The Naughty Angel Returns (Naughty Angels In Love)

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The Naughty Angel Returns (Naughty Angels In Love) Page 11

by Honey Jans

  “Well, there have been a few complaints of harassment…unfounded, of course.” She flicked a warning glance around the office.

  “Unfounded, my ass,” Crispin said under his breath.

  “I told you so,” the young receptionist said from her chair.

  The older woman flashed her a quelling frown. “This is not the time, Mandy. Let's not air our dirty linen—”

  “When did he leave?” Harry asked, cutting in.

  Mandy smiled. “The creep left about half an hour ago. He was on break, got a call on his cellular phone that pissed him off, and left in a fury.”

  The older woman gave her a firm look. “That's enough.”

  “Did he say where he was going?” Crispin asked her, ignoring the older woman's glare.

  “No. He just said he had personal business to take care of.” Mandy smirked. “He tore out of here fast, muttering under his breath about Haley…”

  “Shit,” Crispin and Harry said and turned to go.

  Harry nodded at the other agents. “Lock down his office. I want it swept. And get statements from everyone. You might as well start with Mandy. She seems the most observant.”

  They swept out of the building to the tune of older woman's furious sputters, Crispin leading the way. The sooner they got to Trevor, the better. “Five will get you ten he found out where you two were staying and is heading to the Hyatt.”

  “Maybe,” Crispin said. “But why would that piss him off? Who could have rattled Trevor this bad? It would take someone with spunk, someone with nerves of steel.” They exchanged troubled looks.

  “Haley,” they both said at the same time. They turned to head toward the car when Harry's earpiece crackled.

  “What?” he asked.

  After a moment he turned to look at Crispin. “I think you're right. She's back.”

  “Thank heavens,” Crispin said, picturing her surrounded by agents and probably spitting mad. “Are they holding her at the hotel?”

  Harry grimly shook his head. “They had a glimpse of her sneaking out of the hotel. She lost the FBI tail and took off, heading west for the edge of town. What's out that way?”

  “Her sister's place.”

  Harry frowned. “Sister?”

  “It's a long story,” Crispin said, calling Kiera's number.

  “Haley, is that you?” Kiera asked.

  Crispin closed his eyes. What had those two been up to? “No, it's Crispin.” He all but felt her freeze up on the other end.

  “Are you okay, Crispin?” Kiera asked gently. “Do you want Jaden and me to come and get you?”

  Why the worry over him? “I'm fine. The one I'm worried about is your over-heroic sister.” He listened to Kiera's breath catch at the disclosure.

  “She told you.”

  “Last night.” Crispin's mind drifted back to that unearthly moment. She'd been lying under him, naked, when she'd bared her soul to him. More fool him, he hadn't believed her, and then she'd vanished. “I didn't believe her at first, until she vanished. Now she's back and risking her neck for me, rattling some dangerous cages. I won't allow that. You need to tell me where she is.”

  “She made me promise not to tell,” Kiera said softly.

  His gut twisted when he heard her hesitate. He had to know. He had to save his woman. “And I'm begging you to break your vow. I need her, Kiera. I can't lose her.”

  Kiera sighed. “She was setting up some kind of ambush at Indiscretions. She had me call Miranda to have her quietly empty the shop of bystanders. And she told her to have her baseball bat ready, whatever that means.”

  He let out a growl, biting back a curse, picturing the two women sneaking up to the killer with nothing but a baseball bat for protection. His blood chilled.

  “That's pretty much what I said,” Kiera said with grim humor. “It's going down at four. You still have time to intervene.”

  He flicked a glance at his watch. Quarter to four. He could just barely make it. “Thanks, Kiera. I owe you a big one.”

  “Just bring my sister home safe.”

  He hung up the phone, turned to look at Harry, and jerked open the car door. “Let's roll. They're going to Indiscretions. Haley has cooked up some kind of harebrained plan to get him.”

  “Shit. Let's move out,” Harry said, sliding behind the wheel.

  Chapter Eleven

  Haley crouched behind a rack of lingerie in the back of Indiscretions while Miranda hid in the back office. Good to her word, Miranda had cleared the shop but kept the doors open. But the stubborn woman wouldn't leave, and so she'd told her to take up a position in the rear with the baseball bat she kept for security.

  Glancing at her watch, Haley saw that it was almost four. Would Trevor show? What would she do if he didn't? Hunt him down like the monster he was. Just then she heard a car pull up outside, and she froze. She felt in her pockets for her weapons of choice. Handcuffs and mace newly purchased from the shop. Once she had Trevor trapped, he'd have no choice but to admit the truth. She was betting her life on it. He was so close to crazy that it wouldn't take much to get him to spill his guts, and Crispin's tape recorder would catch it all for posterity.

  The door opened, and she shifted out of sight. Was it him? She was almost afraid to peek, and then the nauseating odor of stale cigarette smoke wafted her way as the door jangled shut. It was him. Her nose wrinkled with disgust, and her stomach churned, whether from anticipation or his stench, she didn't know. Bracing herself for the sting of his sick aura, she almost doubled over when it hit her, making her dizzy. It was worse than before. He was wildly unbalanced now, mad enough to kill and maybe risk getting caught. He was no longer worried about being careful; she could sense it. Then his fluctuating aura shivered for a moment, almost throwing her off balance. She caught herself on the back of a rack to keep from falling. What the heck? This was way different than anything she'd felt from him before.

  She peeked out and saw him ogling a rack of XXX skin magazines, his jaw slack as he practically drooled. Whoa! She'd chosen her position well, knowing he'd be fascinated by the rags, but she hadn't expected him to be completely thrown off his game. It explained his aural change. It was as if he were stuck in low gear. Maybe he'd be easy to take down. He seemed to be transfixed by a row of glossy, super-X-rated magazines, temporarily blunting his killing rage.

  Haley's gaze swept up him as she studied her opponent. Something about him told her not to get cocky. There was another new element about him. Then she saw the odd bulge in his polyester suit blazer and focused on it, feeling cold lead. A shiver went up her spine. He was carrying a gun. She gulped, and an image of a switchblade flashed before her mind. The idiot was carrying a knife too. He really did want her dead.

  She'd expected him to escalate after she'd threatened him, but didn't think he could get armed this fast. Actually she'd been counting on his scorn for her to make him careless. The fact that he was now packing heat meant that he'd had them around, but she sensed he wasn't used to them. She could still take him down. Shit. Was he right-handed or left-handed? Think, damn it. He'd gone for her with his right hand, and his gun was on the right. If she could block that side, his gun couldn't come into play. It would have to work.

  She heard a click from the office and held her breath, terrified that Miranda would startle him. He started at the sound and looked around the empty shop, his aura flaring with rage. He took a step toward the office, and Haley burst out of her place of concealment and snapped the handcuff on his right wrist, keeping him from going for his gun, and clicked the other end of the bracelet on her own wrist. There was no way she was letting him get away, even at the risk of her life.

  “What the fuck?” he screeched in a high-pitched voice as he turned on her.

  Her knees almost buckled under his rage, but she fought to stay on her feet as he struggled against her. She let out an oof when he slammed up against her, driving her against the wall, and Haley shouted, “Stop fighting me, you worm.”

��Shut your filthy mouth, bitch,” he howled, backhanding her with his left hand.

  Her head reeling from the blow, Haley glared back at him, pulled the can of mace out of her pocket, and gave him a blast in his face. She blinked back tears as it stung her eyes, saying, “I'd like to see you kill me now, you cowardly bastard.” He flinched back, as if being called a coward stung more than the mace that was making his face red.

  “Vicious bitch,” he said with a wheeze, letting out an animalistic growl as his eyes squeezed shut.

  “Craven coward,” she shot back her outrage building now that she was face to face with the bastard. “I can't believe a coward like you had the balls to kill those women. I bet it wasn't even you.” When his eyes opened a fraction to glare at her, she smiled; she needed to get him to talk.

  * * * * *

  Crispin and Harry were running toward Indiscretions when Miranda waved at them from her open office window. They ran toward her.

  “Climb in here,” she whispered, looking furtively toward the door. “If you go through the back door, the bell will ring, and it might set him off.”

  Crispin's blood chilled as he took in Miranda's frightened expression. He slipped into the room, with Harry coming in right behind him. “Where is she?” he whispered.

  “She's got him cornered out there, and she's trying to get him to confess on tape.”

  That was enough for him to hear. Crispin pulled his weapon and stepped toward the door.

  Harry and Miranda followed him, Miranda still carrying her baseball bat.

  He slipped out the door, and his heart twisted when he saw Trevor and Haley handcuffed together. The smell of mace hung heavy in the air, and the atmosphere stank with Trevor's poisonous vibes. After coming across them at his cabin, he'd never forget them. He gave a hand signal to Harry, and they flanked out silently, making their way toward the pair. Trevor's back was to him, but Haley could get caught in the crossfire, so he couldn't risk it.

  Trevor snarled at Haley. “Don't try my patience, bitch. You're probably not smart enough to understand this, but I committed the perfect crimes, and that other sap took the fall. I left no evidence behind. Just like I'll leave nothing of you behind. You wanna be attached to me, whore? You're about to get your wish.”

  “You don't scare me, you damned coward,” Haley shouted back at him defiantly getting right in his face.

  Crispin saw her eyes widen as she caught sight of him over Trevor's shoulder.

  “Die, you damned whore,” Trevor bellowed, going for her throat.

  Haley feinted to the side and kneed him in the balls, hard.

  Trevor let out a groan and slapped her.

  Crispin pulled the baseball bat out of Miranda's hands and brought it down on the bastard's head. Trevor slumped to the ground, stunned, pulling Haley down on top of him.

  Haley looked up and smiled at them. “Miranda, have you got the key to the cuffs?”

  Crispin took it from Miranda and un-cuffed Haley from the unconscious man, pulling her into his arms just as Trevor woke up. He held her tight as she trembled in his arms. “I've got you, sugar.”

  She pulled back to smile at him. “You saved me.”

  Rage filled him when he saw the bruises on her face, and his fingers shook when he wiped blood off her split lip. “I'll always save you, Haley. I take it Max is letting me keep you.”

  She nodded, her smile bright. “I passed the final test.

  “Smart thinking, getting him to confess on tape,” Harry said as Miranda handed him the tape recorder.

  “It's a little thing I learned from Crispin,” Haley said with a grin.

  Chapter Twelve

  That night at the cabin, Haley crawled naked across the bed toward Crispin, who leaned against the headboard, a heartbreaker's grin on his face.

  “Something tells me that I'm on the menu for dessert,” he said.

  She stopped by his feet to lick her way up his leg. “Can I help it if you're yummy?” she teased, playfully nipping his thigh.

  He chuckled, his cock throbbing.

  She watched it bob before her face, turning purple, but wasn't ready to put him out of his misery just yet. She smiled wickedly up at him and leaned forward to lick his flat nipple. He let out a growl, his nipple pebbling under her lapping tongue. She sucked on it, one of her hands stroking his washboard abs, coming oh so close to his rigid cock, and then easing away.

  “Tease.” He let out a groan his cock bucking.

  “You know it, stud,” she agreed playfully. Then she flowed across his hot body like satin and took him into her mouth. He let out a strangled growl that made her smile. He was hers, and she was going to taste him until he begged for mercy. She pulled back to flick her tongue against the underside of his cock, teasing the tendon. She felt his balls grow tighter, and she sucked him deep into her throat.

  “Don't you dare stop now, bad girl,” he said, his hands gentle in her hair.

  She sucked him, savoring him, feeling closer to him than ever. And then she cupped his sac in her hand, giving it a squeeze as she took him deeper, glorying when he came with a roar, spurting in hot waves. She drained him of every drop, licking him clean, leaving him with a kiss.

  Then he pulled her into his arms, and she listened to the thundering of his heartbeat. She nestled against him, glad that she'd satisfied him. She'd achieved most of what Max sent her back to earth to do…everything but making Crispin fall in love with her. He'd never said the L word, but she knew he cared for her. She'd be satisfied with that. And then she felt him rousing against her, his cock stiffening. “So soon,” she murmured, looking at him. He smiled and flipped them over so that she was on the bottom, making her laugh.

  “Don't act so surprised,” he said nibbling her ear. “I'm always hard for you, Haley Forkus, and that will never change.”

  She looked deep into his eyes, hearing the truth in his voice. He was always going to want her.

  “Now grab the headboard, and don't let go until I tell you to, bad girl,” he demanded.

  Quivering with excitement as the blunt tip of his cock pressed against her creamy pussy, she hurried to obey him. She grasped the headboard and spread her legs for him, giving herself to him completely.

  His eyes blazed with fire as he looked down at her, and then he thrust into her with a move that made them both groan. “I love you, Haley Forkus.”

  She convulsed around him as he drove into her, and she sobbed with happiness. All her dreams had come true. “I love you too, Crispin, and I always will.”

  Coming soon from Honey Jans


  Chapter 1

  Charity Wilson paced her New Orleans hotel room, her steps wobbly. She’d just endured a rocky flight from hell where, for an encore, they’d lost her luggage. On top of that, the four year old behind her had constantly kicked the back of her seat like he was a flamenco dancer on speed. She yawned and cast another frustrated look at the clock while Mardi Gras raged on the streets below. Everyone, it seemed, was in a party mood. Everyone but her. Only she would have the bad luck to hire a reluctant gigolo.

  Shit, she should have known it wouldn’t be that easy to hire a stud to teach her the joys of sex at her old maid age of thirty-three. But she and her three best buds had made a vow that if they reached this age still pure as the driven snow they’d take matters into their own hands. Of course it was easy to make wild vows over a pitcher or margaritas at one of their colleagues bachelorette parties. Now, as she was the first one to reach the deadline, she felt like an abject failure. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror thinking she looked as frazzled as she felt. Tendrils of her blond hair escaped the bun she’d pulled it in to curl around her flushed face making her freckles show and her blue eyes were too wide.

  She sank down onto the bedside chair with a groan, too demoralized to move. Only a pleasingly plump science geek like her would have trouble hiring a lover. With a frustrated grumble she closed her eyes trying to turn off her over-revvi
ng sexual motor before it burned itself out. The air conditioning kicked in and her nipples pebbled hard as a waft of deliciously cool air sleeked over them and she shivered in reaction. Damn, she had it bad if just a gust of air had her about to come. Down girl, she muttered, squeezing her legs together trying to think of the Krebs Cycle. Anything to take her mind off the fact that if she didn’t come soon she was going to die. Unfortunately, it didn’t help one little bit as her overheated hormones kept racing.

  Just thinking about his last two letters was enough to send her over the edge. His first missive had been all business almost making her chicken out. But the last two...hoo boy…she blushed just thinking about them. They practically oozed sex appeal, a far cry from Norris her fellow lab geek who’d dumped her for not being sexy enough six months back. Norris never inspired so much as a blush from her but the testosterone level coming off the pages the gigolo had written was enough to make a nun blush and she was fast learning she was no nun.

  So here she was all primed and ready and the son-of-a-bitch had stood her up. Of course maybe she should think on the positive side. He was probably a jerk. What other kind of man hired himself out as a stud? The kind she wanted to meet, a little voice in her head said. She closed her eyes tighter, imagining him. Of course he’d be masterful, just like she’d ordered. And he’d have magic hands that could make her come.

  His instructions had been enough to get her started. Come to me naked and ready, sugar...and don’t forget the papers. She’d semi complied, being naked under her sundress. Not even she felt comfortable flashing her naked bulges at people. She was naked enough for comfort and he’d stood her up...the rotten S.O.B.

  At the thought of the letters, she brushed her bare breasts through her rayon dress and gasped, loving the free sensual feeling of forgoing her usual bra and panties. She was naked and open down there, not that anyone was going to take advantage of it. With a sigh of regret, she cupped her too full breasts and fanned her fingertips over her puckered nipples aching for him. She imagined him touching her, his rough fingertips rolling her stiff nipples. She pinched them lightly, whimpering at the erotic feeling.


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