequency than everything else on the planet... and if you knew what that frequency was because you have a piece of it...”

  “Say, from a cybernetic arm?” Kate asks.

  We need a lab that can run a molecular frequency scan.

  “We need to hurry Epic, in this race, there is no silver for second place.”


  The construction is coming along quickly. Epic and I decided to fund Rutabaga’s company to pull in an extra shift and have construction going twenty-four hours a day. As I watch, they are finishing off the tunnel. Rutabaga is already going in with his unique superpower to fuse everything together. When it’s all said and done, this little base of mine will be as secure as a mountain, and completely undetectable.

  As far as the regular construction crew is concerned, we’re creating a gas storage vault. As for Rutabaga’s crew, they think they are working on a secret government contract to create a vault for radioactive waste. They won’t be eager to tell anyone about it. It’s a win/win. I’m not fond of lying to anyone, for any reason, but this is what Luke would call, “Operational Security.” If they don’t know, they can’t say.

  Amelia, I have located a lab that may have what we need. A mass spectrometer capable of reading the wavelength we need at the sub-atomic level. There are only three I can find. One is at MIT—

  “We can count that one out. They’re not my biggest fans.”

  I think you underestimate them. The other is in Russia, and the last one China. I think MIT is our only option here.

  “You think they’ll let me in to use it? As far as the scientific community is concerned, I have superpowers; they’re not interested in anything I have to say, nor do I care.”

  I am not suggesting we ask.

  “It’s not like— Wait, what?”

  I can access their computers fairly easily and forge you access credentials. We can also create a grant to pay for the time, and a little extra. As far as they are concerned, it will be an authorized visit.

  “Epic... I’m impressed. I wouldn’t have thought of that,” I say putting my chin in my hands. “How long?”

  I can have it ready to go for tomorrow. In the meantime, I suggest we start putting together a new suit. Something in red and white.

  “I like where your head is at. Let’s start with projecting all the schematics for the MK I through MK VII up here,” I say, waving at the holographic area. “Also, better wake up Mom and Dad, I think they would be interested in this—plus an extra pair of eyes wouldn’t hurt.”

  They will be here in ten minutes. Might I suggest we come at this from the angle of integrating Animetal into an existing suit? That way if we do not find any more, this design will not be for nothing.

  “Good plan. If we use it as an endoskeleton for strength and reaction, as well as mimicking a synthsuit, we’ll cut down on the processing time.”

  We will also need to have safety interlocks to keep from cooking your brain.

; “Ugh, yeah, let’s not forget that,” I say. Memories of the euphoria I felt testing my original alien armor in a fight against Carlos are hard to forget.

  I take a long look at the designs, moving them around in my mind for what feels like a few minutes, when Mom and Dad enter through the side door.

  “Amelia! Thank you for calling us. I have to say, ever since we came down here your father and I have worked ideas for a new suit,” Mom says with a big smile. She’s dressed to work, in casual slacks and a long-sleeved athletic shirt. Her long hair is in an elaborate braid that I couldn’t duplicate with a month to practice and a step-by-step video.

  Dad is wearing jeans and a long black t-shirt under a brown leather jacket he is in the process of putting on as they enter the cooled interior. He keeps his face clean shaven and his salt and pepper hair short. His waistline has expanded in recent years, but he still looks fit.

  “No promises,” I tell them, “But it looks like there may be more of the alien metal on Earth. If there is, we can use Animetal as part of the design.”

  They both nod. Mom sits down at her workstation opposite of mine while Dad hits the fridge and digs out three Cokes for us. “We’re going to need to keep up our energy for this one.” He hands me one, then Mom, before sitting down and popping the tab on his. “Are you thinking heavily armored, armed, or fast?”

  “I’m thinking that this suit has to have as much power as I can cram into it. I mean everything I’ve ever made, plus some new things I’ve been thinking about. I don’t ever want to be caught flat-footed again. I also need a way to have it with me pretty much at all times.”

  “Without access to quantum space?” Dad asks.

  I nod. “When I went back in time I fought a Greek…” It annoys me to even think of them as gods. “…Traveler, from another dimension. She stayed behind when the rest of her people left. When Luke— we fought her, she ended up going through the time portal with me. She was lost in time, though, anywhere between then and now. When we came back to the present, I was unable to access quantum space. Epic traced the carrier wave that is blocking us and it matches the power readers we had from our fight with her. I don’t know what Nemesis is up to, and I can’t really focus on that right now. I have two priorities: rescue Tia and find the Animetal. Finding and defeating Nemesis is going to have to wait.”

  May I suggest we start with the chassis, as that will determine the weapons load we can put on.

  “Let’s get to it!” I say.

  What feels like days, but is in fact is only hours, pass as we work out the specifics on the new suit. If what we’re planning ends up as what I use, it will be thicker and lighter than my other suits, with all the advantages of both. Not to mention a ton of weapons systems. Of which, my new favorite is the swarm missile. It was Dad’s idea. He figured out how to create a ZPFM battery; essentially a tiny, short-lived reactor, only large enough to power an Emdrive for two seconds. However, in that two seconds it could accelerate to twenty-five hundred feet per second. That would give me an option when dealing with hordes of bad guys. Combine it with Epic’s pinpoint accuracy and I could kneecap twenty-five people in one second.

  Along with the new stuff, I have returning favorites. Pod launcher with multiple projectiles, from ag-pods to HE grenades. All-purpose smoke grenades, EMP, and of course, the IP Cannons, Particle Beam, and Kinetic Lance.

  I’m going to forgo the main gun on this one. I built that mostly for dealing with the aliens and I can’t ever see using that against criminals. I’ll be keeping the tank missile launcher as well as the rifle; I really liked it. However, I won’t carry it around with me unless there is a really big threat.

  Finally, the Sword ‘O Doom. Yeah, gonna have that. I rub my eyes, looking at all the systems we’re putting in. The support systems are just as crazy cool as the weapons. She’ll be space worthy for up to two weeks in a hard vacuum. Six Emdrives have no theoretical limit on speed. My handy dandy kinetic shield will be more powerful than ever, and boosted with an electromagnetic shield to provide protection against radiation. Communications systems, along with lidar, sonar, and every single vision mod I could think of to put in the visor.

  “You know,” Dad says out of the blue, interrupting my reverie, “If you sold this suit it would be worth about a trillion dollars.”

  “If money was my goal, I would have quit long ago. But I see your point. You’re saying people might come for me—not to commit crimes but to steal the suit?”

  “Bingo,” he says.

  “They already do that. The first year I was operating I spent about half my time coming up with ways to keep unauthorized individuals from using my tech.”

  Ugh. They both look down, almost sad. The unauthorized individuals were them and Cat-7.

  “I’m sorry,” I say quickly to help, “I didn’t mean it like that. I don’t ever think of you two in that way, not at all.”

  Mom gets up and walks over to kneel next to me and give me a hug. “It’s okay honey, we’re still coming to terms with how much of our lives we lost and… well... it isn’t always easy.”

  Amelia, I am sorry to interrupt, but if you want to make your appointment at MIT we need to get you in the air. You will have to shower on the way.

  I check the time in the bottom corner of my glasses and sure enough eighteen hours has passed since we started working. I’m suddenly both tired and starving.

  “Dangit, Epic, why didn’t you say something sooner?”

  I sent you several alerts; all of which you silenced.

  “Right,” I say giving Mom a squeeze. “Do you two mind staying here and working on this some more? Epic can order you some food and there is a bed at the front of the truck if you get tired.”

  Dad smiles. “That sounds perfect. Chinese Food, if you please, Epic.”

  I wave goodbye and head for the door. Epic is one step ahead of me; the door slides up and the ramp is already in position to lower me down. A nondescript, black, self-driving SUV waits for me. The temperature is already climbing, despite the fact that the sun is still minutes from making an appearance.

  The SUV will take you ten miles north, where I have an EmJet waiting for you. We would not want a high-tech jet landing in the construction site and giving away who you are.

  “Thanks Epic. Wake me up when we get there, I’m just—” I can’t help but yawn, “taking a power nap.”


  The first thing Vixen noticed while she was being escorted to her room was that everyone was dressed identically. Not a single person had their mask off. Everyone, male or female, tall or short, wore the black ninja-like suits with the masks and the goggles. Not an inch of skin showed anywhere, and they all looked virtually identical.

  No one talked either, which was creeping her out. “What’s the plan then? You guys have some super tech I can use to take down Protectors?”

  Two of the minions walked in front of her, in step and synchronized like watches. “Yes,” the one on the right said. “Assuming you still want your revenge?”

  “Damn skippy I do. Stupid superheroes think they own the world,” she grumbled. She did want her revenge, but the fury and embarrassment of getting her butt kicked by Domino had faded, and now, several hundred feet underground in a base full of people walking around like zombies, she wasn’t as confident that she would be willing to do “anything” for her revenge.

  The minion who spoke, waved his hand and a section of the wall to the right opened. “Wait in here, please,” he said without inflection or tone.

  She nodded, reminding herself that, if she had to, she could take any ten of these buffoons and fight her way out.

  The door shut behind her, leaving her in an empty room.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  A voice from a speaker answered her. “Clarice, do you still want your revenge?”

  She looked around the empty room, fear creeping up her like a snake. She didn’t like feeling afraid. Her powers made her faster, stronger, de
adlier than almost anyone, and she hadn’t felt fear in a long, long time.

  Until now.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Excellent. Please remove all your clothing and lie on the table.”

  Before she could form the words to ask what table, one slid out of the wall and waited for her.

  She divested herself of her clothes, carefully stacking them beside the table. She wasn’t a fashionista by any definition, but clothes that fit her frame were hard to find.

  “Now what?”

  “Lie down as instructed.”

  She slipped onto the cold table, reluctantly pulling her legs up and lying down.

  “Hold still please.”

  Straps appeared out of the table, securing her tightly across her shoulders, stomach, hips, knees, and ankles.

  “What is this?”

  “It’s for your protection, to keep you from moving too much during the procedure.”

  “Procedure? You didn’t say anything about a procedure.”

  “Clarice, we didn’t say anything about anything, other than asking you if you wanted your revenge. Now, you will have it.”

  She shrieked as a needle jabbed her in the butt. It wasn’t quite a sedative, more like a relaxant; her muscles went weak and floppy. The wall at her feet opened and the table carried her into the dark.

  “As you know, there are few cases of scientists actually successfully creating superpowers. Your friend, White Rhino, was one of them. However, the procedure left him with a sub one hundred IQ.”

  Ah. That’s why he was so stupid, Clarice thought. She tried to speak but her jaw wouldn’t open, she ended up mumbling.

  “Not to worry, Clarice, you can’t speak. However, we are eighty-three point nine percent sure this procedure will work.”

  She wanted to ask who ‘we’ were but couldn’t. The room lit up and she found herself in an operating theater. Articulating arms and robotic saws came to life.


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