Hero Reborn (Keepers of Justice, Book 3)

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Hero Reborn (Keepers of Justice, Book 3) Page 6

by Dee J. Stone

  All heads turn to me. X still has Kale pressed to the wall. He lets go.

  Scar moves closer. What was that, Andrew Mason?

  I swallow. “Y-you have to know what it’s like. To be completely alone in the world. To be scared. To miss your family so much and have no clue where they are. If they’re okay.”

  Scar’s eyes soften. For only a second. I continue, my voice shaking, “Our home was destroyed. We don’t know who’s alive or what’s going to happen to everyone. Every day, we wake up in fear. We’re terrified of everyone and everything. We don’t know who to trust. You know what that’s like, Scar. You wouldn’t want us to go through that.” I swallow again. “Kale’s idea is very smart. You guys…you guys should try it.”

  The room is dead silent. Everyone waits for a reaction from Scar. He moves closer. Circles me, his gaze never leaving mine. After a few seconds he stops.

  Very well. I will do as Kale requested.

  A huge sigh escapes me. I feel like a load has been lifted off my shoulders. Like I can finally breathe freely.

  Scar motions for Kale to join him in the center of the room. Kale smiles, all hopeful and excited. They face each other. Scar holds out his hands and Kale takes them. Their eyes shut.

  I can’t see much of what’s happening. Their mouths open a bit and their foreheads scrunch up. I wonder what it’s like to be connected to Scar’s mind. No, I’d probably have nightmares for life.

  A few minutes pass. They fly apart, Kale knocking into the wall and Scar flipping over a recliner. Blaze and the bicep guy help him to his feet. X and I help Kale.

  “Did it work?” I ask.

  Kale lets out a breath. “No.”

  My stomach drops.

  I have done as you requested, Scar says. Please leave my home before you put my family’s life at risk.

  Blaze and the bicep guy escort us out. After splashing through the sewers, we climb up and head to the car.

  We’re quiet as we drive home. Kale’s lips are in a tight line. I can’t stop thinking about my parents. I really hope I get to see them again.

  Kale sits up. “X, pull over.”

  X looks confused, but obeys. He turns to Kale. I make my neck long and stick my head through the narrow space between the two front seats.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  Kale hesitates. “I didn’t want to tell you when we were still at Scar’s. Didn’t want him to overhear. When we pooled our energies, I glimpsed into Scar’s mind.” He pauses. “He lied to us. He knows where the Blades are holding their hostages.”

  “What?” X’s hand, that’s resting on the steering wheel, tightens. His knuckles go white.

  “What do you mean?” I ask. “How were you able to enter his mind without him noticing?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe he didn’t tell us because he didn’t want to be held responsible. So he let me see. We don’t have time to figure it out right now. The ShadowBlades are holding Keepers captive in some abandoned building in Staten Island. There are only a few Blades guarding them.”

  I pull my head back to my body. “So…what? We go after them?”

  “Of course,” Kale says.

  “Um…do you remember what happened the last time we did something like that? I was murdered!”

  “No,” X says. “We’re not going to attack them. I’ll scout the area to make sure Lindsay or other League mates are there. If they are, we’ll know their exact location and we’ll try to rescue them. If not, we flee. I won’t let either of you die.”

  “And what if we get caught?” I ask. “We don’t have weapons or anything.”

  “We’ll be careful this time,” X says. “Kale has telepathy now.”


  “So I’ll knock the Blades out,” Kale explains. “They won’t be expecting us like the last time. Remember, Vlayne pretended to be Scar and lured us to that warehouse. But this time, she’s not expecting us. We can go fast, slip in, slip out, since X will see where everyone is. We can hide from detection. And if someone’s onto us, I’ll knock him out.”

  “But Vlayne’s protection—”

  “Only blocks telepaths from reading their minds. She can’t protect them from a telepathic attack.”

  I don’t know about this. I don’t want to die again.

  “I’ll scout the area first,” X repeats. “If I see it’s too dangerous, we back out of the plan. Like I said, I’m not going to let either of you die.”

  Chapter Eleven

  We reach Queens. The streets are mostly empty, but shouts can be heard in the distance. “Do you hear that?” I ask.

  They don’t sound like protesters, but like people getting attacked.

  “Stop the car,” I say. “I think people are in trouble.”

  X does, and the three of us get out. The shouts get louder. “This way,” X says.

  We follow him up the block. As we’re running, six people stand in our way. We nearly crash into them.

  One of the guys shoves a pad of paper and a pen in my face. “Sign the petition to free the Keepers.”

  I’m about to take the pen, but X whispers, “No.” He pulls me away by my arm.

  I twist in his grasp. “Dude, why not?”

  He drops his clutch. “Sorry, but we’re supposed to keep a low profile.”

  “I was just signing—”

  “We can’t,” he says. “As much as we want to help, we can’t. You don’t know who those people are. We need to be careful.”

  I adjust my sleeve. “Okay. Sorry.”

  We move on. The screaming gets louder and we run faster, until we reach the humans in trouble. A group of adults flee an area. Looks like an alley or something. Two guys and two girls with huge arms and legs step out. They’re dressed in costume. The question is whether they’re good or bad. Judging by the way those people run, I’m guessing bad. Villains, maybe.

  I’m about to dart away, but X pulls my arm. “Let’s fight them.”


  “X, we need to keep a low profile,” Kale says. “And we need to go over the plan to save Lindsay and the others.”

  The shouting intensifies. The big guys and girls are stomping down the streets, swinging their humongous arms into people.

  “We need to help,” X says. “We’re the only Keepers remaining.”

  Evil laughter. The guys pummel a car. “Help!” people shout. “Help!”

  Those villains are after more innocent normies. Most escape, but some get caught in their path.

  Kale turns to go. I grab his arm. “They’ll crush us like ants.”

  He points to his head. “Telepathy, remember?”

  “You go ahead without me,” I say.

  “No way. I’ll take ‘em down. You and X get those people to safety.”

  X seems confident. How the hell is he confident? I back away.

  “You can do this, Stretch,” X says.

  I shake my head so fast I end up wrapping it around my neck. Quickly, I fix it before anyone sees.

  “What if they recognize us?” I ask.

  “We’re wearing hats and glasses,” Kale answers. “Besides, I’m willing to risk our safety to help these people.”

  “Same,” X says.

  The screaming intensifies. Wuss or no wuss, I can’t let these people die. I don’t have to attack, just bring the humans to safety. I can do it. “I’m in,” I say.

  X says, “Whatever you do, don’t use your powers. Kale, knock them out from a distance so they don’t see you.”

  “Yep. Now go.” Kale gives us a shove. X and I rush to the action. My legs feel like they’re turning into pudding, but I clear my mind and focus. I’m a superhero. It’s my job to protect the normies.

  We’re not close to the villains, but their laughter is so loud it nearly bursts my ears. Normies are running toward us. X shouts for them to follow us, and we lead them away.

  “No, you don’t, you little…!” a rough, freaky voice shouts. It sends goose bumps down my ba

  Glancing behind, I catch one of the big guys following me as I help a family of four. Oh, crap. He’s going to smash us! So much for my being a hero. These people are going to die because of me.

  They’re screeching. I’m screeching, too, probably louder than them. He stomps so loud I feel the ground vibrating beneath my feet.

  Dropping to the ground, I throw myself over the family, stretching myself to protect them. Hopefully, I’m not too wide to be noticed.

  The stomping’s getting close. Our shouts are deafening. This is it. My second time dying.

  Suddenly, the monster of a dude drops to the ground with such a bang we fly up a few feet. His huge friends crash to the ground, too.

  Kale did it.

  I jump to my feet and lead the family to a safe area. The mom grabs me. Hugs me tight. She thanks me over and over, and I just nod. Then I run to help more normies. X rushes back to where the villains are unconscious, and helps a woman and two kids, who are severely injured. A nearby cop takes them, thanking X.

  When everyone’s safe, we return to Kale, who’s waiting a few blocks away. I slide down to the ground, breathing heavily. That was the most heroic thing I’ve done in a while. It felt really, really cool. X and Kale lower themselves down next to me. “Good job,” X says to us.

  Kale smiles. “You, too.”

  People talk as they pass us. “I bet the Keepers would have been there in less than a second,” a man says. “They would have killed those villains.”

  Another snorts. “Nah, the Keepers would let those poor people die.”

  “The Keepers sent them.”

  The guys and I exchange glances and shrug. Looks like people are still torn about what to make of all this.

  “The cops think we’re regular people,” X says. “He thanked me like I was a hero.”

  I poke his shoulder. “You are a hero.”

  “You see what’s going on?” X says. “Now that the Keepers are done, all these villains are causing trouble. They used to fear us.”

  Kale raises an eyebrow. “Didn’t know we were so scary.”

  “So…what do we do?” I ask. “Fight villains or go after the Blades?”

  X looks around. “We do both. After we rescue our members, we battle villains. We’re not the only ones fighting crime.” He tilts his head. “A few blocks down, there are many heroes dressed in costume. They’re patrolling the area. They have it under control.”

  “Keepers?” Kale asks.

  “No. They should be able to protect the humans while we go after the Blades.”

  “And then what?” Kale asks. “We spend the rest of our lives being vigilantes?”

  X shakes his head like he’s got no clue. “For now, all that matters is protecting the humans. But let’s get back to the car. We need to plan our attack on the Blades.”

  Chapter Twelve

  We wait until it’s dark out. X found a gun in a safe in the basement, so he’s going to use that in case something goes wrong. I know a gun would probably be useless against the Blades, but who knows—it could come in handy.

  I don’t want to die again. I trust my friends, I really do, but I’m worried we’ll screw up like the last time. It does ease my mind a little knowing that only a few Blades will be there, but I’m pretty sure Vlayne has a close watch on them. Hopefully, we’ll rescue our League mates and escape before she and the rest of the Blades have a chance to go after us.

  We get into the car. We’re dressed in black clothes and ski masks. I drum my shaky long fingers against the glass window. Kale’s hands are folded in his lap. X seems preoccupied with driving.

  I want to say something, but I don’t know what. All that comes out of my mouth is a low squeak. Kale turns around. “We’ll be okay.”

  I nod, trying to believe him.

  X looks at me through the rearview mirror. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Promise.”


  “Do you want to back out?” X asks. “You can still change your mind.”

  He asked me that over and over when we got back to the house a few hours ago. I was so tempted to say yes, but how can I? I’m not going to let the guys do something so dangerous on their own.

  “I’m…I’m good.”

  X doesn’t look so sure. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”

  “Are you serious?” Kale says. “We can save our League mates. Save Lindsay. Who the hell knows what they’re doing to her?”

  “I know,” X says. “Just second-guessing everything.” His gaze flicks to me again. I think I know what he’s thinking. He spent the last four months seeking revenge on my death, and now I might die again. I can’t put him or Kale through that again.

  If something goes wrong, I’m going to make sure we escape. I’ll make my arms long and scoop them up or something. I don’t know. But I’m not going to let them down, either.

  “Kale will knock out the Blades from a distance,” X says like he’s reassuring himself. “Then we’ll quickly grab the captured Keepers and flee.”

  “Yep,” Kale says.

  X stops at a traffic light. Except, it’s not red. It’s green.

  “What the hell?” He presses on the gas, but the car doesn’t move. No other cars are on the streets. “It won’t go.”

  “Crap,” Kale mutters, looking around. “Crap.”

  “You sense any—”

  I can’t finish because the car is being hurled back, like it’s wrapped by an invisible rope. “Guys, someone’s out there!” Kale shouts. We all look around, but can’t see much. There are no streetlights.

  The car is still being pulled back. I turn around, only to see no one there. Oh, wait. “A shadow.” It’s a man. That’s all I can see.

  “Who is it?” Kale’s voice is panicked.


  The car’s being yanked further and further back. Soon, a light shines over us. There are many streetlights around now. I see the guy better. He’s tall and broad. He’s wearing a full head mask and a black, spandex costume. His hands are held out in front of him as the car inches closer to him.

  The car stops, doors open, and the three of us are thrown out. I don’t land on my butt, though. I’m standing in place.

  His hands are still raised. An invisible force clamps around my chest. The next thing I feel is my body being hauled toward him.

  Oh, crap. He’s going to kill us! We’re getting closer and closer. I shut my eyes, prepared to be sawed in half.

  “What the hell do the three of you think you’re doing?” a familiar voice shouts.

  We stare up at him.

  “Dad?” Kale says.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kale jumps into his dad’s arms. “You’re alive.”

  Samson holds him close, sighing in relief as he buries Kale’s head in his chest. He reaches for X and me and hugs us, too.

  Kale pulls off. “Where’s Mom? Where have you guys been all this time? The Keepers…Vlayne…the virus…”

  Samson strokes the top of Kale’s head. He looks from X, to me, to Kale. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  A lot to talk about? What’s that mean? I’m about to ask, but Samson eyes each of us closely. “Anyone want to explain what the hell you’re up to?”

  We don’t say anything. My eyes are on the ground.

  “Going after the ShadowBlades? Are you looking to get yourselves killed?”

  I don’t like when he yells like that. It’s really embarrassing. He makes me feel stupid for doing what we were about to do, but I guess that’s the point. It was pretty dumb.

  “Dad, we were just going to free Lindsay and the others. The Blades have them. We went to see Scar and—”


  “Yeah. I saw—”

  Samson cuts Kale off by lifting us all in the air, so fast the wind bashes against the exposed skin on my face. Samson’s using his telekinesis, and we’re flying. Zooming. Like a jet. I knew he was quick, but not like this. I don’t
know about the guys, but I’ve never seen him like this. He doesn’t have to touch us in order for us to fly, like my mom had to. His telekinesis is moving us.

  We’re very high up in the sky. Too low for airplanes, but too high to be seen. No one’s around, but he’s being careful.

  “Dad—?” Kale can barely get a word out due to the wind. It’s so strong, I can’t breathe. I cough and gasp. I’m spread out on my stomach, looking down. I can’t see anything, just a blur. Lifting my head, I make out Kale and Samson flying ahead of me. X is on my right.

  I don’t know how many minutes pass before we’re dropping to the ground. It’s like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. I’m going to hit the ground and my bones will smash into a million pieces.

  Trying to screech, I only manage to swallow more air. The ground’s getting closer and closer. My arms flail around. I’ve lost control of my limbs, stretching like taffy. Then, suddenly, I feel myself getting pasted back together. Samson’s pushing my limbs in place.

  I’m stopped a few feet above the ground. It’s like I’m attached to a chord and it snaps back right in time. Slowly, I’m lowered to the ground until I lie completely flat on the cement.

  X, Kale, and Samson are next to me. Samson pulls us to our feet, using his power, and leads us toward a manhole. He lifts his hands and tears the thing off with so much force it cracks in half.

  I gulp and stare at the guys. Their eyes are wide. Samson motions for us to follow him inside and takes his mask off.

  “What’s going on, Dad?” Kale asks. “Are we in—?”

  “SCAR!” Samson bellows. The place shakes. Kinda feels like an earthquake. The lights flicker, water splashes. I’ve never heard him shout so loud. It makes my shoulders move back and my head drop toward my chest. I quickly put myself together.

  We reach the wall to the sewer house. It doesn’t lift, and Blaze doesn’t come out to greet us.

  “Scar!” Samson raises his hands toward the wall, tearing it off. Oh, man.

  Samson steps inside. Everyone’s huddled in a corner. A few peek out from the inner halls. Scar’s in the center of the room. He looks totally confused to see Samson. Samson sweeps his hand, and Scar crashes into the nearby wall. Blaze and the bicep guy lunge forward to take Samson down, but our leader uses his other hand to crush them against the wall.


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