Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1

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Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1 Page 6

by Dee King

  “Sorry. I seem to have upset you, I didn’t mean to. I was just trying to explain all this. I am not doing a great job, huh?” I sigh as he speaks to me.

  “Not really.” We both start laughing. I can see his brown eyes very clearly. I notice something I have never seen before in his eyes. With specks of green you can see the happiness there. I can not help but smile.

  I feel the buzz of my phone beside my thigh, and look down.

  “It’s Sebastian. He wants to see you.” He clinches his fists into the sand. He looks at my phone. I had not even seen who the text was from, yet. He takes my phone into his hand. He places it beside him.

  “Excuse me? May I have that back?” I ask.

  “Come and get it.” His smile reaches across his face. Alex holds my phone in the hand farthest from me. I reach over him and try to grab it. I am too slow. He is still smiling.

  I try again, but this time I fall. Right on top of him.

  I am blushing. I grab my phone suddenly while he is still trying to hold it out from me.

  “Thanks.” I try to move off from him. He puts his arms around me. We are chest to chest. Face to face. He leans forward just a little bit. I move quickly off of him.

  I must be crazy. I think he was going to kiss me! Why did I move?

  “I guess you really need to read those texts.” He is now standing up. I look up at him.

  “I’m sorry. I did not mean to hurt your feelings. I just-- I just don’t think I am in the right place for this.” I slowly get to my feet.

  “Forget it.” He moves to stand in front of me and pulls his keys out of his pocket. I bend over to pick up my bag and towel. He puts his hand on my back. I turn.

  “It will happen. I am sorry I pushed this faster than you were ready for. I thought you felt the same way about me.”

  “I do. I mean I think I do. I just really need to clear my head.”

  “I understand. I know you will talk to Sebastian today. Just remember he is who he is, and I am who I am.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing. Just be careful around him.”

  “I don’t like Sebastian.”

  “Yea that may be true, but he likes you. Don’t underestimate his abilities.” He looks down at his keys.

  “Well, I am going to go. I have to meet Cali. I hope to hear from you in a little bit. Maybe we can come back here tonight, and take a walk?”

  “Yea. That sounds cool.” I am almost speechless. He takes a deep breath, and waves goodbye to me. I wave goodbye to him while I grab my sunglasses out of my bag. I look down at my phone. I want to see if he was right?

  It was Sebastian. How did he know that?

  Chapter 9 I decide to read my texts in the Jeep. I turn on my radio and scroll through them. All but two are from Sebastian and Alexander.

  I text Chloe back. Short and sweet.

  I text Chris back and tell him I am ok, and not to worry.

  I wait to text Sebastian back. I feel like I should, but I keep thinking of what Alex said. That I would see him tonight. I decide to text him back, anyways.

  Hey. It’s Selene. I am ok. Thanks for asking. TTYL

  I sit there and wait for a response. I am actually anticipating to hear from him.

  Why? I don’t even like him? Why would I care. My phone vibrates. It’s Sebastian.

  Can you come by the house?


  Why not?

  I don’t want to.





  I want to see you. Plus I have your shoe’s.

  Oh. I forgot... Yea, I will be there shortly.

  I really do not know if this is my best idea, but I do want my shoe’s back. I put the phone back in my bag.

  I feel nervous. My forehead is are already starting to sweat. I put my left arm out the side of the Jeep to feel the wind pass through. The drive to his home is quite beautiful. Nestled away in his own corner of the beach. It must be a dream to live out here!

  I am winding the last corner before I get to his house, when I see something out of the corner of my eye. It’s Cali. She honks as she passes me. What is she doing out here?

  I see the house. It is just as beautiful in the midday as it was last night.

  I pull into the drive and park behind his car. It has been moved from where it was last night.

  I look at myself in the rearview mirror. My hair is windblown. My bikini straps have fallen just a little bit. I retie them. I pull my hair out of my face with a pony tail holder. I grab my bag, and step out of the Jeep. I walk the same path I did last night, but I feel different this time. The door is already opening.

  “Hi Love.” Sebastian is standing there in no shirt, no shoes and faded jean shorts. He has something in his hand. I make it to the door this time without tripping over the solar lights.

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “Sorry. I just thought--” He grins at me and steps aside to let me in.

  “Knock it off. I just want my shoes, Sebastian.” He closes the door behind me. I stand there in the entry way.

  “I will give you back your shoes soon. First you have to try the dinner I am making for us.”

  “What? No. Just give them to me, and I will leave you alone.” He pulls the spoon out from his back.

  “Come on, lets eat. Plus, I cooked just for you. This is rare. You should take advantage of this opportunity.” He raise’s an eyebrow.

  “No thanks. Just the shoes please.”

  He starts walking towards the living room. I follow him. He walks out onto the balcony. I stand there. All I can see is what happened last night replaying in my head. I watch him walk to the kitchen area on the balcony. I can hear music. It is not nearly as loud as last night. He puts the spoon into the pot, and stirs.

  “You just going stand there all day?”

  I walk over to where he is. He takes something out of the oven. It smells like garlic bread. It actually smells delicious. I sit at the stool across from him.

  “So, how’s it going?”

  “Are you serious? What the hell, Sebastian? I just want my shoes.”

  “Calm down. You will get your shoes, hell, I will buy you new ones if they are that important to you. No, really, how is it going now that you know the truth? You feeling Goddess like yet?”

  He starts to hum while he keeps stirring. I think that’s some kind of pasta in there. It smells great. Don’t show that your hungry, just keep rambling and get out of here.

  “I don’t feel Goddess like. I don’t even know what that means.”

  “It means you know who you are. Have you been able to hear us yet?”

  “Hear you?”

  “Yea, we can all hear each other’s thoughts when we want. Like I know you were with Alex at the beach today. I know how you felt towards him, and so does he. I also know that is why Cali came here. Did you pass her?”


  “Yea she came to be Alex’s “lap dog”,” he smiles, “Isn’t that what you called her last night?” His laugh lines are showing. I can not help but to smile with him.

  He puts the spoon down and takes the bread off the baking sheet. He places each slice in a small basket and walks around the counter towards me, drumming his fingers on the stainless steal top.

  “Anyways, she came to tell me I am not to try anything with you or else. I kicked her out of my house.”

  “Try anything?”

  “Yea, like get you to come to the dark side.” He laughs so hard that he almost falls off the stool he was trying to sit on. I’m laughing too. I catch myself just before I can fall on him.

  “I want to apologize again for last night, Selene. I know I should have told you about it before I did it, but you would not have believed me. Alex wanted us to wait. I gave him his time. He never acted like he cared until last night.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He looks at me.

  “I mean- he thinks tha
t if he waited for the right moment you would have excepted it better. I told him you were going to freak out either way.” His phone vibrates on the counter. I look down then back at him.

  “Are you gonna check that?”

  “Why? Everyone I want to talk to is here.”

  “You should check that.”

  “Why? Do you know who it is and what it says?”

  “I think it’s Alex.”

  How would I know who it is?

  He picks it up and reads the text. He replies. Fast. Then puts the phone down.


  “So? You were right. It’s Alex. He wants to come over. I said no.”

  “I thought you guys weren’t friends?”

  “We aren’t. He doesn’t want us to be alone.”

  “Really?” I suddenly feel very aware that I am alone with Sebastian.

  “I have so much to show you, and tell you. Will you give me just this one chance? Just tonight? You don’t have to stay. I will not force that. I just want to share so much with you.”

  I look into his eyes as he stands up.

  What else do I have to do tonight anyways? Go home? I don’t think so. Staying here seems like a better idea. Never thought I’d say that.

  “So you will stay?” He is almost giddy while bobbing up and down on the balls of his feet.

  “Um, sure.” He walks around to the food and turns the burners off.

  His back is to me. I notice something. It’s a tattoo. It looks like an anchor, but I can’t be sure.

  He sets the plates and starts serving the food. I can’t help myself. I really want to see that tattoo again.

  “Is that an anchor on your back?” He looks like he just saw a ghost. I can see he is looking for something. He walks over to one of the red couches and grabs a shirt draped across the back.

  “Hey, is that a tattoo or not?”

  “Yea, but it’s not important.” I look down at my bracelet. The anchor on his back looks just like the one on my charm bracelet.

  I hear my phone vibrating in my bag. I look at the message. It’s Alex.

  Selene, do not forget what I said.

  Which part?

  About Sebastian. What time do you want to meet at the beach tonight?

  I pause, because I can feel Sebastian standing over me. I turn around.

  “Are you going to go?” His face drops and he looks down at his feet.

  I text back.

  Sorry. I forgot. Rain check?

  Yea. Whatever.

  Well that was rude.

  I put my phone on the counter beside me.

  Sebastian comes back to the stool beside me.

  “Please eat. I really do not cook a lot but I wanted this to be special.”

  I was really hungry. I can’t remember eating today. Plus, it smelt great. I raise my

  eyebrows at him. I try the bread first.


  “Did you drug anything I am about to eat?” He give’s me a thumbs up and takes a bite

  out of his bread, too.

  “No. I didn’t last night either. I know, you see it differently, but the food is safe. The only

  extra ingredient is red peppers. I like my food hot. Actually, I like everything hot.” He looks me up and down. I am suddenly very aware of myself. The straps on my bikini

  are loose again.

  “I didn’t know you surfed.” Pointing to his surf boards, I try to change the subject. “Yea, I figured I might as well do it while I am here.”

  “Because you live on the beach?”

  “No. Since we were going to live on Earth for four years.”

  I forgot, you all sound crazy.

  He chuckles.

  “Yea, I know we sound crazy.”

  Do they all do that? He winks at me.

  “Yea, we all do that. You can do it, too. Only with a Migades, God or Goddess though.” What? I can do it too? I can’t hear him.

  “Yes you can. Try.” He turns his body towards me and puts his hand on my stool. He

  swivels me around.

  I place my fork down and glare at him.

  He takes a hold of my hands and stares into my eyes. I have never noticed just how

  gorgeous Sebastian is until this moment.

  My toes are tapping the bar on the bottom of the stool.

  “Now, clear your mind. Stop stressing over all this. It will come to you in time. This is

  the easiest test there is. Believe me.” I try to clear my mind, but now my palms are sweating. This is never going to work.

  I feels strangely good around you for some reason.

  I feel strangely good around you, too.

  Oh, crap. I think I heard him.

  You did.

  I did, didn’t I?

  Yes, and there is something else.

  I feel him intertwine our fingers.

  No matter what you have thought before, believe me when I say that last night, and in this

  moment, I feel the happiest I have ever been.


  Because you have made me feel emotions I thought I was incapable of. I do?

  Yes, you do.

  You make me nervous.

  He leans down. I lean in.

  He kisses my lips ever so gently. I kiss him back.

  I pull back. He stands up. I put my arms around his neck. He slowly pulls me off the


  He is holding me in his arms. Mine are wrapped around him.

  My feet are barely touching the ground.

  He looks like he is soaking me in. Like I am a ray of sunshine.

  He slowly sets me back on the ground.

  I step back.

  I can feel my face flush with heat.

  I never thought I would be kissing Sebastian, but I did. I even liked it. We stand embracing one another.

  I hear footsteps. He does not seem to hear anything.

  I tip up on my toes to see around him.

  It’s Alex.

  Sebastian turns around letting go of me suddenly.

  “Am I interrupting something?”Alex has his arm’s crossed over his body. “Yea, you are. What the hell are you doing here? I told you not to come. You are not

  welcome in my home.” Sebastian walks towards Alex. I feel frozen. Like a stone statue. Alex steps around the couch towards me.

  “Are you ok Selene?”

  “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Because Sebastian’s intentions are not in the right place.”

  I see Cali and Ian walking through the glass doors.

  “You have got to be kidding me! Why are all of you here?”

  Sebastian throws his hands in the air. I feel angry. I did not think I needed a babysitter. Ian comes around the other side of the couch to pass by Cali.

  “I came because these two act like they own you. I knew they were on their way here. I came for front row seats.” He smirks.

  He came for front row seats? What does that mean? “I am not going to have what happened last night happen today. I am leaving before you all get stupid.” I grab my phone off the counter, toss it in my bag, and turn to leave.

  “Selene. Wait.” Sebastian takes my hand. I pull it away.

  “Listen, I really do not want to be a part of this. If you are using me to get to Alex or whatever I don’t want any part in it. I can’t take anymore of this shit!”

  I start walking faster.

  “Selene! I was not using you or trying to hurt you. I came because I thought Sebastian was going to hurt you. I couldn’t hear your thoughts anymore.”

  I pause.

  “What? What do you mean?” Alex’s face goes pale.

  “What do you mean you couldn’t hear me? How long have you been doing that?”

  “Yea, Alexander tell her. How long have you been listening to Selene?” Ian says with a big grin on his face. Alex walks towards me.

  “I haven’t been. Well, just last night. I promise. I just couldn’t hear you anymor
e, and I was worried.”

  “Worried about what? Sebastian? I am not sure what is going on.” I look at Cali who has taken a seat on the couch.

  “Cali? What is going on?”

  She stands. “Well, these two idiots like you, and they do not know how to handle their emotions so they are acting like morons. They are using each other. It’s the way it has always been.”

  They both like me? No way. Until yesterday they acted like I didn’t exist.

  Yes, they both like you. They both need you. I can not tell you anymore than that. Oh, Hey look you figured it out.

  Yes, Sebastian taught me. Can they hear this?

  No. That must have been why Alex couldn’t hear you anymore.

  So when I talk to you like this they can not hear my thoughts?

  No. Look at their faces.

  I stop and look at their faces. They are all staring at me. They have figured out I am talking to one of them, they just don’t know which one.

  “Ok. I still find this all very odd, but since Cali and I just talked I feel like maybe I am not hearing you guys out.” They all turn and look blankly at Cali.

  “What? We are friends now.” Sebastian and Ian laugh. I smile at Cali.

  “Well, since our dinner plans are shot who wants to have some fun?” Sebastian motions towards me.

  “I’m in.” Of course Ian is.

  “I’m not. I wanted to talk to Selene alone. You ruined that.” Alex crosses his arms.

  “Wait. I did not force her to stay. She stayed on her own free will, unlike when you have to make her want to stay with you.”

  “I do NOT do that to her!”

  “Really? You weren’t trying to control her feelings last night?”

  “Only because YOU were causing her pain!” Sebastian and Alexander are now face to face. Cali steps to Alex’s side and Ian to Sebastian. I step in between the two of them.

  “Stop. Not again. Why do you guys keep doing this? Ian why are you always beside Sebastian, like Cali is to Alex?” No one says anything. They all stare at one another. I step away from Alex and Sebastian.

  “Hey! Hello? I asked a question?” I raise my voice.

  “This is just how it is. You will have someone that will be by your side. It’s just not the right time for you.”

  “You are so vague. That makes no sense...” I turn towards the glass door again.


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