Beneath Our Faults

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Beneath Our Faults Page 19

by Charity Ferrell

  Instead of doing what I said, she ignored me, turning around and grabbing her phone. "It's my aunt," she mouthed, answering it.

  "They're on their way home," she informed me when she got off the phone." Both of us jumped up at the same time, scrambling for our clothes. We made it to the couch and flipped on the TV just minutes before the front door opened. Close fucking call.

  I HOPPED on the couch next to Keegan, my face bright and beaming. "So guess what?" I squealed.

  His dark eyebrows arched. "What?"

  "We have officially gone one full week without any drama," I answered, clapping my hands together. The fact that I was elated our relationship had been drama free for a week was actually sad if you really thought about it, but it was refreshing to me. "No Piper, no jealous girls, nothing."

  "I guess a celebration is in order."

  I smiled over at him. "I think you might be correct, Mr. Montgomery." Moving in closer, I straddled his lap and his hands immediately ran down my sides, stopping at my hips. I breathed out as those hands edged their way under my ass, propping me up so I was directly against him and his hardness. My lips instantly met his open mouth.

  "Mmmm," He muttered, breaking our kiss, but our mouths still lingered on each others. "I know I'm right because I am always right, babe."

  Smacking his shoulder, I laughed, shivering at the feel of his hand skimming along the hollow of my throat. Spreading his fingers out, he dipped them under my bra and lighting brushed the bottom curve of my boob. Back and forth, back and forth, driving me crazy. A tingle of warm lips pressed against my shoulders at the same time the snap of my bra came undone. I loved the way he never seemed to get enough of me.

  "Sneaky one, aren't you," I joked, leaning forward and nibbling gently on his earlobe. He chuckled, his hand smoothing down my skin to the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head swiftly. Both of his hands immediately went to my chest, palming each breast and rubbing his hands across my hard nipples.

  "You are the sexiest girl I have ever laid eyes on," he mumbled, keeping his attention on me. I was growing more accustomed to his touch each time we were together. The first few times we had sex, I was shy. It was strange letting someone see you at your most vulnerable state - naked and on display for them. Tanner and I had sex plenty of times but it was different with Keegan. His touches were like electricity against my skin, bringing me more and more to life with each one.

  The wetness of his mouth replaced his hands and he sucked on one nipple before repeating the same thing to the other. I whimpered, arching my chest to feed him more. The throbbing between my legs intensified at the frantic touch of his fingers sliding into the front of my pants and underneath my panties. Keegan wasn't wasting any time.

  I moaned, moving roughly against the bulging hardness underneath me while his hands continued to message me. "These need to get the fuck out of here," he spat out, unbuckling my jeans. In total agreement, I lifted my legs to help him snag my panties and pants down my legs.

  I hesitated a second before standing up. His eyes shined, looking me up from head to toe with an appreciative gaze. Bending down, I got down on my knees and unbuckled his pants. His mouth curved into a devious smile and he lifted his legs so I could slide off his jeans and boxers. Gulping nervously, I glided my hand slowly down his hard length. I felt his body shudder when my tongue snaked out to lick the tip of him.

  I went slow at first, sliding him into my mouth and hearing a sharp intake of breath above me at the same time his hands flew into my hair. But the soft groans coming from his throat gave me more encouragement as I quickened my pace and took him deeper before he stopped me.

  "Baby," he said softly, "up." He leaned forward, grabbing me underneath my armpits until I was standing in front of him, my thighs directly in front of his face. His hand reached out and I unconsciously took a step back, causing his hand to snap out and grab me around my ass. Pulling me onto him, his finger ran against my front and in between my legs, fixing the throbbing that had been pounding between my legs. It was like my blood was growing, rushing to my swell as I moved into his hand. I cursed as he removed his hand, bringing his finger to his mouth and sucking on it.

  "You taste delicious," he grinned, grabbing his pants and pulling out a condom. I straddled his again, but this time allowing him to slide into me. A flooded sensation of warmth filled my body and I moaned at the same time his head tipped back against the couch as he completely filled me.

  "Does this feel okay?" I asked, awkwardly. I wasn't new on being on top but I wasn't as experienced as the girls Keegan had been with. I wanted him to enjoy this.

  He groaned, blowing out a long, harsh breath and his eyes slanted. "You seriously asking me that?" His hands tightened on my hips. "You feel so amazing, baby. Now please, keep moving or I am going to die." His firm grip stayed on my hips, moving me in sync with his own thrusting underneath me.

  My body ached for more, moving into him faster. "I love the way you feel," he groaned. I whimpered, a wave of tingles flowing from the center of my body until I felt like all weight had completely left my body. He pumped into me a few more times before groaning out his own release. Smiling, I looked down at him and he grabbed my head, pulling me down for a deep kiss.

  "Holy fuck me! Bravo!" I completely froze at the scratchy voice behind us. A voice that was not Keegan's. "That was fucking hot!"

  This was not happening.

  I WAS going to kill him. Surging off the couch, I grabbed a blanket to wrap around Daisy and blocked his view with my own nakedness. Let him see my ass, I didn't give a fuck, but there was no way I was going to let his vile eyes see anything more of her.

  "Holy fuck me, you two would be so hot on camera," the asshole behind me boasted, laughing. Vic Sterling was the epitome of a perverted, slime ball creep. I guess if you were one of the top porn directors in the country, being a pervert was a necessary requirement for your resume. My mom had been one of his "girlfriends" for years, but I had only met him a handful of times, which was perfectly fine with me. I wasn't planning on calling him step-daddy anytime soon.

  I ignored him, keeping my eyes on the petrified girl in front of me. "Oh my god," she whispered, pulling her hands up to cover her face and then shoving it into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her shaking body.

  "I could make a shit ton of money off you two," the jackass behind me elaborated and I stilled. Leaning down, I grabbed my shorts and pulled them up over my waist. Giving her a quick peck, I twisted around to face the asshole.

  "Shut the fuck up!" I screamed, feeling the warmth of Daisy's body hitting my bare back. I turned around to look at her again. "Baby," I breathed out, trying my best to hold in my anger until she left the room. I noticed the trace of moisture around her eyes as her hands were wrapped tightly around her belly. "Go up to my room and I'll be there in a minute." She nodded quickly and I leaned my chin against the top of her head before planting another kiss against her silky, dark hair.

  My eyes stayed on her, clutching the blanket around her tiny body tightly, stepping over the pile of her clothes that we had thrown on the floor. She walked as far away from Vic as she could, edging herself against the wall. A loud whistle ran from Vic's mouth when she finally passed by. "Don't worry, sweetie," he smiled. "It ain't nothing I haven't seen before."

  Daisy moved faster and my mom walked into the kitchen at the same time Daisy was walking out, her heels clanking against our marble floor. She headed straight to the cabinet filled with glasses. She was either completely oblivious to what had just occurred or was choosing to ignore it and act like it never happened. "What a cute little thing," she said, dragging a glass out. "A little innocent for your usual taste, but cute nonetheless." Her next stop was the fully stocked alcohol cabinet. Unscrewing the lid from a bottle of vodka with her perfectly manicured hands, she poured the clear liquid into her glass until it was half full.

  I remembered the first time she had ever walked in on me having sex. I was fifteen but she didn't s
eem the least bit shocked when she opened my bedroom door. "Be sure to wear a condom," were the only words she said before walking back out and shutting the door behind her. Mother of the year right there, ladies and gentleman. Most moms would have shit a brick, but Layla wasn't like most moms, obviously

  "Fuck yeah, the girl is cute," Vic agreed, grabbing the bottle of vodka and taking a large gulp straight from the bottle. Setting it back down, he ran his hands down his goatee and I knew exactly what he was doing. He was mind fucking my girlfriend. "How old is she, anyways? How about you do me a favor and give her this for me, will ya?" He pulled out a leather wallet from his back pocket, snatching a business card and holding it out for me.

  "Shut your fucking mouth, asshole," I snarled, repeating my warning. "I won't be handing her shit so you can stick that card up your ass." I looked down, realizing my fists were clenched to my side, holding in my restraint from punching Layla's boyfriend/ boss/ director in his pig face.

  "Shit dude," he attempted to joke, holding his hands out in a peaceful gesture. "I was just asking. No need to get pissed at me for just doing my job. Your mama ain't getting any younger, I've got to start looking for replacements." My mom's body went still at his words. She didn't say anything, but I knew what she was thinking. She knew her time was running out. Beauty only lasted so long and there was always someone younger and prettier.

  "Daisy isn't or never will be one of your whores," I snapped back, eyeing him from the short distance we stood from one another. My mom gasped.

  "Aw, hell and she has a perfect porn name, Daisy. We wouldn't even have to change it," he laughed, failing to even defend my mom. My stomach rolled at her name coming out of his contaminated lips. "Sorry man, didn't know the bitch was your girlfriend."

  My entire body went rigid at his words. "Did you just call her a bitch?" I shouted, my voice carrying throughout the house.

  "Keegan doesn't have girlfriends, honey," my mom rushed out quickly trying to do damage control. "She must be one of your favorites, though. Why don't you introduce us? You know Vic didn't mean any disrespect, we just aren't used to seeing you care about girls."

  I ignored her attempt of diffusing the situation, marching straight up to the prick and grabbing the collar of his expensive shirt. "I'm only going to ask you one more fucking time. Did you just fucking call her a bitch?" My arm shot out before my brain processed if he even gave me an answer. My fist tightened around my knuckles, swinging backwards and coming into straight contact with the center of his face. He staggered backwards, hitting the wall behind him and cupped his bleeding nose with both hands.

  "Keegan," my mom cried out, rushing to Vic's side.

  "Fucking twit," Vic screamed, moving one hand away from his face and I watched the blood from his nose drop down onto the floor beneath us. "Look at you," he mocked, biting back a laugh, "trying to act like some church choir boy in front of that little girl when everyone knows this ain't the first time we've walked in on you fucking some little slut in here, in the living room and even in the fucking pool. Shit, I've seen you even fuck a few of my employees." He smiled wide, showing off his overly bleached teeth. "You hear that little girl? This boy is bad fucking news and I would run my sweet, innocent ass for the hills if you were smart," he screamed loudly, giving me a menacing stare and choking a few times. I watched my mom grab a handful of paper towels and hold them against his nose to try to stop the blood flow.

  "Get out of my house," I demanded, my breathing out of control. I stepped closer into him, ignoring my mom trying to wedge her way in between the two of us. Shoving him back against the same wall he fell against, I got in his face.

  "Stop it!" My mom screamed, trying to pull me away from him but I was stronger than her puny arms.

  "Get the hell out or I will toss your sorry ass out in the street like the scum you are!" Spit flew out of my mouth, hitting him in the eye and he pushed me back away from him. Caught off guard, I stumbled back a few steps before charging back towards him. Only this time, my mom managed to get there before me.

  "What has gotten into you? Jesus! Since when you care about stupid shit like this? This is all a huge misunderstanding. You're my son but he is also my boyfriend. Nobody is going anywhere. Now go to your room and cool off," she instructed, turning her pointed fingers to the stairs.

  "Wow, what a great boyfriend you have, mom. He has you fuck other people on camera so he can make money off of you! Real love," I scoffed. I was speaking to her but my eyes were frozen on Vic.

  "Fuck you, you little bastard," he responded, narrowing his dark eyes at me. "Your daddy doesn't want you and I don't blame the guy. But guess what?" His face broke out in a full-fledged smile at my silence. "I know who he is," he sang out, like a bully taunting the fat kid at the playground. It felt like someone kicked me in the gut but I kept a straight face not letting the jackass think he got to me.

  "You think I give a flying fuck who my dad is? I haven't given two shits since my mom told he wanted nothing to do with me! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I picked up a hand carved vase my mom overpaid for in Paris and threw it across the room. Layla yelled out when a loud bang erupted and the sound of shattering glass echoed through the house with tiny shards of glass pouring across the floor.

  "Keegan!" My mom screamed my name, stone faced. "You do not control who comes and goes in this house." She left Vic, turning in front of me and slamming the tip of her finger into my bare chest. "I am your mother and this is my house." I laughed. Little did mommy dearest know is that I was nosy as shit as a child and figured out a long time ago this house and everything we owned was in my name - not hers.

  "You have all of this shit because of me!" I roared, grabbing her alcohol glass and shattering that against the wall, too. "This is my house, not yours! So thank you for bringing me into this shitty fucking life. You are not a fucking mother, you are a useless woman who doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself."

  She winced, her face turning white as a ghost. Her shock drew her away from Vic and I swiftly moved around her to grab him by his collar. He pushed back against my chest but I held on dragging him out of the house like he was the size of Theodore. I tossed him on the lawn when I reached the last step like a used rag doll. "If you ever come into this house again, I will beat the living shit out of you. Do you understand me, asshole?"

  My mom bumped into my side, sprinting to Vic sprawled out on our lawn. "Vic, I am so sorry," she rushed out, kneeling down on her knees by his side.

  "You're sorry for him?" I screamed at her, getting every neighbor's attention on the block. "This fucking creep just watched me have sex with my girlfriend, offered her a job as a porn star and called me a bastard, but you're sorry to him? Shouldn't you be saying that to me?"

  She staggered to her feet, brushing her long hair away from her face and perusing her enlarged lips. "You are the one who started this whole fiasco," she cried out, pointing at me and I noticed the tiny glimmer of wetness in her eyes. "You shouldn't have said anything. Why can't you just let me be happy for once?"

  "Please, tell me what the hell you aren't happy about Layla? You've never had to take care of me so you're unhappiness is nowhere near my fault. You're unhappy because you've fucked up your life so bad you will never be able to fix it? It is not my fault you fucked a guy and had a kid with someone who didn't want you!" My voice grew quieter. "You fucked up my life, too. But you know what? I realized it before I turned out like you." Her mouth dropped open into a horrified expression.

  "You don't mean that," she mumbled, running her hands down her too-tight neon pink dress.

  "I do."

  "You just wait you little shit," Vic warned, pulling himself to his feet and hobbling to his car. "You'll get what's fucking coming to you." He looked at my mom and opened the driver's side door. "You coming or what?"

  Her head nodded and she looked away from me.

  "Pathetic," I spat out, turning around and walking away from the woman who gave birth to me but never on
ce choose to act like a mother. I turned away from the woman who chose a man over her own son; her own blood. The entire house shook from the force of me slamming the door shut from behind me. The lock clicked around my hand and I twisted my body around to turn up the stairs but my legs stumbled into something hard on the bottom step.

  I glanced down to see Daisy curled into a ball with tears flushing down her red cheeks. What had she seen? She scrambled to her feet and shuffled backwards away from me. "Baby." My mind instantly flew to the worst-case scenario where she left me. "Say something," I choked out, desperation clear in my scratchy voice.

  "I want to," she blew out, throwing her hands to her sides. Her dark eyes smoldered into mine. "I really do but I don't know what to say after all of that."

  I stepped closer to her causing her to take a few steps back. Stopping, I held my hands out. "We both know I've done some stupid shit. I won't even try to deny it, but that was all before you. You can't stand there and try to chastise me for something I did before I even met you!"

  Daisy stared at me motionless. "It's just," she stopped, looking down at the floor and trying to find the right words to dump my ass. "It's just too much for me to handle right now. You're too much for me to handle. This," she gestured between the two of us then around the room filled with broken glass. "This isn't something I want. This isn't the kind of relationship for me."

  I rolled my neck around. “Here we go again. You don't want me?" I shouted, slamming my already bloody fist into the wall. My eyes glared daggers into ones that could barely meet mine. "Quit playing games. We both want each other and you can't even try to deny that. I am in love with you." The words fell out of my mouth, shocking the two of us but I didn't stop there as I began pacing in front of her. "Do you understand how hard it is for me to love someone and let them in? I have given you everything I could possibly give and I just want something in return," I stressed before stopping in my tracks as realization struck me. "You were never going to give me a chance were you?"


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