Private Pleasures [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Private Pleasures [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Tara Rose

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Honestly, I am. Please help me jump this hurdle.”

  “Turn on your side, then. That will help you feel more in control.”

  She did, and then between her legs Felipe stroked her inner thighs and her pussy again. He watched while Rey scooted closer to her head, and then moved his cock to within inches of her mouth.

  “Just take your time,” he said. “And don’t do anything you don’t want to do. I won’t move inside until you let me know I can, and I’ll go very slowly. I promise.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. He stroked her face with one finger as she reached out to lick him, letting her tongue explore the veins on his dick. He moved a bit closer so she could lick his balls, and his moans told her she was doing well. She really loved the taste of him, and wanted to know what sucking a cock felt like on her terms, so she took just a few inches into her mouth first, getting used to the feel of it inside.

  “Oh, Mattie…oh my God…that’s heaven…”

  “It’s pretty fucking hot to watch, too.” Mattie heard the sound of the lube bottle again, and then Felipe teased the opening to her pussy with his cock. She concentrated on wrapping her lips around Rey’s dick, moving her mouth over the first few inches, while Felipe slowly slid his cock into her pussy.

  “Oh Christ…” Felipe massaged her clit as he thrust in and out, and Mattie moaned loudly in the back of her throat as another climax began to build. She’d never come twice in one day in her entire life.

  Rey scooted closer still, and she took more of his dick into her mouth, no longer afraid. Her movements grew bolder, and as they did, he eased it further inside until most of his cock was in her mouth. She’d learned how to relax her throat muscles out of necessity so she didn’t gag when Clay had force-fucked her mouth, and she used those skills now. But there was no force or anger behind Rey’s thrusting. It was as gentle as he’d promised it would be.

  Felipe’s movement inside her pussy grew more urgent, and he slid his dick inside deeper, but all that did was fuel Mattie’s arousal even further. She’d never imagined having two men inside her at the same time would feel this way. There was no fear or pain. It was peaceful, exquisite, and more exciting than anything she’d ever conjured up in her fantasies.

  Their hands were all over her now as they continued fucking her. Felipe caressed her ass cheeks and her thighs, while Rey tangled his fingers in her hair and played with her breasts. She couldn’t get enough of their touching, or of the feel of their dicks inside her. She wanted them to keep this up for as long as they could. And then she wanted them to teach her things she’d only dreamed about doing.

  “Can we switch?” asked Felipe. His voice was rough, as if he was barely hanging on.

  Rey withdrew, and then he kissed Mattie, tongue and all. “Thank you so much. Please tell me you’re okay and that you liked it.”

  “I loved it. Honestly.”

  Felipe moved in front of her, and then he kissed her, too. “I’ll be careful as well, but I have to warn you I’m very close to coming.”

  “It’s all right. Go ahead in my mouth if you want to.” She wanted to know what that felt like without being forced to take it.

  “Oh God...”

  “And that goes double for me,” said Rey. “I can’t hold off much longer, either.”

  “Neither can I,” said Mattie. She took Felipe’s cock into her mouth, and he groaned loudly as she wrapped her lips around it and let him go to town. Rey pushed his dick into her pussy, and Mattie’s orgasm exploded as soon as he touched her clit.

  She rode the waves as her contractions went on and on, and when Felipe came inside her mouth, she tried to swallow all of his cum but some leaked out onto her chin. That would have earned her a hard slap across the face from Clay, but this wasn’t Alabama, and these men weren’t her ex-husband.

  Rey came inside her pussy, groaning loudly as he did, and Mattie watched his face as soon as Felipe withdrew from her mouth and flopped onto the bed next to her. She wanted to memorize every nuance of them tonight. She’d known them all her lives, but never like this. It wasn’t only the way they each looked right now. She wanted to remember their scents, the way they sounded when they came, and the feel of their skin against hers.

  Rey rolled her onto her back, then crawled on top of her and kissed her. He lay his head on her chest, breathing hard. “Thank you, Mattie. Thank you so much.”

  She stroked his damp hair. “No, thank you. Both of you. That was incredible. I don’t have words.” She didn’t, but she wished she did. She wished she could tell them what this night meant to her. They’d broken so many barriers for her in one day that it was impossible to process everything, so she didn’t try. Instead she concentrated on the sensations her five senses gave her.

  Rey rolled them on their sides and then pulled her into his arms, holding her close. Behind her, Felipe curled up against her back and then he kissed her neck. “That was amazing. Thank you. Give me an hour or so and I’ll be ready to go again.”

  She giggled softly at his words, then snuggled closer to both men and closed her eyes. Not only had she survived having sex again, but she’d done it with the two men who had starred in her fantasies for years. She wasn’t hurt, she wasn’t bleeding, and no one had yelled at her or made her feel like merely a body to use.

  Her pussy was sore, but in a good way. She could still feel the contractions from her last orgasm. As the sweat on their bodies cooled, Mattie shivered slightly. Rey released the embrace and pulled her comforter over them, then hugged her again. She relaxed into his arms, and listened to him and Felipe snoring softly as they each fell asleep.

  Mattie finally let the tears come. They fell softly down her cheeks as the happiness engulfed her and chased away the memories of pain and fear. Her crying was both a release of the bad and an embrace of the new. She had everything she’d ever wished for, right here in her arms.

  She wiped her face and then drifted off to sleep, happier than she’d been in a very long time.

  Chapter Nine

  Rey could barely concentrate at work on Monday morning. He and Felipe hadn’t left Mattie’s condo until last evening, when they both ran home to get clothes to wear this morning. They’d made love to her again Saturday morning, and then Mattie made them breakfast while the three watched Bruce and Babs for a while.

  After both men were satisfied their lizards weren’t going to wither away from depression at being moved, or at being forced to live together, they’d spent the rest of Saturday indoors because it rained.

  They listened to music, and talked about everything she’d missed on the island over the years. She was fascinated with the strides Alaina’s professor friend had made with the curse, and wanted every detail. After they’d told her all they knew about what Jan was trying to do with the documents and Shona’s diary, Mattie entertained them with stories of all the interesting animals she’d cared for in school and while working in Alabama and then in Georgia.

  They’d stayed with her last night, too, and had made love to her again. And now this morning, Rey wondered how in the world he’d ever sleep alone in his own bed again. He and Felipe always drove to work together, and this morning Felipe had expressed a similar thought. “I don’t want to go home. Not unless she comes with me.”

  “Same here,” said Rey.

  Felipe had laughed. “What the hell are we going to do?”

  “I have no idea, but I like this.”

  “Me, too. I like it a lot.”

  Now, he was supposed to be working on a new contract from some obscure little shop in the middle of Oklahoma, but all he could do was picture Mattie’s face, and the look on it when she came. He could still smell her hair, and he could taste her pussy juices. He’d never felt this way about any woman, not that there had been a lot of them.

  But Mattie wasn’t any woman. She never had been. She was the one who got away. The woman whom Rey could have easily imagined building a life with. W
as that possible now? Was this real, or would she wake up one day soon and freak out that she’d let this happen?

  No. He didn’t believe that. Not any more than he believed she would turn into a pumpkin or something. She was real, and so was the emotion that poured from her body as he held her. Her words were real. The way she looked at him and Felipe was real. Their Mattie was finally home, where she belonged, and she was with them. Both of them. And Rey couldn’t be happier about that.

  His musings were cut short by Felipe barging in and planting his ass on the edge of Rey’s desk. “Hey, did you hear? Owen’s and Penn’s trial starts next week.”

  “It’s about time.”

  “And know what else? Alaina just heard from Jan. She has all the documents translated, and because of Shona’s diary, she knows why those loa were listed in most of the documents, and who the actual demon is that cast the curse.”

  “Excuse me?” Now that was news he’d push aside thoughts of Mattie to listen to.

  “Alaina just told Mark. I overheard them in her office as I walked by, and popped in to ask. She’s having Jan send her a detailed report of everything so she can share it with all of us.”

  “We know who cast the curse?”

  Felipe grinned. “Yep.”

  “So…what now? We ask this demon to drop it, or what?”

  Felipe laughed. “Dude, I don’t know about that part. Alaina said she’s already talked to Phyllis to see what she advises we all do from this point. Apparently that rumor about her grandniece moving from St. Croix to help her run the shop is true, and she’s a voodoo priestess, as well. Phyllis told Alaina that Petra has experience with shit like this, so it sounds like we all hit the mother lode.”

  “Good lord.” Rey shook his head. “Is this for real? We could actually end this curse?”

  “Sounds like it.”

  “After all this time. I honestly never thought we’d see this happen. What did Asa say?”

  Felipe rose and then shrugged. “No clue. I’m not even sure Alaina told him yet.”

  “We need to tell Mattie.”

  “You read my mind. I thought we’d take lunch over to her and give her the news in person.”

  “All right.” Fuck the contract. It would still be there this afternoon.

  * * * *

  Felipe felt like a lovesick teen again, and he didn’t care. He loved it. He’d woken up Sunday morning with Mattie’s scent all around him, and he hoped it never left. He’d also woken up with a raging hard-on, and that didn’t seem to show any signs of leaving either.

  Everything looked, smelled, and tasted different now. He swore the birds sang better, and the crisp January air no longer left him feeling chilled to the bone. It would be warm soon, at any rate. Winter didn’t last long on a tropical island.

  They picked up greasy cheeseburgers and onion rings from That Eighties Soda Shoppe, a place more popular with high school and college age kids than people their age, but Mattie had mentioned it over the weekend, after saying she had a taste for something totally unhealthy.

  After he called Mattie to tell them he and Rey were bringing her lunch, she told him she had ninety minutes free and was thrilled that she could spend it with them. When they arrived, she led them to the conference room and locked the door, then kissed Felipe like she might never have a chance to again. His dick was rock hard by the time she finally released him, and he forgot all about lunch. “How likely is it that someone would come looking for you back here?”

  She laughed, and he swore the sound was as sweet as angels singing. “Not likely at all. Why? What did you have in mind?”

  “Christ,” whispered Rey. “Let’s all just take a month off work. What do you say?”

  “I wish I could,” she said, eyeing the bags from That Eighties Soda Shoppe. “And now of course I’m starving from the smell of that food. What did you bring me?”

  “Hey, wait a second,” said Rey. “Don’t I get a kiss, too?”

  She sauntered toward him, and Felipe grinned like an idiot as he watched his best friend devour her mouth. Not in a million years had he ever believed he’d be okay with this. Never. He kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. When the two finally stopped kissing, Felipe was halfway through his cheeseburger.

  Mattie and Rey joined him, and then Felipe remembered Alaina’s big announcement. “Guess what? It looks like the curse might be lifted.”

  “What?” Her eyes were huge and a big grin lit up her face. “For real?”

  “For real.” He relayed the same information that he’d told Rey, and then Mattie asked if the two would leave the island once the curse was gone.

  “I don’t know,” said Felipe. “I might be tempted to go looking for someone if I did.”

  Her smile faded, and he immediately wished he’d never said anything. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I won’t bring him up again.”

  “No, it’s all right. We can’t pretend it never happened, although I wish I could forget it one day. But at least I can entertain myself with thoughts of you two finding him and beating the shit out of him for me. Because I know I won’t have to worry about him showing up here one day.”

  He and Rey exchanged a glance. “What do you mean?” Felipe had been thinking of that very possibility all weekend. He found it more than curious that Clay had never tried to find her and take revenge for leaving him. A guy like that had an ego that didn’t normally stand for such things.

  “He has a pathological fear of water. Apparently he almost drowned as a child in the family pool. He wouldn’t even get into a bathtub full of water. We had a hot tub at the house but he never used it. We were the only people in the entire city, I think, without a pool in our yard. No picnics or outings close to a lake or a river, either. I swear the man got nervous if it rained.”

  She took a sip of her Coke. “And his family didn’t help. His older brother, Cletus, works overseas making the family company even more cash. He travels back and forth all the time, and always teased Clay at family functions when he was around, telling him in detail what it was like to fly over the ocean, or sit on a deck overlooking the Bristol Channel while he drank with clients.”

  “Nice guy,” said Felipe.

  “Yeah. A real peach. Cletus is the one who saved Clay from drowning, but instead of understanding where his fear originated, he found every opportunity to rub it in. Cletus went on to the state championships in swimming, and Clay can’t even stand next to a swimming pool.”

  “So, the whole family is fucked up,” said Rey.

  Mattie nodded. “We spent a lot of time on Lady Ann Lake. One of his cousins has a home there, and their backyard has a dock that goes out to the water. It’s really beautiful. Even with a life vest on, Clay would turn pale on the boat and sit in a chair the entire time, and that was on the large sailboat only. He’d never get on the speedboat.”

  “Wow,” said Felipe. “Did you go out on it? The speedboat?

  “Yes. I even went water skiing.”

  “Did he get upset with you about that?”

  “Oh no, at least not in front of them. He never acted like that with family around. He’d wait until we were home. His cousins constantly went on and on about what a great catch he was. The only reason he would get on the sailboat was so he could pretend in front of his family that he was trying to get over his fear. It was all BS, just like everything he said and did around them.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Felipe.

  “One good thing came out of it. I learned how to drive a speedboat on that lake.”

  “Why is that a good thing?” asked Rey.

  “Because then I could entertain myself with visions of pushing him into the water and running him over with the boat.”

  Felipe nodded. “I can understand that. But it sounds like you’re safe here, then. He’d never brave crossing the water, especially in those small planes.”

  “I sure am. Especially with you two around.”

  “You don’t know how true that is. We�
�d never let anything happen to you.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. Thank you.”

  Felipe took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Next Friday, we’d like to introduce you to some play, but only if you agree to that.” He and Rey had talked about that earlier, and he hoped Mattie wouldn’t mind him changing the subject. He didn’t want to spend his time with her discussing Clay and his water phobia, or how he’d made himself out to be a saint in front of his family.

  Her expression grew serious again. “Do you think I’m ready? Because I really, really want to jump over that hurdle.”

  “Yes, we do,” said Rey. “We are both so proud of you right now. Do you realize what you accomplished this weekend?”

  “What we accomplished. I could never have done that without your support and encouragement.”

  Felipe shook his head. “Mattie, you’re the one who is doing all the hard work. We can’t get inside your head. All we can do is assure you of our intentions, and back those up with our actions. But you’re the one who has to let down the barriers and trust us. Neither of us can imagine what you’re feeling inside. We didn’t go through what you did. Hell, I don’t even know anyone who went through what you did. The hard work is yours.”

  She nodded. “Vivian said the same thing this morning.”

  “Is that who you’ve decided to stay with?” asked Rey.

  “Yes. Not that Joe isn’t a good therapist. He is. And he’s Callie’s brother. But I feel more comfortable discussing it with a woman.”

  “If you want us to come to any of your sessions, let us know.”

  She smiled. “Thank you. Vivian did say we might get to that point.”

  Felipe raised his brows. “So, you already told her about us?”

  “Was that okay?”

  He ruffled her hair. “Of course it was. But now my head won’t fit through the door because I’m proud as punch that you did it so soon.”

  Rey shot him a droll look and Mattie laughed, then the three resumed eating their lunch while they discussed the curse and all its ramifications again. By the time Felipe and Rey headed back to Phoebe’s Playthings, Felipe thought he must have done something right in his life, because karma was certainly smiling on him. It was no longer merely a dream or his overactive imagination. Mattie was in his life, and in his bed. The fact that he shared her with Rey was fine. In fact, he couldn’t imagine it being better without Rey.


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