Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy)

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Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy) Page 49

by M. R. Polish

  I swallowed wrong and coughed, spitting water all over. Ailaina took my glass and pat me on my back. “My point exactly.”

  I glared at her from the corner of my eyes. “That wasn’t a point, that was me choking and nearly dying on an ice cube.”

  “Always so dramatic.” Ailaina handed me my glass back.

  “Well, I think we should head back and see if you can work your new magic on others.” Davin snapped his fingers; our glasses disappeared then everything became black. Within seconds we were all in my hotel room.

  The room spun for a moment and I grabbed my head, trying to help stop the spinning. “You really should warn people before you do that,” I groaned.

  “Maybe that ice cube did more harm than we thought. I did warn you. I distinctively remember saying we needed to head back.” Davin tapped a finger to his chin.

  I would never win an argument against him. “Okay, fine, whatever you say, Your Deathliness.”

  Davin laughed. “Hey I like that. Your Deathliness. Oh yeah, I can make that work.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  Ian clapped then rubbed his hands together. “Okay, so what do we do next?”

  “We,” Davin started, “don’t do anything. This one is all her. She has to do it without my help.”

  My gut twisted. I wasn’t ready to experiment on others yet. I really wasn’t ready for another headache. The tension was just beginning to leave from the last one.

  Ian took my hand. “It’ll be okay.”

  I huffed out a breath. “Yeah.”

  Ian called my dad and had them meet us in our room. My mom gave me a long hug. “I’m so sorry about the other day.”

  I leaned back, breaking the hug. “It’s fine. I was just stressed out and didn’t know how to process anything.”

  “When Davin called your father I was so distraught. So many things ran through my mind. I was glad you were safe, but I just couldn’t help but feel responsible for you leaving.”

  “Mom, it’s okay, I promise. Besides, I needed to learn some things that I don’t think you could’ve helped me with.” I wasn’t ready to tell her—or anyone—about the fact that I was learning dark magic. I was still afraid of using what little I learned. What if Davin was wrong and I turned into something dark and creepy, like Raya? I didn’t want to hurt anyone, especially those I loved.

  “Well, I’ve heard from a certain employee that the new breeds are definitely stronger and are infecting multiple humans a day. If you don’t hurry, and not that I’m against it, but I’ll have a lot more souls I can pull over to my side to work for me.” Davin winked at me and I wanted to gag. He didn’t care that humanity was at stake, or that our lives hung in the unbalance of it all. He probably wanted me to lose this war just so he could gain his employees.

  He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, so quietly that I barely heard. “If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be helping you.”

  Ugh. I hung my head. I forgot to shut that stupid wall in my head after training with him. I hated that he could hear my thoughts.

  He stood up straight. “So, I guess you should try and do your thing.”

  I glanced around the room at everyone. Moriah held her hand up. “Shouldn’t we wait for Valis and Tamlynn? They should be here anytime.”

  Davin shook his head. “She’s only training and exercising her mind. She needs to have a clear feeling for what she needs to do before trying the spell or she’ll end up like Risha.”

  Gabriella gasped and held her hand to her mouth. “No.”

  I guess that must have been the first witch who tried. Not sure why I hadn’t heard it before. I swallowed hard. “I won’t die. I’m gonna do this.” I hoped I sounded more convincing than I felt.

  We worked into the night. Each time I held onto their powers with mine longer. My eyes drooped. I wasn’t sure if I could stay awake much longer. When I was with Davin in his world, I didn’t feel sleepy, but now, after days of no sleep, I wanted to pass out. It had been weeks since I slept regularly and it was taking its toll on me.



  “I think you’ve got it,” Davin said as I released the other powers.

  I smiled. I think he was right. I felt comfortable and at ease taking powers from someone to use them with mine. It sounded sadistic, or at least it did to me, but I knew why I had to do it.

  Valis giggled. “It’s so strange when you’re using my powers. My whole body tingles. We used to think that the spirit wanted you to do the spell because you were the first half breed, but now I see that it’s also because none of us could hang on to more than just our power. If I tried to handle the fire element, I’d probably end up burned. Ambria, the witch who succeeded six hundred years ago, had to be able to control all five elements.”

  “She did,” Davin spoke up. “She had all five elements, not given as a gift like Esmerelda, nor was she born with it.” He looked straight at me. “She was bestowed the five elements after a deal was made. She needed to do the Reaping Spell, but realized the same thing, that she’d need to possess all five in order to use all five.” He looked away, searching each of our faces. “But, it was still hard on her. She almost died using that much power… And she had many other witches she could draw off of. Esmerelda, this is no joke, you must be wary of how you feel. If at any time you reach that breaking point, you must stop. If you don’t, you will risk your death, or draining those you are pulling from.”

  Tamlynn looked at Moriah with wide eyes. “What happens if our powers are drained completely? I mean, since Julie isn’t here, she’s gonna need to draw extra to accomplish the reaping, and Davin just said she could drain us.”

  “In order for her to collect all the tainted souls and end the curse, she will need extra fire magic. We can’t offer that to her since that was Julie’s element. If she drains us, we could die.”

  Great, so now I held their lives in my hands. I wasn’t sure I could handle any more grief or guilt over a death. “I’ll just have to dig deep inside me and use what I have.”

  “Alright. I think my job is done.” Davin rubbed his hands together and looked at Ailaina. “Are you ready?”

  Ailaina gave me a hug. “I’ll be watching and making sure I don’t see any problems for you. If I do, I’ll send Davin to tell you. I love you, girly.”

  I hugged her back tightly. “I love you, too.”

  Davin held his hand out for her and she took it. She smiled one last time at me before they disappeared. I felt so worried now that they were gone. I knew he thought I was ready, but what if I wasn’t?

  Ian grabbed my hand and squeezed. “You can do it. I have faith in you.”

  I nodded and released a long breath. I could do it, I could do it, I really hoped I could do it—without dying.

  “So do you want to wait a bit, or should we head on down to the park? It’s already dark out, so we won’t have to conceal as much from mortals.”

  Moriah had a good point. I nodded. “Yeah, we should do it now. No sense waiting until tomorrow.”

  “Good. You can do it. I’m sure of it,” Tamlynn said as we walked out the door.

  I was glad they were all sure of me, because I was so anxious my insides felt like fire ants were trying to bite their way out.

  We walked for what seemed like forever until we reached the lake. I shivered remembering what happened last time we were there, but that was before I killed Nicholas and before Jarak… No, I couldn’t go there, not right now. Now the breeds were stronger, harder to kill—or so Davin and everyone kept telling me.

  I looked around us. All traces of what happened that night were gone. I guess we’d done a good job of cleaning up after all. My mom and Moriah went around and started a concealing spell to keep anyone from seeing or hearing us. Gabriella and Tamlynn worked on gathering sticks for a fire. They said it would be easier for me to have fire close by since Julie was gone and I would be pulling that much harder from that part of

  Luna, Dregan, and Hela sat dutifully off to the side. It comforted me to see her. “Don’t worry, Es, we’ll be right here the whole time. Feed energy off of us if you need to.” I didn’t have to tell her what I thought. She knew I was nervous.

  My stomach twisted and pulled me toward Ian. He was really worried about me but put on such a brave face. I gave him my best smile, but knew he probably felt my unease as much as I felt his.

  Valis came over to me, touching my arm. “We’re ready.”

  We walked to the fire together. Ian took my hand. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He pulled me close, his lips crushed my own, demanding my attention. I didn’t want him to let go. What if this was our last moment together? I didn’t want to stop kissing him.

  “Hey, Ian, that’s my daughter you’re groping in front of me,” my dad called out, breaking our moment.

  Ian let his forehead rest on mine and I breathed in his minty breath. “I will be with you always. If you go, then I go. If you leave this world, I’ll find you in the next. But do me a favor and don’t make me look, just stay here.”

  I forced the tears to stay back. “What are you worried about, you’ll have a personal tour guide. Besides, I’m not in the mood to die. I’ve practiced. I know I can do it.”

  “Okay, but if you feel like you can’t, don’t push it. You know what happened to Risha when she tried it.”

  “Yes, but I also know that Ambria succeeded after learning to control other powers.”

  My dad cleared his throat.

  “Okay, okay, jeesh. It was just a moment; you and Mom have them all the time.” I gave Ian one last quick kiss before pulling away.

  I shook my hands out. “Let’s do it.”

  My mom, Moriah, Gabriella, Valis, and Tamlynn stood in a circle around me and held hands. The wind picked up around us, bristling the leaves of the trees. I could hear the water beside us splash with gentle waves onto the cement. The night sky got darker with storm clouds and the earth trembled under my feet. I looked at the fire and a shiver coursed through me despite its warmth. I took a deep breath then let myself feel for the flames, watching them grow higher.

  Closing my eyes, I felt out for their powers. Each one I connected with felt like I pulled it from their soul, making me sick. What if I killed them? No, I had to concentrate. Now was not the time to worry, I needed to keep my head clear.

  I let each power weave into mine. The familiar tingling in my palms intensified, almost burning me. I cringed and released the built-up magic. Green, blue, and red streaks of light shot into the sky from my hands. Instantly, the flames of the fire swirled up with the wind into a fiery funnel, reaching the sky where lightning spilt the clouds. Rain pelted the trembling earth. Deep rumbling sounded from both the sky and the ground.

  I connected with all the powers and it felt good. I felt stronger than usual.

  “Wicked souls of those cursed, let the pain you have caused fall upon yourself. We free you from your dark despair, and break this curse forever bound. Quench the souls of the cursed with the flames of fire, and douse them with the healing waters of our powers. Let the wind carry the darkness away, and the earth swallow your iniquities. Oh spirit hear our cry, return that of which has been taken. Let it be!”

  A strong surge pulsated through me. I screamed as I fought against the pain. I didn’t let go of any of their powers and struggled to look at them to make sure they were okay. They all watched me with wide eyes, but remained motionless. As long as I didn’t kill them I could do it. I had to finish it.

  I started to repeat the spell, but the intense sharp pain in my chest brought me to my knees. Something was wrong, but I couldn’t stop it. The powers wouldn’t leave me. Ian ran toward me but was thrown back as soon as he reached our small circle.

  “Es!” he cried out and tried again.

  My magic created a wall around us that I couldn’t take down. Power flowed from me and I fought to hold on, but I was losing my grip. Mentally, the connection was too hot for me to handle.

  Davin appeared inside the circle with me, grabbing my hands and helping me up. “Es, look at me. You have to concentrate.”

  He held my hands tightly. I felt his familiar power race through my head, cooling the horrible heat my mind produced. “It’s the fire element,” I heard him say, but I was trying to understand why he was there. “Hang on to the powers, Es, don’t let go. I’m giving you mine, too. Feed off of it. Finish it!”

  I repeated the spell, and this time Davin joined in. I felt lighter, not so weighed down anymore. I gripped his hands as tightly as I could, afraid that he’d leave me to finish it alone. The third time I chanted the spell, everyone said it with me. Even Ian sat outside the circle chanting. I locked my eyes with his and didn’t look away. A loud boom sounded, and the earth quaked so much that we all fell down.

  I remembered Ian’s face hovering over mine before everything went black.

  “So, you did it.”

  I spun around quickly. My heart plummeted to the ground as I broke out in a full run. I leapt into Jarak’s arms. “Jarak, oh my gosh. I miss you.”

  “Hey now, no crying. You just finished it. The war is over. You did the Reaping Spell and it worked.”

  Tears streamed down my face. “How’d you know that?” I couldn’t even remember how it ended. All I remembered was Ian standing over me. “Oh my gosh, I didn’t make it, did I?”

  Jarak put me down. “I am so proud of you.” He touched my face with the back of his hand. “Ian is very lucky. Do me a favor. I don’t have a lot of time. Davin called in a favor so I could be here, can you believe that? Tell Ian that he is the best brother a guy could ask for. I didn’t ever really tell him, and he deserves to know. As for you, you know how I feel, but I want one thing before you go.”

  I grabbed his hand and shook my head. I wiped the tears from my chin with my shoulder. “I can’t leave you, Jarak. You have to come back with me.”

  He smiled. “I’m sorry, Es. Tell me something. If Julie wouldn’t have cursed me, do you think I would’ve had a shot?”

  My heart lurched. “Jarak, I loved you first. Ian is just the one. It doesn’t mean you don’t have a place in my heart.” How was I supposed to answer that? Ian was everything to me, but Jarak was there first. He was my friend when my life turned upside down. He was the one who helped me through some of the worst moments thrown at me. Until Julie awakened, he was always there for me.

  I remembered when he helped during the first days after being kidnapped by Victor. We borrowed a car and drove through Spain. He took me to McDonald’s just so I would have something familiar. He cared for me, and I cared for him. I still do. Nothing would change that.

  He pulled me closer. “Can I have a last kiss?”

  I reached my hands up to his face and gently kissed his lips. It wasn’t anything but a farewell, but it was enough. I felt that much from him. “Goodbye,” I whispered. He would always be a part of me. My eyes were heavy and the world around me faded into black.

  “Es! Damn it, Es, can you hear me? Wake up. Please wake up. You can’t leave me.” Ian held my head in his lap, and tears fell heavy from his eyes.

  “Ian,” I hoarsely whispered. “Jarak loves you.”

  Ian swallowed deeply and looked away. Tears filled his eyes, and he drew his lips in a tight line. He gently shook his head. “I wish he knew…”

  I touched Ian’s face. “He knows.”

  He glanced down at me. “How?”

  “I saw him on the other side.” A fresh set of tears slid down my face.

  He choked back a sob as he pulled me more into his lap, hugging me tight. “I love you, Esmerelda.”

  “I love you too.”

  We both cried on each other. It was done. Finished.

  We were free.



  Eight Weeks Later…

  I curled up in Ian’s bare arms on the porch and watched
the water. My wraparound skirt floated in the slight breeze. Underneath was my favorite swimsuit that was red with black polka dots. I pulled out the red chopsticks from my hair so it fell in waves over my shoulders and spilled out onto Ian’s chest. I played with the chopsticks, running my finger over the carved wolf on the sides, remembering when Lauren gave them to me before putting them on the tiny side table beside us.

  The ocean sparkled as the last rays of the sun hit the surface and danced on the horizon. I never knew the ocean could be so beautiful.

  Losing Jarak hurt us both, but leaving Spain was something we both needed to do. We flew to Ian’s home in Hawaii as quickly as we could. I’d always wanted to go, but never thought I’d go so I could grieve. At least Nicholas wasn’t there to torture me anymore. My dreams finally returned to normal, except now I dreamed of what happened, over and over and over. I dreamed of Jarak and our goodbye.

  Ian ran his fingers lightly over my shoulder. The thin strap of my shirt made it easy for him to touch my skin, making me feel warm all over.

  “What are you thinking?”

  I sucked in a deep breath. “About how I’m glad everything is finally over.”

  He kissed the top of my head. “Me too, Princess, me too.”

  The sun dipped lower in the sky creating the perfect scene before us. “Es.”

  I lifted my head to see his face. I love that he left his face with a little stubble now. It really fit him. “Yeah?”

  “Marry me. I can’t lose you. I need you. Please marry me.”

  More than anything I wanted to say yes. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that I would be his forever. I leaned so I could see his adoring eyes staring down at me, awaiting my answer.

  A heat spread through me like fire. Tingles of energy vibrated all the way to my core, taking my breath away. Ian’s arm tightened around me, holding me closer. It felt like forever before I could take a breath.


  I didn’t hear it, but I felt it. Like his soul pleaded with mine. It was garbled, but I understood. A shiver coursed through me. “Yes. Forever, the answer is yes.”


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