Witch Queens: Tales from Oz (Dark Fairy Tales Book 2)

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Witch Queens: Tales from Oz (Dark Fairy Tales Book 2) Page 9

by S Cinders

  I couldn’t take the pity in his expression. Tears were starting to cloud my vision, but I stumbled to the door.

  “You can’t just leave, Indy,” Scarecrow sounded panicked. “There is nothing around here for miles.”

  I paused outside and welcomed the cool breeze across my hot cheeks.

  I was such a fool. Why would anyone want me? I was just a stand-in for my sister.

  I began walking down the gravel pathway.

  “Dammit, Indy, stop being so fucking stubborn. It wasn’t like we were together then anyway!”

  The anger in his voice lit a fuse somewhere inside of me. How dare he be mad at me!

  I whipped around, “It was nothing?”

  He nodded.

  “So, when you kissed me, did you think of her or me?”

  He looked like I had slapped him, “How could you ask that?”

  But I was on a roll, “And when she spent the night, was it with clothes or without?”

  “Shit, we were in separate rooms! I don’t know what the hell she wore. El had been drinking too much and I didn’t want her driving.”

  I angrily pushed the tears from my face, “Considerate of you.”

  And it was considerate, that was Scarecrow all over again. But it was like the little bubble of happiness that I had created between the two of us had popped. And I was staring at the raw truth.

  “Did she not want you?” I straightened my shoulders to prepare for the answer.

  “Fuck this!” he turned on his heel to leave me there, but at the last moment, turned back and marched up as close as he could get without touching me. “I don’t do relationships for a reason, Indy. El didn’t expect one, and I certainly wasn’t offering one. We didn’t fuck because she felt more like a friend than a lover. And just so you know, I broke all ties between El and I the day I met you.”

  His mouth crashed down against mine. His kiss was punishing and angry. I fought to break away, still mad at him for keeping things from me.

  All of my life I had felt inferior to El, she was smarter, better at magic, and got all the boys. But I had thought that Scarecrow was the one thing that was mine.

  His hand gripped the back of my head, forcing my mouth wider as he branded my mouth. I couldn’t help responding, but I wanted him to know how much this had hurt me.

  I kissed him just as cruelly, taking his bottom lip into my mouth and biting down hard.

  I tugged it with my teeth and felt his hardened cock thrust against my stomach involuntarily.

  “Fuck, Indy,” he panted, “Don’t you understand? I have never felt this way about another woman. Not your sister, not any female that I have shared any time with, and I won’t let you walk away.”

  I screamed as he picked me up. My pent-up frustration coming out as I began pounding on his back. He carried me back into Hubert’s Tavern, passing Steele, who had a ghost of a smile on his face.

  “I'll send up food in about an hour?” Steele suggested.

  Scarecrow just grunted and continued up the stairs—completely ignoring me.

  He went to the back of the hallway, turned a knob, and walked inside. I was vaguely aware of the room Steele had provided. I could see another massive stone fireplace with a fire already happily crackling.

  The floors were wide plank wood and the walls had the same dark wainscoting as downstairs.

  Scarecrow tossed me on the large four poster bed, not caring when I bounced onto my side. I quickly scrambled up to my knees.

  “I am still pissed as hell at you,” I breathed through my clenched teeth.

  He took a predatory step towards me, “I don’t care.”

  I drew in an outraged breath, “You should damn well care!”

  He continued to stalk me with his gaze, “You want to know why I don’t? It’s because I know that we are good together, and I am not just talking about the fucking—that’s phenomenal. You need me just as much as I need you.”

  “I don’t need you!” this was one of my more outrageous lies.

  He laughed, “Oh, you need me, Princess.”

  “No, I don’t!” I tried to escape the bed, but he dove onto it, smashing me against the bedding.

  His large body covered every inch of my body.

  “We aren’t leaving here until you realize that you belong to me,” he growled his voice dropping several octaves.

  “What about Dorothy and the Sapphire City?” I taunted, trying to ignore the way my body was responding to him.

  “Fuck ‘em!” Scarecrow’s eyes flashed scarlet.



  I could feel his body lengthening as his muscles bulged out even further than before. His eyes had taken that scarlet glow and I knew that I was no longer dealing with Scarecrow, but with the beast.

  “Unhand me!” I demanded, shoving my body upward to try and dislodge him.

  It was like hitting a brick wall.

  “You will listen to me!” he growled, pinning my arms above my head.

  “Why?” I cried out, frustration and mistrust causing my voice to break. “Why should I listen to anything that you say? I won’t be my sister’s replacement!”

  “How can you be so intelligent and so damn stupid at the same time?”

  I flinched, “I am not stupid!”

  His hungry eyes glanced down at me, making me feel naked where his eyes had touched.

  “Thinking that anyone would want your sister after being with you, is massively stupid.”

  He used his nose to trace the length of my neck.

  “I can’t stop thinking about the two of you together,” I blurted out.

  “Damn ass, Steele. He should never have said anything. It is only because he is so fucking in love with Elphaba, that he interfered.”

  Steele loved my sister? Did everyone love my sister?

  “Look,” his eyes dimmed, making his presence seem less scary. “I made a promise to El that I wouldn’t tell anyone about this, but I won’t lose you over it.”

  I was more confused than ever, “What? More secrets?”

  “El and I were never a thing. I swear to you, on my life, that this is true. She came to me a while back, hurt and upset. She wanted to get back at someone and asked if I would help make them jealous. There were three kisses, and every one of them was staged. I did not, and do not, have feelings for her.”

  My voice was thick with emotion, “Why would she do that?”

  “She and Steele have some weird type of love/hate relationship. When she came to me, I was bored and didn’t mind riling my buddy up. But when I met you,” his voice deepened, “Fuck, Indy, the bottom dropped out of my world. I didn’t want to mess with Steele and didn’t give a flying rat’s ass about El’s attempts to make him jealous.

  "But I was terrified that you would never give me a chance because I had known your sister first. She had sworn me to secrecy, not wanting anyone to know what we had was a sham.

  "So, I deluded myself into thinking I was keeping my word to her by not telling you. And then I got to know you.”

  I wanted to believe him so badly.

  “So, what? You got to know me,” I replied hoarsely, “What difference did that make?”

  “I went from hoping that you might take a chance on me, to knowing that fair or foul, I would have you. I know that is a shit answer and selfish as hell. I know that I am not good enough for you, and when you wake up and realize it, I will be lost. Please, don’t shut me out, Indy. I screwed up. But I need you.”

  “You need me?” I gulped, trying to take in everything that he had said to me.

  “I need you more than I need air to breathe,” and his head came down to kiss my forehead.

  “When you look at me, I feel like I am invincible. And when you laugh, I know that there are still good things in the world. I have been around for a long time, Indy. I don’t need money. I don’t need attention or any of the trappings around us. There was a time when I would have said I didn’t need anything.
But all of that was before you.”

  I couldn’t contain my tears, “I need you too.”

  His face lost some of the fierceness, “I know you do, and that makes me want you that much more.”

  His kiss was gentle, almost hesitant as if he was waiting for me to pull away. But as he placed tiny butterfly kisses against my mouth, I felt my fear and anger begin to melt away.

  My body felt hot beneath him. This time when I pushed him with my hands, he allowed me to slip out from underneath him.

  “Can you not forgive me?”

  I’ve never heard him use that tone before. It was almost a broken plea.

  Slowly, I pulled my skirt off and then my shirt.

  Scarecrow hadn’t taken his eyes off my face.

  I unhooked my bra and then slid my thumbs into my panties to remove the last article of clothing that I had on.

  His breathing had increased, and I could see that his jeans were getting very tight on him.

  I allowed a hint of a smile to cross my face, “I suppose I can forgive you.”

  His breath hitched.

  “But first you need to convince me,” I added with an arched brow.

  He flew off the bed, ripping at the buttons of his jeans. It would have been sexy as hell if he hadn’t tripped on the legs of his pants and went sprawling across the floor.

  I couldn’t contain the gurgle of laughter that spilled out, “Are you alright?”

  He growled playfully, “I fucking love your laugh.”

  Another squeeze of my heart, this man was more than I could deal with.

  I walked over to the bed and sank down, leaning back against the headboard. Purposefully, I spread my legs, allowing him a glimpse of my shaved pussy. Then, coyly I began to trace my fingertips over my breasts.

  It was a slow seduction.

  I'm not sure if I was trying to assure myself that he really wanted me, or if I was just caught in the moment.

  But one look at his face and I was trapped in the spell of seduction that hung heavily over the both of us.

  He stood at the end of the bed, eyes not wavering and his cock at attention.

  I continued to trace lazy patterns on my breasts. When I got close enough, I rubbed the palms of my hands ever so gently against the tip of my nipples.

  I gasped at the sensation, feeling my core clench as his eyes darkened.

  Slowly, I began to rub circles, watching as my breasts grew plump and heavy with desire.

  “Fuck,” he hissed.

  But I wasn’t done.

  I trailed a hand down to my wet pussy. Stroking the skin softly, I watched as his stomach muscles clenched, and his cock bounced in appreciation.

  It looked like this was going to be a crowd favorite.

  Pushing my legs wide, I used my hand to part my pussy lips. I was so wet that my fingers glided over my folds.

  He was panting now and had taken hold of his cock.

  I raised my fingers to my mouth, tasting myself. “Hmmm,” I hummed as the musky sweet nectar rolled around my tongue.

  “Can I touch you?”

  He had never asked before, and I could hardly fathom that he was asking now.

  “No,” I replied, trailing my wet fingers to my nipples to pinch them hard before pulling them gently away from my body.

  My back arched at the sensation. I wasn’t sure if it was my hands or his gaze giving me the most pleasure.

  Then I went back to where I had started playing earlier. I used one hand to open my lips, so he could see every glistening pink inch of me.


  With my delicate fingers, I began to do just as he had suggested. I knew what I liked and had no problem finding my clit, swiping gently before sinking my fingers back inside.

  I wasn’t doing anything fast enough to detonate anytime soon, only hover on the edge.

  It was beyond erotic to watch him as he stroked his giant cock to the sight of me masturbating.

  It was me he wanted—not anyone else.

  “Faster,” he demanded.

  I complied picked up speed and then crying out when I felt a spasm, letting me know just how close I was.

  With my other hand, I went back up to pinch my nipple harshly before rubbing my clit for all I was worth. It was seconds before my body responded, flying over the edge, into oblivion.

  As the tremors rocked me, I kept my gaze on Scarecrow. It was the most singularly intimate moment of my life, and I had shared it with him.

  When the last contraction had faded, I noticed that he was still standing there. His cock was coated with precum, and he had a tortured look on his face.

  “What are you waiting for?” I asked shyly.

  “Do you forgive me?” he asked again.

  Lord, this man would be the death of me.

  “Get your ass over here and find out.”


  Scarecrow’s eyes narrowed, “Getting a little big for your britches there, Little Girl, aren’t you?”

  I giggled, “What are you going to do about it?”

  He grabbed a pillow that had fallen to the floor and stripped the case off. Then, without a care in the world, he tore the silk into wide strips.

  “You can’t just go around tearing up linens! What is your friend Steele going to say?”

  “Steele can bite my ass,” Scarecrow stalked over to where I was laying on the bed. “Do you trust me?”

  I nodded. Because deep down, I knew that he would never do anything that I wouldn’t want him to do.

  “I want you to say red if anything I do becomes too much,” his eyes were locked on mine. “Do you understand?”

  I nodded, but seeing his scowl, I promptly replied, “Yes, Sir.”

  He took a length of silk and tied it around my wrist, checking to make sure that the knot wasn’t too tight, he tied the other end to the bedpost.

  The silk caressed my skin, as he tied the other hand to the opposite post.

  “I am going to blindfold you. I want your other senses to heighten, as you are without sight.”

  He took the length of silk and wrapped it around my head, securing it with a knot.

  “Is that too tight?”

  “No, Sir,” I breathed, my pulse starting to gallop.

  I heard him walking away and then a knock at the door. I almost cried out red at that moment. I didn’t want anyone other than Scarecrow to see me in such a vulnerable position.

  But then I remembered his words, do you trust me?

  Biting my lip to keep myself from ending things before they began, I waited as I heard someone moving what sounded like a tray around.

  I felt humiliated and moved to cover myself, but the silk bit into my wrists.

  The movement around me stopped, “Indy, what is it?”

  I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

  “I know that you are upset,” he demanded, “Tell me.”

  “I don’t want others to see me like this.”

  He walked over to me, and I felt the bed sink where he sat next to me.

  “Do you think that I share what is mine?”

  “No, Sir,” the answer was immediate.

  “Do you think that I want anyone to know what your perfect tits look like?”

  I flushed, “No, Sir.”

  He pushed my thighs wide, and I heard his growl of approval when I left them where he placed them.

  “Do you think you are just a good fuck to me?”

  This answer was harder for me, but I desperately wanted to believe that I was something more to him.

  “No, Sir.”

  He breathed deeply and kissed the inside of my thigh.

  “Good girl. If you are ever worried, Princess, all you need to do is ask me. I won’t ever forbid you to speak. You may have your panties or a ball as a gag, but even then, you still have your voice. I know that we are just getting used to each other.

  "There will be a time, I hope, that you will not hesitate to put yourself entirely into my ca
re, but that kind of deep level trust takes time.”

  His lips continued to kiss and lick my inner thigh.

  “I do trust you,” I murmured between moans.

  “Perfect,” he responded and got up from the bed.

  I choked back a plea to return. I wanted to give myself to him. I wanted the endearments and everything else that he had to offer. I knew that to do so, I needed to stop processing everything and just let myself experience what he wanted to do to me.

  I heard a glass being raised and the clinking of silverware against it.

  He returned once again tipping my head up, “I want you to drink, Indy.”

  I felt the cool, refreshing water against my throat and realized that I had been parched. It tasted so good that I tried to gulp it down. But he slowed the liquid until I was able to handle what he was giving me.

  Scarecrow pressed something to my lips, “Open, Indy.”

  I took in the first grape and flavor exploded against my tongue as I bit into the fleshy surface.

  “More, please,” I asked, and another was placed on my lips.

  I had never been fed before, and it was a novel experience. I gently nipped at his fingertips, and he laughed.

  “Naughty, minx!”

  I could hear the affection in his tone, and it warmed me clear through my toes.

  There was something to this being blindfolded.

  He then fed me some cheese and at last a bit of meat. When I had eaten my full, I turned my head away.

  “Baby,” his voice was gruff, “You have hardly eaten enough to keep a bird alive.”

  I was indeed still hungry, but it wasn’t for food.

  He turned and placed everything he had back on the tray and then I heard him undoing the fly of his jeans, wrenching them off once more, he came over to where I was laying.

  I felt the lightest touch on my breast before an icy sensation shot straight to my core.

  “Ah!” I cried out.

  Scarecrow was using an ice cube to trace my areola, never leaving it on long enough to burn the skin. My nipples beaded, and my breaths became short hot pants.

  Right, when I didn’t think I could take a moment more his mouth swooped down and sucked my nipple inside its hot cavern. My hips arched off the bed of their own accord.


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