The Azrael (Book 3): Alpha Zulu

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The Azrael (Book 3): Alpha Zulu Page 9

by Jesse Gagnon

  “It is no problem. Also look at it like I’m protecting my own future.” Toko smiled and patted her on her shoulder.

  “Yeah, I’ll think about it that way.”


  The aroma of fresh turners always excited David. His new prize, the young Azrael girl, should provide him with a way to get revenge on the traitor. He wasn’t sure if the girl was like the traitor or not. It was hard to tell in the young ones. They tended to ignore the herd movements at times and appeared aloof. The girl walked behind him attached to his hip by chains that attached to her arms. The dominance in the air kept her legs moving, she couldn’t resist his will.

  David had amassed an enormous army and broke into a facility that held his kind captive. Despite the firepower the humans used, his Azrael were just too many. David’s anger had driven his body to follow his desires. Nothing could get in his way now. His mistakes of the past of working in small groups almost got him killed. The resilience of his body amazed David. Now that his mega herd formed he could continue his purge of the outsiders and the humans. His body headed east towards the big city of Chicago.

  Within two miles a building was discovered to contain people. David smelled the faint fishy aroma that they used to hide their bodies from him. The breeze never lied and he imposed his hatred of those with control beyond his own will. After a few minutes of fight, those inside were absorbed into the herd. Eleven more added to replace the five that were lost in the fight. Those that fell in battle were consumed to the bone. The weak fed the strong.

  At the end of the day, his army grew by fifteen hundred. He managed to overwhelm ten more facilities and turn those inside. A few more loose herds were also absorbed into his mega army. The young Azrael followed behind. She was forbidden to eat and grew even more irritable as the day progressed. She even bit into David’s leg.

  The one problem with moving a large herd is time. It took much longer to traverse the land with such a large herd. Also, the more mouths to feed posed yet another challenge. However, the durability of the Azrael body could withstand hunger pains. Initially, it will make the herd stronger, more aggressive and violent. After weeks the herd will pull back, use less energy and operate in stalk mode. His front army is primarily comprised of the fresh turners while those that have been Azrael longer are amassed in the back. Fresh turners are also forbidden to eat. Their meals only involve what they bite into to infect. Without such a hierarchy structure the mega herd would cease to exist. At the edge in four directions, David assigned a large Beta Azrael to assist in keeping the group together. That was his body’s doing, not his own mind’s idea. It was actually done as he slept maybe to lighten the load for efficiency. It doesn’t actually strain his body or mind to control so many. The pheromones themselves take care of spreading the law.

  A large explosion to the north within the herd drew David’s attention. One of his Beta Azrael was no more and a good two thousand were lost in the explosion. Suddenly three more detonations tripped lighting up the sky and dwindling down his herd. Two figures to the south in all black charged in and eliminated several more of his herd. One of them was actually killing Azrael with his bare hands. David waded through his herd towards the attackers. A metal object struck him in the throat causing blood to ooze out uncontrollably. He removed it and it was shaped like a star. What the hell was going on? His herd was being ambushed by ninjas. This was ridiculous. Five more eruptions lit up the sky and the aroma of burnt Azrael corpses carried into the breeze towards David. Three more ninja stars struck his body. It responded lowering its body and removing the weapons. His neck had already scabbed up and was not bleeding anymore. His herd eventually overwhelmed the attackers and they fled to the trees. Their speed was amazing. As quickly as it came the fight was over, but not before reducing his herd by two thirds. Another weakness of large herds, surprise concentrated attacks could wreak havoc. Why were there ninjas in the United States and why were they so powerful, David pondered? The best thing he could do now is allow the remainder of his herd to feed on the fallen, except the young one. She must suffer. She scowled at him for his decision. Her defiance amused him.


  The squeaky noise of the old antique Radio Flyer wagon provided the group very little stealth as they maneuvered the streets of Chicago. Potholes were everywhere and the lack of suspension had Mario bouncing all over the place. Layers of scavenged blankets and a duvet helped to pad his movements. The day was coming to an end and the sun became a small crescent in the sky hidden behind a cloud and a building.

  “How much longer until we get back? We’re gonna be moving blind soon.” Chris asked John.

  “About two miles in that direction.” John pointed to the southeast.

  “You think we’ll make it before total nightfall?” Chris asked.

  “Doubt it, but we need to get back ASAP for Mario’s sake.” John urged.

  Chris hadn’t been out in the streets at night for a good while. The Azrael have evolved and skilled hunter Azrael could be around any corner. He was terrified at what lurked in the dark as he did as a child. Lots of therapy and the military made the fear bearable. Still, he never actually kicked the fear. This last encounter must have amplified his old phobia. He tried to hide it.

  “You doin’ okay Chris?” Savanna asked noticing Chris talking to himself.

  “I’m fine…fine. Just…”

  “Just what?” She interrupted.

  “Just trying to make sense of all of this. That’s all.” Good save, he thought.

  “You’re right. It’s getting pretty wild out here. As a Highwayman, you’re trained to adapt to change. Hell, most of that training you learn out in the field.” John admitted.

  “It’s a tough job.” Savanna said.

  “Fuck yeah it is.” John added. Savanna increased her grip around John’s right arm as she clung to him. She was getting a bit creeped out about the whole day. Mario gave her more courage than she had before. Now that he’s under their protection she had a sick feeling in her gut.

  “You guys run into situations like that a lot?” Chris asked.

  “All the fucking time.” John admitted with exhaustion in his voice. He was tired of living this way. He knew that one day all of their sacrifices would pave a future for his children. He wanted them now, but the world just isn’t ready for those little fucks right now. They make too much goddamned noise.

  “How have you lived this long then?” Chris continued to harass them with questions.

  “Dumb luck.” John confessed.

  “I don’t know. We’ve stayed true to our training for the most part. That helps, but I’m sure luck plays a big part of it.” Savanna agreed.

  “Does it make it hard to go back out and do it again?” Chris asked.

  “Well, to be honest, when fucked up shit like this happens, we deal with it and hope that it don’t happen again. By the next morning, you’ve done forgot about how scared it made you and think of what you still have sittin’ next to you.” John smiled at Savanna. She blushed, hugged him from behind and kissed the back of his neck.

  “Something to fight for, someone to keep you going, that’s the trick?” Chris asked.

  “For us it is. But there are others that just overcome the fear the Azrael place on ‘em and move forward.” John explained.

  “Like Giselle. That’s one tough girl.” Savanna admitted.

  “She is a whole new breed of Highwaymen, Simon’s number one.” John added.

  “Have never seen her before. Heard about her and had coms with her when she led a group out of the city. What’s her deal? Does she have a death wish?” Chris asked.

  “No, she’s just very passionate.” Savanna acknowledged.

  “Especially with her brother.” John included.

  “Which reminds me, have you ever heard anything about Azrael that don’t attack people?” Savanna asked, hoping Chris had any secret information on the matter.
r />   “Like that little girl back at the antique shop? She may have looked like them but she didn’t show the same behavior patterns.”

  “The violent ones?” Savanna said.

  “Exactly, I haven’t seen any that acted like that before. Have you?”

  “Tell him about the one with the bear.” John urged Savanna enthusiastically. He didn’t notice a pot hole and the wagon’s wheel caught it and flipped over tossing Mario to the ground. “Shit!” He hollered. The blankets managed to break his fall and he slowly unrolled out of it like a hot dog rolling out of a bun. They quickly rolled him back up and carefully placed him back in the wagon. Before they started to move they heard movement nearby.

  “Shhh, quiet! Did you hear that?” Savanna asked in a whisper.

  “Yes, it sounded like it came from behind those trash cans over there.” Chris whispered while aiming his finger towards a dark alley.

  “Can you see anything? It’s getting dark as shit out here.” John admitted.

  “Whatever it is, it stopped moving. Get your weapons out just in case.” Savanna instructed.

  “Do they hide?” Chris asked.

  “Uh huh, some do.” Savanna answered while slowly removing her pistol from its holster on her right hip. John did the same.

  “Hey, shine your flashlight over there. Maybe we can get it to move.” John asked.

  “Okay, ready?” She asked and aimed her flashlight.

  “Yeah, do it!” John urged.

  “Yes.” Chris agreed.

  She turned it on and shined it at the trash cans. Nothing was over there or moving. She scanned the area with the flashlight searching for anything and there was nothing there. She brought it back and caught movement deep into the alley. It was small. It was hiding.

  “You see that?” Savanna gulped while pointing the flashlight. Whatever it was remained slowly walking backwards.

  “Yup, it’s something. Think it’s one of them?” John asked.

  “Not sure. Can barely tell what direction it’s facing.” Savanna added.

  “What should we do?” Chris asked.

  “Keep an eye on it and keep moving. Not risking everything exploring a small dark alley.” John admitted.

  “True it could be a trap.” Savanna suggested.

  “A trap? What are you guys on?” Chris asked completely confused at their logic. These things are zombies.

  “Back in the park, they strategically separated us. It was scary as hell.” John remembered.

  “So they’re planning now? This is nuts.” Chris griped.

  “Some of them are, not all of them.” Savana explained.

  “I thought that they were just driven by primal instincts.” Chris asked.

  “Wolves, they hunt in packs. It wouldn’t surprise me if they could do the same. Who knows what the virus is doing to them?” Savanna suggested.

  “So you think this is a trap?” Chris asked.

  “Could be or we’re just on some crazy shit. Either way going down there…” John pointed to the alley. “…is a bad idea.” He continued.

  “Point taken.” Chris admitted. John and Savanna continued towards the safe house. Chris followed, keeping a keen eye on whatever was down that alley.

  About fifteen minutes until arriving at the Paul Simon facility they heard a noise behind them again. This time it was much closer. Savanna quickly aimed her flashlight towards the sound. Before they could react a large Azrael charged in and tackled Chris to the ground. Savanna’s flashlight blinded it so its bite missed Chris’ shoulder. John and Savanna shot several times at its head. It was moving too fast to get a good shot and it was too dark. Savanna tried to keep the flashlight steady. The gunshots caused it to flee. Was it scared?

  “Whe…where did it go?” Chris asked while feeling for a bite wound. His heart raced and his breathing was quick When he didn’t find one he sighed with relief. “Fucking Christ that was close.” He added.

  “It’s not gone. It’s hunting.” John explained while training his pistol towards the darkness.

  “Mario…where’s Mario?” Savanna asked while searching through the blankets. Did you drop him? Did you fucking drop him again?” Savanna asked John with a crazed look.

  “I…I don’t think so. Look!” John pointed at the ground. A blood trail disappeared into an alley nearby. Savanna’s flashlight followed it to behind the building.

  “It’s gotta be a trap.” Chris insisted.

  “It is.” John admitted.

  “We’re going in?” Chris asked.

  “We are.” John confirmed.


  “No buts dude, you can stay here and but all day. I’m going to get my friend back.” John assured.

  “Me too.” Savanna added and nodded to John.

  “How do you know they didn’t bite him already?”

  “We don’t.” John admitted and walked towards the alley. Savanna followed John while holding the flashlight and pistol in the other hand.

  “Shit. This is fucking shit!” Chris sneered and followed them into the unknown darkness.


  Randall had never been a good tracker in life nor was he one as an Azrael either. However, he wasn’t alone on this trek through the woods. Bear seemed to understand Randall’s struggles and pushed ahead looking to the grass, bushes, and trees for guidance. He favored walking on all fours like an ape. His body was too massive and his muscle structure had favored this fluid of motion over a humanlike posture. You forget his size until he stands up to see beyond the horizon. Randall was glad that Bear was on his side.

  The three others were much smaller than Bear and at least a foot shorter than Randall. One was a female. She had a shirt that said Martha’s Diner. It was severely soiled and the words were barely legible. The only reason why Randall knew it said ‘Martha’s Diner’ was because he’d actually been there before. The shape of the font and the logo beneath helped to bring it all together. She wore a plastic name tag that had the name Karla on it. It probably was her real name, since she was, in fact, a waitress and it helped her customers to remember who their waitress was. He decided to call her Karla. She was built like a female Olympic athlete. All flattering curves were replaced with hardened muscles. Her hair was dark brown. Since it was kind of muddy, it could have been dirty blonde. She was fairly attractive and might have had soft womanly features before she was infected. She was quick and could catch a large buck from fifty yards away when it was at full speed. Karla also wore a smile often. Randall thought her muscles just grew that way, probably ingrained in life as a waitress.

  Harry was what Randall called one of the other Azrael in the group for a good reason. This guy had so much hair on his chest and shoulders it looked like he was wearing a black turtle neck. The top of his head was bald and he had a grizzly beard. He also was built like a professional wrestler and seemed to be good at tracking as well. Harry worked well with Bear.

  The last Azrael wasn’t as physically developed as the others. He was lean and his muscle definition was well defined. He had piercings on his lip nose, eyebrow and several on his ears. Randall didn’t want to know if there were any more hidden beneath his muddy torn gothic outfit. He stayed near Karla most of the time. The only instance he left her side was when she chased down prey. His tight jeans were torn and dirty but clung to him tightly hindering his movements. Randall never understood the skinny jean craze. He was also wearing some indie band’s name on his shirt called ‘Torn Edgez’. The only three letters that still had color in them were r, e, d, which gave him his new name. Red did a lot of watching. Actually, all Randall had seen him do was staring at shit and make faces as though he were taking a shit. It didn’t matter who did what, though. All he wanted was to get Brooke back in one piece. Any help, even if it is companionship, was welcome.

  After tracking for half the day they stumbled across a warzone of Azrael bodies charred and bitten into. What the hell happened? The smell of rotten and scorched
Azrael flesh carried for miles in the opposite direction that they came. It lingered in the air for hours before they finally escaped the stench from it. If they remained there too long then they may lose their scent through the thick cloud of burnt Azrael bodies. Tracking broken sticks, bent twigs and footprints were the only way to track them until they exited the fog of death.

  As night approached a dilemma was reached. If they fell asleep, any progress they might have had would potentially be lost. All five were mentally exhausted and they were well beyond a visual of the Azrael herd. In order to maintain their location, to avoid negative progress, Randall searched for a structure to trap them in. After an hour of traversing through the cool night breeze, they located an abandoned farm house with a barn next to it. Since the barn would be a better candidate for the group, Randall led them inside and activated whatever locking mechanism was available for the doors. Just in case he also locked up the windows. The others seemed to understand his plan and found a corner to sleep in. Randall was anxious for what tomorrow would bring and if Brooke was still doing okay. As the others relinquished control to the virus the change was more drastic than when they were chained up. Karla tried to push through the doors. When pushing didn’t work her body beat on them violently. Randall was worried that the locks would give or the doors would break. Red followed Bear around, drawn to his dominance. Bear just lurked around and sniffed the area. Harry still hadn’t fallen asleep yet and was tossing and turning on a bale of straw, being irritated by Karla’s banging. Once he howled fiercely at her she stopped but continued minutes later. He eventually fell asleep as did Randall.

  A splash of water awoke Randall from sleep. They were on the move. The barn was nowhere to be found and the group was wading through a river. Bear and Harry were up front. Karla and Red still had a wild look in their eye. Upon further investigation, the virus still maintained control of their actions. Randall grunted forward towards Bear. He turned and nodded. Randall indicated agreement back and hurried to him. He pointed past the river and Bear concurred. They continued through the river and after a few minutes were finally clear of it. It took a few more hours before Karla returned to seize control over her body. Red seemed attuned with her and awoke moments later. Randall wondered how long they were moving and how much further ahead the Alpha and Brooke were to them.


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