Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1

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Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1 Page 2

by Dee King

  She jumps up and sits on the counter. She grabs a slice of tomato from my mom’s plate. “Yes, Mom. It’s no big deal.” Chloe and my mom nod at one another. My face feels


  “Stop. You two.” My foot is tapping the floor.

  “She is right, Chloe. It’s no big deal.” They both laugh as my mother hands her the plate

  of tomatoes.

  “Ok, well this is fun Mom, but some of us have to get ready.”

  “Sorry, honey, I was not trying to make fun. I just know how badly you have a crush on

  this boy. That’s all.”

  “I know. I think I’m just nervous.” She puts the knife on the counter, and steps forward to

  hug me.

  “You should just go and have fun. That’s all you should be worried about.” She kisses me

  on the forehead. Chloe jumps down from the counter.

  “Thank you for the tomatoes Ms. A.” Chloe has always called my mother that. My mom

  changed her last name legally when I was born. I guess the one request my father had before he

  left us was that I have his last name. Mom decided to change her name so we would match. Elizabeth Athans. I think it’s odd that she would do this for a man that left her and her

  baby, but she is one of a kind. Or, crazy in love.

  “You girls have fun, and Selene I can not wait to hear all about it.” Meaning she wants

  every detail.

  “Ok, Mom see you in the morning. Love you.”

  “Love you, baby.”

  We head up to my room. I have the biggest room in the house. After I won my first trophy for surfing, Mom decided that I should get the biggest room. She said there would need to be enough space for my surf boards and trophies. She was just cool like that. Supportive in whatever I decided to do.

  I stood looking in my walk in closet, like some great outfit was going to jump out at me. Chloe grabs her backpack. She is like a girl scout or boy scout, which ever has the motto about always being prepared. She usually has her make up bag, a bikini, and a skirt or dress in her backpack. She says she does this because “You always need to be prepared to look beautiful on a moment’s notice.” I am not even sure how we have stayed friends this long sometimes.

  Chloe has always been “camera ready”, and I have always been the one trying to hide behind the camera. When Chloe got her first “gig” as a model our Sophomore year, I thought she was going to be famous and move to Paris. It was like she was a superstar overnight. Her parents said she had to finish high school before she could do any European shoots. After that, she decided that as soon as we graduate we were headed to Paris. I always laugh, because that seems like a dream.

  Maybe, that’s why we stay close. She dreams, I never do. Never.

  “Are you just going to stare at your clothes, or are you going to get ready? I am not going to hear Chris yell at me this time.”

  I turn. She is already dressed. She has her baby blue bikini on, the one that ties around her neck, a long white maxi skirt, and her white strappy sandals. She looks beautiful. She hasn’t even touched her hair yet.

  “Yes, I think if I wear my pink bikini, shorts,and my flip flops will be fine.” She looks at me like I have three heads.

  “You can not be serious!” I was serious, but her face says I should say no.

  “Um no, I was kidding.” She gently shoves me out of the way.

  “Get out of the way. You need to wear that one dress. Where is it?” She starts picking through my clothes.

  “Found it!” She holds up my pink maxi dress. I have only worn this one other time. My birthday party in June, and only because my mother bought it for me and said I would look beautiful.

  “Chloe? A dress? No way! You’re not in a dress!”

  “Whatever, I am in a skirt. Same thing. Just put this on. We are running behind. I don’t have time to argue about this. Don’t even think you’re wearing flip flops. No flipping way! It’s the white wedges tonight.”

  I really want to protest, but if I am being honest with myself, she really knows fashion. I should just listen to her. She throws my pink bikini at me.

  “Here wear this underneath. It will look great with that. Casual, yet classy.” I put everything on. I stare at myself in the mirror.

  She’s right. The pink makes my tan, look even darker. I grab my brush to pull my hair up.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What? It’s the beach?”

  “You only brush your hair, no pony tail or bun tonight. Sit down. Let’s get some make up on this sunkissed face of yours.”

  Make up? Why would I wear make up to the beach? I don’t want to fight with her because Chris will be here a lot sooner than I am ready for.

  She finds my new lipstick. I only bought it because the lady behind the counter said it brought out my eyes. I have no idea what lipstick color has to do with my eyes, but I bought it anyways.

  “I am almost finished. You are going to freak when you see yourself.” I feel my cheeks being swept with a blush brush. My palms are already sweating.

  “Stand up and look at yourself! Just one more thing.” She adjusts my straps on my bikini, and pulls the maxi dress down so you can see just enough cleavage. I feel very dressed up for a beach party.

  She stands back as if to admire her work. She is smiling from ear to ear. I look in the mirror.

  I barely recognize myself. My eyes have eyeliner around them, more than I am use to, with mascara that makes my eye lashes longer than I thought mine were. My hair is actually laying on my shoulders how I wish it always would. Everything about me feels pretty.

  “Something is missing?”

  “What could possibly be missing?”

  “Jewelry. Yes. You need like some bracelets or something?”

  I do not think I actually own many pieces of jewelry. We search through the box, and she finds my charm bracelet. It was a gift from my father this year.

  He usually sends money. That’s how I got my red Jeep Wrangler. I bought it on my sixteenth birthday.

  He always sends a very large amount of money. According to my mother he does this so he knows I will be ok, and never have to want for anything. I would rather meet the man if you want the truth. All the money in the world can not buy my happiness.

  I am curious how much money I have by now, though?

  This year he sent a charm bracelet.

  No Money.

  No card.

  Just a little white box with a white satin bow, and the bracelet inside.

  Mom said she found it on the front porch on my birthday. I have only worn this one other time. To our first dance at school this year. I needed something then too, according to Chloe.

  She hands me the bracelet. Delicately.

  Chloe says that it had to set him back a pretty penny. I really could care less how much it cost him. Always with the money, but not one cent spent on actually coming to see me.

  I take the bracelet. It truly is beautiful. It has a seashell, dolphin, starfish, one sand dollar, two pearls, an anchor, and in the middle on a gold charm says Daughter.

  It’s really quite me. The beauty of the pearls are glowing.

  The pearl is my birthstone. I assume he knows I like the beach. He probably thinks I like it because we live in Malibu, but he is wrong.

  I love the ocean. I love being in the water. When I am in the water I feel my soul come to life.

  It’s probably why I love to surf so much.

  I can hear Chris’s car pulling in the drive.

  I take one last look in the mirror. I have a feeling this will be a night I will not forget. Chloe smiles. She grabs her bag and throws my purse to me. “Let’s do this Gorgeous!” I smile a nervous smile. I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach.

  Chris is honking.

  “You don’t have to honk, dork. We can hear your stupid car.” Chloe tells Chris. We get into his car.

  “Chloe, if you were not friends w
ith my sister, I swear...” Chris mumbles. “You swear what?” She says in a loud voice peeking over the back of the passenger seat. “Just shut up and put your seat belt on.” He hides his smile.

  I begin to giggle at the two of them.

  “Look at you! WOW! Pulling out all the stops tonight, huh?”

  “No, Chloe made me do this.” I look out the passenger window.

  Maybe this is too much? I hate that I am so dressed up for a beach party. “Christian Black! Selene looks gorgeous and you know it!”

  “Yea, she does. She always does.” He winks at me.

  “Is all this for Sebastian or Alex?” Chris points at me. He is obviously making fun of me.

  I look down at my dress.

  “Neither. Just drive.” I smirk. The drive to his house seems to take forever, but to get to a private beach I guess you would have to drive farther than most.

  I let the air run through my hand. It’s changing. I can feel a cool breeze flow through my finger’s. The sun is starting to go down, leaving a glorious pink and orange sunset to be watched.

  We start to pull into what looks like a very long driveway. I can see the house.

  ‘House’ does not even begin to describe this place.


  Yes, Castle describes it better.

  It looks like something out of a magazine.

  “Looks like your boy Alex is here.” I feel a sudden burst of giddiness. I don’t see his vehicle though. “I don’t see his Jeep. I mean you can’s miss that thing.”

  “Open your pretty blue eyes, Selene. It’s right there.” Chris nods in the direction I was not looking. He was right. I call it Black Beauty.

  The Jeep Mercenary is a beast of a vehicle with four doors, and big black wheels. It’s a giant compared to my Wrangler.

  “I see it now.” I tell Chris and Chloe.

  “That Lamborghini has some major muscle under that hood.” Chris tells us.

  Chloe looks lost.

  I, unfortunately know exactly what he is talking about. You learn the lingo when you have a “gear head” as a friend and brother.

  “He means it’s a V-12 with 740 horsepower. It’s top speed is 221 miles per hour. In other words. It’s fast. It’s got power, and it shows off on the road.”

  “Yes. Look at my little student. I have taught you well.” He rubs the top of my head.

  “Yea, yea. I can’t help but pick this stuff up when I hang out with YOU all day.”

  He laughs. “True. Too true.”

  Chloe still looks lost. Although, she is staring at it.

  “I will say this- that car is a true beauty. The cherry red color is HOT!”

  “Yea, like Sebastian.”Chloe states.

  “You think Sebastian is hot?” Ha. Chris heard her too.

  “Yea. Who doesn’t?”

  “Oh, yes. He is so hot!” Chloe slaps Chris on the arm for teasing her as we head up the drive way.

  Chapter 3 The driveway is paved in cobblestone. I can not help but admire the home we are about to enter.

  I almost trip over one of the many solar lights illuminating the path to the door.

  We walk in silence to the biggest mahogany door I have ever seen in my life. I can see through the glass panels of the door to an entry way.

  There are two big white stone columns holding up the porch. The outside of the house looks like castle walls with grey and white stone.


  Yes, massive is one word to describe this place.

  As we get to the door, we can see a mahogany double staircase through the glass panels.

  Chris opens the door.

  I walk into the house and look above my head. There is a large, crystal chandelier. It sparkles like the sun shinning through a diamond.

  In front of the staircase is a round table. It’s a darker wood, and on it is a massive crystal vase. It has to be at least two feet tall.

  Inside the vase are the most beautiful roses I have ever seen.

  Are they Fire and Ice? Those are my favorite.

  I have to see them up close.

  Yes. I think they are.

  They have the darkest red at the bulb of the rose, with a white petal at the top.

  No way.

  There has to be at least three dozen.

  I stare at the flowers while I hear someone coming. I can hardly look away. They are the rarest flowers I have ever seen. Ever.

  I feel someone staring at my back. I can hear them but I can’t take my eyes off the roses.

  “Selene. The party is outside. What are you doing?”

  I look at Chris almost forgetting what I was doing there.

  I see Sebastian headed towards us. Not shocking, Ian is right beside him.

  Sebastian comes and stands right beside me. He puts his hand on my back and steers me towards the roses.

  “These roses were brought in today. What do you think?”

  Why is he asking me? Obviously, they are gorgeous.

  This must be his way he gets the girls to swoon over him.

  “They are very pretty. Not really my type of flower, but yea they are pretty.” He looks at me like I have insulted him, yet he has that smirk on his face.

  “I had heard that you were a fan of these?” He looks towards Chris. His hand is still on my back. I pull away slightly while he is lookingtowards Chris.

  “He asked, so I said those were your favorite. Well, they would be if anyone had ever bought them for you.” Chris looks at me.

  I can not believe he told him that? When did he ask him what my favorite flower was?

  Why would he even care?

  He is really good at getting what he wants. I will not be his next girlfriend! He drives me completely insane.

  “Chris, is right. These flowers are pretty, but they weren’t bought for me. If I had been asked I would have told you that red is not my favorite color.” Take that you arrogant ass!

  “I see. Well, next time I will ask you and those will be the flowers you see here. Or the flowers I send to you.” He raises one eyebrow.

  What is it with this guy? He has an answer for everything. He thinks I will be coming back here? Think again! Oh, he is already getting on my nerves.

  “Why don’t we go to where the party is, you guys are starting to heat the room up.”


  Heating up the room?

  Has he lost his mind?

  There is no heat except for my temperature that seems to be rising because he is driving me crazy.

  Ian always looks so cool though. It is hard to actually be mad at the guy. He is not your typical California guy. He has short brown hair, spiked, with sideburns. Not like thick Elvis sideburns, but thin, normal ones. He wears glasses most days. Even his glasses make him look cool. Black rimmed frames, and on the side is an arrow. I think. He has very dark eyes. The kind you can’t really tell if they are brown or green.

  I have never actually stared at his eyes though. I am usually looking at his ears. He has what they call “plugs”. His ears are pierced, but they have a big hole in them. Not really big, just big enough.

  He always wears some kind of weird shirt with Chuck Taylor Converse. Always in those Converse. He may own every color and then some in those shoes. Sometime’s he even wears a bow tie with suspenders, but he always has those Converse on.

  We walk from the foyer to the living room. There are marble floors and two enormous black leather couches. One is facing a marble fireplace set inside the wall. You can see the foyer through it.

  Instead of a fire burning, there is five large pillar candles lit. The glow is enchanting, the way it hits the light off the marble around it.

  We keep following Sebastian through the living room to where the music is coming from.

  There is an all glass wall, with two doors opened wide to a balcony.

  This is the largest outdoor living area I have ever seen, and this is just the balcony!

  It has a bar, another fireplace, three couc
h’s with red pillow cushions. There are matching pillows everywhere. There is also this beautiful sand colored tile floor and an outdoor kitchen.

  We follow him through the overly large glass doors, and I see two surfboards. Out of place with the rest of the decor.

  I never knew he surfed. How have I not seen him at any of the beaches. Maybe he is not as bad as I think?

  No... He is.

  I almost trip over what looks like an antique table. Most people would not have three of these tables inside their home, let alone outside, but most people are not Sebastian either.

  Looking up I see Alex! He is talking to someone. I can not see who because her back is to me. It looks like Cali. He has a drink in his hand and he seems to be looking for someone.

  The girl turns around. It is Cali. Shocker, huh? She turns her back to me and puts her hand on his shoulder. She stands on her tip toes, and whispers something. She turns back to me. They are both staring at us.

  I head towards them. This is my chance!

  “Hey, Love, do you want a drink?”

  What? No! I do not want a drink! Get out of my way Sebastian!

  “No. I don’t want a damn drink.”

  “Excuse me?” Oh shit. He looks mad. I should apologize. This is his home. I should try to show some respect.

  “I’m sorry. No, thank you.” I am trying to look around Sebastian to see if Alex is still standing there, but he is blocking my view. He turns around to obviously see what I am staring at, and laughs. “Oh, I see. You think that he will notice you?”


  “You think Alex is going to give you the time of day? If he does he is only doing that so he can get what he wants.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  “Really? Because it looks like you are pretty into him.”

  “No, I am not. I am just not into you.” I stare into Sebastian’s eyes without blinking.

  “Oh, burnnnnn bro.” Thank you, Chris!

  “Come on, man. You know that Alex is not the right guy for your sister.”

  Are they discussing my personal life. Right in front of me? This is a nightmare.

  “Sis, why don’t you let me get you a drink. Sebastian makes the best drinks.”

  “Um ok, but you know I don’t drink alcohol.”


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