Witch Queens: Tales from Oz (Dark Fairy Tales Book 2)

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Witch Queens: Tales from Oz (Dark Fairy Tales Book 2) Page 6

by S Cinders

  “What brought you here?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “Your father,” Scarecrow had rested his head against my head, “I have been working for him and in exchange, he has used his magic to allow me to age as a normal human would.”

  “But you are afraid that if he finds out about us, that he will stop helping you. And that I will age, but you will not.”

  The words hung between us, neither one of us willing to address them.

  I closed my eyes tightly not knowing what to do.

  On the one hand, I knew that my father was incredibly stubborn. I don’t know if he would consider Scarecrow fit to rule beside me as Queen of Oz.

  On the other hand, I don’t know if it came down to it and I was forced to choose between ruling Oz and giving up Scarecrow if I would pick Oz.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

  “What was it you were dreaming about, just now?”

  He paused, “I have fought in many wars. But there was only one time that I was captured. They had some magical cage that prevented me from using my talents.”

  “Who were they?” I tipped my head so that I could see his face.

  His eyes were unfocused as he remembered, “It was a tribe of Amazonian women, and they tried to force themselves on me. They would get angry when I didn’t become hard for them.”

  “They tried to rape you?” I was aghast.

  “The world is an ugly place, Indy,” he smiled sadly, “luckily I was able to seduce one of the guards and escaped.”

  “You slept with her?” I practically shouted.

  “Big ass vagina,” he teased, “not even fun!”

  “I need to bleach my mind!”

  I hopped out of his arms and raced to the bathroom, trying to process everything that he had told me. After using the toilet, I flipped on the shower and let the hot water pound against my tired muscles.

  What if my father didn’t allow us to stay together?

  What if we never found Dorothy?

  I felt a chill as the shower door opened. Seconds later my back was hitting the shower stall wall as Scarecrow’s lips descended on mine.

  “Stop worrying,” he said against my lips before deepening the kiss. My wet breasts slid across his chest, and it felt incredible. I couldn’t get close enough.

  When I felt his hands on my ass, squeezing and pulling it apart, I wrapped my legs around him tightly.

  I didn’t know how long we had together. But I was going to make every moment count. He kissed along the edge of my jaw as he lined up his dick and allowed me to sink down but only put the head inside.

  He teased me with it, dipping the head in and out until I was screaming, “Fuck me already!”

  His laugh could be heard throughout the apartment. But sure enough, he slammed me down on his thick cock.

  That shut me up.

  Over and over he impaled me on it until I was tightening my core, unable to hold back my release.

  “I’m coming, ah, Scarecrow, ah, so good!”

  “Say,” his eyes were clenched, “Say my name!”

  “Adam!” I screamed as we both flew over the edge into oblivion.


  “Bastinda where are your clothes?”

  The horrified tones of my personal assistant washed over me, and for a split second, I felt like a teenager caught with her pants down.

  “Lucy?” I croaked, opening one eye.

  Sure enough, standing in Scarecrow’s doorway, was the great Lucy Melucy. Not only had she graduated top of her class, but she had been voted most likely to take over the world.

  “I go on vacation for a week, and you allow the place to go to shit, and shack up with the devil.”

  “It’s good to see you too, Lucy,” I hear Scarecrow shout out from the living room. Realizing that, for the first time, he’s not right beside me.

  She flushes slightly, but doesn’t allow the glare to fall from her face.

  “I couldn’t find you, Indy. I was terrified that you were dead. You have responsibilities that need to be taken care of while you are getting your rocks off. Did you know that someone poisoned the poppy fields?”

  I felt sick inside. I should have been there. What was I doing here with Scarecrow?

  “That’s enough,” I heard his gruff voice and glanced up to see him standing behind Lucy. “I let Jake allow you to come up here because I knew that there were things that you and Indy needed to discuss. But she has been doing an excellent job. There hasn’t been a time that Indy hasn’t been worried about the Munchkin’s, so much so, that she brought me in on the case.”

  Lucy’s eyes widened, and she turned them on me, “Scarecrow is working for us? I thought you were just shacking up with him.”

  I frowned, “Of course, he is working with us. Why would you think otherwise?”

  She looked at me point blank, “You’re naked, in his bed. And, shit Indy, look at him. Anyone would jump that, and I mean—anyone.”

  Okay, so that did look bad. Wrapping the sheet around myself, I raised my just had sex head of hair and said as imperially as I possibly could, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

  Scarecrow snorted, “She stole that from me.”

  Lucy rolled her eyes, “She stole that from George Eliot.”

  Scarecrow looked exasperated, “Where do you think she got it from?”

  Lucy gave him a startled look, “What? Never mind! Indy, we need to do something about the poppy fields.”

  I was already on my way to the shower, “I will be out in a minute, you didn’t happen to bring me any clothes, did you?”

  Lucy sniffed in derision, “I never go anywhere without several changes of clothing for the both of us. I know you too well, Indy. There was the incident with the exploding punch bowl, and when the paintings began to splatter paint on us, then there was the time the fish...”

  “Thank you, ever so much, Lucy. If you could go, right now?” I interrupted as Scarecrow snickered.

  “I will be back in a flash,” Lucy grinned as she tossed her blonde ponytail behind her and sashayed out of the room.

  When she had left, Scarecrow turned to me, “Exploding punch bowl I can understand, but what did you do to piss off the paintings?”

  I scowled, “First off, I am still trying to get a handle on my magic. It’s not easy you know. And second, those bastards had it coming to them. How could I have known that the spell would cause storms in their paintings?”

  Scarecrow’s lips were twitching traitorously, “And should I even ask about the fish?”

  “Sons of bitches grew to be the size of Volkswagens. It was a mess. They didn’t fit in the stream and were dying—oh, the smell!”

  His shoulders began to shake.

  “I sincerely hope that you are not laughing at me,” I warned.

  His eyes were dancing, and he had trouble controlling his voice.


  My lips spread into a small smile, “I suppose it was a little funny.”

  “Bloody hilarious,” he said as he gathered me into his arms, “You are bloody hilarious. But you are mine all the same.”

  My skin felt warm all over as he kissed my forehead.

  “Go get your shower. I have some breakfast out here.”

  He didn’t need to tell me twice. I showered in record time and was brushing out my long-tangled hair when Lucy came back with a pair of light pink skinny jeans and a grey silk top. The bra and matching panty set were also silk and just a shade lighter gray. It was one of my favorite outfits, and as I pulled on my grey ankle booties, I felt confident in facing the world.

  “Thanks, Lucy,” I leaned down to hug her, much to Lucy’s dismay. She wasn’t into physical affection. So, I tried to show it as little as humanly possible. I’m a giver like that.

  We borrowed Jake’s truck to go to the poppy fields after breakfast. Lucy had warned us that we would need masks because there was something in
the air that was putting anyone who breathed it to sleep.

  It looked like Dorothy had struck again.

  Rolling hills for miles around were covered with beautiful poppies. It was one of the most beautiful places in Munchkin Land. However, at present, there were many Munchkins and quite a few animals, that were lying deathly still among the flowers.

  “Do we have an antidote to the poison?” I asked hopefully.

  Lucy shook her head, “Not even a hint.”

  “I could use my magic,” I ventured.

  Lucy turned to me in horror, “Do you want the flowers to grow into giants that eat the people?”

  My face fell, “You don’t know that would happen, Lucy.”

  “Something bad would happen, Indy. Something bad always happens.”

  Scarecrow pulled me against his chest and I immediately felt more centered.

  “What do you think I should do?” I asked him.

  His hands didn’t leave my sides as he leaned down and spoke into my ear, “Your magic comes from your heart, Indy. It is a part of you. Instead of trying to fight with it, perhaps you should trust yourself more.”

  Trust me? Was he kidding? I was a walking catastrophe.

  His sexy, rumbling laugh caused goose bumps to appear on my arms—damn him.

  “Scarecrow, I do trust myself.” I tried to sound confident, haughty even.

  He laughed, “Neither you nor Lucy, trusts your magic. You are downright afraid of it. But Indy, this is a time that you need something drastic, and your magic, that’s drastic.”

  My lips pinched, “This could be a tremendous mistake.”

  He nodded, “Could be.”

  “I could set the whole place on fire,” I warned.

  Those dark eyes lit with amusement, “Undoubtedly.”

  I wanted to be the person that he thought I could be, but I was damn scared.

  “Why do you believe in me?” I whispered.

  Scarecrow’s face softened, “Because I see how incredible you are.”

  Plagued with doubt, I turned back towards to fields.

  “Don’t let go of me,” I asked softly.

  His hands on my waist tightened, “Never.”

  I closed my eyes and felt the power beneath my skin. I thought about what Scarecrow said. My magic came from my heart. Chanting the spell underneath my voice, I allowed it to grow inside of me. It flitted and swirled about. And for the first time, while casting, I felt entirely grounded, by Scarecrow’s presence.

  When I opened my eyes, my hands were glowing, and I raised my palms outward as I watched my magic pour out of them to race across the poppy fields. It sprinkled through the air like pixie dust.

  And then to my utter surprise, I saw one of the sleeping victims start to wake.

  Lucy let out a shriek, “You bloody well did something right! I am so proud of you!”

  I had no idea the Munchkin was so intense. The next thing I knew, she had me around the thighs, lifting me in the air.

  I would have gone over the other side had Scarecrow not caught me.

  “That’s enough celebrating for now,” his eyes were full of humor. “You two are lethal together.”

  Lucy grinned, “Thank you, Sir!”


  I turned to look at Scarecrow. There was a faint blush on his cheeks that was too adorable.


  There was an eerie laugh that split the air, raising every hair on my body.

  Lucy instinctively clung to me, almost sending the both of us tumbling.

  “Come along, Toto, we mustn’t linger here too long. Goodness, we certainly aren’t in Kansas anymore.”

  The voice was girlish, too young to have the sinister mocking lilt that crept up your spine.

  I shivered, “What is a canned ass?”

  Scarecrow snorted, “It isn’t canned ass, is it a place, very far from here—called Kansas.”

  Lucy looked unimpressed, “I don’t care if she is from twat, butthole or Timbuktu, that chick is full on crazy.”

  I agreed. I didn’t like the fact that we couldn’t catch Dorothy in the act.

  Scarecrow frowned, “I wish we knew what type of magic that we were dealing with if the fairies are to be believed that farmhouse is indeed from Kansas."

  So, that little girl had enough power to send an entire house sailing across not only the world but through different dimensions and into Oz.

  “Well, shit,” I breathed.

  His lips twitched, “Exactly.”

  Lucy sighed, “I am going to need to relocate our office if you are intending to stay with tall, dark, and brooding. So, let’s be off. I will gather what we need to set up a makeshift home base in Scarecrow’s spare room.”

  I felt my cheeks heat, “Lucy! We can’t just overtake the man’s house! Perhaps he is ready for me to stay at my own place?”

  Please don’t make me go home. Please don’t make me go home.

  He raised a brow, “If that is what you want. My bed is bigger, but I don’t mind squeezing into yours if that’s what you would rather do.”

  I didn’t have to look at Lucy to know that her jaw was hitting the ground, mostly because it was sitting alongside my own.


  He leaned over and tipped my chin closed.

  Lucy giggled, snapping me out of my daze.

  “Right,” I stammered, “Home base will be at Scarecrow’s bar. Um, what is the name of that place?”

  This time Lucy laughed so loudly that I thought she might hurt herself—at least I had hoped.

  She gave me a smug smile, “The Snake Hole.”

  Images of Scarecrow’s snake had me blushing. I smacked his arm, “Really? Who named it that?”

  His grin broadened “Came with the bar, and with a name like that, why change it?”

  I pursed my lips and noticed when his eyes went straight to them, darkening.

  Steady, I told myself, trying to ignore my increasing heart rate. I wondered if there would be a time that I would ever not be this affected by him. His muscles bulged out of his t-shirt as he crossed his arms.

  I didn’t think it would be anytime soon. Unconsciously, I licked my bottom lip, pulling it with my teeth as I continued to check Scarecrow out.

  I hadn’t meant anything by it, but the next thing I knew he was hauling Lucy and me back into Jake’s truck swearing under his breath about damned females.

  I told myself that it was Dorothy he was talking about and not the current occupants of the cab of the vehicle. But I had a good idea that it wasn’t.

  Neither Lucy nor I spoke the entire way back to The Snake Hole. Once there, she hopped out, a feat in itself considering she is a Munchkin. I turned to Scarecrow, who was still sitting behind the wheel.

  “She didn’t even say goodbye. I’ve never seen Lucy this quiet!”

  He looked predatory and I instinctively slid an inch back.

  “She wanted to get out of here before the fucking began.”

  My eyes popped, “What fucking?”

  He grabbed my arm, hauling my chest against his hard body, “Do you realize you spend a large part of your day eye-fucking me?”

  I spluttered, “That’s ridiculous!”

  He leaned in placing his open mouth against my neck, causing shudders to race across my skin, “Liar! I don’t mind, Princess. Trust me, I will fuck you whenever and wherever you want. Just remember that I am only a man, and some temptation is too great to resist.”

  I was struggling to keep my wits about me as he nuzzled my neck, finding that sweet spot by my collarbone and at the hollow of my throat. Soon, I was panting in his arms, and I wanted more than anything to be rid of our clothing.

  He opened the door and picked me up, tossing me over his shoulder.

  What the hell?

  As Scarecrow entered the bar, there were lewd shouts and laughter as the patrons saw how he was carrying me. Scarecrow tossed Jake the keys and gave him the usual song and dance about not disturbing us.
  One of the regulars called out, “That’s a mighty fine-looking woman, Scarecrow. You gonna share?”

  Ribald laughter filled the room. Scarecrow’s anger was palpable, I glanced up and saw Jake’s face.

  “Shut-up, you, assholes,” he said to them, “That’s Scarecrow’s woman.”

  They laughed in response, “Scarecrow doesn’t have a woman, he has women.”

  Scarecrow stopped at the back of the bar, setting me on my feet.

  He placed me behind him, turned back to the crowd who eyed him hopefully.

  “Bars' closed,” his deep voice was threaded with malice, and even I took a step back.

  Faces fell as they started to realize that he didn’t share in their joke.

  “We were just kidding,” one cried out.

  “No offense, ma’am,” from another.

  “Isn’t that the Princess Indy?”

  This was the comment that unleashed the beast. Scarecrow’s hands glowed as his body grew in stature. His face took on a hard, deathlike mask. His eyes were the most frightening, no longer dark, they glowed a red with fury.

  “Oh, shit,” Jake breathed, “Everybody out! Get your asses out of here! You heard him, get out!”

  They cleared the bar in three minutes flat.

  Jake was the only one remaining. He approached Scarecrow, much like one would a wounded animal.

  After a moment's hesitation he spoke, “Are you alright?”

  Scarecrow raised his glowing hands as if to strike Jake. I had to stop him. I jumped in front of him just as Scarecrow was about to advance. His glowing hands were touching me instead.

  I felt a small jolt of current. It wasn’t unpleasant, quite the contrary, it felt familiar, safe, and warm.

  “Holy shit,” Jake breathed, “I have never seen this before.”

  I turned to him and noticed that his hands were pointing to my arms. It was then that I noticed all of me was glowing, just like Scarecrow’s hands had been.

  “I have this,” I said to Jake.


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