Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy)

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Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy) Page 43

by M. R. Polish

  Never before did I think I’d have to even contemplate making a deal with the devil, but here I was, playing pool with him and discussing deals. I let out an exasperated breath as I watched him sink another ball. “What do I have to do?”

  He glanced up, never taking his eyes off me, and shot a ball without looking at the table, sinking yet another one. “Are you wanting to make a deal?”

  I swallowed, trying to find the right words. I didn’t need him to misconstrue what I said. “I am only willing to listen to what you have in mind.”

  He stood up straight. “Okay, why don’t you take a shot while I talk?”

  I stared at the table, looking at all the striped balls. None of them looked like they could find their way to a pocket.

  “Esmerelda, the reason Nicholas wants you dead is because you have more power than he does. Even with his pretend crossbreed army, which by the way I think is a load of crap, he will never have what you have… Unless you’re dead. He asked me to kill you and hand over your powers to him. Because let’s face it, he’s power hungry but not very smart. I mean, how many times has he tried to kill you, yet he failed each time. He drags things out and likes to pretend that he’s so evil, but really he’s just a worthless warlock. I have a hundred of him in my world. All of them think they are better than the others, they all think they can do better, they all think I will choose them for the next task.” He sighed and stared off into the flames still licking the fireplace walls.

  I pretended not to notice his unusual quietness and proceeded to shoot a ball. A striped ball moved, but it missed the pocket by about an inch. At least it wasn’t his this time. I was improving.

  “What I don’t have is someone like you. If I am the one who takes your life I can bring it to my world, but it wouldn’t be the same as if you came willingly. There’s no telling how much of your power we would lose between there and here.”

  My breathing hitched and I kept my head down. I couldn’t look at him. I was afraid of what he said.

  “I have a better deal. What if I kill Nicholas, keeping your family and your world safe, and in return I won’t kill you, but you come live with me. Together, we can have everything. Your powers with mine would be amazing together.”

  I jerked my head up to see him staring at me. The red in his eyes danced in rhythm to the flames. “Davin, I can’t.” My mouth was open, but no other words came out.

  “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you sleep on it. I’ll keep my offer open. If you change your mind just call for me.”

  “I want to wake up now,” I said as my eyes began to blur with tears. I was angry—angrier than I had ever been before. Either I was to die and end up his slave, or I choose to end everything with Nicholas and leave Ian forever. My heart broke thinking that either way I was screwed.

  He nodded sadly. “Okay. I’ll see you soon.” He placed his fingertips together and the room became black.

  I sat up in bed gasping for air. Ian was instantly awake and sitting up next to me. Tears streamed down my face. Davin’s body faded into the night, disappearing from my world.

  “Shhh…it’s okay, whatever it is, it’s okay,” Ian tried to comfort me, but he didn’t know what was wrong. He pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me.

  My face rested against his chest as I cried. “Ian, I don’t know what to do.”

  “It’s okay. Tell me about it. We can figure it out together.”



  O kay, so telling Ian probably wasn’t my best decision. All he did now was pace the hotel room. Ailaina knew something was amiss and was in our room within minutes of me telling Ian about Davin.

  “I’m gonna kill him. I’m gonna kill him,” Ian kept repeating as he wore out the already thin carpet. “If he’s dead, then the Death Keeper won’t have to keep his deal.”

  “I don’t know.” I hung my head as I pet Luna’s head. She and Dregan came about the same time as Ailaina. Her muzzle rested on my lap as she tried her best to comfort me.

  “I hate that I can’t help you in your dreams,” she said as she let out another whimper.

  “I know,” I whispered.

  “How long do we have before he, um, before he either kills you or makes you choose?” Ailaina sat across from me on the other bed.

  Ian threw his hands in the air. “Really? You’re her Seer, can’t you see? Really, what help are you if you can’t even do your job?”

  “Ian,” I chastised. “Ailaina, don’t listen to him, he’s just frustrated.”

  “It’s not my fault she can’t hear the truth. Seriously, Es, she needs to do her job. I know you haven’t been around many Seers, but they’re supposed to help.”

  “Ian, that’s enough. She’s my best friend and you have no right to talk to her that way. She was basically thrown into this just as much as I was.”

  Ailaina stood up. “He’s right. I haven’t been doing my job. Ever since I was taken, I’ve been too scared to let myself see anything.”

  I felt an unfamiliar heightened sense of protectiveness, but over whom I wasn’t sure. Luna and Ian’s emotions were mixing together. It filled my body like a warm liquid poured through my veins. I looked away, staring at the floor, then the ceiling, waiting for the awkward feeling to subside.

  “You okay?” Ian asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah, just a little hot in here.”

  Ian huffed before walking over to the air conditioner and turned it on high. I continued to look up at the ceiling, waiting for the cool air to help. Maybe it was the confrontation that overwhelmed me and made me sick? I didn’t know what else to say that could help. No matter what I said to either of them I was going to be wrong.

  “You’re not wrong, they are just worried,” Dregan said from across the room as he sat and watched Ian pace. “We all are. I think we need to do what Ian says. Nicholas needs to die, and then there won’t be a deal for Davin to keep.”

  Ian returned to pacing. I knew he heard Dregan, the same as I had. Luna pushed her head against me while in my lap. “It’s the bond. Don’t worry, soon you’ll be used to feeling more than just me.”

  I looked down at her and Ian stopped walking. “What do you mean, the bond?”

  She sat up a little. “Well, if I must explain how you two sealed a guardian companionship, then you shouldn’t have done it in the first place.”

  My mouth fell open and Ian ran his hands through his already disheveled hair, letting it fall back over his forehead.

  Blushing, I glanced at Ian. “I forgot that part. I guess with everything happening, I just didn’t think.”

  Ailaina looked at both of us. “Would either of you care to explain? I can’t hear the wolves, remember?”

  The heat in my cheeks burned hotter. “We, uh, Ian and I, uh, you know…” I shrugged.

  Ailaina waved her hands in a crisscross in front of her. “You know, any other time I would love to talk to you about that, but I just can’t with him in the room.”

  I laughed. “Good, cause I don’t want to either.” I knew that later she’d make me dive into details, but right now wasn’t the time with him only three feet away from us. There were some things girlfriends just didn’t do in the same room as their boyfriends. “Anyway, it means that we’re bonded, and that means not only can I hear Dregan, but I can feel him as well now. And I can feel Ian’s feelings. I just feel warm and queasy, overrun with emotions. It’s just a mess and it’s making me sick.”

  Ian dropped his hands to his sides. “I didn’t think either. I’m sorry, Es. I hope you don’t regret it. I mean, you know, about…” He tipped his head.

  I held my hand up. No need to add to my embarrassment. “Stop. Ian, I could never regret anything with you.”

  Oh my gosh.

  It all made sense now. Earlier, before I fell asleep, I was overwhelmed with so many emotions that must have been me bonding with Ian. My heart leapt in happiness, like I just confirmed finding my soul mate.

  Ian g
lanced at me with his eyes glossed over. “I felt it, right after…you know.”

  Ailaina stood up. “Okay, well, I think I need to leave you two alone cause this is getting a little too sappy for me, and I have no one to suck face with when I leave this room, so I don’t wanna hear it.” She gave me a secret grin and wink with her back to Ian and mouthed ‘later’ to me.

  I had to stifle a giggle as she turned to leave. All I heard was the click of the door to know that she was gone.

  I looked up at Ian, who stopped pacing. “What do you think?”

  He walked over to me and dropped to his knees, nestling himself between my legs. “I think I am one lucky man to be with someone like you for eternity.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “You don’t regret it? I mean, I might die soon.”

  “No, I don’t regret it, and you won’t die. I never bonded with anyone before cause I never wanted to fall in love with anyone but you. You’ve had my heart for so long.”

  I could feel him shake slightly, but more importantly, I could feel everything he wanted to say but couldn’t. “I know. Ian, I love you.”

  He tipped his head up and gazed into my eyes. “I love you too. Es, I can’t lose you. Nicholas will die before your time is up, I promise.”

  I leaned my head so I rested against Ian’s forehead. “What scares me the most right now, is that the Death Keeper wouldn’t even tell me how I would die. He said he hadn’t thought of how, but I think he just didn’t want to tell me.”

  Ian took a deep breath. “Don’t worry about it, because it’s not gonna happen. Did you forget who you’re dating? I’m like the king vampire hunter here.”

  I stifled a small laugh. Our small moment of affirmation of love was over, but I still felt it radiate from him, enveloping me—all of me. “Well, Master King Vampire Hunter, what is your plan?”

  “My plan is to get you dressed and ready, we’re going hunting.”

  I sat up straight and cocked my head. “Hunting? In Spain? Is that even legal?”

  “Yup, now conjure up some black sexy clothes to wear.”

  I laughed. “Black sexy clothes, huh.”

  He slapped my thigh playfully as he stood. “Yes, we’re talking skintight leathers, baby.”

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”

  “A guy can dream right?”

  Ugh, men.

  I got dressed in my new sexy black clothes—minus the leather—and looked at myself in the mirror. It was so hard to believe I was nineteen and worried that I would die before I turned twenty. I ran my fingers through my long red tresses and magicked a little makeup. I wasn’t sure who we would be hunting, but if it stopped my death sentence, then I was all for it.

  “Hey, Princess, you almost done in there? We’re not going to the opera, you know.”

  I groaned at Ian’s impatient attitude. “Seriously, dude, I’m coming.”

  “Alright, just saying you don’t have to primp.”

  I opened the door hard, letting it hit the wall. It was hard to be mad at him while my heart raced to keep up with my hormones. He was clad all in black as usual, but the way he looked at me in his jeans and T-shirt, leaning against the dresser with his arms folded, made my mouth water. His eyes roamed over my matching attire, lingering longer at my curves.

  “Do I look okay?” I asked. Maybe he was hesitant because I wasn’t pulling the bad girl look off as well as he hoped.

  “Damn, girl, this is why you’re mine.”

  I laughed. “Okay, but seriously, I feel strange wearing all black, like I’m supposed to blend in with the shadows or something.”

  “Exactly. You don’t want to be seen while hunting. It could mean the difference between the death of another and killing yourself. And we both are trying to avoid the latter.”

  A knock on our door averted my attention. I turned and opened it, letting Ailaina in. She smiled widely as she sat on a bed. “I’ve got it. I totally saw everything. Wait, why are you all matchy-matchy? You two really need to take some time apart.”

  Ian and I both laughed. “She’s wearing black cause we’re going hunting.”

  Ailaina scrunched her brows. “Okayyyy. Why does she need black? Is it like camo or something?”

  “Yeah, sort of. Ian thinks I can blend into the shadows this way.”

  “Alright, well, you two have fun with that. Jeesh, whatever happened to dinner and movie for a date? Hunting vampires is so, um, you know, it’s never been in the top ten on my list of fun things to do on a date.”

  Ian wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “That’s because you’ve never dated anyone like me.”

  “Thank God,” she said dramatically.

  I figured I better break them up before it became an all-out pissing match. “So, what did you see?”

  She stuck her tongue out at Ian, and I shot him a look that told him to zip it. “Well, I saw this Davin guy, you didn’t tell me he was freaking hot by the way, and he was in a room with a huge fireplace. I’m not sure where he was at, I didn’t recognize it. But anyway, he was alone and thinking about you. Not a creepy kind of stalkerish way, just thinking. He seemed really lonely though. But then, he saw me. It was strange, but so neat to have someone see in my head, in the same vision I saw. We talked and talked.”

  “Okay, Ailaina, I get it. What was he thinking?” Ian interrupted.

  “I was getting there, jeesh. He doesn’t want to kill you, but he has to as long as Nicholas is alive. And, killing him is what Ian suggested we do, but even if Nicholas dies, Davin still wants you, Es, but not for the reasons you think. But, I know how to fix it, it’s just that I can’t tell you right now. You’re just gonna have to trust me, and when the time is right, you’ll know.”

  “Trust you?” It’s not that I didn’t trust her; I just wanted all the answers right now.

  “Yes. Trust me. Please.”

  “Hey, I think as long as we can kill Nicholas, we can do anything. I trust you.” Ian grabbed his leather jacket and pulled it on. “You didn’t tell us a timeframe. How long do we have before he has to kill her?”

  “Not long. Maybe two weeks, maybe a little more.”

  I gasped. I expected a lot longer. I couldn’t die in two weeks; I had so much to live for.

  “Hey, Princess, it’s okay, remember. You’re with the Hunting King.” He gave me a wink.

  Ailaina groaned out loud.

  I was tired and my days were numbered. I would see how tonight went and then make a decision. If we couldn’t find Nicholas, then maybe my best bet would be to make a deal with Davin.

  I snatched up my jacket from the end of the bed as I stood. “Okay, I’m ready.” I spun around to Ailaina. “Are you coming with us?”

  She gave me a coy smile. “No, I kinda wanted to see if I could see anything else, you know, with Davin. I told him I’d be back to talk more.”

  “Mmmhum, you just be careful, you realize you’re playing with fire, right?”

  She giggled. “I know, hot fire.”

  It was useless to argue with her. “Fine, I’ll be back in the morning.”

  She waved me off. “You don’t have to report to me. Adonia and Torres might be a bit miffed you didn’t include them though.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t think of that.”

  “Luna, can you tell Hela that we’re gonna be out all night hunting? I don’t want them to follow, although they can help by looking for Nicholas on the other side of the city if they want.” I asked her in my mind.

  “Of course, but, I guess I should tell you that they are already out looking. They left right after hearing about Davin.”

  I sighed. “Okay, whatever. We’ll meet you and Dregan in the park in fifteen minutes.”

  “We’re already here.”

  Of course they were. Luna was always watching.

  We made it to the park in record time. Actually, I was sure it was because Ian drove like he owned the road, which was normal, but with the whole death thing hovering over me, I wa
nted to take extra precautions.

  It was the Parque Del Retiro, or Royal Park. This was the place on the map that shimmered the other day. I knew we’d find an answer to something here.

  One day, I’d like to come back just to walk through it. It was huge. Tall trees covered most of the three-hundred-and-twenty acres, along with all kinds of flowers and shrubs. Soft music from some sort of string instrument sounded from somewhere in the park, its beautiful notes carried on the breeze. I looked around in awe. It was much prettier, even at night, than the brochure in the hotel room said. I knew that somewhere in the middle of the park was a man-made lake, and buildings and statues were scattered around the entire park. I’d studied the brochure like I studied for a test in the hotel room.

  I sighed. Maybe one day I could go somewhere just to enjoy it, but tonight wasn’t that night.

  I saw Luna’s eyes before I actually saw her body. She looked like she had on the plane, her wispy form hiding in the bushes. When I got closer she took her full wolf form and rubbed against my leg.

  Dregan came out in his full black glory, looking more like a shadow than a living wolf. He stood between Ian and me. Squatting down to pet them both, I hugged Luna and buried my face in her soft fur. She smelled of pine and I instantly wished I was wherever she just came from, anywhere but here.

  Ian placed a hand on my shoulder. “Come on, it’s getting late and we have a lot of ground to cover.”

  “He’s right. I’m more than ready to end this.” Luna whimpered. She had a lot at stake too. If I died, she would too.

  I swallowed hard to keep my emotions from rising too far to the surface. I nodded and stood up. “Do you think we can find him tonight? I mean, we’ve had months to find him and kill him. What makes you think we can do it tonight?”

  Ian took my hand. “Because we only have two weeks before the Death Keeper takes you and that makes me work a little harder. Besides, Nicholas knows you know about his deal, since he was the one who took you to Davin in the first place. I think he finally wants to be found. He thinks bringing you out will make it easier for the Death Keeper to kill you. He wants your power, and doesn’t want to wait anymore. He thinks he has the upper hand.”


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