Hope Falls: Can't Forget Her (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Hope Falls: Can't Forget Her (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 1

by Molly McLain

  Text copyright ©2016 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Melanie Shawn. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Hope Falls remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Melanie Shawn, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds: http://www.amazon.com/kindleworlds


  by Molly McLain

  Ryan Croft has three goals—enjoy his Tahoe vacation, figure out why the hell he’s so restless and, once and for all, forget about the woman who broke his heart nine years ago.

  Rosemary Shaw has three goals, too—do the best job she can for her movie-star boss, settle into Hope Falls as quickly as possible and, at long last, come to terms with the decision of her past.

  Running into each other after all this time? Not what Ryan and Rose expect. Experiencing the same sizzling chemistry as they did a decade earlier? Not on the agenda, either, but since when does anything in life ever go as planned?


  First and foremost, I have to thank Melanie & Shawna for allowing me to be a part of this amazing collaboration. I absolutely adore Hope Falls and being able to bring a little River Bend to California was a ton of fun! Take care of my Ryan, ladies!

  Thanks, also, to Tony for the gorgeous cover design. I appreciate your patience with my indecisiveness. You’re the best!

  Big kudos to Dana W. and Misty S. for helping me shape this novella into the best little happily-ever-after it could be. Kisses, girls!

  Last but not least, thank you to my reader group and fans for always wanting more small town romance. If you keep reading it, I’ll keep writing it. Promise.

  Chapter One

  River Bend, Nebraska

  Nine years. Nine long ass years since Ryan Croft had taken a legit vacation outside the state of Nebraska. And even then, he wasn’t sure that his last trip—to the West Coast the summer before college—really counted. He hadn’t enjoyed one bit of it. Especially not the part where he’d found his Rosie curled up on another man’s lap.

  Rubbing a hand around the back of his neck, he stared out the window of Cedar Street Brew. Who had he been kidding? Ryan & Rosie 4-ever. That kind of gag-me sweet stuff only existed on the WB, in shows that were popular with the twelve to twenty age group.

  Kinda like high school.

  When Rosie’s favorite place had been on his lap.

  “A good son would take his mother along, you know.” Dressed to the nines in a charcoal pencil skirt and matching jacket, Beatrice Croft waggled her light brown eyebrows over the lid of her to-go cup. Her shiny red fingernails tapped against the glossy mocha cardboard, making Ryan smile.

  “You can go back to Malibu anytime you want, Barbie. No need to wait on me for a ride.” Smirking, he lifted his own coffee cup and sipped. The warmth made him shiver and burrow deeper into his Hudson Contracting coat. Only two more days of freezing his butt off on the job site, then look out, Tahoe. If all he accomplished was drinking beer, soaking in the hot tub, and maybe hitting the slopes a time or two, he’d come back to Nebraska a happy man.

  “Well, if you won’t let me tag along, at least do me a favor and drive over to Hope Falls.”

  “Hope Falls?” What the hell was that? Some feel-good, family tourist attraction? Didn’t sound up to par with his bachelor adventure.

  “It’s where your cousin Janine recently moved, remember? I told you this last week.” His mother narrowed her eyes. “Son-of-mine, you need a vacation more than I realized.”

  Yep, and for more reasons than he’d ever say out loud. Those kinds of wishy-washy feelings didn’t really match the scars on his hands or the scruffy beard on his face.

  “As much as I’d like to see Janine, I’m not really interested in spending my time off stuck in a car.” Shit, that sounded selfish as hell, didn’t it?

  “It’s forty-five minutes, Ryan. Suck it up and do the right thing.” Rewrapping her scarf, Beatrice stood, lips pressed into a tight smile. “Please don’t forget to shave before you go. You’re starting to look like Grizzly Adams.”

  “Ha!” Knees spread wide, he leaned back in the chair and chuckled, rubbing his hand over the thicker than usual stubble. “Ladies love the facial hair, Ma. Haven’t you heard?”

  “I’m going to pretend I have no idea what you’re talking about and be on my way.” His mother winked and dropped her hand to his shoulder, pausing on her way to the door. “You need to refuel, honey. Nothing does that better than spending time with people you care about.”

  Usually. But right now he needed to kick back with the boys and figure out what the heck he was going to do with his life. “A few beers will do just fine.”

  “Oh, you.” Playful fingers pushed at his arm. “Just trust me on this, okay? Mother’s intuition.”

  He ducked away from the childish gesture and rolled his eyes. “Don’t start with the maternal juju.”

  “Don’t mock the gods, Ryan. It’s bad karma.”

  Uh huh. Too bad that threat had stopped working on him a long time ago. These days, the only thing he believed in was hard work and making stuff happen on his own. Fate was the fantasy of lazy people. Ryan wasn’t an egotistical kind of guy, but lazy wasn’t something he’d call himself. Never had been, never would be.

  “On that note, I have to get to work.” Standing, he slung an arm around his mother’s shoulders and gave her a quick hug. “I’ll see what I can do about making time for Janine, but I’m not promising anything. My agenda’s already pretty tight.”

  “You’ve penned in that much beer?” Another knowing smile. “I’ll be sure to text you her address and phone number. Maybe I’ll even give her a heads-up that you’ll be in the area.”

  “Mom, seriously.” He closed his eyes and groaned. Twenty-seven years old and still guilt-tripped like a preteen. “What’s the name of this town again? Harmony something?”

  “Hope Falls.”

  Hope Falls. Sounded cozy. And chaste.

  “Like I said, I’ll see what I can do.” He led his mother to the door and watched her hurry through the flurry of snowflakes to her car.

  She paused before getting in and something about her too hopeful expression when she looked back made him curious.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” he called to her, his breath puffing out in misty cloud before him.

  “It’s just a feeling I have. That’s all.”

  Mmm-hmm. He didn’t believe that for a second, but even if it happened to be true, there was no way he’d restructure his vacation because of some feeling. Feelings and him had parted ways a long time ago.

  Nine years, to be exact.


  Hope Falls, California

  “Nope. Not doing it. Final answer.”

  Rosemary Shaw crossed one knee over the other and passed her boss an amused smirk. “No really isn’t an option here, Kyle.”

  “It is if I say it is.” Arching a perfectly man-scaped eyebrow, Kyle Austen Reed did his best to challenge her. A pointless attempt, of course, because this battle, like so many before, was one he wouldn’t win.

  Undeterred, she adjusted her tunic over her leggings and laid out the undeniable facts. “Publicity like this is the stuff superstars dream of. In fact, I wouldn’t be doing my job as your PR agent if I let you keep The Angel Alliance low-key.”

  Kyle scoffed and gestured around his huge, office, decked out in floor-to-ceiling mahogany bookcases and massive leather furniture. Just one of the m
any larger than life rooms in his illustrious mountain-view mansion. “I’m already living the dream, Rose. I don’t need the notoriety.”

  He was right. He’d already captured the hearts of America—heck, the world—on the big screen. Add in finding the love of his life and he had everything he could possibly want. But this wasn’t really about him…

  “You’re funding a project that’s going to change the lives of hundreds of families, Ky. Knowing you’re the mastermind behind it all only adds to how special it is. You’re too humble to see it, but this is huge.”

  Kyle gave his head a sharp shake. “I’ve already given you the go ahead to talk about the foundation all you want. Just don’t flaunt my name with it.”

  Silly, silly man. “It’s no secret who signs my paycheck. I may not say your name, but people will know. They always do.”

  He narrowed his eyes and worked his mouth as he stared from across the monstrous desk. “Then we’ll have someone else report to the media. I refuse to drag Angel into this, and that’s exactly what’ll happen if people find out I’m financing this foundation.”

  “You named it after her, Kyle! How can you possibly keep her out of it? Have you even talked to Aurora about your plans to be invisible?”

  Clearing his throat, he spun toward the bank of windows overlooking the Sierra Nevadas. “Of course, I have. I wouldn’t make a decision like this without her. Angel’s her daughter, after all.”

  Rose’s smile stretched wide. “Well, color me surprised, Mr. Reed.”

  “Oh, come on, Rose. There’s no way I could keep these details from her, even if I wanted to. You know Aurora.”

  Sure did. Well enough to know that it would only take one short, persuasive conversation with the woman for Kyle to change his mind about his anonymity. There wasn’t a single thing he’d deny her and rightfully so. Aurora was exactly what Kyle needed in his life.

  “I’ll give you some time to rethink your decision, then,” Rose said, smoothing down her top as she stood.

  Kyle wheeled back around, a stern frown on his movie-star handsome face. “You leave her out of this, Rosemary.”

  “Ooooh.” Rosemary mocked his tough guy expression, then gathered her coat and the oversized canvas bag she used instead of a briefcase. “Such a big, scary threat.”

  Her boss shook his head, the look on his handsome face a cross between baffled, amused, and annoyed. “One of these days you’ll take me seriously.”

  “And one of these days you’ll stop giving me a hard time when we both know I’m right. Which is pretty much always.” She winked before she turned for the door. “At least I haven’t set Janine loose on you yet. You should actually thank me for that, by the way. From our staffing this morning, it’s obvious she’s unaware of your plans to keep your name hush-hush. I’m not entirely sure how you’ve pulled that off, unless you’ve been lying to her. If that’s the case, I’ll be sure to say an extra prayer for you tonight.”

  Behind her, Kyle snorted. “Janine doesn’t need to know everything about me, just like the public doesn’t.”

  A rich, thoroughly entertained laugh rolled up from her belly and she glanced back with a grin. “You’re delusional, Kyle, but I’ll let it pass since I’m so proud of what you’re doing.”

  “It’s not that big a deal, Rose. Really.”

  “Ah, but it is and soon the entire world will know.”

  Chapter Two

  “To finally getting our asses back together again.” Ryan lifted his beer, clanking bottles with three of his former college buddies in a ceremonial, vacation kick-off toast.

  Jason gestured around their elaborate chalet. “And to doing it in none other than Tahoe.”

  The oak and stainless steel-detailed monstrosity was far too big for just the four of them, but Ryan wouldn’t complain. The digs were a lot more comfortable than his little abode in River Bend, and for the next several days, he planned to soak up every luxury the place had to offer. Maybe he’d even find a lady to indulge with.

  “Mostly Tahoe, anyway.” Cory took a swig of the dark lager and settled back against the leather sofa with a grin.

  All Tahoe, Ryan added in his head before he got up and tossed a log into the fireplace, sending a flurry of sparks up the chimney. “Don’t know about you, but I don’t plan on taking my happy ass any further than the next town over. And that’s only if we buy out all the beer here.”

  Cory snorted. “Yeah, well, plans have changed. At least for tomorrow.”

  Well, crap. “How so?”

  Cory and his business partner, Will, shared a private glance, then Will scratched at his ginger beard, his face all sorts of reluctant. “My Uncle Vaughn’s asked me for a favor while we’re in town.”

  “Vaughn lives in Tahoe?” Jason, who ran a plumbing business in Oklahoma, asked.

  Will shook his head. “Nah, he lives about forty-five minutes west. A little blink-and-you’ll-miss-it-town. Runs a contracting company there.”

  Ryan narrowed his eyes. That had to do with them how?

  “Vaughn had a heart attack a couple months back. Hasn’t been up to snuff since. People have noticed and unfortunately he’s losing business.”

  Oh, hell. This conversation was going there, wasn’t it?

  “He only needs input on one job. A job that could put him back in the black or ruin him entirely.”

  Ryan rolled his hand, urging his friend on. “Spit it out already, man. What do you need from us?”

  “The four of us are about to meet a movie star.”


  “Rosemary, you’re an expert on what’s fashionable and what’s not. Can you puh-lease tell my mom how ridiculous this sweater is?”

  Angel, the namesake for Kyle’s new endeavor, pointed to the fuzzy, crocheted kitten on her chest, her eyes begging for every ounce of sympathy she could get. She deserved it in spades because the sweater was nothing short of awful. Rosemary, however, was not about to get on Aurora’s bad side. Not when she needed a huge favor.

  “Kiddo, I’m hardly an expert.” She offered a light laugh from across the breakfast nook in Kyle’s kitchen. Aurora stood at the stove, rolling her eyes and patiently waiting on the teakettle to heat up. “Besides, I thought you loved cats.”

  “Petting them, yes. Wearing them on my chest, not so much.” She wrinkled her nose and shot a not-so-discreet frown toward her mother.

  Rosemary gave another chuckle. “Listen, Angel, I need a minute or two alone with your mom. Do you think you could grab that book you were telling me about last week? I’ve been dying to read it.”

  The girl’s eyes lit up and she wasted no time zipping out of the room as fast as her motorized chair would take her.

  “She’s growing up too fast. I can barely keep up with her.” Sighing, Aurora toed up to take two mugs down from the cupboard.

  “Doesn’t help that she’s eleven-going-on-twenty-one.”

  “No kidding.” The pretty blonde poured the steaming water into the cups and padded over to the table, offering one to Rosemary before she sat. “So what brings you by this afternoon? I thought you and Kyle met earlier.”

  “We did. We’re working on a marketing plan. Unfortunately, we don’t agree on the approach.”

  “No? Why not?” Aurora curled her hands around the cup and lifted it to her mouth, blowing gently.

  “Kyle’s asked me not to talk about it with you. Or rather…he’s forbidden me.”

  Aurora’s eyebrows shot up while her voice dropped to an unimpressed octave. “Seriously?”

  “Dead. But you know how I am. I can’t let it rest.”

  “That’s what I like best about you.” Aurora grinned. “Therefore, I assume you’re here to tell me anyway.”

  “I think it’s for the best. I also think Kyle knows I’m right, but he’s being his bullheaded self.”

  “Sounds like Kyle.” Aurora laughed and, in the distance, the front doorbell rang.

  “Got it, Mom!” Angel’s voice piped up from the ha
llway and Aurora sighed.

  “Hold tight for a second.” Patting her shoulder, Aurora moved past Rosemary and disappeared out of sight. A few moments later, the sound of masculine voices filled the air, carrying softly through the house.

  “And we have unexpected company,” Angel said, coming up behind Rosemary with the requested book in hand. “Not that I’m complaining. The one with the nice smile and ball cap is pretty hot.”

  “Oh, yeah? Does your mom know you talk like that?” Rosemary teased. “Does Kyle?”

  Angel shrugged and handed over the thick hardcover. “Can’t get in trouble for speaking the truth, can I?”

  “Yes. Yes, you can, dear daughter.” Aurora appeared in the doorway, eyebrows lifted. “Unfortunately, we’ll need to have that conversation later. The contractors are here to go over the renovations Kyle’s having done.”

  “Making the place more Angel-friendly, is he?” Rosemary ruffled the girl’s hair.

  “Yes, and they’re starting in the kitchen,” Aurora replied. “Looks like we’ll need to move to the family room.”

  “Oh, no, I can come back later. It’s no big deal.” Rosemary jumped to her feet, but Aurora waved her off.

  “No way. I have to hear what it is Kyle’s giving you a hard time about before I let you go anywhere.”

  “It can wait until tomorrow, really.” Still, she gathered her cup of tea and stepped to the side as Kyle and five other men filed into the room.

  “Rosemary.” Kyle shot her a look that matched his stern voice, but she glanced away, looking anywhere but at him. The less eye contact, the better, when one was about to disobey a direct order. Instead, her gaze landed on the first man. A furry, redheaded lumberjack type with a lop-sided smile. He gave a wave, which she reciprocated before moving onto an older man she recognized from around town. Vaughn, if her memory served her right. And Man #3—

  “That’s the cute one,” Angel whispered from beside her. “See the ball cap?”


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