Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1

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Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1 Page 8

by Dee King

  “Today I saw my daughter. She turned one year old on Earth. Her beauty radiates through her smile. Happy Birthday my Goddess child.” “Today I watched my daughter take to the ocean waves as I knew she would. You can see her love for the ocean in her eyes. She is headed towards greatness. Tying her abilities to fire will only make her that much stronger.”

  I look up from the book. I can see the fire place. Inside of the fire place is three gigantic baby blue candles. I lay the book down beside me. Remembering the words I just read, I walk over to the candles. I feel like I should be able to make them light. I feel drawn to them. I kneel down and blow on the candle closest to me.

  It lights! “Holy Crap! Did I just do that?” I hear Sebastian and Colin running into the room. I keep looking at the lit candle.

  I bend down again. I blow on another candle. It lights, too.

  “You figured it out Selene. Way to go!” Both of them are smiling at me.

  I turn around and blow on the last candle. It lights.

  “How did I just do that? How did I know to do that?”

  “It is part of who you are. Your gifts. Father thought you may need fire in your life.” Colin laughs as he says it. Sebastian smiles.

  “What else can I do?” I feel excited. I think I could get used to being a Goddess after all.

  “More than you can imagine.” Sebastian says as he walks towards me.

  “A lot more than you ever dreamed of.” He smiles down at me.

  I smile back at him.

  Chapter 11 “I have a great idea. Why don’t you stay the night here? In your room.” “I have a room?” How would I have a room here?

  I look around the house for a moment.

  “Yea. You have a room. I had some help on the decorating though.” Colin smiles. “Um, I think I should go home.” I do not even know what time it is? I look for my phone. “Here. I grabbed your stuff when you threw it down. By the way, if you did not believe I

  was truly your brother, why didn’t you run away? You came to rescue me. I can take care of myself as you can clearly see.” He chuckles at himself.

  “I don’t know. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. That’s all.”

  I take my bag from him and look through it. I find my phone. It’s One AM?

  My mom is going to kill me.

  “I really should go home.”

  “This is your home now. Well, as long as you would like it to be. Why don’t you have Sebastian show you where your room is. You can call your mom in the morning. Believe me, she is okay, and she is not mad.”

  “You don’t know my mom. I have never disobeyed her. Until today...” I put my head down as I remember how awful I was to her.

  Colin comes and stands beside me. “Listen, I promise. Your mom knew this day was coming. Everything will be fine. If it makes you feel better, call her.” I look down at my phone, then decide to call her.


  “Selene. Are you okay, honey?”

  “Yes. I’m okay. I am not going to come home tonight though.”

  “I see. I assume Colin found you?”

  “You knew about Colin?”

  “Yes, he is two years older than you. I knew from the day I met your father.” “Oh, I see.”

  “I assume you are at the mansion?”

  “You knew about that too?” Mom laughs a nervous laugh.

  “Yes. I knew about that too. It’s okay Selene. I knew this day would come eventually.” “Oh.”

  “Please, just be cautious. I have always taught you to be aware. Listen to your heart.” “Okay. I will try and do that.”

  “I love you, Selene.”

  “I love you, Mom.”

  I put the phone back in my bag and look at Colin. Then at Sebastian.

  “I guess I am staying the night.”

  Colin smiles and squeezes my shoulders.

  “YES! Great. Okay, Sebastian, the lady’s room please?”

  “Why yes your majesty.” They both laugh at each another.

  “You guys are weird.”

  Colin laughs as Sebastian heads towards the staircase. I follow him.

  There is a table similar to Sebastian’s. On the table is a crystal vase, smaller and a very faint shade of green. Inside the vase is at least two dozen roses. All white.

  I look up at Sebastian as I stop at the table.

  “Beautiful aren’t they?”


  We walk up the steps. The house is exactly the same. Even the hall. I follow Sebastian into the second bedroom on the right side of the hall.

  I don’t think this is a hall. It looks more like a wing. My word! I am staying the night in a house that has wings. Haha. Chloe is going to freak.

  “Chloe will probably freak. Unfortunately, she will never be able to come here.” “What? Why?”

  “Beats me. I just know Colin has not allowed mortals in since he arrived.” “What do you mean? How long has he been here?”

  “Since the day you turned eighteen. Your father sent him to watch over you. He wanted to make sure that you were going to be okay.”

  “Why didn’t my father just come himself?”

  “That is a part of the rules. Well, Zeus’ rules.”

  “Zeus’ rule?”

  “Yea, the rule is that a Migades child can only see their parent after they have chosen the path they want to follow.”


  “Yes. When the Migades child learns who they are, they will have to make a choice. If you chose wrong you will not see your father.”

  “How do I know what I am supposed to chose?”

  “Believe me. I wish I could tell you, but free will has to be yours. You will learn soon enough. I promise.”

  Sebastian opens the door and holds out his arm to show me the way.

  I walk in.

  The room is as big as Sebastian’s. It has windows all along the side. You can clearly see the ocean.

  On the opposite wall is a four poster bed with white bedding and pastel pink throw pillows. The canopy draping is in the same pastel pink. It hangs to the floor.

  To the side of the bed is a walk in closet.

  I stand there admiring everything.

  On the wall opposite of the bed is an all white chaise lounge, with a light blue blanket draped over the back.

  I walk over to the windows. I see the ocean waves crashing onto the shore.

  I turn around to see Sebastian sitting on the chaise lounge.

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s breathtaking to say the least. This is all for me?”

  “Yes. I tried to add some little touches that I thought you would like.”

  “You added things?”

  His cheeks start to blush. I smile.

  I have never seen Sebastian blush. It’s cute.

  “I just thought you would want some things that you like in the room.” “And what do I like Sebastian? Please, do tell?”

  “If you look in the closet you can see for yourself.” He stands up and follows me to the closet. I open the doors.

  It’s another room in itself. There was a large mirror followed by clothes lining the walls. In the middle of the room is a surfboard that looks exactly like mine, except it has been made into a table. There are pictures on it. Most of them in frames.

  I walk in to get a closer look. There was one of Chloe and I at the Homecoming dance. Another of Chloe and I at a football game. One of Chris and I from a car show. Many of me at the beach on my surfboard. Only one stood out though. A picture of Sebastian, Ian, Chris and I at the Homecoming dance.

  I pick up the frame. I have never seen this picture, nor remember it being taken. I look at their faces. Ian is hardly smiling. Trying to look cool. Chris has his arm around my shoulders. He is laughing. I am staring at something. The most shocking face in the picture is Sebastian’s. He is looking at me. Smiling.

  I place the picture back down on the board and look at Sebastian. He is staring down at the fl

  “Why? Why did you do all this for me? Where did you get all these?”

  Sebastian looks up at me. He looks like he is about to cry. I walk over to him.


  “These are mine. You never noticed that I was always around, but I was. When I was close to you, I just felt whole. Like a piece of me was lost when I was not near you. You were always searching for Alex, and I just wanted to be close to you. Even if you did not know I existed.”

  He looks back down at the ground as he runs his fingers through his dark brown hair. I have no idea what to say to him.

  I look back at the frames with all the pictures he had of me throughout this past year. He walks out of the closet. I can hear him walking through the room.

  “Wait! Sebastian. Wait!” I run out of the closet to see him walking out of the bedroom. He stops. His back is to me. I run to him. I place my hand on his back.

  “Sebastian. Thank you. I can not say that enough. I am sorry I thought you were a jerk, but it looks like I am the one who has been the jerk”

  He turns and faces me. I look down at my feet. I am embarrassed by my actions towards him.

  “Selene. Selene. Please look at me.” I look up at him with tears stinging my eyes. He bends down. He kisses my cheek close to my right eye.

  “You will never be the jerk. I am sorry I have hurt you. I just wanted to get your attention. Those other girls you think I played, I did not. I have never even been on one actual date. I just wanted to get your attention.”

  I look at him. I can not believe what he has just told me. I step back.

  He looks at me. He leans down and kisses my other cheek, turns and walks away.

  I just stand there staring.

  I lay there staring out the window watching the waves crash against the shore. I think of everything that has changed in the past twenty four hours.

  My life as a Goddess now, and the fact I have feelings for Alex and Sebastian. I am not sure how this all happened so fast. I just know that I have to figure out what this

  means for me.

  “Selene. You awake?” I roll over to see Colin standing in the doorway. I sit up. “Yea. What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to let you know that my room is across the hall, and if you need anything I

  am here.”

  “Thank you.”He smiles at me, as he shuts the door behind him.

  I roll back over and stare out the window.

  I try to fall asleep, but I can not seem to stop thinking.

  I walk over to the massive closet.

  I open the door to stare at the surfboard table with the pictures. I close the doors and decide to try and sleep.

  Chapter 12 I wake to the sound of something buzzing. It’s my phone. I find it in my bag. It is a text from my mom.

  Selene, I have to work today, but I hope to see you tonight. Love you.

  I text back.

  Ok Mom. I will see you tonight. Love you too.

  I look at the time and realize I have been asleep for five hours. That is good enough.

  I go to the closet.

  Sleeping in the nude was probably not the best idea, but I was not prepared to sleep over. I rummage through the closet to find something I could wear.

  Might as well use the clothes if I am the one they were bought for, right?

  I am not sure who bought the clothes for me, but they are amazing. This looks like Chloe’s closet. I find a light blue tank top with some cut off shorts. I keep rummaging through the clothes till I find a navy blue, silk robe. It has an anchor on the upper left top of the robe. I put my arms through the silk sleeves. It’s smooth as I wrap the belt around me.

  I leave the closet with my new outfit in hand and decide to find a bathroom. I slowly open the door and hear someone singing. I look across the hall, and it’s Colin. He has his door open and is singing to some song I can not make out the words too.

  I can not help but to laugh. Colin turns around to see me laughing at him. His face is a shade of crimson red.

  “Sorry. I just love this song.” He grabs a remote to turn the volume down.

  “No. Please don’t stop. That was great.” I keep grinning at him.

  “Do you need something?” He smiles back at me.

  “Yes. I need a shower.”

  “That’s down the other hall. First door on your right. That’s your very own bathroom,” he says with a huge grin across his face.


  “Yep. That is yours! It should have all the essentials. If you need anything else, I will just give you the credit card, and you can buy what you need.”

  “Credit card?”

  “We are always going to be wealthy. Your a goddess.”

  “I forget that.”

  “Don’t worry.” He grabs a shirt off his bed, and walks towards me.

  “I will make breakfast. Take your time.” He pats me on the head.

  “What was that?”

  “It’s brotherly love.”

  I look in the mirror and brush out my hair. It’s the first time I have seen myself since finding out I am a Migades.

  I hardly recognize myself.

  I still look like me, just somehow different.

  My eyes seem to have the same brightness that I have always noticed in Alex’s eyes.

  I lay the brush down.

  I do not remember a time ever looking in the mirror and thinking I was remotely as pretty as my friends. Today, for the first time, I can see a glow about myself. I feel alive, realizing who I truly am.

  I have no clue what it actually means to be a Goddess, but I can dream for the first time.

  I get the tank top on. Perfect fit! The shorts are a little shorter than I thought, but they fit as well.

  I take one last look in the mirror, and decide to look around the bathroom for makeup.

  I never wear makeup, but I think maybe today I will.

  I find a drawer with makeup inside. There has to be every color imaginable of eye shadows, lipsticks, and blush. Everything is new. Department store new.

  I decide on some pale pink blush and a clear lip gloss. I shove the makeup back in the drawer, and decide today is a new day.

  A new ME!

  “Selene. Breakfast!”

  “Coming!” I make it down the stairs and am greeted by the aroma of breakfast food, and roses.

  “So, what is on your agenda today?” Colin asks me.

  “Mine?” He looks at me.

  “No. My other sister behind you. Yes. You.” I feel like a moron.

  “Funny,” I smirk.


  “I have no idea. I thought maybe you were going to try and get to know me.”

  “Oh. I will. I have some plans later, but we can hang out before then, and after if you want. Hey. I see you found everything that was for you.” He points at my face. I blush and keep my head down while I finish my meal.

  “Don’t be shy. I know you’re not. I can tell my sister she is pretty. That’s my job.” I can feel my face starting to get warm, but the compliment was good to hear.

  “Thanks. When did you do all this for me?”

  “About six months ago. I have a girlfriend who helped. She told me what to do. I listened.”

  “You have a girlfriend?” I perk up.

  “Yes. No. I mean we are not a couple. We are just friends.”

  “Is she from Malibu?”

  “No. She is from The Mount.”

  “Who is she? Who are her parents?” I have so many questions.

  “Slow down.”

  “Sorry. It’s none of my business.” I lower my head.

  “No, no, no. Iris has been my friend for as long as I can remember. Her mom is Aphrodite.”

  “Her mom is the Goddess of Love and Beauty?”


  “I bet she is gorgeous.” I smile at Colin.

  “That she is.” His lips turn upwards.

  “So, how did she get all that
stuff for me?”

  “She told me to go to a department store, tell them what I was looking for, and that the people would do whatever I asked. It worked. It’s amazing how mortals will do anything when they see you can spend an ungodly amount of money. No pun intended.” He snickers.

  I finish my breakfast in silence, pondering everything he just told me.

  Colin stands and stretches out his long torso.

  I still can not believe this guy is my brother.

  “Really? You have to stop doing that. I can hear you.” He says while putting our plates


  “Sorry, I am not used to that.” I jump off my stool and walk to the balcony. “Are you leaving?” Colin follows.

  “No. I just love being close to the water, don’t you?”

  “Yes I do.” We both walk through the open doors. He picks one of the big sea foam

  couchs to sit on. I sit across from him in the oversized chair.

  “Did you hear that?” I ask while listening intensely.

  “What?” Colin looks around.

  “When we were coming out here, I thought I heard something behind me?” Colin stands

  to face the door. He turns back around.

  “You’re pretty good. If you heard something than never hesitate to look for it. Your

  instincts are always right, that’s what I mean by your senses. Do you want me to check it out?”

  Colin looks at me.

  “No. Maybe I was just imagining that.” I sit still looking around.

  “We don’t imagine things, Selene. We always have to be prepared.”

  “Prepared for not imagining?”

  He sits back down. You can tell he is very uneasy.

  “Prepared for someone always wanting to get what you have. Mortals, immortals,

  Migades. They will always try to take out the strong, but that’s only because they are weak.” He

  says this as if he has always had to defend who he is.

  “Do we have to learn to fight? I don’t like that.” I pull my hair to the side of my


  “No. Not fight. Just defend what is rightfully yours. You are the daughter of Poseidon.


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