Envy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 4)

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Envy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 4) Page 13

by Marnie Cate

  “She has been insane,” my mother whispered through clenched teeth. “She even caused an accident at the cannery. Thankfully, no one died this time, but she promised there would be deaths, if… if she doesn't get what she wants soon.”

  I held out my arm showing her the long silver scar. “I am very aware of her anger. When she gave me this reminder, she told me you are getting old, and should watch out for stairs.”

  My mother's eyes widened. I would be a liar if I said I didn't have a little pleasure from her dismay.

  “You are not the only one she has been tormenting. Oh, and I learned something else while we were gone. Did you know Roger is from Brighid's Landing, and that his hometown honors Snowystra's sister?”

  “No,” my mother gasped.

  “Well,” I said with a soft exhale, “I am pregnant now. Snowystra will have what she wants soon enough.” I neglected to tell her I planned to find a way to keep my child, but she surprised me with hopes of her own.

  “Amaro promised he would stop her,” my mother said in an undertone.

  “No, you can't make deals with him. It must stop”

  “But –”.

  “This is no longer your problem,” I scolded, cutting her off. “I will find a way to save my baby. For now, please, leave me, and Mother?” I paused long enough to be sure I had her full attention. “We will speak no more of this unpleasantness.”

  “I'm only trying to help,” my mother said weakly.

  “I know, but this is not a problem Drygen money can fix.” I guided her to the door, and into the hallway. “Have Sofia send up some breakfast for me.”

  As she began to speak, I shut the door, blocking her out. Worrying about my mother's ego was not on the agenda for today.

  * * *

  Roger returned in time for lunch, and insisted we picnic on Sparrow Lake. It was much different travelling to my favorite hideaway by car. We were taken to a part of the beach I had never explored before. As Roger opened the car door for me, a white boat appeared at the end of a wooden dock. The vessel had to be eighty feet long, and almost as tall.

  “What is this?” I asked, taking his hand.

  “That, my dear, is our home away from home. Well, at least while we are in Starten.” He smiled brightly. “I thought we could spend a bit of time on the lake. I had planned this before I knew about the baby. If you feel sick at all, we will leave. Come, let me show you.”

  We stepped onto the wooden platform at the back of the boat. I followed Roger up a set of stairs.

  “This is the main deck,” he said, stopping at a gray wooden table with matching chairs. “We can dine here as we float.”

  We walked through a corridor, past a kitchen and into a salon with white couches decorated with burnt orange pillows. A short distance away, a dining table for eight was set with crystal glassware and gold trimmed plates. After another short flight of stairs, we were at the top of the yacht.

  “Here, we can lounge out of the sun within earshot of the captain and crew,” he said, stopping at a set of couches. The man at the helm of the boat turned and nodded his head as Roger wrapped his arm around my waist. “Or, if you would like a bit of sun, the flybridge deck would be a perfect place for us to sunbathe.”

  “This seems so extravagant, Roger,” I said cautiously. “This must have cost a fortune.”

  “Lucky for you, your family is well off enough to afford such luxuries,” my mother called from the stairs. “Your gorgeous husband has taught me how wonderful such an investment could be. This is my wedding gift to you, my darling daughter.”

  I bit my lip in irritation. She had turned this lovely adventure into another one of her victories. I must not have masked my emotions well because my mother's smile turned sour.

  “Don't worry. I am just here to see the surprised look on your face. Roger can continue your tour, and I will see you tomorrow evening,” my mother called as she began her descent down the stairs.

  When I was sure she was out of earshot, I threw my arms around Roger's neck. “I do love the idea of sleeping on a boat, but aren't we a bit old for camping outside.”

  “I would never ask you to sleep outside like common people,” Roger laughed. He kissed me tenderly. In that moment, I felt every ounce of love he had for me. It overwhelmed me, as much as it pleased me.

  When his lips finally left mine, he whispered, “I have something special to show you.”

  Roger led me down to the platform we had originally entered the boat on and around the deck to another set of stairs. The steps twisted and turned as they brought us deeper into the boat.

  Roger briefly pointed to the left. “Over there is a cabin for your mother.” Leading me to the right, we entered a second room. This one had a large bed with two small desks under tiny round windows. “Through there is another small room, for our child, when he or she grows up. This room will be our private hideaway.”

  I was surprised by how much room we had. The bathroom even had a tub with jets. It also had a walk-in closet, which had been filled with new clothes.

  “It is wonderful. We should live here,” I laughed.

  Roger scooped me up into his arms. Laying me on the bed, he began to kiss my neck. I was lost in his attention when a cold breeze floated over me. I quickly opened my eyes, fearing Snowystra had arrived. Instead, I found Jameson standing in the doorway several feet away from us.

  Roger must have sensed my disconnect because he began to sit up. I quickly wrapped my arms around him, pulling him back to me. Taking orders from a goddess was bad enough. I wasn't about to give power over my life to anyone else.

  Jameson invaded my mind. Why are you doing this, Blanche? You are meant to be with me. You are carrying my child.

  Who are you to try and control me? I am Roger's wife now, and I don't know whose child I am carrying. Get out of my mind, Jameson. You will only make things worse, I thought, forcing myself to clear my mind.

  “I love you, Roger. You are my world,” I murmured, pulling him closer to me.

  It was cruel, but Jameson had to release me. The father was irrelevant to me at this point. No, I did know whose child it was – it was my child. No matter which man I loved, they couldn't save us. I had to choose. I had chosen.

  The chill in the air lifted, and I knew Jameson was gone.

  * * *

  Roger had transported me to another world again. Sparrow Lake seemed so different. In the protection of the massive boat, I felt safe, and I was able to enjoy the afternoon sunbathing on the top deck. As I soaked in the warmth and the love of my husband, I almost believed we could be happy.

  “Why don't you sit up and let me rub some sunscreen on your shoulders. You are looking a bit pink, my fair beauty,” Roger offered.

  When I sat up, he immediately wrapped his arms around me, and began to kiss my shoulder. I shifted myself onto his lap, stopping him.

  “I thought my white skin was burning,” I smirked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked him on the cheek.

  “You distracted me with your beauty,” he said, resuming his kisses on my shoulders and neck.

  Suddenly, something felt wrong. I sensed we weren't alone. I scanned the shore around us, and a chill ran through me as my eyes fell on her. Snowystra was standing on the rocky beach watching us. Her staring was enough to frighten me, but I was in shock by her appearance. Instead of her typical revealing outfit, she wore nothing. She was completely nude.

  “What's wrong,” Roger asked, ceasing his seduction. “Oh,” he gasped as his eyes focused on Snowystra.

  He can see her, I realized as Snowystra waggled her fingers at us. She was not even trying to hide.

  “Do you know her?” Roger asked.

  “I have never seen her before,” I lied. “She looks like one of those gypsies.”

  Roger's eyes were locked with hers. He stared with such intensity it caused a shiver to ripple through my body.

  Removing myself from his arms and standing up, I said, “I thought you
only had eyes for me? Why would you look at that trash?”

  Apparently mesmerized, he didn't respond. I stepped in front of him, blocking her from view, and he shook his head slightly. It took him a minute to refocus on me.

  “Oh, Blanche, I don't know what just happened. I saw that woman standing naked on the shore, and then suddenly, I was standing in a snowy forest with her. She began to kiss me, and I tried to pull away, but her lips were so cold.”

  I looked to the shore to see if Snowystra was still watching us, but she was gone. “What woman are you talking about?”

  “She was just right there. You saw her. You called her gypsy trash.”

  “You were kissing me when you suddenly went as still as a statue. A naked gypsy? Roger, I think you've had too much sun and champagne,” I laughed.

  Running his fingers through his hair, he sighed. “You are probably right. I think I'll go take a cool shower, and lie down. Will you join me?”

  “I think I'll read for a bit on the main deck, and let you rest,” I replied, kissing his cheek. “Try not to dream about your temptress.”

  * * *

  I held the book in my hands, but I could not focus on the words. I didn't understand why she had decided to ruin our day. What is her plan? The air around me grew cold as a shadow fell on me.

  “You look lost, my beauty. Does your book not entertain?” Amaro's deep voice sent a chill through me.

  Tell him no. Tell him to go away, I warned myself.

  I ignored him, and tried to pretend I was reading. He sat down very close to me, so close I could feel his magic pricking my skin. I shivered.

  “You are cold. Let me warm you,” he said, wrapping his arm around me. His exotic scent filled my senses, and I found myself instinctively moving closer to him. “Yes, isn't this very nice. Wouldn't you like to come away with me, away from all your worries? By my side, you will be the mistress of my realm… my queen. Imagine the life I can offer you.”

  His words mesmerized me. Suddenly, I was standing, and Amaro was holding me in his arms. The sky above us was dark, except for the bright moon. I couldn't figure out where we were. We were somewhere high up. I could see the top of a row of trees, and mountains in the distance.

  Atop, what I guessed was a rooftop patio, he began to dance with me. Amaro began to spin me, and the crimson dress I was now wearing began to twirl. Even here, I sensed someone watching. Around us, dark eyes appeared, but the faces were nothing more than a blur to me.

  Red smeared my vision. The spinning slowed, and I could now see dozens of people huddled together and warily watching me. Their faces and arms were lined with streaks of blood as if they had been whipped. Something rubbed against my leg. When I looked down, I found black tendrils dripping from my gown.

  “Would you like me to dance again with my queen?” he called to the crowd. I could feel the crescendo of emotions from those circling us – anger, fear, defeat. My eyes locked with one of the women. They pleaded with me to help her. She choked back a sob when the man next to her whispered something to her.

  These people were terrified. It was more than seeing they were scared - I could feel their emotions. It was as if horrible reactions were running through me. I needed to help them, but I wasn't sure how. I tried to remove myself from Amaro's hold, but he gripped me tighter.

  “Yes, soak up their feelings, and feed my soul, my beauty,” he praised.

  He began his cruel dance again, and I could hear the screams all around me. No! I don't want you, I tried to scream, but my words would not form. I fought to free myself from him, and when I finally did, I found myself back on Sparrow Lake.

  Though I knew I was safe, the image I had seen haunted me. Tears began to fall from my eyes as the horrific memory flooded me with emotions. Is this the darkness I was warned about?

  Suddenly, Amaro's lips were on my neck again, and he was whispering in my ear, “Do not cry, my treasure. I will take away your pain.”

  He began to chant in a strange language. The sensations of his kisses were consuming, but the pain of the people lingered, allowing me to keep control over my senses. He lifted my chin with his long finger, and stared deeply in to my eyes.

  “You are ready to come with me,” his voice was husky and commanding. “Tell me to stop her, and take you away. Tell me you want to be with me always.”

  When I didn't respond, he pressed his lips to mine. The strong desire to please him filled me. “I want …,” I quietly moaned.

  “Yes, tell me,” he demanded, touching his lips to my cheek. “Tell me what you desire. I will take away your pain and worry. I will raise your child as mine. The child will take my place as the leader of the Mrak when my time is through. You will never have to fear Snowystra's wrath again.”

  He could save my child from her. He could stop her from hurting anyone else I loved. It was as simple as saying `yes', but then, the pleading eyes of the woman flashed before me. It broke his spell.

  “No,” I screamed, shoving him away. “I don't want your help. Leave me alone.”

  His eyes blazed a blood red, and for the briefest moment, his appearance changed from the ruggedly handsome man to a skeleton in a tattered and torn suit. His flesh hung loosely from the bone in a putrid display that churned my stomach. As quick as his true self was revealed, his handsome façade returned.

  “You should be careful not to play with gods, my treasure. I will not ask again,” he warned softly.

  “She told you she didn't want your help. You know the rules, Amaro,” Jameson said, pulling me from him.

  “Who are you to interfere?” Amaro growled. In a blink of my eye, he was face-to-face with Jameson.

  Jameson released me. “Your violation of Kinema's law must be reported… unless you leave her alone.”

  “Do not anger me,” Amaro snarled. “I have your Goddess' ear, and you should know, she cares little for the rules set forth by weak gods. I may have to advise her of your betrayal.”

  “Stop,” I said. “I do not need or want either of your help. Both of you, leave now.”

  “You have heard, my beauty,” Amaro sneered at Jameson. Sweeping me into his arms, Amaro kissed me deeply. “I will not accept a third rejection kindly. Remember that when we meet again,” He said, and then, he was gone.

  I slumped to the floor, and began to sob. Jameson wrapped his arms around me. “You are safe, Blanche. I won't let him hurt you or my child.”

  “It is my child inside me – not yours, and not Roger's. Mine! And, I don't need anyone. So, go. Go now!” I screamed.

  “Blanche!” Roger called. “Where are you? Are you hurt?”

  “Go,” I hissed as I picked myself off the floor, and settled on the couch. Quickly, I opened the book as if I was reading it.

  “I will never leave you. No matter how hard you try to push me away. You carry our child, and I will do anything to protect you both.”

  Jameson faded away as Roger stepped on the main deck.

  “Why are you screaming? Are you injured?” Roger asked, rushing to me.

  “You must have been dreaming. I have been sitting here, enjoying my book.”

  “Then why is your face tear-streaked?” he asked, sitting beside me. “Is this upsetting you?” Taking the novel out of my hands, he inspected it. Setting it back down, he hugged me. “No more sad books. I am here to chase away any dark thoughts.”

  Slipping my arms around his waist, I let him hold me. No matter how much he loved me, he would never be able to chase away my fears.

  * * *

  We spent the night on the yacht. I tried to hide my worries, but I felt exposed on the water. I didn't know who was watching, and I feared Jameson wasn't. After all, I had sent him away. I told him to go when really I wanted nothing more than for him to stay.

  I snuggled closer to Roger. He sleepily wrapped his arms around. Soon he was softly snoring in my ear. The events of the day returned to me while emotions overwhelmed me, and I began to cry. Roger shifted, and I took the oppo
rtunity to slip out of the bed. I hid in the small bathroom, where I sat in the bathtub. My sobs were muffled by the glass door as I tucked my knees to my chest, and rocked front to back.

  “Danu, if you are listening, I need your help,” I whispered. “I need the Light to protect me and my child.”

  A warm sensation grew in my stomach, and radiated throughout my body. The scent of lavender filled the air, and I closed my eyes, slowly breathing in its calming presence. I heard the door of the bathtub sliding open, but I didn't need to look to see who it was. I felt his energy.

  He took a deep breath before slowly exhaling. “She will not be able to stop her.”

  My eyes focused on his. Jameson kneeled next to me. His face was stone cold.

  “Danu will protect my child. I know she will,” I insisted.

  “Snowystra is playing games with your husband to hurt you. She is convinced your pain and sorrow will strengthen the magic in the child you carry. They can't stop her from hurting you. They may try, but they will only stall her plans. Their attempts never truly stop her. The last effort they made ended up with a dead god and the enslavement of his people.”

  A flash of pain filled his eyes. I touched his face, wanting to heal the hurt inside him. He put his hand over mine, and leaned into my caress.

  “Promise me you will always say `no' to him. Never accept his help, no matter how desperate you feel,” he begged.

  “I can't make that promise.”

  Jameson rested his hand on my stomach. His magic filled me. The warmth from Danu's blessing chilled as if the light inside me had been extinguished. Then, a different sensation emitted from my child. It was electric and powerful.

  “What did you do?” I gasped as the stirrings flowed through my entire body.

  “It is our magic, combined. It lives in our child.”

  Jameson kissed me tenderly. His kiss said everything I felt for him and more. Images of us dancing in the snow overtook me. No matter what love I felt for Roger, I would be bound to Jameson for an eternity.


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