Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy)

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Wolf Trilogy: The Box Set (The Wolf Trilogy) Page 51

by M. R. Polish

  He squeezed my hand. “I know. It’s been a tough year for all of us. But it’s gonna be better from here on out.”

  I sure hoped he was right, but my gut twisted in argument. All I could do was nod.

  It didn’t take long before the plane parked and we were allowed to board. I couldn’t help but scrutinize each flight attendant, wondering which one worked for the B.O.M.B.

  Sitting next to the window, Ian laughed. “You still can’t figure it out?”

  Jabbing my elbow into his side, I glowered at him. “Oh shut up. I’m not a hundred years old with decades of experience with the immortal side of the world.”

  “It’s like you’re calling me old. Or a cradle robber.” He scratched his chin. “But, I think I’m okay with it.”

  Covering my face with my hands, I shook my head. “You’re impossible.”

  One of the ladies in their flight uniforms stood at the front of the seating area. Her dark brown hair hung loosely in layers down her back. But it was her smile that was contagious. She even had me grinning with her radiating excitement. “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Dawn and I will be one of your three, gorgeous, flight attendants this afternoon. On behalf of Captain Sparrow, who I believe has drank all the rum, and our very own Captain Tremain, and the entire crew, we welcome you aboard Hawaiian Airlines flight one-forty-four, a non-stop service from Honolulu to Las Vegas. If you have just realized you’re on the wrong flight, it’s a good time to start practicing your betting skills, because they take gambling in Nevada seriously.”

  I leaned over to whisper in Ian’s ear. “That has to be the B.O.M.B. officer.”

  He grinned. “It took you long enough to figure it out.” He picked my hand up and kissed it. “Let’s go get married.”



  T he roar of the jet’s engines hummed like a lullaby, coaxing my eyes to close. But, relaxing enough to let them shut was hard—hard enough that I had to use a spell on myself.

  “Es.” It was Jarak’s voice. It always was. Each time I closed my eyes I could see him, hear him. His goofy grin that made me smile lit his face. “I thought you hated flying?” He was always teasing me, even in death.

  White fog settled around us like clouds and I became weightless. Wait. Clouds? Why were we walking in clouds? We’d never met there before in my dreams.

  “I still do.” I couldn’t help but look him up and down. Every time I saw him was a moment I could never get back. Death looked good on him, because I swore he seemed happier.

  “Then why are you flying? Where are you going?” Concern twisted his mouth to a frown.

  That’s right. He didn’t know about all the invitations we sent out because he was no longer with us. All the colorful hibiscus flowers that bordered the edges of the handpicked papers never made it to him. My favorite part was the wolf paw we had custom made from one of Luna’s prints in the middle of the invite. Jarak would have loved them. So would Maztic.

  I smiled at him, but even I could feel the sadness welling up behind the gesture. “Vegas. Ian and I are getting married.”

  He nodded and gave another wistful smile. “I guess it’s hard to compete with my brother for someone he’s loved before he ever saw her, not to mention being alive would help, too. You were the first person who helped break the hardened curse off my heart, and I really thought I had a chance with you. I felt love for the first time with you since… Well, since before Julie used that spell on me.” He clucked his tongue and glanced away, his thumbs tucked into the loop holes on his jeans. “You deserve him. I’m glad you found your happiness.”

  I reached out but my hand couldn’t stretch far enough to touch him. I ached to make him happy. He would always hold such a special place in my heart, and all I wanted was his happiness. “Jarak, I know it’s hard, but it was always Ian. We just didn’t know it then. I’d give anything to give you a happy ending, but I can’t.”

  He shook his head. “It’s too late for me. I’m dead, Es, dead! I died for you. Did you forget that so easily while making plans with my brother?”

  His words punched my soul, weighing me down like an anchor in the sea. “You knew I loved him before you did that. Why would you say that to me now?”

  His face distorted, twisting unnaturally. Julie’s face replaced Jarak’s, her mouth turned up in a sneer. “Because now I have the upper hand, and I’ve just started.”

  I froze. Unable to move. All I could do was stare.

  Still clad in the jeans and button-up shirt she depicted Jarak in, Julie stood with her hands on her hips. “Did you really think I’d stand back and let you ruin my life without revenge? I sacrificed so much for you, and in the end you took away the only thing that mattered to me. You killed Jarak.”

  “I didn’t kill him. He dodged in front of MaryAnn’s bullet to save me. He died protecting me.” I straightened my back and shoulders, bringing my head up higher. “That’s what you do for the ones you love. I’d die for anyone I loved.”

  She laughed maliciously. “That’s funny, considering that’s the deal I made.”

  My heart plummeted. “What?”

  Julie shrugged, her eyes danced like a flame happy to be in hell. She snapped her fingers and the clouds blew away in an instant—and I fell from the sky.

  A scream lodged itself in my throat as I watched the ground come up quick. Any spell I might know to save myself hid from my memory, petrified in fear, and unable to come forward for me to use.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, a bump in my fall dislodged my shriek. Whatever I hit was hard enough to take my breath away.

  “Es, wake up. It’s just turbulence,” Ian’s soothing voice in my ear made me open my eyes.

  “Shhh,” Ian cooed again. His hand gripped mine, but it was his face that worried me. Not even while we fought Nicholas did I see such fear etched into every feature.

  Fighting to regain my breath was hard since it was so roughly stolen from me. Falling from the clouds would do that to any person. Even a witch. I might not die or age from natural causes, but I could be killed. And a fall like that would probably be a way to kill any creature.

  Licking my lips, that had become overly dry, I noticed for the first time everyone around me staring. Heat not only filled my cheeks, but ran down my neck as well. I’m sure red wasn’t a deep enough color to describe my embarrassment.

  “Ma’am, are you okay?” The flight attendant, Dawn, squatted down next to me.

  “I’m so sorry. I had a nightmare and with the turbulence I startled myself awake. I apologize.” Could I curl up in a ball and disappear?

  “It’s okay, she’s fine. We’re sorry.” Ian flashed Dawn a charming grin. A tingling surge of electricity blew across my skin like a cold breeze. If I wasn’t so humiliated I would have laughed at him trying out his newly acquired magic to spell the attendant.

  Dawn nodded. “Alright, but if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Did I really scream out loud?” I whispered, not wanting to draw any more attention to myself than I already had.

  Ian chuckled. “Oh yeah. Now, I think you should tell me what upset you so much that I had to use magic to calm an entire plane from thinking we were crashing. The way you yelled panicked a lot of people.”

  “Whatever, you’ll use any excuse to use magic now that you have it. My scream had nothing to do with it.” He was just too easy to tease. Now that we were matching our skills, it was fun to see him use magic. Not that I’d tell him that. And right now I should be grateful he was quick enough to use it.

  Giving him half of my magic as my gift was the best thing I could’ve ever done, and I would never regret it. Then again, since receiving it nearly six months ago, he practiced every day. I, on the other hand, wasn’t told I was a witch until I was eighteen. I think his knowledge, being around witches and other supernaturals, and being a Guardian for more than eighty years gave him an advantage. In a few months I would be turning twenty, but that was nothing compa
red to other witches. I was still a youngling.

  Tipping his head toward me, he searched my eyes. “Either way, I think you should tell me. I could feel your panic. I know something isn’t right.”

  Darn bond.

  “I’m not ready to talk about it.” And I wasn’t. I still wasn’t sure how to comprehend what happened.

  Julie tricked me into thinking she was Jarak. What a way to play with my emotions. Just because I wasn’t in love with him, doesn’t mean I don’t love him. My heart already ached constantly thinking about how he was gone because of me. Hearing him—or rather her—say it, killed me on the inside.

  And what was the deal she made? Was she going to harm someone I love? Would I have to take someone’s place in death?

  Taking another deep breath, this plane couldn’t land fast enough. I really needed to see Ailaina. Not that I didn’t want to tell Ian, but Ailaina was not only my best friend, but my Seer. She was the one who could help me. And I only had a couple days to figure it out before I married the man sitting next to me.



  I t would be hard to miss the thirty story pyramid, complete with beam of light shooting straight up into space—which I was sure was an attempt to either blind airplane pilots or flag down aliens.

  Even though the window of the plane was so small it could hardly be constituted as a viewing source, Vegas looked amazing at night. Not that I’d ever been there before, not even in daylight for me to compare, but I could already feel the exhilarating buzz that sizzled in the air. It was probably the abundance of overused flashing neon lights, but I didn’t care. It was Vegas baby.

  The wheels touched down and my excitement rose. The day after tomorrow I was getting married.

  Oh no.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  I was getting married.

  And I didn’t have a dress. Ailaina was going to kill me—if Julie didn’t beat her to it.

  Holy frick.

  I gave Ian an encouraging smile as the attendant opened the door. He didn’t have to know I was freaked out. A nervous bride was normal. Wasn’t it?

  Ian grabbed our overhead bags, stopping the mob of passengers so I could get out of the small seat, and then followed me off the plane.

  Welcome to Las Vegas greeted us with bright lights as we wound our way through throngs of travelers to the baggage claim.

  A sharp squeal ripped through the air. Suitcases forgotten, I twirled to scan the crowd. I’d know that shrill shriek of excitement anywhere.

  Ailaina bounded out from behind an older couple waiting for their bags at the next carousal over. Her blonde hair swished in a high ponytail as she dodged tourists, hopeful gamblers, and young couples looking for a weekend getaway.

  Dropping my bags, I ran toward her. We crashed into each other in an embrace. Oh how I missed her. Her giggly elation was infectious and soon I was laughing along with her.

  “I can’t believe you’re finally here!” She looped her arm with mine and we started walking back to the carousal. “And getting married! This is going to be the best week ever. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I know, me too. I can’t believe this week is finally here. It seems like just yesterday he asked me. And Vegas… We’re in Vegas!” I squealed, matching her enthusiasm.

  Ian grinned like a Cheshire cat as we approached. Our two suitcases sat next to him on the ground. Each shoulder held our carry-ons, but he looked calm and at ease hauling so much. But, I knew his arms could do so much more. They’ve safely held me during a tornado, they’ve wrapped around me while we grieved, and embraced me while he kissed me.

  Ailaina dashed up to him and gave him a quick hug. “Ian, it’s good to see you. How are you? I’m so excited!”

  He chuckled. “I’m good. I’m pretty happy myself.” Looking over at me, he winked.

  “Is Davin here?” My insides twisted at seeing him since Ailaina’s phone call, but maybe keeping him close would be to my advantage.

  Ailaina smiled and placed a hand on my arm. “Yes, he was called away, but he should be here in just a minute.”

  A lump in my throat swelled making it near impossible to swallow. “Have you heard more about that deal?” I whispered the last part.

  She smiled wider, but after knowing her my whole life I knew it was fake. “Enough about that. You’re here to have the best days of your life. We’ll figure out the other stuff later. Let’s go have fun. You’re the one who said we’re in Vegas!” She pulled at my arm, tugging me along, but glanced over her shoulder at Ian who was informally promoted to pack mule.

  Ailaina stopped short. Her breath caught, and all I could do was stare at her strange reaction. “Al, are you okay?”

  Her smiled widened, lighting up her face. “He’s here.”

  Raising a brow, I turned to spot Davin. The crowd literally parted for him, and women stopped to watch him walk past. His dark suit fit him like a fashion model walking the streets of Paris. The crimson shirt underneath the obsidian jacket made the red in his eyes blaze to life. But, his eyes were only for Ailaina as he ambled across the gray carpet toward us.

  He walked right to Ailaina, scooping her up in a hug, and twirling her around as his lips crashed down on hers in a way that should be only in movies so single women didn’t get jealous.

  Thankfully, Ian possessed the same charm, if not more so, so jealousy wasn’t an issue for me. That, and having the hots for not only my best friend’s boyfriend, but also the Death Keeper would be totally weird.

  Setting Ailaina down, Davin came over and shook Ian’s hand. “Well, it looks like you’ve already been whipped,” he said, pointing to the luggage.

  Ian handed one of the luggage handles over to Davin. “Well, I wouldn’t expect a lady to carry it.”

  Davin chuckled and took the suitcase. “Nor would I.” He leaned in to Ian. “But that’s only because if I tried she’d have me sleeping on the couch for the next five hundred years.” Turning to me with a smile, he gave me a quick hug. “Es, it’s been awhile. Although as much as Ailaina talks to you on the phone it feels like this morning since I saw you.”

  Ailaina elbowed him playfully.

  Both guys chortled, and Ailaina and I rolled our eyes.


  “Alright, let’s go get settled. Ailaina and I already have our room, so we just need to get you two love birds checked in.” Davin rolled the luggage behind him, taking Ailaina’s hand as they walked. “What did you pack, Es? This thing is heavier than Ailaina’s was.”

  I couldn’t help but smirk. Wouldn’t he like to know? “Everything a girl getting married needs.”

  Except a dress. Ugh. I’ll have to reveal that secret to Al later. Maybe with witnesses.

  Ian, not ready to be outdone I’m sure, grabbed my hand and pulling it up to his mouth, kissed it. Life with him was going to be more than I ever hoped for or dreamed of. Not even a deal could ruin that.

  I nearly choked when the Bellagio desk clerk handed the keys to a villa over to Ian.

  “Where did she say our room was?” We couldn’t get to our room fast enough for me to see. Or should I say villa? Holy crap.

  The thrill around the hotel was so high that I couldn’t tell it was almost ten at night. Who slept in a city of excitement? Not this girl. And I wasn’t even twenty one!

  Ailaina and Davin were in the Chairman Suite on the thirty-third floor, so we parted ways and made plans to watch the water show after we were all settled in. We followed a bellman to our villa outside the hotel.

  “This place is incredible. Did you see those flowers in the ceiling when we came in? It’s like they knew what our invitations looked like. The colors are perfect!” Everything was wonderful. I couldn’t have asked for better.

  Ian chuckled. “Yes, I saw them. You and Ailaina made sure Davin and I didn’t miss them.”

  Playfully, I slugged him in the shoulder. “I can’t help that I’m excited.”

  He grinned. “I’m not complaini

  It wasn’t long before we were at our new home away from home. Even if it was only for the week. The sight before me, even in the dark, took my breath away.

  An Italian cabin was nestled into the corner with a terrace that overlooked a private pool in the back. Lights lit our path as we neared the entrance. Topiary shrubs filled the area around the house and veranda. A Frank Sinatra song played in the background from the dancing fountains, filling the air with sweet love words. It was the perfect romantic setting.

  Ian motioned to the bellman. “You can leave the bags right there. I’ll get them.”

  “Oh but, sir, it’s my job,” the sandy blond-haired man said.

  Ian chuckled. “I know. But I just want to do it.”

  The bellman hesitated, looking around as if his manager would fire him on the spot for not finishing his job. “Alright. If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. I have the night shift and can be here in minutes. You have an entire team at your disposal.” He set the bags at the door then left.

  An entire team? They really knew how to make us feel like royalty.

  Ian opened the door, pushing it ever so slightly so it was just ajar. I started forward but he held an arm across the entry. “Wait.”

  Tipping my head, I questioned him with my eyes.

  Scooping me into his arms, he kicked the door open and carried me through the threshold. I laughed, feeling completely giddy. “You’re supposed to do that after we’re married.”

  “I don’t need a piece of paper for my heart to belong to you. My soul is already yours.” He didn’t set me down, but instead, he carried me through the entrance and into the main foyer. A glass chandelier hung above us, giving pristine yet romantic light.

  “I can’t believe we’re staying in this. It’s incredible.” My feet finally touched the ground, and I spun around slowly, taking in as much as I could. I wouldn’t even ask how much this would cost him because I’m sure it was much more than I was worth.

  Ian’s eyes never left me as he waved his hand to the door and the luggage began sliding its way inside the villa with the door closing then locking behind them.


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