Mine Shaft: A LitRPG Sci-Fi Harem Adventure (Venus Online Book 4)

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Mine Shaft: A LitRPG Sci-Fi Harem Adventure (Venus Online Book 4) Page 13

by Jeremy Zenith

  Scattered among them, Death Troopers watched like vultures, ready to strike with whips at anyone who seemed to be slowing down.

  As Byron came into the cave, a Death Trooper thrust a pickaxe into his hands and pointed. The soldier's deep electronic voice said, "Over there, Pretty Boy."

  Byron grinned. "Thanks for noticing."

  The soldier had his whip out and snapping it at Byron within seconds. The whip felt like an electric wire being popped across his back, and he fell to his knees from the pain.

  The soldier pointed down at him. "That was just a taste. Mouth off again, and we'll beat the shit out of you."

  Byron wanted to talk back, but decided to just get back up and head for where the soldier had pointed.

  Other Nikora swung their picks at a gap in the cave wall, widening it inch by inch. The crack and shuffle of the picks, along with the soil crumbling away, formed a rhythm that he fell into.

  In his real body, the heat alone would have killed him in a few minutes. It had to be at least a hundred and fifty degrees, maybe more. His virtual body handled it better, but still trembled as sweat poured down it. The work didn't make it any easier. The pick was heavy, and the cave wall seemed mostly solid rock that didn't break easily.

  The Death Troopers made sure it felt even worse as they would kick and whip anyone who slowed down even a little. Byron's back and shoulders soon felt like strips of fire from the whips that seemed to come out of nowhere. For all their work, it seemed like they barely made any progress. The hole they chipped away at didn't seem to get any deeper or wider. He could imagine them spending weeks just to make a hole three feet deep.

  Hours passed before a whistle blew and a voice called out, "Break!"

  Byron let the pickaxe drop from his aching fingers to fall in behind Nikora who moved into a line to get a cup of water. He took his and drained it too quickly, and it seemed like he had sweated out the water before he even went back to his place.

  He looked up at the thin Nikora working next to him. "How long have you been here?"

  The Nikora shook his head. "Months. I have lost count of the days."

  He looked around at the other Nikora, and tried to imagine them going through this ritual day after day. It felt like it would kill him in a week, but some of them had been here for months. The Nikora were stronger than humans, but he could imagine them surviving long in this environment.

  He swung his pickaxe again, and a flash came out of the rock he worked on. When he leaned down, he could see the shine or a crystal poking out of the ground.



  Great, he thought. I guess that's something.

  Someone screamed as a Death Trooper yelled, "Get up!"

  An elderly Nikora female lay on the ground, wailing as a Death Trooper stood over her with a whip.

  Another Nikora male crouched near her, yelling, "She's sick. She needs to rest."

  The Death Trooper snapped open his whip. "She either gets back to work or I'll beat her to death."

  He raised its glowing tendril as the Nikora cried out.

  Byron couldn't take it anymore. His NRG implant still hadn't recharged, and he didn't have his gun, but he couldn't just stand by and watch an old woman being beaten to death.

  He gripped his pickaxe tighter as he charged the Death Trooper.

  The Death Trooper had his back to Byron, but turned as the pounding feet on the dirt drew his attention. His arm twisted to swing the whip at Byron.

  Byron swung the pickaxe first and slammed it into the front of the soldier's helmet.

  The Death Trooper let out a gurgle and staggered back with the pick jutting from his head, then he collapsed.

  150 XP

  Byron snatched up the energy whip. He pushed the button to engage its crackling length.

  Another Death Trooper rushed over to him with his whip out. "Drop it, prisoner! Right now!"

  Byron swung the whip at the soldier. The whip wrapped around the Death Trooper's arm holding the whip, and yanked him off balance. Byron did a wrestling move where he slammed his elbow into the soldier's helmet as it came forward, sending the soldier spinning to the ground.

  Byron yanked the pickaxe out of the first Death Trooper's helmet and buried it in the second Trooper's head.

  150 XP

  He had the attention of the other guards now. All the Death Troopers in the cave yelled commands at him and came at him in a circle. Some had dropped their whips and aimed rifles at him instead.

  Byron knew he couldn't win, but he wouldn't go down without a fight. The commander had said Lady Necralia wanted him alive. That meant the soldiers wouldn't kill him. At least, that's what he hoped it meant. Either way, he had an advantage.

  The Death Troopers at his feet faded away, leaving behind some coins, pieces of armor, and a pistol. Byron swung the whip in his hand in a circle, driving back the soldiers, then he grabbed the pistol off the ground.



  DMG: 200


  AMMO: 6

  Byron fired at the nearest soldier. The blast sent the Death Trooper flying back with a smoldering hole in his chest.

  150 XP

  He expected the soldiers to all fire on him, but they didn't. They yelled and threatened, but didn't shoot. It seemed like they didn't want to kill him, after all.

  He dropped into a crouch and fired again and again. Another Death Trooper fell and another. The remaining Death Troopers fell back to crouch behind mining carts and stalagmites for cover.

  Some of the Nikora began to cheer and clap.

  The voice of Captain Kurrs rang out from an intercom. "What the fuck is going on down there?"

  One of the Death Troopers called out, "Prisoner armed, sir! Jones has a weapon!"

  "How did he get a weapon? We need him alive, do you understand me? Whips only! Bring him to me!"

  Byron fired at three more soldiers before his pistol just clicked. Empty.

  He lashed his energy whip at one Death Trooper. The glowing line wrapped around the soldier's neck. As the guard tried to grab at it, Byron yanked the Death Trooper forward. He dove for the pickaxe, and jammed it into the soldier's chest.

  150 XP


  He yanked out the pickaxe to ready it again, but something slammed into the back of his head. He stumbled as an energy whip wrapped around his left ankle, burning like a hot iron on his leg, and pulled him off his feet. He landed on his chest. The pickaxe and whip dropped from his hands.

  Before he could reach his makeshift weapons, a thick boot crushed his hand. He felt bones snapping as he yelled in agony. Another boot kicked him in the side of his head.

  The boots of a dozen Death Troopers rained down on his body until he lost count of where and when they hit him, but the cheers of the Nikora continued to echo in his ears.


  He woke up with pain throbbing all over his body as he lay on the floor of the freight elevator. The sinking feeling told him the elevator was rising. He looked up at four Death Troopers all standing around him.

  When the elevator finally stopped, one soldier kicked his already aching ribs. "On your feet, maggot."

  Byron climbed onto his feet and staggered out of the elevator.

  In some ways, it was a relief to be out of the crippling heat of the underground cavern, but he knew any comfort would be short-lived.

  Captain Kurrs proved that by charging up to him and punching Byron in the mouth with a gloved fist. "What the fuck did you think you were doing down there?"

  Byron spat blood onto Kurrs' chest. "Just wanted to get a little exercise."

  Kurrs leaned closer. "You think this is a game, Jones?"

  Byron made a show of rolling his eyes. "Um, yeah, actually it is."

  "Well, I'm gonna teach you a very important lesson, my friend." Kurrs sneered. "You ma
y think you're special, but you're just another prisoner. A prisoner who doesn't understand his place here. Well, Lady Necralia wants you alive, but she never said anything about being in one piece. Hold him."

  Two of the Death Troopers each grabbed one of Byron's arms and slammed them up against the wall. He tried to twist himself free, but the fight and pain had left him too weak.

  He froze as Kurrs drew a long knife out of his belt.

  The captain turned the blade so it would reflect the light. "What body part do you wanna lose, Jones? An eye? An ear? No, if I do that, you might not be able to appreciate what I'm gonna do to you next. So maybe I'll just take make sure you're not too busy tonight."

  He pointed the knife at Byron's penis.

  Byron wanted to say something funny like he was in an action movie, but he couldn't. He was actually terrified. He had been counting on the soldiers not killing him, but he hadn't counted on getting his dick cut off.

  Kurrs leaned back with a sigh. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Every man talks tough until his manhood is on the line. But if I do that now, I won't have anywhere to go later. So let's just keep it simple. Turn him around."

  The soldiers flipped Byron around to slam his face and chest against the wall.

  He heard the hum of electricity from the whip right before it hit him. The pain made him yell out as it cut a scorched path across his back. Then it did it again and again. He couldn't hold back his howls as the whip tore into him.

  "That's right," Kurrs yelled. "Scream so everybody hears what happens when they disobey."

  The whip lashed him again and again and again. Every time he thought the pain couldn't get any worse, it did. When the whip finally stopped and Byron heard the snap of it being shut off, he went limp in the arms of the guards holding him.

  But Kurrs wasn't done. His knife stabbed the back of Byron's broken hand, pinning it to the wall and making him scream louder.

  The Death Troopers finally let Byron go. He doubled over, pain flooding through his back and hand.

  Kurrs looked down at Byron and narrowed his eyes. "Hey, what's that on the back of your neck?"

  Kurrs grabbed Byron by the back of his head and shoved his face into the dirt. As Byron tried to spit the gritty sand out of his mouth, Kurrs laughed.

  "Well, I'll be. This fucker's got an NRG implant. Somebody get me a spike."

  "No, no!" Byron screamed.

  He felt the needle pierce the back of his head. Something broke inside of him and his eyes and mouth burned like molten lava poured out of them. He had seen what happened to Chetaara, but the game's text told him the story as well.

  -1 NRG

  -1 NRG

  -1 NRG

  -1 NRG

  -1 NRG

  -1 NRG

  -1 NRG

  -1 NRG

  0 NRG

  The needle came out, and Kurrs chuckled.

  "Yeah, that's what I thought. No jokes now, huh? I think he'll take things more seriously now. Take him to the hole."

  The Death Troopers grabbed Byron's arms, yanked him to his feet, and shoved him towards the cave entrance.

  Byron felt a dizziness that told him he was going into shock. He knew a medpack would let him heal whatever injuries he would face, but he didn't know when a medpack would be available

  Worse, he had lost his NRG implant, the only advantage he had.

  The soldiers pushed Byron out of the cave entrance, and he stumbled his way to the open air. They guided him to a narrow shed where they unlocked the door and shoved him inside.

  When the door slammed shut and locked behind him, Byron sat in total darkness. He couldn't hear anything but the blood rushing in his ears. He could feel, though, a burning heat like he had felt underground. Sweat dripped down his body as he slumped against a smooth metal wall.

  He had failed completely.

  He ran his fingers over the hole in the back of his neck, and the ragged hole in his hand.

  "I can do this," he whispered. "I can do this. I'm the Outsider."

  Chapter 20

  BYRON WOKE up lying on the floor of the shed, blinded by light from the open door.

  He could see the outline of Kurrs standing in front of him. "Now let's see if you've learned some manners."

  Troopers came into the shed and hauled him out. It felt so much cooler that he felt like he'd been brought into a snowstorm. The sun had fallen, but even the streetlamps seemed like looking directly at the sun. Even though he could barely walk, they forced him to stagger on his own two feet back to the prison cell.

  They opened the doors and shoved him inside, leaving him to fall to the ground and lie there, unable to move.

  Scarlett came up to him first. "Holy shit, they beat you?"

  Byron raised his head as high as he could, which was only a couple of inches. "Eventually, yeah."

  Chetaara knelt beside him and cradled his head in her lap. "Those animals. They did not even bother to treat the wounds. Quickly, bring dressings for my Master!"

  A Nikora male rushed over with soaked dressings that Chetaara bandaged around Byron's back and hand. The pain eased as the cloth bound the stripes.

  Saleeta looked down at him, nodding. "I heard what you did in the cave. You sacrificed yourself for our people. Such bravery has an honored place among the Nikora. We will accept and include you in our escape plans."

  She reached under a wooden plank on the floor to produce a worn length of cloth. Unrolling the cloth revealed it had a crude map of the prison compound painted on it. She began pointing to various areas. "The key to our escape lies here, in the back of the compound. There is a maintenance shed here that connects to the outside wall."

  Princess nodded. "See, Byron-san? I told you it would work."

  Saleeta gave Princess a confused look before continuing. "We don't have access to the shed, but some of our people are allowed to work in the nearby repair building instead of the mines. They have been working to let some of us in, traveling in shifts so our absence goes unnoticed. Together, we have been using tools fashioned from scraps to dig a tunnel. That tunnel will allow us outside."

  Byron stared at the map for a moment before shaking his head. "This-this is working?"

  One of the other Nikora smiled and nodded. "Indeed. We have tunneled nearly four feet underground. Only six more feet to go which should be completed in nine months. However, one of the support beams came loose so we may have been set back a few months."

  Byron felt sick at the thought of being stuck in the prison for that long. "Nine months? We can't stay here another nine months. We have to get out of here."

  Saleeta tapped the map. "As you can see, escape is not easy. This is our best hope. Especially with your NRG implant--"

  He shook his head. "My implant is gone. They found it and disabled it. But the Empire is on its way here to collect me. I can't wait nine months or even nine days."

  Saleeta rolled up the map into a tube as she straightened. "That is your concern, not ours."

  Byron sat up, shaking his head. The plan didn't make sense to him. He wanted to ask how they had managed to sneak workers out of the mine into the building to dig or what they did with all the dirt. It didn't really matter, though. He had to come up with his own plan.

  "I need to know more," he said. "Are there any other holes in their security? Do they have shipments in and out of the compound? There has to be a quicker way."

  Saleeta laughed without humor. "Do you think we are fools here? If there were another way, do you think we would not have tried? This is the only way."

  "Then I'll find my own way." He pushed himself up to his feet and turned to his crew, along with Princess and Khloe. "Maybe we can't all escape at once, but maybe we can get a small group out of here. I want to go over their security."

  Saleeta rolled up and jammed the map back into its hiding place. "You can do whatever you like, but we cannot leave this cell. It is night, curfew. The cell is locked from the outside. There is no way out. Sleep now.
You can pursue your foolish dreams in the morning, and perhaps you will lose your other hand and that will teach you patience."

  She stalked off into the crowd with her tail whipping behind her.

  Chetaara took Byron's hand. "I believe in you."

  Byron rubbed his aching wounds. "It's not about believing in me. I don't know if I believe in myself anymore. But if I stay here, I'll die. Maybe that's for the best. But I don't want to leave you all here."

  Xana took his other hand and guided him over to a corner where some leaves and grass had been piled up. "You need sleep. Lie down."

  He obeyed, lying on the ground made only a little softer by the grass. Khloe snuggled up against him, and the other girls hugged him as well.

  Princess shrugged. "I guess we're in all this together. Move over. That looks comfy."

  She settled into the pile with Xana, and they all heaved a collective sigh.

  Byron fell asleep quicker than he thought.


  When Saleeta walked into the commander's office, she heard moaning and saw two of the Nikora women in his harem entangled with each other on the floor. They kissed as their hands rubbed each other's pussies and breasts.

  Commander Skarr watched them as another of his Nikora slaves stroked his tiny penis. He panted and said, "Harder, girls. Harder."

  Saleeta felt another wave of revulsion. The Necrosi turned their beautiful rituals of lovemaking into something obscene.

  He grunted and spurted his cum all over his lap. The Nikora stroking him yanked her hand away as if she had been sprayed with acid.

  The two Nikora women performing for him stopped and retreated to their corners. The same look of hatred crept over their faces.

  For a moment, one of the women looked Saleeta in the eye, and a flood of anger and hate passed between the two of them. Saleeta knew she was a traitor, and the women would probably kill her if they had the chance. Fortunately, they couldn't. Saleeta refused to allow herself to feel badly about it, though. She had to survive, nothing more.

  Skarr heaved a sigh and wiped his forehead. "Now, what do you have to report, my dear?"


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