Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1

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Charming Selene: The Charming Series Book 1 Page 20

by Dee King

  Everyone throws their hats in the air, all the while everyone is cheering and clapping. I hug Cali, shocking myself, but the excitement overwhelms me.

  I hug Sebastian next. Everyone is still cheering and flashes are still going off. This is the best day of my life, and all I want to do was relish in this moment.

  I find my mom and Colin standing together outside of the event center. I look like I have a small entourage with me. Chris, Chloe, Cali, Sebastian, and Ian. I hug my mother tightly.

  “I am so proud of you! I just could not be more proud!” My mom says while hugging me.

  “Thanks, Mom.” I whisper back. My mom lets go to hug Chris.

  “Look at you! You did a wonderful job! Your speech was excellent!”

  “Thank you. I really had no clue what I was going to say till this morning.”

  “Wait. I thought you wrote the speech the other day and left it at school. Remember, I saw you when I ran into Alex.” I let the words roll right off my tongue before I could even stop myself.

  “Alex?” All at once I hear four other voices say. I start to tap my foot to try to get out of this blubber I had just let out.

  “It was no big deal.” I say nonchalantly.

  “Whatever! She decked him right in the face! Where is he, anyways?” Chris says while looking around into the crowd of people.

  “What do you mean decked him?” Colin steps towards me.

  “It was no big deal. He was being a jerk. I punched him. It’s fine. It’s over.”

  “You should have seen her, man! He called her a bitch, and she lost it when she thought he was going to try and hurt me. I taught her well.” He rubs my head like a dog.

  “It really wasn’t anything. Really.” I say in a low voice. Colin steps face to face with me.

  “We are going to talk about this. Soon.” He steps back from me.

  “Where does everyone want to go to dinner at?” My mom’s voice breaks the tension.

  “I have to go with my family, but then to Sebastian’s tonight.”

  “Yea, me too, but I will be there. Tonight. I promise.”Chloe hugs me.

  “Both of you, right? Tonight? My house? Yes?” Sebastian asks Chris and Chloe.

  “Wouldn’t miss it.” They both walk away. I remember how I had spoken out of turn just a few minutes ago. I run after Chris.

  “Wait. Wait.” He stops. Cali stands beside him.

  “What’s up?”

  “Why were you late this morning?”

  “Oh, yea, that. I couldn’t get my car started. I worked on it for a while, and it looked like my brake lines had been cut.”

  “Were they?” I say with a panic in my voice.

  “No. It just looked like it. It was odd though. Who would do that to my car?” I had a pretty good idea.

  “I have no idea.” I remark.

  “Is it safe now?” Chloe looks nervous.

  “Yea, yea. It’s fine, the funny part is, I had just tuned it up last night so I could leave it in good hands.”

  “Huh?” I am confused already.

  “My dad is going to drive it while I am gone.”

  “Wait? Where are you going?” Chloe asks.

  “I am going to Italy, in fact taking the same flight you are.”

  “Shut up!” She exclaims.

  “I was going to surprise you.” He says while looking at Chloe with adoring eyes.

  “Focus! Chris! The car? Are you sure everything is okay?” I ask.

  “Yea. It’s fine. I promise. You worry too much.” He hugs me one more time. Chloe and Chris walk off together talking. Chloe stops and waves.

  “See you soon.” She turns her back, all the while my stomach is doing cartwheels. I know now that Alex does have big plans to hurt me in some way.

  Chapter 27 I walk over to my mother who has been left stranded it looks like.

  “Where did they go?”

  “Oh, they are over there by Sebastian’s car. He said he would be right back.” “Who did?”

  “Sebastian, silly girl.”

  “We are together, I guess you could say.”

  “Oh, I know sweetie. You can tell how much you two adore each other.” “Don’t you think that it’s fast, Mom?”

  “No. Not in a goddess way. Their love, well, your love, is fast. They hang on to what they

  love. It’s pretty amazing honestly.”

  “It’s a little creepy.” I say bashfully.

  “Nothing creepy about love. It’s just new to you, that’s all. I knew you would make the

  right choice.”

  “I hope so.” I look down at my high heels.

  “I know so.” My mother wraps her arms around me. I drop my cap and purse on the

  ground to squeeze her back tightly.

  “I know that today is a big day for you. Sebastian wants to take you out to dinner before

  the party. He already asked me.”

  “Mom, no. We should go together.”

  “Yes, come with us.” Sebastian sneaks up behind me.

  “No, no. I knew tonight would be a busy night for you. I am going to work in a few

  hours.” My mom looks down at her watch.

  “I am running later than I thought.” Mom smiles.

  “Are you sure, Mom?” I pout.

  “Yes, I am sure. You two have fun, and take care of my baby.” My mom pats Sebastian

  on the arm.

  “Always.” Sebastian hugs my mother. I stand there smiling like a goof ball. “Awe. I love you guys!” I hug the both of them at the same time. My mom pulls away,

  and blows kisses at me. I wave.

  “You love me, huh?” Sebastian wraps his arms around my waist. I look in his deep blue


  “I think I do.”

  “You think you do?” He leans down to me. Face to face. “I love you.” I whisper. He kisses me passionately.

  “You two get a room!” Colin shouts. We untangle ourselves.

  “Whatever.” I bend over to pick up my cap and purse.

  “Let’s just go.” He says with a smirk.

  “Fine, fine.” I take the keys from my purse.

  “You know where to go, right?” Sebastian asks Colin.

  “Sure do. Keys, please?” I look at the two of them.

  “I thought I could drive?” I am still holding onto the keys.

  “We are going somewhere special. You can drive later.” Colin grabs the keys from my


  “No fair!” I say slumping my shoulders.

  “It will be worth it. Stop pouting and get in the damn car.” Colin says. “I promise it will be worth it.” Sebastian yells while walking away. I slump into the

  passenger seat.

  “You will be pleasantly surprised. I promise.” Colin starts the car. “You want to tell me why you didn’t tell me about Alex?”

  “I seriously forgot. Plus, I thought I had handled him. I was wrong.” “Of course you were wrong. Or you were just stupid. I want to believe that you were not

  that stupid to think that you could handle Alex by yourself.”

  “Don’t call me stupid, Colin. It all just happened so fast. Listen, I think Alex tried to hurt


  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean he thought someone tried to cut his brake lines in his car.”

  “Alex wouldn’t do that. He could have, but that’s pretty petty even for Alexander. He

  would do something far more drastic. Cali thinks he is planning something tonight.” “Like what?”

  “We don’t know, but the house will be charmed. It will be safe for everyone. Don’t

  worry.” I try to smile, but that feeling I had earlier comes back.

  “Listen, don’t worry. Just have a good time. I am here, remember?” “I will try.” I am not sure how I will try, because all I feel is anxious. We drive to a little cafe off the main highway. I have never been here. I see Sebastian’s car but that’s it. Colin p
arks the car. I step out as he rolls the window


  “Have fun! Stop worrying!” Before I can even answer he rolls up the window and has the

  car in reverse. I throw my hands up in the air to wave to come back, but he keeps driving. I walk into the little cafe. Sebastian is sitting at a candle lit table. I blush. He stands

  beside the other chair. He pulls out the chair. I sit down.

  On my plate is a place card that says reserved. He pushes me forward to the table. “I thought that this would be nice to have a dinner, like a real date.” Sebastian slides into

  his chair.

  “This is sweet, but why are we the only people in here?” I look around to see no one. “We have the place to ourselves for a couple of hours. Only the wait staff and chef are


  “How did you do that?” I ask surprisingly.

  “I have my ways.” He grins.

  “I see.” I pick up the menu. Everything looks delicious. From the pasta primavera, to the

  shrimp scampi.

  “I don’t know what to order.” I keep looking at the menu.

  “You can order whatever you want.” He tries to hold my hand across the table. I hold his


  “May I take your order’s, Mr. Andreas?” I look at the waitress. Tall, long black hair, with

  big brown eyes. I smile at her. She smiles back.

  “Are you ready, Selene?” I look over the menu one more time. I tell the waitress what I

  would like, and Sebastian does the same. We start talking about the graduation party. “Since you haven’t told me anything, will you tell me now?”

  “Tell you what?”

  “About the party?” He raises his eyebrow at me.

  “Let’s just say that this time I listened.” He puts his hand in his pocket. I watch him

  carefully. He places a small box on the table. It’s a little red box, no bow.

  “This is for you.” He moves it closer to me.

  “Why?” I hold the little box in my hand.

  “Because it’s graduation, and I think you deserve a gift.”

  “But I didn’t get you anything..” My voice trails off leaving me feeling guilty. “It isn’t about that. You gave me enough today with just three words.” Blushing, I open

  the box. Inside is a diamond encrusted gold anchor. I take it out of the box very carefully. It

  weighs more than any piece of jewelry I have ever owned, let alone touched.

  I hold it up in the air. Its a beautiful, sparkling anchor.

  “Thank you.” I whisper.

  “I hope you like it.” Sebastian asks.

  “I do. It’s beautiful.” I am gawking at the anchor in my hands.

  “Do you want to wear it?”

  “Yes! Of course, yes!” I try to open the clasp. Sebastian comes and stands behind me. He

  lays the necklace around my neck. I feel it fall to my breasts. I hold the golden anchor in my


  “It’s stunning.” I look at Sebastian. I truly adore him. We had the most romantic time at the restaurant. Sebastian really was what I had been

  searching for my whole life.

  I look at the diamond anchor around my neck.

  I hold it slightly out so I can admire it. I lay it back down on my chest as he get’s in the


  “Do you really like it?”

  “Yes. It’s beautiful. Who wouldn’t?” I place my hand on his knee as we drive away from

  the cafe.

  “Good.” He smiles that beautiful smile. We arrive at the mansion in record time. “I thought you may want to change for tonight.” I had forgotten all about the other outfit I

  bought for the party.

  “Yes, I do. Thank you. Thank you for the wonderful dinner, too.” I squeeze his leg lightly

  as I open the door to get out.

  “Hey, Selene.”

  “Yea?” I stop before I shut the door.

  “Do you want me to come back and get you?”

  “Um, no. I will drive over. Thank you. I know you have a lot to do before the party.” I

  shut the door. He rolls the window down.

  “Everything is for you tonight.” He lets a smile spread across his face. I smile back. I get ready as slow as I possibly can.

  I wanted Chloe to come back and get ready with me, but she said she would already be

  running late because they went to some fancy restaurant in Los Angeles. Maybe I should ask

  Cali. I pick up my phone to call her.

  “Hey, do you want to come over here and get ready for tonight with me?” “Selene?”


  “Oh, I thought it was you.”

  “Who else would it be?”

  “No one.” She begins to laugh.

  “So? Yes or no?”

  “I would, but..”


  “I have some other stuff to take care of before the party, but hey I will see you there in a

  little bit, okay?”

  “Sure.” I hang up.

  I toss the phone on the bed and run down the stairs.


  “Yep. Oh, hey. I didn’t even know you were back. How was it? Oh, WHOA! Look at

  that!” He points to my necklace.

  “It was great. Listen, no time for this. I have a bad feeling.”

  “A bad feeling? We don’t get bad feelings. We use our senses.”

  “Listen that just sounds stupid. Like you are referring to us as Spider Man. That is just

  weird.” I am laughing so hard that I snort laugh.

  “Okay, okay. I know this doesn’t make sense to you so lets try something else. Why don’t

  you tell me about this feeling?” I stop laughing, and take this serious.

  “Something is off.”


  “Yea, okay like Chris’ car, and just now I asked Cali to come over to get ready together,

  but she turned me down.”

  “That doesn’t make anything off. That means that Chris had car trouble and Cali is busy.

  Your going to have to give me more than that if you want my attention.”

  “Look, I don’t know how to explain it, but I think something bad is going to happen.” “With you?”

  “No, but I can’t shake the feeling that someone I know is going to get hurt.” “You are fine. Everything will be fine. Sebastian is working hard for you, for tonight.

  Everyone will be there, and it will be fun. You need to relax.” Colin leans back on the couch and

  picks up the book beside him. I walk over to Colin and take the book out of his hand. “Listen! I am serious! If you’re not going to help me, then why the hell are you even

  here?” I throw the book on the coffee table. Colin immediately stands up.

  “First, I am listening. Second, you sound like a whiny baby right now. You aren’t giving

  me enough to work with.”

  “Fine. You do whatever it is that you do, and I will do whatever I need to do!” I clinch my


  “Stop. Just stop.” He takes me by the arm.

  “Look, you are probably right. We can’t seem to figure out what is going on. We all have

  the same feeling you do, but not one of us can figure out what the next move is.” “So, you wanted me to think I was going crazy?”

  “No, but I was hoping you would open up more. Learn to use your abilities.” “I have no idea what your talking about, as usual.”

  “Being a goddess means you make choices, you listen to your feeling, and by all means

  you try to prevent danger.”


  “Just follow your heart. If you believe in something that strong then just listen to that.” “Great..” I turn away from Colin to walk back to my bedroom.

  That feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach when you feel like s
omething bad is going to happen does not seem to be leaving me.

  I decide to get dressed.

  I find my outfit for tonight hanging in my closet. Cut off shorts, a new, oversized, light weight sweater. My brown flip flops.

  I pull my tight white tank top over my head first. I guide the jean shorts up. They are much shorter than I usually buy, but Chloe loved them on me.

  I gather the sweater up at the bottom and push my arms through. It falls nicely over my tank top. I look in the mirror. Casual, yet cute. I like this outfit.

  I take the diamond anchor necklace out of the tank top it’s hiding under and place it on top of the sweater.

  That feeling is still there, but I can’t seem to do anything about it. I keep getting ready. I find my leather bracelets that I just bought. I tie them around the other wrist that doesn’t have my charm bracelet on it.

  I stand back and look in the mirror. Almost ready.

  I find my brush and brush out my blonde hair. I stand there looking at myself one more time before leaving the house.

  I find my phone, bag and keys. I guess I am ready for what is about to come.

  I yell at Colin that I am leaving. I hear him mumble something, but I don’t stop to actually listen to him.

  I jump in my Jeep and drive the short drive to Sebastian’s. There is no other cars here besides Sebastian’s. I haven’t even asked where his dad was, or is.

  I unbuckle my seat belt and step out. I can see Sebastian walking towards me, as I lean over to get my bag.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He says as he runs up behind me. He places his arms around me. I turn into him.

  “Hello, you.” I smile at him.

  “You’re the first one here, like I planned. Come on, you have got to see this!” He is trying to pull me by my hand to follow him. I hurry to shut the door. We run to the front door. He stops.

  “Now, close your eyes.” He tells me.

  “Sebastian, really? I have seen your house, ya know?”

  “Not like this.” He winks at me. I take my hands and cover my eyes.

  “No peeking.”

  I start to giggle. “Okay, okay.” I keep my hands over my eyes. He leads me inside with his hands around my waist.

  “Open!” He shouts. I slowly take my hands away from face.

  In front of me is the most gorgeous flowers I have ever seen. There is the large vase that is usually sitting on the table, but inside is flowers, flowers, and more flowers.

  There is Fire and Ice pink roses, white roses, yellow roses and red roses. It’s truly a work of art in it self.


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