Badass: Jungle Fever (Complete): A Billionaire Military Romance

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Badass: Jungle Fever (Complete): A Billionaire Military Romance Page 15

by Leslie Johnson

  I try not to look relieved when he cuts her loose and turns her until she’s facing me. Her blue eyes are open and looking at me, so glassy she could almost be dead. But her breathing is normal. The pulse in her throat fast, but steady. A tear falls, sliding onto the yellowed mattress, and my heart cracks for her.

  I can’t imagine how she’s feeling right now. The confusion and pain her mind and body are experiencing. But she’s hanging in there. Like her brother, she’s a trooper.

  The Colombian shoves me into a chair and zips my ankles to its legs. The Uzi is by my left foot, as he completes his task. In this position, there’s no way I could get to it in time.

  Janine walks into the room and leans against a wall, her arms crossed over her chest, a cocky smile curving her lips. Starting at her feet, I slowly scan my eyes up her body. When I reach her face, she isn’t smiling anymore.

  The Colombian stands, his weapon in his hand as he walks out the door.

  That’s okay. I don’t need it.

  I keep my eyes on Janine. I have a different plan now.

  Chapter Ten – Camille

  A momentary flash of light in my face hurts my eyes, and I close them against the pain. The door clicks shut, and it’s dark again, until a small lamp in the corner of the room is turned on, offering a dim glow.

  It’s Janine. She’s circling Tate’s chair.

  Why is Janine circling Tate’s chair?

  Why is Tate tied up?

  Where are we?

  Why does every part of me hurt?

  Panic is like cold water being thrown on my consciousness, and I try to move. I can’t. It’s like I’m paralyzed. Or weighted down. I try to focus on one detail, but there’re too many questions muddying my mind. When I concentrate on one question, it slips away before an answer begins to take form. So I lay there, watching the scene play out before me, still trying to understand everything that’s happening.

  “What took you so long?” Tate says to Janine, but his eyes are on me.

  Janine’s hand trails across his shoulders as she walks behind him again. “I drew third watch. Then I needed to let everyone fall asleep.”

  “What time is it?”

  Janine sighs. “Nearly dawn.”

  “How long are you on watch?”

  She stops circling, and her hand falls to her side. “Why so many questions?”

  Tate looks up at her. “Just curious. I wanted to know how much time we have left.”

  Janine grins, her lips curling up in a look so familiar, I feel the memory blossom in my mind. She’s smiled like that at me many times. I’m so confused. Why is she smiling at Tate like that? And why is he smiling back?

  Beginning her circle around his chair again, Janine asks, “How does it feel, knowing you’re going to die today?”

  Tate doesn’t say anything until she’s in front of him again. “Familiar. How does it feel to you?”

  Janine stiffens. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  His voice is soft when he speaks to her again. I have to strain to hear the words. “You know these men aren’t going to let you live. And you know your brother and boyfriend can’t protect you from them. You’re a smart girl. You have to know that, right?”

  Her back is to me, but even from here I can hear the click of her swallow. “No. They promised, and we had an agreement.” She begins circling him again.

  “Listen to me, Janine.” His voice rises, and he waits until she’s facing him again. “When I was on the perimeter of the last place, waiting to go inside, I heard two men talking at the pump house. They were confirming that the “elimination spot” was being prepared, and discussed who would seize the men and who would seize the women once the wire transfer was confirmed.”

  “You’re lying.”

  His jaw tightens. “I never lie.”

  Janine says nothing, just raises a hand to cover her mouth while Tate continues. “And here is another truth. Even if you somehow get away from the forty or so men on this compound, you will never be safe from Camille’s brother. Link Duffy watched you cut off his beloved sister’s finger, which was a supremely stupid move, by the way. He will hunt you. And kill you. And he will draw it out, make sure you suffer like she did.”

  She lifts her chin. “You’re just trying to scare me.”

  “You should be scared. If you’re as smart as I think you are, you should be very, very scared. There is no winning for you in this. You targeted the wrong woman. You had bad timing. And you selected your accomplices badly. Like I said, they cannot protect you.” He pauses, then adds. “I can.”

  She takes a step in my direction, and her head falls back as she laughs softly. “Look at you,” she says, her voice shaky. “You’re hogtied to a chair. You’re going to die today. Some protector you are.”

  To my amazement, Tate stands, bends at the waist, lifting his bound arms into the air behind him. He brings them down hard, and with a snap, he’s free. He lifts the chair, and the wooden legs slip free from the ties around his ankles.

  Before I can blink, one hand is on Janine’s shoulder, while another clamps over her mouth. She looks as stunned as I am. My heartbeat accelerates, waiting to see what happens next.

  He backs her into a wall, his hand still over her mouth. “Any other objections?” he asks and waits until she shakes her head.

  “I’m going to remove my hand now. You plan to be quiet, I assume?”

  She nods and he drops the hand, but doesn’t step away from her. What is he doing?

  “I have a proposal for you. One I think you’re smart enough to be very interested in.”

  I can’t see Janine’s face, because she’s almost completely hidden by his body, but her hands curl around his waist, her fingers digging into his shirt. “What proposal?” she asks him, her voice breathless.

  “We’re going to help each other get out of this mess. Then I’ll help you disappear, with more money than you’ll be able to spend in ten lifetimes.”

  I wish I could see her face, see his. But I can only hear their words.

  “I don’t believe you.” Janine’s voice is higher. Tighter. The fingers on his back move to his shoulder, trying to push him away.

  He doesn’t move. “Why don’t you believe me?”

  Janine’s voice becomes a hiss. “Because you’re her lover. Because you’re best friends with her brother.”

  The rumble of his laughter echoes softly through the room. “I’m fairly bright myself, Janine. Don’t you think having strong connections to the Duffys is a wise decision, for someone intent on building up his business and amassing a fortune of his own?”

  Damn. I wish I could see their faces. Her fingers grip his shoulders now, pulling, rather than pushing away. I hear the sound of them kiss and close my eyes. I don’t believe what he just said. I don’t believe he only wanted me for my money. I don’t believe his friendship with Link was a fraud.

  I don’t believe it.

  Because to believe it would kill something inside me.

  “I read the papers,” Janine says, and I open my eyes again. “You risked your life to save him a couple of years ago.”

  Tate laughs softly. “Janine, the bond on his head was two million dollars. By saving him, the rewards were so much more.”

  What is he talking about? What reward? I try to move, but my body still won’t obey my orders.

  As if Janine is reading my mind, she asks. “What rewards?”

  Tate changes positions, grabs her wrists and holds them over her head. His head bends and I hear her sigh, watch her leg lift to curl around his. “Contracts. Lots and lots of contracts. I’ll be signing a billion dollar one if I live long enough to scrawl my name on the page.”

  Janine gasps.

  “That’s right. Billion, baby, with a B. Pretty soon I won’t need their friendship or their political influence. I’ll have it all on my own.” He leans closer to her again. “I need a partner. Someone who thinks the way I do. Interested?”

  He l
ifts her, pressing her back into the wall, while her ankles hook around his waist. I hear them kiss again. Longer this time. Much longer. My heart hurts with the sound.

  “Very interested. What do you need me to do?”

  Tate lowers her to the floor and backs away, turning to step over to a table. Our eyes meet and he frowns, giving me the tiniest shake of his head.

  He turns to her again, and his voice is liquid sex, “Do you happen to have any more of that Devil’s Breath left?”

  Chapter Eleven – Link Duffy

  “What do you mean you can’t find him?” I roar into the phone.

  “We haven’t stopped searching for your father.” Max, the head of my father’s security team dodges the question. “He removed his tracker. His phone was found on his desk, and it’s confirmed he took a cab to the train station … by himself.”

  “And he did that after receiving the package, correct?”

  “Yes, Lincoln. That’s correct. And no, his secretary still doesn’t know what was in the box, so please quit ask—”

  I hang up on him and immediately feel guilty. I’ve been told a million times how Max not only changed my diapers but saved my life several times. But, dammit to hell, I have no time for a lecture. He’s got a job to do. So do I.

  Pacing the jet I leased for this trip, I will the son of a bitch to go faster. A quick look out the window tells me we’re close. The fucking chopper better be ready. The airport officials too. I’m carrying firearms. A shitload of them.

  I hope I have the chance to use them.

  My worst fear is coming true. The fear ingrained in me since I was a little boy is becoming a reality in front of my eyes. Most little kids get the “don’t talk to strangers” speech. Not me. No, my siblings and I got the “the likelihood of you surviving a kidnapping is zero” lecture. Almost on a daily basis. Especially after I was nearly snatched up, when I ran away from home the day before I turned seven.

  I still remember the hands grabbing me, being tossed over a shoulder. Thrown into a van, the door was closing when one of Dad’s security team shot the man who took me. The team member had been following me at a distance, while I carried my backpack with my favorite things. He pulled me from the van and stood in front of me until backup arrived. I can still see the kidnapper’s blood creating a puddle on the pavement.

  Most kids would have been scarred emotionally. Hell, I probably was. But more than anything, it pissed me off. It pissed me off that I couldn’t do what other kids did, go where other kids could go. I think it fueled my recklessness, rather than suppressed it. I spent the rest of my life essentially saying “fuck you” to danger.

  Until today.

  Watching one of the people I love most in the world sitting in that chair. Watching her so expressionless. Watching her being tortured so senselessly, ripped something inside of me.

  God, her screams. I’ll hear them forever.

  My phone rings and I answer before the first tone is gone. It’s Deakins, Tate’s right hand. “Give me some good news,” I say, in place of hello.

  “I wish I had some to offer, sir.”

  I close my eyes.

  “We’ve lost communication with Tate, sir. His phone and your sister’s iPad have both gone offline.”

  I exhale a long breath. “His battery was close to dead, right?”

  “Yes, sir. But it was still at four percent when we lost connection.”

  “What about Tate’s iPad. Is the tracker in his case still on?” I nod at the flight attendant, who holds ten fingers up at me, and move to a chair to prepare for landing.

  “Yes, sir. The device’s signal is still strong and hasn’t changed location. We are still working under the assumption that Tate is close to her.”

  Or dead.

  I shake that thought away, refusing to let it take any additional space in my brain. “What’s the status of the Colombia team? And is my family still safe?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m receiving hourly updates on your wife and children. From what I’m told, the kids are having a wonderful time.”

  I smile. After learning Camille had been taken, I’d arranged for Grace to take the kids to Gatlinburg and Dollywood. She didn’t want to go at first because of her grandfather, but I didn’t give her much choice.

  Unfucking-believable how much my life has changed in just a few hours. This morning, I was making love to my beautiful wife, then making waffles with the hooligans. We’d visited Papaw, who looked so much better, and spent a few hours at the river.

  Now …

  “Sir, we’ve also sent back up to Malibu to help search for your father, as well as offer support to other family members.”

  I press my fingers into my temple. “Thanks, Deak. I appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome, sir. I’m sure that’s what Tate would have wanted.”

  I didn’t like the way that sounded. Past tense.

  “Team One and Two are about a half hour behind you. A chopper is on stand-by and money has been wired, to bypass customs. I’ve rented ATVs, and they are already on a truck to the location. You will probably beat them there, but they’ll arrive soon after.”

  “Are you sure I can’t convince you to come work for me, Deak?”

  There’s a puff of air that I know is a laugh. “And leave all this?”

  I smile again. “Alright then. Keep me posted.”

  “Yes, sir. Kill one of them for me.”

  I laughed, the sound of it twisting my gut. “My pleasure, Deak. My pleasure.”

  Disconnecting the call, I immediately press my favorite number. One. It’s the speed dial for Grace. She’s breathless when she answers, and I can almost see the look of concern causing a little wrinkle between her eyebrows. “Please tell me you’re okay.”

  “I’m okay, sweetheart. Getting ready to land. Just wanted to hear your voice one more time before I go kick some ass.”

  I don’t get the laugh I was hoping for, the little giggle that always goes straight to my dick. Instead, she says, “She’ll be okay, Link. I just know it. One day soon, this will just be another ‘remember that day’ story.”

  Grace doesn’t know about Camille’s finger.

  “Yeah. Our ‘remember the day’ collection seems to keep growing, doesn’t it?”

  I can hear the smile in her voice. “Sure does.” Then she coughs. “I’ve got another one for you.”

  My eyebrows go straight up. “Uh oh, do I really want to hear it?”

  She does giggle this time, and the sound does go straight to my dick. “Remember the day we got a cat?”

  I’m quite sure the earth stopped moving for a moment. A cat? A hissing, backstabbing, temperamental ball of claws? No way. No fucking way.

  “His name is Snyder, and he’s yellow with green eyes…”

  “Graaaaace … those things kill you in your sleep.”

  “Zane loves him. Hasn’t put him down since we found him under the cabin steps. He’s really gentle with him too.”

  “No, Grace.”

  “Aya named him. She said she once had a bug named Snyder and she was naming the kitten after him.”

  This can’t be happening. “Grace…”

  “It’s so little. Barely fits in the palm of my hand. And so sweet. You’re going to love him.”

  “I think I’m allergic.”

  She laughs. “No, you’re not.”

  I start to stand up and remember we’re about to land. This is a pace worthy moment. I need to pace. “Grace, I just don’t think—”

  She interrupts me. “Remember that day I jumped in front of a bullet for you?” The damn words come out more like a purr.


  “And the day we made love under the waterfall?”

  My cock twitches. “Sweetheart … it’ll scratch the furniture.” I hear the surrender in the words.

  “And every time he does, I’ll give you a blowjob.”

  A laugh barks out of me. Okay, that officially sells me on the idea. But
I press on. “And if it pees on the floor?”

  She giggles and her voice grows low and warm. “Then you can take my ass.”

  Ding. Ding. Ding. And the cat goes to my wicked temptress.

  “Alright. But I expect a signed contract on the ass part. Blowjob, too.”

  That giggle again. “Signed, sealed and delivered, Mr. Duffy. As soon as you get home.” I hear her swallow. “And you will be home soon, right?”

  I look out the window and watch Colombia grow larger beneath me. “Of course, I will, sweetheart. No place I’d rather be.”

  “Be careful, Link.”

  “I will. Promise. I love you, Grace. Kiss the kids for me.”

  Her voice is heavy. “I love you too. And I will. Over and over.”

  Silence stretches, as I listen to her breath caress the phone. “Bye for now.”

  She sighs. “Yes. Only for now. See you soon.”

  I end the call and look out the window again. The plane continues to sink, my stomach sinking with it. Kidnappers, I can handle.

  But a cat?

  I cover my face with my hands.

  The green dot on my phone grows closer, as the team and I follow Tate’s marks. We didn’t find the street bike, which is either a good or bad thing.

  Bad if Tate’s been caught.

  Good if he’s saved Camille and gotten the hell out of this godforsaken jungle.

  I caution the men to step over the next wire. Damn, this place is armed to the teeth. At least there are no big holes in the ground containing Tate’s body parts. Not so far. That had been one of my fears. That he’d gotten caught in a trap, blown to smithereens.

  But so far so good.

  At the last clearing, I see the house and order the men to spread out. I wait for confirmation that everyone is at their mark. But I already know I’m wasting my time. No one is here. I feel the emptiness of the house. Still, we have to confirm.

  “Ghost lead, ghost six. Five bodies at the rear. Over.”

  “Copy, ghost six. Any ID? Over.”

  “Negative, ghost lead. Out.”

  “Ghost lead, ghost eight. Add one more. No ID. Out.”

  “Copy, ghost eight. Out.”


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