Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy)

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Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy) Page 29

by M. R. Polish

  Now I fully understood why we needed them. There was no way I could do this myself, even if I was the one they gave their powers to. “Wait a minute, how are you supposed to help if you gave me your powers?”

  Moriah smiled at me. “A touch of your magic ignited ours during the awakening, giving them back to us. It’s something we knew would happen.”

  “You knew? How? Why did you even have to do a Death Spell in the first place?”

  Moriah touched the tomb. “There could only be one with all elements, but in order to make that happen we’d have to give up our magic, with only enough left to keep a spark of life inside us while we went under the Death Spell. Without our magic we would be mortal and die, the Death Spell was the only way to ensure our immortality.”

  Tamlynn spoke up, “We were given visions of this part of life before you were born by our Seers. That is when we were given the vision to give you our powers, knowing we’d get them back. It was a choice we made.”

  I nodded. It was still fuzzy, but at least I understood somewhat. All this witch stuff sometimes drove me crazy. “Why is it that you need me, I mean, why or how am I the only one who can stop and kill Nicholas? If you guys are all so powerful, I don’t understand.”

  “In our visions, the way to actually stop the curse of the Crossbreeds was through a special witch. One who had all the elements. Together we have them all, but the spirit said only one. We knew it needed to be you. You are the first half-breed, guardian witch, and with your parents, it was more obvious than not. We are not sure why the spirit said only one, when it will take all of us to do a Reaping. We have just followed through with it.” Moriah always sounded so wise when she spoke, and right now was no different.

  “Okay, so we try tomorrow then?” I asked.

  “I think is best to find a safe place first.”

  “Then I am going to get some sleep. Are we leaving tomorrow? Jarak’s place is probably the safest I can think of.”

  Moriah glanced over each of us. “I think we’ve been here long enough. Leaving soon would be the best thing.”

  I nodded in agreement and walked away, letting them talk amongst themselves. They had lots to talk about being dead for nineteen years.

  I found another blanket in the closet of the room I was using and laid it out on the bed. Although I honestly didn’t want to since I got to use Ian’s chest as a pillow last night, and used his body heat to keep me warm. I smiled at the memory and exhaled loudly.

  The more I thought about it, the more I realized I couldn’t be completely mad at Jarak. While we had something fun for a while, it must have been the excitement. We rushed into a relationship while dealing with vampires and death. Ian, on the other hand, I got to know on a different level. While he still irritated the crap out of me, I could honestly say I was falling for him. It was a lot different from the feelings I had for Jarak. There was a deep, warming ache inside of me when I was around Ian. I wanted his touch, I craved his kiss, but most of all, I needed his love. Jarak will always have a special spot in my heart, but I knew for sure he wasn’t the one for me.

  Besides, I could tell the way he looked when Julie emerged from the tomb that he was still in love with her. I plopped down on the blanket in a huff.

  “Es.” Jarak walked into the room, sitting down next to me on the end of the bed.

  I tried not to look him in the eyes. “Hey.”

  “We need to talk.”

  I nodded. That was for sure. My eyes caught his, and I couldn’t look away.

  “After Julie came out of the tomb, looking just as I remembered her…” his voice trailed.

  I took that moment to stop him. “It’s okay, I know you love her.” A sob stuck in my throat. This was much harder than I just thought it would be.

  “No, that’s not it. When I hugged her, I was so happy to see her alive, but I realized how much I love both of you.” He reached for my hand.

  Oh crap. Now what do I do? I wanted to scream, I wanted to tell him that I loved Ian, but I hated the thought of hurting his heart. Maybe I should wait until the Reaping was over? Maybe by then he would rekindle the spark that Julie obviously still carried? I exhaled, not realizing I held my breath. “There’s so much I want to say, but I’m not sure how. Do you understand?”

  “I do. I know Ian is in the picture now. I saw how he held you close.” His eyes softened. “I’ve always known he would steal your heart. I guess that’s why I didn’t tell you about him. I thought maybe if I kept him away from you that I might have a chance first.”

  “I love you both. But the love I have for you isn’t the same as I have for Ian.”

  “So what we had?”

  “Jarak, we lived in the spur of the moment. We faced death together and our adrenaline was high, making us need each other. I don’t want to hold you back from love, especially if it’s not with me.”

  “I get it. You’re choosing him.” He stood up and walked off.

  “Jarak,” I called out, but he never turned around. Crap. Well at least he knows how I felt, but it didn’t make me feel any better about it.

  I curled up on the bed, letting the tears fall until my eyes became too heavy to hold open any longer.

  The smell of fresh pine trees invaded my nose. Everything looked the same but darker. I started walking. I was back in Idaho. How did I get here?

  My foot snagged on something, and I tripped. Glancing down at what I stumbled on, I gasped. A Crossbreed’s head stared emptily at me. I scrambled to get back up, but not fast enough before I saw another body. The stench of rotting flesh replaced the fresh scent of pine.

  Running away, I searched for anyone to help. My heart raced.

  “I told you to join me.” Nicholas’s voice boomed like thunder, echoing around me.

  “Luna! Help!” I cried out. Where was she?

  A wolf howled in the distance. Please let that be her. I couldn’t feel her, and it scared me. I kept running, but I couldn’t find the cabin.

  Stopping, I scanned the forest; it slowly grew and got thick like in Tennessee. “Jarak! Ian! Can anyone hear me?”

  “I can hear you, Esmerelda.”

  I spun around. Nicholas stood there in his black trench coat, his hands folded together in front of him.

  “What’s going on?”

  He glared at me with his teeth clenched, and his whole body shook from anger. “You opened the tomb. You inconceivable wicked witch! You’ve ruined everything. The shift in the elements closed the portal I had to use other magical beings to create my spell. Now I need you. When I get a hold of you, you will spend eternity in the dark pits of the earth, and I will draw your blood through the painful bites of my breeds if you refuse to use your magic to complete my spell.”

  Anger and fear mixed in my stomach. “You will never have me.”

  “You’ll have to watch every moment of every day, worrying if I am there, watching you. You’ll wear yourself out and make yourself sick with anxiety until you’re so weak that you can no longer think straight. I will be watching… waiting… Even in your sleep I will be there. Sweet dreams, Esmeralda.”

  “Princess… Wake up…” Ian’s voice surrounded me and Nicholas disappeared.

  “Esmerelda, wake up.” Ian shook me.

  Gasping awake, I grasped his shoulders pulling him close. Tears streamed from my eyes and racking sobs shook my body as I gasped, searching for air.

  He held me tight and ran his free hand down my hair and back. “Shh… Whatever it is, it’ll be okay. It was just a dream. I’m right here, nothings gonna happen.”

  I shook my head. “No, everything has changed. He won’t rest till he has me.”

  He continued to hold me, resting his head on mine. “Then we won’t rest till we have him.”



  D ropping my bags on the hard wood floor, I was grateful to be back at Jarak’s cabin. Ian brushed against me, his hand slowly grazing the bottom of my back. “I guess it’s home for right

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  Julie glared at me as she passed. “So where do we sleep?”

  “You and I can take the room down here. Ailaina and Es have the loft already. We can use the couches, and a cot I have stored away,” Jarak said as he set his and Julie’s bags down on a couch.

  I folded my arms. “What about the rest of us? We still need spaces for four more people.”

  My mom and dad came in without their bags. “Don’t worry about us. We booked a room at the small hotel in town. We’re still close enough, but have our own space that way, too. Moriah, Valis, Tamlynn, and Gabriella have a room too. Victor went back to check on his sister and won’t be back for a while. So it looks like just you kids up here.”

  “I’m not leaving Es. So, whatever the arrangement, whether I’m on the floor, couch, or bed, I’m staying with her.” Ian looked at everyone, daring them to try and change his plans.

  “Great. Sounds perfect,” Julie groaned.

  “Julie, enough. There’s nothing between me and her.” Jarak rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

  I exhaled loudly. “Maybe you guys should find that room.”

  Julie’s eyebrow rose. “Maybe we should.”

  “Come on, Es. Let’s go unpack. There’s a lot to do to prepare,” Ailaina said as she pulled on my arm.

  She was right. I had a lot to do.

  “Sweetie, go up with Ailaina. We’ll try the spell tonight so you’ll need to be well rested.”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  Ian grabbed my arm, stopping me. Leaning down, he kissed me.

  Giggling behind us broke the spell and I realized everyone was watching us. Valis had a wide grin. “It’s so cute seeing you all grown up. I remember when you were just a boy, Ian. I’m glad you guys are finally together.”

  Ian smiled. “Yeah, me too.”

  Ailaina and I took our time unpacking. The commotion downstairs did nothing to lift my spirits. Laughter rang all the way up to the loft. I wanted to be as excited as they were, but something felt off. The ominous feeling I had before we opened the tomb, when Ian and I first started up the mountain returned, leaving me to wonder what was wrong.

  “You okay?”

  I glanced up at Ailaina. “Yeah, I guess. I’m just worried about the Reaping Spell.”

  “Can I talk to you about that? I had a vision this morning, but it was so hectic while traveling that I thought it would be better to wait until we were alone.”

  “What do you mean? What did you see?”

  She hung her head. “I didn’t see it working. There was a problem with one of the elements and I think it has to do with Julie. I know this sounds crazy, but I think she’s working against you. I think she’s going to hold back the fire element just enough to make it not work.”

  “That doesn’t sound crazy. As soon as I started up the mountain, closer to the tomb, I could feel something wrong. I think you’re right, but I don’t think we should tell anyone. They wouldn’t believe us.”

  “Okay. I’m just glad you believe me.”

  I took her hands. “Ailaina, you are my best friend, and my Seer. How could I not trust you?”

  We gathered the rest of our things from our bags and put them away. I wasn’t too happy about starting a spell that wouldn’t work, but I had no choice. I needed to at least try.

  The last rays of the sun streaked through the massive window, casting a bronzed glow on my skin. The night was fast approaching and the end to what I hoped was the curse. All seers’ visions could be altered if someone stepped in to alter it. Maybe I could change Ailaina’s?

  My mom was already setting out candles. A white chalk outlined the circle. She stopped what she was doing to flash me a smile. “This is it. You can do it.”

  I gave her the best smile I could force. “Are we almost ready?”

  “Yes. Julie and Jarak will be back in a moment. They went outside to talk.”

  Nodding, I stepped over the white line into the circle. I looked around to make sure no one was close by. “Can I ask you something? It’s hard to tell you since I know you’ve known everyone for so long, but I think it’s important.”

  Reaching out, she touched my arm. “Oh, sweetheart, you can talk to me about anything.”

  “Are you sure we can trust Julie?”

  Her smile softened. “Esmerelda, I know that seems difficult and at times near impossible, but I believe her heart is in the right spot. Why do you ask?”

  “No reason.”

  Ian came in from the kitchen. He clapped his hands together. “So, are we ready to do this?”

  Raising my eyebrow, I gave him the best stare-down I could. “We?”

  “Support, Princess, support.” He flashed me a smile.

  Jarak and Julie came inside, and everyone else gathered around the circle. I gave Ailaina a long gaze and her worried look did nothing for my anxiety. She said the spell wouldn’t work, but not what the after effects would be.

  Releasing a long breath, I nodded. “Alright, I’m ready.” I followed the invisible cord that led me to Ian. I needed his comfort and instantly I was flooded with a warmth like I’ve never felt before. I looked intently into his eyes, trying to see into his soul.

  Luna nuzzled my hand, bringing me out of the trance. “We are one, use my strength as well. Do not forget that I am here and a part of you.”

  Squatting down, I rubbed her head. “I know, I won’t forget.”

  “I am here as well,” Dregan said as he sat dutifully next to Ian.

  “Thank you.”

  The house became quiet as everyone settled into their places. Each of the five witches stood next to their respective candle, encircling me, leaving me alone inside the circle.

  I can do this, I chanted to myself.

  Moriah started chanting first, then each of the women joined in, creating a rhythmic yet haunting spell that sent a chill straight to my soul.

  “Applica ad spiritus corporum, et terra relinquunt caro semper mali. Maledictionem natus maledictum morietur. Fiat, fiat.” Bring the bodies back to the spirit, let the flesh of those of evil leave the earth forever. A curse was born, a curse shall die. Let it be, let it be.

  The third round they grew louder. A deep moan echoed throughout the house. It was time for me to join.

  “Applica ad spiritus corporum,” I began.

  A white line of energy shot out from Moriah and into me. I gasped as the sudden cold power gripped my spine.

  “Et terra relinquunt caro simper mali.” Each word was painful as Moriah’s energy poured into me. A green streak spilled out from Valis, attaching itself to me the same way Moriah’s did. The room went out of focus as I fought to keep my concentration on the spell.

  I closed my eyes as the next two streams of magic came from Gabriella and Tamlynn. I didn’t want to breathe, but I knew there was still one more energy to come. Opening my eyes, I stared at Julie. She grinned right before a shot of red flared out from her to me, making me cry out. It burned down into the very essence of my soul.

  My rhythm of my heart was so high that I could no longer hear their chanting. It was replaced by the horrible hollow sound of my own heartbeat in my ears.

  I snatched the ropes of energy and gripped them tightly in my hands. They intertwined and attached themselves to my wrists, curling up my arm. Rolling my hands in circles, the circle became a mixture of white, blue, black, red, and green. A swirl of magic funneled up around me, blocking everyone from my sight. It was just me and the Reaping Spell.

  The pain subsided enough that I could focus on the words and began chanting, louder and louder. Applica ad spiritus corporum, et terra relinquunt caro semper mali. Maledictionem natus maledictum morietur. Fiat, fiat.

  A flame rushed past my face, making me flinch. My steady chant was interrupted by another flare that blazed from the red energy wrapped around my arm. The heat consumed the circle as a fire filled the space.

  Each flame licked my skin, making me drop the
spell to find an escape. Black smoke took away whatever oxygen there was and not even Tamlynn’s energy could fill me with enough to breath at that moment. This was it, it was the end and Ailaina was right. The Reaping Spell wasn’t going to work.

  “Esmerelda!” Luna howled. I wanted to let her know I was okay, but I couldn’t. The smoked suffocated me.


  Something was wrong. Pain exploded in my chest as I reached for another bottle of blood. I dropped the potion for a new Crossbreed and fell to the ground. I reached out for help, but no one was there.

  No air. I couldn’t breathe. Another stab of pain ripped through my chest. My body jerked as I felt something pull from me. “No!” I knew as soon as it was gone what she took. My curse was weakening and the hold I had on it was gone. Esmerelda was performing the Reaping Spell.

  I dug into my reserve and pushed back with all I could. Fire danced in my hands as I countered her spell. I wasn’t going down without a fight.

  Seconds passed on like hours as I struggled to keep consciousness. Then, like a switch, it was over. My hands were burned and my body was too weak to even move, but at least I survived.


  I opened my eyes to see everyone scurrying everywhere at once. Ian was bent over me, shaking my shoulders. But, I still couldn’t hear what he said. The ringing in my ears was too loud.

  What happened? The last thing I remembered was a fire in the circle. I wasn’t strong enough to contain it.

  I tried to sit up, but my mom was there with a glass of water, forcing me to drink it. I moved my head letting the water spill down my face and onto the floor. “Stop, please,” I choked.

  “Give her some space, let her breathe.” Ian placed a hand on my back, helping me to sit.

  Ailaina was across the room sitting with her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth, her head buried in her arms.


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