The Omega Team: Saving Summer (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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The Omega Team: Saving Summer (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 5

by Tiffani Lynn

  He comes back with a damp washrag in his hand and says, “Spread your legs, sweetheart.”

  I spread my legs and watch as his eyes go from sleepy and sated to hot in a second. I can’t help but grin. I’ve never seen anything like that before.

  “It’s got to be a caveman thing,” he remarks.


  “The fact that I started to get hard again when I saw my cum leaking out of you. It felt like I slapped an ownership badge on you and it turned me the fuck on.”

  I laugh out loud as he leans in and gently cleans me up.

  “You have the goofiest laugh. You know that, right?” he asks, chuckling.

  I do my best to look offended but can’t pull it off. I know I have the kind of laugh that makes other people laugh. I tried to fix it growing up but it never worked. I always reverted back to this so now I just accept it. “Yeah, I know. Hell, your family has teased me about it for years.” I do my best to look pissed and he throws the rag toward the bathroom and leaps onto the bed, poking me in the ribs with his middle finger right away. I squeal and laugh louder. Scooter joins the noise with his deep bark and just like that I forget to be scared that crazy people are out to get me. When my laughter subsides, he kisses me long and deep and rolls me to my side so he can spoon me. It’s my favorite way to sleep with him. Safe, up close and still able to cuddle Scooter.

  The next day we meet at the Omega Team headquarters and I can’t help but be impressed with Grey and Athena. Both are knowledgeable and focused without losing personality and I enjoy watching them all work, but after a while I realize I need to find something productive to do. Athena put me in her office again to check email and peruse my social media sites. The second message I open is from Simone.

  “Hey. I hope you’re okay. I saw all the stuff on the news and tried to text you but didn’t get a response. I understand if you need to cancel, but that signing I had you scheduled for is in Tampa this weekend. Let me know if you’re in or not. I had a few people coming to meet you specifically. If you can’t make it, I may see if we can meet up so I can have you sign books for those people.”

  Mike walks in and kisses my head. “What’s up? Jacquie says you have some messages on social media but they all look benign. She also says you have an obligation coming up.”

  “I’m just reading that now. In the middle of all of this I forgot. I was scheduled to have a break and planned to be at Simone’s signing.”

  “I’m going to advise against it.”

  “I have to be there, Mike. If it weren’t for her putting me on her cover I wouldn’t have every opportunity I have now. I have to repay that. It’ll affect her sales if I don’t show. You can go with me and stay by my side through the whole thing if you don’t have other plans. I know you were supposed to be on vacation.”

  With a raised eyebrow, he studies me and then replies. “My vacation consisted of sitting on a beach doing nothing, having dinner with my parents a time or two, and if nothing came up with work I was going to surprise Val in Colorado. That’s it. If it’s that important to you I’ll be your bodyguard.”

  “It’s that important.”

  “Done, but I need to check with Hudson and I’ll need the schedule of events so I’m prepared. The fewer surprises, the better.”

  “Did I tell you I love you yet today?” I ask as I smile up at him.

  “Yes, after I made love to you for the second time.” His smile is smug before he kisses me hard, then turns and struts out of the room like the man who knows he owns my body. If I weren’t a grown-ass woman I’d swoon.

  Over the next several days, there’s no sign of Maggie and we still aren’t any closer to figuring out who “C” is. The morning of the signing we meet up with Hudson—who insisted on coming—to grab some gear. Apparently, each man is going to have an earpiece communication device and they have some other things going on that I don’t know about but that they say will be subtle and unobtrusive. Whatever they want to do is fine with me as long as I can help my friend.

  I check in at 11 and meet up with Simone, Mike in tow. Her eyes practically bulge out of her head when she gets a look at him. He already arranged with the event staff for him and Hudson to have passes, so I have nothing to worry about.

  “Simone, meet Mike, my boyfriend slash bodyguard.”

  Her grin grows as she realizes what I’ve said. Simone and I have been friends for five years and I’ve never had a boyfriend during that time. I just couldn’t date men I wasn’t attracted to and the kind of guys I was willing to date I really wasn’t attracted to physically. For years I was willing to fake it so I wasn’t alone, but at some point I couldn’t do it anymore. It’s not that I’m a huge prize or anything. I’m short with big natural boobs but I have virtually no butt and short legs. They aren’t fat, they’re toned but I’m not model material. How I ended up being one, I’ll never understand. If you ask me, my best feature is my hair. I have thick blond hair that’s always shiny with a little bit of wave but not so much that it’s unruly. Everything else is just average. I got lucky with the photos and movies in that people were searching for my exact look. As far as the acting, I’ve taken a million classes and do feel like I have skill in that department, but when it comes to looks, I’m only average.

  “Well, hello, Mike the bodyguarding boyfriend. I’m Simone Sayer. Nice to meet you. Got any brothers?”

  Mike laughs and replies, “Actually I do. Maybe you should meet him.”

  I turn to Mike with a huge grin. Why didn’t I think of that before? “Oh my gosh! Yes! She’s perfect for Thomas!”

  “Well then make it happen, girly. Can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me.”

  “I never thought about it until now. He’s 40 now, which is a little older than you usually like them,” I remind her.

  “I like them all ages. I don’t discriminate. But I prefer them hot, athletic and smart. That’s a hard combo to find after age 30, it seems. They’re either good-looking and dumb or smart and fragile. To find all three would be the trifecta. There’s no way there are two of you in the same family.”

  Mike grins at her. “Actually, there are three of us, but the middle one is a girl. Summer’s best friend since we were kids. Thomas just retired from the Army and hasn’t lost the physique.”

  “Any time you’re ready to make introductions, I am.” She turns and I follow her to her table, decked out in books and swag for her readers. Behind the table stands a six-foot-tall banner with her name and tag line on it. There are two folding chairs behind the table, but I don’t plan to sit. People like to come over and talk and take pictures while getting their books signed by the authors. It’s easier to remain standing. I love doing these events. They’re fun and the readers are always so sweet.

  At noon, when the doors open, I notice Mike’s shoulders tense a little when he sees the large number of people strolling in, but he stays behind the table, seated and alert. Hudson is back a little in a corner with a full view of our row and partial view of other rows, watching from a different angle. I feel safe with these men protecting me so I relax and enjoy.

  After two hours there’s finally a lull in traffic down our aisle, so I excuse myself to the bathroom with Mike as my escort. There are two women standing near the door talking about a book one of them is holding, but no one else is nearby. Mike stops next to the women and puts on his most charming smile. Their eyes light up instantly. It’s hilarious how quickly this works.

  “Hi, ladies. I was wondering if I could get you to do us a favor?”

  “What is it?” the lady who is obviously most interested asks.

  “Can you peek in the ladies’ room and tell me if anyone is in there? I can’t send her in there without checking first and I don’t want to be ungentlemanly by barging in.”

  The two ladies turn their attention to me for a moment and the brunette’s eyes widen in recognition. “You’re that movie star who was on the news the other night. You got kidnapped, right? Are you

  “Yes, I’m okay, thanks to this guy.” I lean in closer so Mike’s forced to put his arm around me. Don’t ask me why I suddenly want these women to know he’s taken, but I do. “Since the police haven’t caught those guys though, he’s making sure I’m safe.”

  They both nod like they understand. “Okay, I’ll go check,” the blond one says and hustles away.

  We all stand there quietly waiting the 30 seconds it takes for her to come back.

  “It’s all clear, she can go in,” she yells across the open space as she comes back through the door.

  “I’m going in with you,” he says.

  “You can’t listen to me pee,” I say, horrified at the thought. What if a fart sneaks out or something?

  “That’s nonnegotiable. Besides, I’ve heard you pee a hundred times before. You camped with our family for years.”

  I huff because I don’t want to deal with an argument but I’m not happy.

  “We weren’t dating any of those times.” My eyes narrow as he grins at me.

  “Doesn’t matter, M. I’ve still heard it. It’s not going to kill either one of us for me to hear it so get in there and get this over with.”

  I grumble all the way to the stall. Once I’ve done my business, washed my hands and returned to my table, the crowd picks up. Only two hours left before this is over. Mike excuses himself to the bathroom when we return to the table and instructs me not to move because Hudson is watching.

  When I turn back around after taking a swig of my water, a young girl, probably only 15 or 16 years old, stands in front of me and hands me a note. “Don’t tell anyone,” she says and scampers off.

  I open the note and read. “Come to the back door near the pool. Alone. I’ve got your mother and I have no problem taking her out. You’ve got five minutes.”

  My heart rate speeds up and panic sets in. I may not like my mom very much, but I don’t want anything to happen to her. If I wait for Mike it may be longer than five minutes. If I try to signal Hudson, whoever has her may find out and do something to her. I don’t know what to do and the panic is clouding my brain. I turn to Simone and say, “Give this to Mike as soon as he gets back. I have to go.” Then I run through the building toward the pool area, praying the whole time that Mike or Hudson gets to us before anything happens again. I don’t want to end up in another trunk. I doubt it’ll end as well as it did last time.

  As I reach the glass doors and push through, I’m sweating and on high alert. I scan the pool deck where kids are splashing in the water and adults are sunning themselves. A woman wearing a huge straw hat and a black cover-up stands from the closest chair and walks toward me. The closer she gets the easier she is to recognize. Maggie. Shit.

  “Where’s my mom?”

  “Follow me and you’ll see her in a minute. Make a scene and you won’t see her again…ever,” she says with a spooky calm voice that I hadn’t expected.

  “Maggie, why are you doing this? I thought we were friends.”

  “I don’t make friends with people trying to take my job,” she growls.

  “I don’t want your job. Our roles were already cast.”

  “Shut up and follow me or your mom is a memory.”

  A chill runs down my spine at her words, delivered so callously. Panic and anger are warring emotions within me. When we reach the parking lot she leads me to a black SUV with dark windows and opens the back door. “Get in.”

  I pause, knowing if I get in it’s likely I’ll never get out.

  “Not until you show me my mom.”

  “Just get in the car, bitch,” she barks as she pushes me forward. I stumble and fall, landing with my forearms in the seat of the SUV. When I look up, my mom is leaned against the window, strapped in with a seat belt and passed out like she’s had too much to drink. Shocker. She doesn’t look like she was forced into the vehicle.

  Maggie’s cover-up brushes the back of my thigh and I suddenly remember why I’m here, so I kick back like a donkey, knocking her off balance. While she’s falling back I turn and barrel into her. Both of us go skidding across the pavement, ripping skin off of my arm and knee. She screams out as her head hits the asphalt and I scramble off her, ready to run away when Hudson appears above Maggie with his gun aimed right at her face. Behind him is Mike and several people from the signing, including Simone and the lady whose table was next to ours.

  Hudson places a boot in the middle of Maggie’s chest to hold her where she is. “Don’t think about moving, bitch,” he rumbles.

  Mike turns to me and yells, “Why did you follow her? You knew not to move!”

  “She said she had my mom and was going to kill her!”

  “Your mom would’ve left you if the situation was reversed!”

  “It doesn’t matter! She’s! My! Mom!” I scream back while the adrenaline continues to pulse through me. How can he yell at me during a time like this? My chest is heaving I’m so angry at this whole situation.

  Hudson pulls handcuffs out of his pocket after flipping Maggie to her belly, and clicks them on her wrists. Then he lifts her to her feet. At that point Mike gets in her face, close enough that he could kiss her. “Who the fuck is C?”

  She purses her lips tight, not ready to talk.

  “Maybe you haven’t figured it out yet, but you’re up shit creek. There isn’t a cop here yet and I don’t quite follow the rules of the law when it comes to taking care of her.” He points at me angrily. She stays quiet and he says to Hudson, “Toss her into the rear of my truck and let’s take her to interrogation.” Her eyes widen when she looks over at Mike’s covered truck bed and she shakes her head. “I can’t tell you. He’s dangerous. If I don’t come back with her my career is over.”

  “Lady, I don’t give two turds about your career. You’ve now abducted my girl once and tried a second time. I’m done being nice. Tell me what I need to know or you’re about to disappear.” The couple of people that followed him are standing back a little, their mouths agape. I can’t tell if they’re taking mental notes for their next stories or so they can give an accurate police report.

  Maggie remains tight-lipped so Hudson pulls her roughly to the truck. As he’s gripping her waist and lifting her into the truck, she must realize no one plans to stop him so she screams, “Fine! I’ll tell you, but you’re ruining my career.”

  “Lady, I don’t give a damn about your career,” Hudson tells her honestly.

  “Jean Christopher Cadieux.”

  Oh my God! My stomach rolls over.

  Mike’s right eyebrow raises. “The French director?” He looks at me like he’s trying to figure out what Cadieux has to do with me. I don’t think I ever told Mike anything about that.

  I forgot all about Cadieux, but it makes sense now.

  “He wanted me for a movie that borders on porn and I declined. I had no interest. We met at a red-carpet event and he kind of gave me the creeps, so when he sent the script over for me to look at, I was already leaning toward saying no. I did eventually read it, but that made it more clear. There was no way I was doing that film. He wouldn’t allow for a body double during the sex scenes and they were explicit.” I turn to Maggie. “Did he think he could force me to do the movie?”

  “Oh yes, he still plans to make sure you do the movie, but he also wants you to star in his personal home movie,” Maggie spits, obviously jealous, though I have no idea why. That guy is crazy and creepy.

  “Neither of those things is ever going to happen.”

  “Oh please, there’s no way an old-ass bitch like you got the role you’re in now without sucking a dick or two. Why wouldn’t you just fuck him?” Rage burns through me. I’m so tired of people assuming I slept my way onto the set. Screw her! I rush toward her, balling my fist as I go. Before she can blink I pull back and drill her right in her nose, with a crunch and splatter of blood, before she sags back into Hudson. Pain explodes in my knuckles and I realize I’ve never hit someone like that in my life. I shake out my
hand, cussing and jumping around. Hudson holds tight to her but busts up laughing. About that time, I remember something important.

  “What did you give my mom?”

  She doesn’t answer because she’s still struggling to stand and stop the bleeding. That must have been a good hit. I move around her and open the door to her SUV. Mom’s chest is rising and falling but she’s still asleep.

  “Tell me what you gave her!” I scream.

  “She just smoked some good weed, had a snack and fell asleep. She’s fine. She talks too much but she’s fine.”

  I relax a little because that’s what she looks like when she’s passed out from drinking or drugs. It’s nothing new. I just want to make sure I don’t need to take her to the ER.

  Mike pulls his phone from his pocket and dials the police department. “Yeah, this is Mike Wade from Omega Team. I’ve got Maggie Whitman in my custody. I need you to send a squad car to pick her up. I’ll notify Agent Tandy of the FBI so you can expect him to be in touch.” He says a few more things before he hangs up the phone and glances at me. “I’m moving your mom to my truck. We can get her checked out at the hospital or take her home. Your call.” I can tell he’s still pissed at me, but I’m pissed at him too so I don’t care.

  “Home, I’m sure she’s fine.”

  He stalks off to take care of her and I move over to Simone. “I’m sorry about all this. I’m obviously not going to be able to finish the signing. I’ll call you later.”

  I hug her and she holds on tight and says in my ear, “Go easy on him. He was terrified. Love you, girly. Call me tomorrow, okay?”

  I nod.

  After the police come and go, all of us get into his truck, first stopping by my mom’s to tuck her into bed, and then heading back to Omega Team headquarters. Hudson leaves without going into the building. Mike takes me inside and pulls out his first aid kit. Then, without a word, he lifts me to the counter and begins to doctor my wounds. When he’s done he still hasn’t said a word. He helps me down off the counter, turns and walks away from me. When I finally catch up to him, after taking my time, I hear him saying to Grey, “Yeah, she’s okay. Agent Tandy knows about Cadieux and has already got someone on the way to his house. It doesn’t surprise me that he’s obsessed. Shit, I’ve been obsessed with her for half my life too, but I’d never kidnap her. Sounds like he planned on her living out a porn career in his basement. The guy is a freak and he’s got a fuck-ton of money so I’m keeping her under lock and key until he’s in FBI custody. Yeah. We’ll be at my place. Call if you hear anything. I need to feed her and get her to bed early. It’s been a long fucking day.”


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