Seducing the Sergeant

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Seducing the Sergeant Page 5

by Mina Carter

  “You’re gorgeous…you smell fucking fantastic.” Cam’s voice was lower and rougher than she’d ever heard it as he shoved her T-shirt up to bare her breasts. Rennick chose that moment to drive a big hand into her hair and nip her lip, causing her to gasp.

  The gasp was followed by a second as Cam’s lips closed around her nipple. Wet heat surrounded the beaded flesh, and then he sucked. A hard pull that sent her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

  She moaned as Rennick abandoned her lips, moving down to claim the other nipple. For a second Wynter was on sensory overload as both men worked her tits. Then hands were on her belt buckle, and she lost the ability to think. Big hands made short work of getting the pants off her while she struggled out of the T-shirt and bra, until she was clad just in her panties—tiny black thongs that covered just the essentials.

  “I bet you’re wet.” Rennick leaned in, heat and lust in his eyes as he took a deep breath. Sniffing her. Scenting her crotch. Her panties dampened further. “You smell wet, and hot.”

  His hand glided over her inner thigh, Cam’s matching the same route on the other…with a quick skip over the plasti-bandage stuck to the front of her thigh over the almost-healed wound.

  The two men parted her legs, both watching her as they did. Wynter bit her lip, but looked from one to the other boldly. Refusing to back down. She’d dreamt of this, wondered what it would be like to have them both. Now it seemed she was going to get her wish.

  “Get naked,” she ordered, lifting her hips when they hooked fingers into either side of her panties and dragged them down her legs. Then she was utterly and gloriously naked before them, her entire body humming with anticipation and awareness.

  “Roger that.”

  She wasn’t sure who spoke, but both men stripped quicker than she thought possible. And then they were back. Rennick shoved her thighs wider and settled between them as Cam slid in next to her. He covered her lips with his, and she met him eagerly, parting her lips for the thrust of his tongue at the same moment Rennick swept a lick over her pussy.

  The pleasure was indescribable. Hot and wet, his tongue was slightly rougher than the humans she’d been with before. And fuck did he know how to eat pussy—something she hadn’t anticipated. He lavished attention on her clit, flicking and circling the tiny bud before pulling it into his mouth to suck on.

  Trembles worked through her body, the heated pleasure radiating out through her blood from her cunt. Reaching out, she wrapped her hand around Cam’s cock and pumped slowly, teasing him with her hand wrapped around his shaft and her tongue against his. He growled and took over the kiss, a silent warning that he wasn’t the submissive type, even though he usually ceded decisions to Rennick.

  The bigger man growled in echo and stabbed his tongue deep into her pussy. She gasped and writhed as he held her thighs open wide and tongue fucked her. The shivers rolling through her body wouldn’t abate; they just got stronger, and a familiar tension rose. Shit, she was almost ready to come, and they’d barely started. What would she be like when they really got going? When she was filled with two long, thick, perfect cocks?

  “That’s it, give it up.” Cam broke away to urge. “Come all over Ren’s tongue, and we’ll both fuck you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Being fucked by both of us?”

  She was unable to marshal a verbal response and just nodded instead. Rennick withdrew his tongue, and she took the opportunity, shifting sideways on the couch to take hold of Cam’s cock. He swore when her tongue flickered over the tip but didn’t stop her, which was good because the thick shaft with the wide head called out to her. She ached to feel it sliding between her lips. To taste it, to feel it filling her mouth.

  “Oh god, yeah.” Cam grabbed a gentle handful of her hair as she covered him. His taste, which she’d only gotten a hint of with her first lick, exploded on her tongue, and then she was in heaven.

  His essence was musky and wild, not unpleasant…far from it. It was addictive, sweet and tangy. At the first taste, she knew she’d never be able to get enough. Broad tipped and wide in girth, his cock was thickly veined and long. Perfect. She moaned as she slid it deep into her mouth and back out again, licking the end like it was a lollipop.

  “Fuck…do that…yeah,” Cam groaned and reached down with his free hand to tweak her nipple. The sharp pain made her jump then melt in pleasure, another gush of arousal flooding her cunt.

  Rennick murmured in approval, sliding his tongue deep inside her again as if to chase down every drop of her juices. He pulled away, his breath hot puffs against her heated flesh. She tensed in anticipation, expecting another flick over her clit, but it didn’t happen. Instead he thrust two thick fingers deep in her pussy, hard and fast.

  She gasped around Cam’s dick, then moaned as Rennick’s tongue curled around her clit at the same time he finger fucked her. In and out, then a twist as he scissored his fingers. Stretching her. Getting her ready to be fucked. Fucked by both of them. He curled his fingers back and pressed, and she almost came apart there and then.

  “That’s it. Come for us,” Cam groaned as she pulled away to rest her forehead against his thigh. She couldn’t concentrate on anything but what Rennick was doing to her. Her nipples were tweaked again, the pleasure arrowing down to the hard knot in her pussy. She arched her back, silently begging for more. There was a rumble, almost a growl of approval, and one of the fingers was withdrawn from her pussy. Within a few seconds it was back, pressing against her ass.

  She couldn’t hold back the moan as he pressed in with the finger, filling her ass too. Dark pleasure, hotter and more abrasive than before, surged through her.

  “You like that?” Cam whispered, abandoning his hold in her hair to tweak both her nipples. “You like the idea of us fucking you at the same time? Come for us, little one, and we’ll make it happen. Spread those pretty little legs wide and fill you with cock in both your holes…”

  She cried out, the words just as much as Rennick’s fingers and mouth tipping her over the edge. She came hard and fast, body arching as Cam dropped down to claim her lips again. Both men held her as she rode out the waves of pleasure—elongating it, prolonging it until she thought she’d cry with the intensity.

  Then it was done, dying down so she was just riding the aftermath. She had just opened her eyes and smiled at her two men when a loud sound filled the room. They all froze, and arousal fled at the familiar Klaxon.

  “Shit! Battle stations!”

  Chapter Five

  Forty-six hours, three enemy-boarding parties, and more blood and gore than Cam wanted to think about later and the ship was finally secure. He sagged against the nearest bulkhead and tried to remember the last time he’d slept. He’d managed to grab a couple of catnaps during lulls in action, but by rights he should be exhausted. He wasn’t. Energy surged through his body like he had an uplink to the ship’s engines.

  A bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face. He ignored it, managing a small smile as Ren leaned against him, a furred shoulder propped against Cam’s hip. His coat was matted with greenish blood, the stuff thick around his muzzle. Insectoid body parts lay piled high in the corridor their section had been tasked to hold.

  Around them, other weredog pairs slumped against the walls. Some were shifted, some not. Perez and his partner, for example, were small terran breeds, too small to go shifted into combat. Instead they used the increased speed and strength their non-human natures granted them while in bipedal form.

  “Yeah. Right, have that…”

  Wynter walked down the center of the corridor, hand to her ear as she listened to someone, presumably command, on the comm. The members of the section watched her. Waiting to hear if they were being stood down, which meant food, sleep, and showers. Not necessarily in that order.

  She was amazing. Even though Cam knew she was a patch, that her genetic code and body systems had been enhanced, she’d still kept up with a weredog pack in full-battle mode. And she was still on her feet e
ven though some of the dogs weren’t, which was fucking impressive. He and Ren had fought with some patches before, but none of them could hold a light stick to Wynter.

  She turned, nodding, and he caught the slight wince as she put weight on her left leg. Concern flitted through him. She wasn’t supposed to be off light duties yet, not that bug-boarding parties ever took shit like that into consideration.

  Sighing, he ran a hand through his close-cropped hair. He’d have to check her dressings when they got back. The thought of smoothing his hands over the satin skin of her thighs sent heat spiraling through his body.

  Grunting a little, he shifted position and used Ren’s bulk to hide the state of his body. The shifted dog turned his head, a question in the bright amber eyes. Cam shook his head. No matter that he and Ren could go for days without sleep; Wynter was human, with a human’s need for rest.

  “Yeah, we will. Thanks for that.” Wynter dropped her hand from her ear and looked around. A small smile played over her lips. “That’s a wrap, guys. Get your asses back to the barracks. We’re off duty for twelve hours, so make the most of it.”

  The corridor erupted with catcalls and woohoos of jubilation then, just as quickly, emptied as the weredogs beat feet and paws to get into the showers first. Cam and Ren were the only ones who held back, parting to walk on either side of Wynter as she turned to follow the section. As soon as the rest were out of sight, the rigid set of her spine softened, tiredness washing over her features.

  Cam’s heart melted. Unable to help himself, he started to reach out, intending to scoop her up in his arms and carry her back to the barracks. A single, sharp glance stopped him.

  “None of that shit. I’m fine, I can walk.”

  She looked at Ren padding beside them, his big shoulders at just the right distance for support should she need it, then back at Cam. Her gaze was assessing and concerned, perfectly professional at first, and then she smiled, and Cam could see the relief washing through her that they were both okay.

  “Showers first, then sleep,” she announced, as if that was in any question whatsoever. The first anyway. They were all splattered in greenish bug blood, the stink so pervasive that he was sure it had crawled into his pores and taken up residence.

  He just nodded as they walked, their boots against the metal deck plating a counterpoint to the near silent padding of Ren’s paws. Wynter paused when they reached the doors to the barracks. Even from here they could hear that the shower rooms were full.

  “Aww,” she muttered. “Fuck it.”

  Cam wasn’t sure he’d caught the low mutter but followed as Wynter turned, carrying on down the corridor. He exchanged glances with Ren, the Vesuvian’s expression as confused as he felt.

  She stopped a little way down the hall, at the door to one of the unused barracks. After a furtive glance up and down the corridor, she activated the control pad. Cam’s eyes widened as her fingers tapped at speed over the small pad.

  “Shit…are you hacking in?” he asked then hushed when she shot him a sharp look.

  “Not precisely. Just using a particular access code. One with higher clearance than mine.” She grinned as the pad went green and the door slid open. “In, quickly. Before someone sees us.”

  What are you playing at, girl?

  Wynter ignored the little voice in the back of her head as she waited for Camden and Rennick to pass her before taking her thumb off the pad. She slid through the closing door quickly and smiled at the two men in the semi-darkness.

  “These barracks are on readiness state. So there should be hot water and plenty of it. Unlike ours after that lot are done,” she said softly, walking past them toward the shower rooms. She didn’t mention that she’d locked the door as well, just in case. And considering she’d used one of her father’s high-level access codes, no one in their right mind would try and get in.

  Which meant that she had privacy, room, and the two men all to herself.

  Both men groaned with relief, turning like automatons toward the showers. She didn’t blame them. They were all covered in bug gore, and the stuff freaking stank. She fell in step behind Rennick, his claws clicking against the tiles as he walked in, fur and all, to stand directly under one of the showerheads. The look he gave her was so pleading that she smiled, then reached out to activate the shower.

  He wuffled as the spray wet his fur. This was a weredog barrack, so the water was saturated with self-foaming shower gel and activators to clean fur and skin without the aid of hands.

  “Ugh, should’ve shifted myself,” Camden complained as he stripped off as quickly as he could. Wynter copied him, shimmying out of her clothes and boots just as fast. Anything to get the gore-soaked stuff away from her skin. The T-shirt stuck to her back. She grimaced as she pulled it over her head, the fabric peeling away with an unpleasant, gloopy sensation.

  Camden groaned from the opposite stall, his head thrown back as water cascaded over his lean, hard body. Suds slid down his muscled torso, the activators drawing swirls and circles on his naked skin as they cleaned.

  Wynter paused at the sight, hand over the button to activate her own shower. Fuck, he was gorgeous. Hard muscles under satin skin, weredog strength and stamina. Her exhaustion faded as the memory of their encounter in the film room came rushing to the fore. If they hadn’t been interrupted, then yeah…she knew where that had been going.

  Heat lodged itself low down in her stomach. Stepping into the shower, she activated it and sucked in a hard breath as the needle-fine spray attacked her skin. The shower gel foamed up, and the activators started to scrub at her skin with what felt like rough, little tongues. She bit back a moan as a clump of bubbles trickled over her breasts, and her nipples tightened into hard, little buds, as though begging for attention.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to ignore the sensations as the suds attacked her hair. She’d never been this sensitive before. It was no good though. The suds crawled over her body, paying attention to every scrap of skin, before they slid between her legs. Wynter bit her lip, pressing her thighs together as the abraders rubbed over her clit and sent sparkles through her veins. She would not come just because of the damn shower gel. That was absurd.

  The heat of another body warned her a second before Camden stepped into her cubicle. She snapped her eyes open to look up into his, seeing a heat and need that mirrored her own in the blue depths.

  “I know you’re tired.” His voice a low murmur, he crowded her back against the tiled wall. “But you look so fucking hot, I can’t help it. I gotta taste you. I didn’t get the chance before…”

  His lips covered hers in a long, slow kiss that fired her blood more than the stimulation from the shower. He nibbled and licked, testing the seam of her lips before she granted him access. His naked body pressed against hers. The long, hard length of his cock rubbed against her belly as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. Explored the softer recesses within until she moaned.

  The soft pops and cracks from the next stall were almost lost under the spray of the showers but made sense when Rennick joined them in human form. Camden moved to allow his partner space, turning Wynter away from the wall so that her back rested against Rennick’s broad chest.

  His lips descended, marking a trail along the curve of her neck, at the same time his hands closed around her breasts. Rennick’s hands were large and strong, fingertips agile as he rolled her nipples between them. Camden broke away with a gasp, sliding to his knees in front of her right as Rennick pinched.

  She whimpered, the sound loud over the surge of the spray as the showers switched to clean water. It felt like thousands of pins hitting her already-sensitive skin. Rennick slid an arm around her waist, half lifting her as Camden stroked his hands up her thighs. Why hadn’t she noticed what big hands he had before?

  He parted her legs and looped them over his broad shoulders so that she was caught between the two men. Trapped and subject to whatever they wanted to do to her. She didn’t care, as long as it involved get
ting one or both cocks inside her. Wriggling, she tried to put space between herself and Rennick to reach around and touch him, stroke that long, thick prick she remembered from the tryst in the shower that she’d spied on, but he stopped her.

  “Your turn will come, little one,” he growled by her ear. “Let us do this.”

  She didn’t get time to nod assent. Camden’s hot breath washed over her clit a moment before he swept along her pussy lips with his tongue. Like Rennick, he didn’t mess about or tease her. Instead he zeroed in on her clit ruthlessly. His tongue flicked and danced over the tiny bundle of nerves, back and forth. Never slowing or stopping.

  Meanwhile Rennick alternated gentle strokes and massages over her tits with hard tweaks and pulls of her nipples that had her gasping, then moaning in pleasure. She closed her eyes, leaning her head back on Rennick’s strong shoulder as the two men wrung pleasure from her. They drove the tension in her frame higher as the fiery ache deep in her cunt intensified.

  She needed something, anything, filling her. Right. Now.

  Her hips rocked, riding her clit against Camden’s clever tongue, and he chuckled. His hands cupped her ass, fingers curled around onto her hips to stop her moving. A moan of frustration slopped from her lips.

  “Easy, sweets. We’re gonna give you what you need,” Rennick muttered by her ear, pausing to nip at the lobe. “You have to do something for us first though. Come for us. Come all over Drew’s tongue and show him how sweet you taste.”

  The rough words did it for her again. She cried out as she went over the edge, falling into a pleasure-filled abyss. Camden growled and held on tight, latching onto her clit and suckling her while she came. He drew out her pleasure while she shivered and bucked in their hold.


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