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Carol Page 1

by Bridy McAvoy

  The Studio - Carol

  By: Bridy McAvoy

  ISBN: 978-1-927134-34-4

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © Oct. 2008, Bridy McAvoy

  Cover Art Copyright © May 2011, Brightling Spur

  Bluewood Publishing Ltd

  Christchurch, 8441, New Zealand

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, and email, without prior written permission from Bluewood Publishing Ltd.

  Special Note: This book contains UK Spellings.


  To everyone who helped me write this. Especialy my husband who encouraged me to explore my fantasies in print.

  The Studio – Carol

  Tuesday night, Jim showed Marcia the photographic take from the previous week's shoot with her friend Barbara. Her reaction to watching the slow posed striptease of her friend fol owed by her masturbation brought back memories of how she had herself shamelessly sucked off her husband in front of her masturbating friend. The memory of the sexual release of that moment was enough to bring her to boiling point again and, with the pictures still playing on the giant screen, she literally leapt on her husband.

  Jim was enjoying the best sex since their al too brief honeymoon seven years earlier and as his rampant wife tore his clothes off and mounted him in sheer abandon, he never even thought about objecting.

  * * * *

  The following evening Marcia had booked in another of her friends for a make-over shoot and Jim was definitely looking forward to shooting the petite voluptuous redhead. At about three, Liz took a phone message from Marcia to say that Carol had chickened out. Liz was now in on the secret because she had seen some of the shots on the screen when he had been working on them. Thirty minutes later, Marcia rang back and this time Jim was free to talk to his wife of seven years.

  “Hi, sweetie, what’s up?”

  “I can’t talk for long. Carol’s wobbling again.”


  “Liz didn’t tell you it all, did she? Oh, well, half an hour ago Carol chickened out and decided she couldn’t go through with it. Now I’ve talked her round and she’s back to going through with it. Only now she’s wobbling again. Never mind, she’s had her hair and make-up done and she looks fabulous. When’s your last appointment?”

  “Already done. Why?”

  “As soon as she’s dressed I’ll bring her over. If I wait till five-thirty she’l back out. Pop over to the shop and pick up a couple of bottles of Chianti, will you? We’l probably need to get a couple of good belts in her before she’ll relax. Oh, here she comes now. Got to go. Bye.”

  Twenty minutes later, Liz dashed back from the shop with a half case of Chianti moments before Marcia arrived with a very flustered Carol in tow.

  * * * *

  Jim smiled at Carol, who gave him a little nervous twitch back. He was used to dealing with awkward clients and set out to use those skil s on the usual y bubbly and vivacious redhead.

  “Carol, come on, you can smile better than that, you know. It’s me, Jim. Now sit there and have a glass of this lovely stuff. All right?”

  Carol smiled back at him weakly.

  “It’s okay. You know, I do this for a living.”

  Carol actually blushed at that comment and Jim began to wonder what Marcia might have told her. Jim handed her the glass of Chianti and Carol drank half of it in one gulp.

  “This is going to be very easy for you. All I’m going to do is point a camera at you and you do what comes naturally to you. If you are uncomfortable about anything, we’ll stop.”

  Carol’s smile was a little brighter and Jim left her for a few minutes while he finished setting up the lighting rigs around the couch they intended to use tonight. Slowly the redhead relaxed as Jim seemingly ignored her and kept busy moving things around in the studio. Marcia tried talking to her friend too but was only getting monosyllabic answers.

  “Right then, Carol, let’s top that glass up for you and you can come sit over here on the couch. Okay?”

  Carol rose on unsteady legs. The heels she wore were a little higher than she was used to and she found it difficult to walk straight in them. Jim smiled reassuringly as he refilled the empty wine glass and Carol nervously sat down on the couch, keeping her knees primly together and sitting bolt upright. Jim fussed for a moment, then turned two of the parabola backed lights on, flooding the couch and Carol with a bright but diffused and even light.

  She sat there, nervously twiddling the glass of Chianti around, and Jim realised the light was refracting off the glass, throwing unusual highlights up onto her pale face. Quickly he positioned another light to shine more directly on the glass to enhance the effect and, dropping into a crouch, fired off half a dozen shots. He beckoned Marcia over while he swapped the memory card in the camera and whispered for her to upload them into the laptop and bring the laptop over to show Carol. Carol just sat there, somewhat bemused by the activity in front of her, and drew a deep shuddering breath before taking another gulp of the wine.

  “Carol, you have to see these, they are gorgeous.” Marcia hustled over carrying the laptop and plopped down onto the couch beside her friend with the best of the shots on the screen. Jim looked over their shoulders from behind the couch and had to admit it was one of the best impromptu shots he’d captured in a long time. Mind you, he didn’t spend long looking at the delicate lighting effect on Carol’s face but rather enjoyed the view of the two impressive sets of cleavage visible from his vantage point. Marcia saw where he was looking out of the corner of her eye and winked at him. Marcia jumped up off the couch and refilled Carol’s glass before heading out of the lit area to watch from a distance. Jim resumed his position in front of Carol and again crouched down to get the best angle. Carol still sat primly, trying to pull the short black mini-skirt further down her legs, as she was obviously uncomfortable showing this much skin, even in the presence of friends.

  “Okay, Carol. I want you to look at me, please. Now smile a little. Good girl, bit bigger smile please.”

  Carol had that 'rabbit caught in the headlights' type of smile, about as natural as a brick and equally attractive. This was definitely going to be a long session to get her to relax, thought Jim.

  “Why do you want these pictures, Carol? Why are you here?”

  She thought for a minute or two and then replied in a quiet voice.

  “To cheer myself up really, I suppose.”

  “Is it working?”

  “Well, no, not yet.” She giggled. Perhaps the wine was beginning to work. “But I did enjoy the trip to the salon and the shopping.” Suddenly she stopped and blushed. In the background out of Carol’s line of sight Marcia very crudely took hold of her own breasts and pushed them up and in. Obviously the underwear was new and was sexier than Carol was used to wearing.

  “I want you to sit back a little, sit naturally and relax. Okay?”

  Carol tried, but as she leaned back her skirt rode up. She blushed bright red and jumped up, dashing out of the lit area around the couch. Marcia caught up with her and held her as she shook, not quite sobbing, but not far off it either. For the moment Jim wisely decided to stay in the background and let his wife handle it.

  As Carol's shaking subsided, Marcia talked to her in low tones that he couldn’t hear and on the one occasion he moved closer Marcia waved him away peremptorily. He went back to check his gear and decided to change memor
y cards again, but felt that the evening wasn’t turning out as wel as it should. Suddenly he realised that Carol was sitting down on the couch again and smiling much more naturally. He looked at her and, from the corner of his eye, caught Marcia waving at him. He moved across to his wife, who told him the reason behind Carol’s sudden transformation.

  “Carol has talked to Barbara and, although she knows that Barbara enjoyed herself that night, she doesn’t want to watch us going at it like rabbits while you are taking her pictures. 'Not her scene', as she puts it. The shops down the road are open late tonight so I’m going shopping for a couple of hours. Have fun.”

  He watched open-mouthed as Marcia let herself out of the studio, leaving him with the now much happier Carol, who, in the meantime, was helping herself to another glass of wine.

  “You ready, Carol?”

  She nodded and he picked up the camera to begin.

  “Lean back and relax a little please. That’s nice. Now rest your free hand on your lap and look straight into the camera. Bring the wine glass closer to your lips. Very nice. Now slowly take a small sip. Good. Now one more so we can make sure we got that. Excel ent. Suddenly you are a natural, sweetie. Now lean over to the side and put the glass on the little table there, next to the bottle.”

  The transformation in Carol was startling. She responded to his instructions without hesitation now and she seemed far less self-conscious about how much of herself she revealed. At this moment she leaned across the side of the couch quite naturally and carelessly. Her skirt had ridden up and one thigh was exposed a couple of inches above the stocking top, certainly enough to confirm she was wearing hold ups, not garters.

  “Oops!” She straightened up and quickly smoothed her skirt back down into place, covering herself up. She smiled at Jim who had nevertheless managed to get several good leg shots through the process.

  “No worries, the shots in the last few seconds were sensational.”

  Carol blushed again but her face crinkled up into a smile that reflected back the bright lights. Her eyes twinkled and her entire personality was there on her face. Jim fired off a quick series of shots, concentrating entirely on her tightly focused face.

  “Carol, can I ask? You seem almost a changed person in the last few minutes.”

  Carol giggled before replying. “I know. I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t relax with another woman present. Daft, I know. I mean, she is my friend, but I just couldn’t summon up the courage to feel sexy in front of the camera with her here.”

  “Is that what you want? To feel sexy in front of the camera?”


  Unbidden, her hand rose to the neck of her blouse and flicked the top button undone. She grinned impishly at him. “Better?”

  Jim shook his head for a minute and grinned back at her. The transformation back into the bubbly vivacious woman his wife called a friend was complete. Perhaps the wine was really working now. “Okay then, Carol, you want to push it along so let’s do exactly that. Please swivel round so you are sitting sideways on the couch and swing your legs up onto the seat. That’s nice. Now lay back so you are stretched out along the couch. Very nice. Now just clasp your hands on your tummy and smile gently at the camera. Now I’m going to walk round you to capture your image from all sides. I want you to continue to look straight at the camera as I do so. Okay?”

  He slowly walked around the couch, taking pictures from every angle. She followed his instructions to the letter, but on at least a couple of occasions he thought she was about to burst into a giggling fit. Time to speed up then to give her something else to think about.

  “Raise your hands and undo the next button on your blouse, please. Very nice. Now another one. Excellent. Now one more.”

  The blouse was now open to just below the line of her breasts and part of the black lace of the bra could just be glimpsed peeping out of the blouse.

  “Now stretch your arms above your head. Nice.”

  As she did so her tiny skirt rose higher and both stocking tops could now clearly be seen.

  “Cross your legs at the ankles. Very nice. You have beautiful legs, Carol.”

  This startled a giggle out of her and he quickly zoomed in on her face as another healthy blush suffused her cheeks. Jim now panned down her body until he was again focusing on the long stocking-clad legs which ended in her demurely crossed ankles. He moved so that he was positioned very close to her feet, although stil to the side, and pointed the camera straight at the foot resting on the other ankle. He zoomed in until the foot fil ed the frame.

  “Now I want you to slide that top foot higher up your lower leg, please, Carol. Nice. Now keep it going and only stop when you reach your knee. Excellent.”

  As Carol fol owed his instructions he was able to pan round with the camera so that, although the foreground remained fil ed with her foot, the background now contained her leg. The skirt had been forced up into the air as her leg slowly bent to achieve the movement he had asked for. As the upper portion of Carol’s thigh rose higher, the skirt under the influence of gravity slowly slid backward, revealing even more of the naked thigh above the stocking tops. Carol looked down at the amount of leg she was now showing and cocked an eyebrow at Jim, who didn’t notice. He was carefully framing elsewhere and she giggled softly. Slowly, so as not to disturb Jim from his chosen target, Carol slid her hands up toward the top one of the three buttons stil fastened on her blouse. As she slowly undid first that one and then the remaining two she kept adjusting her leg position and raised her foot another three or four inches past her knee. The skirt had now fal en back so that by peering up between her now parted legs the crotch band of her panties was visible. Jim had indeed seen Carol’s slow and surreptitious movements and had chosen to take no notice of them. He was also trying to adjust his own clothing without Carol noticing the sudden tent in his trousers as he focussed on her delicious lower body. At this rate he was going to have a problem before Carol had posed for the full set of photos.

  “Carol, I’d like you to sit up again, please. I like what you’ve done to the blouse, but as you sit up, please spread the two halves open a little further. Nice. Now cross your ankles again and slide the top leg up to just above the lower knee. Good girl. Now sit back.”

  Jim was crouched in front of her and the movement of the ankle to the knee was designed to provide a perfect view straight up her skirt, which had fallen away from her legs again. The pale skin of her taut stomach showed clearly under the lights and Carol seemed completely unconcerned about the amount of flesh she was increasingly showing as she again picked up her wine glass and took a healthy swig.

  “Now stand up, please, Carol, and turn and face the couch. Now place both hands on the seat of the couch, keeping your legs straight. Nice.”

  Carol followed his instructions without demur. Standing bent over in this way showed her legs off to their very best and lifted the rear of the skirt clear of the stocking tops again.

  “Now lean further and put your elbows on the seat.”

  This position was uncomfortable for the model but had lifted the skirt clear above her ass and her panties were now on view to the camera lens. Jim quickly shot off several shots to capture the moment for posterity.

  “Okay, Carol, stand up and face the camera again please. Nice. Now remove the blouse completely, please.”

  Carol just looked at him for a moment, but there was a glint of wickedness in her eye as she did so. Her smile lit up her face and without hesitation her hands flew up to her opposite shoulders and pushed the blouse off and down onto her arms. Immediately they dropped to her sides and the flimsy cloth cascaded down her arms and off to float gently to the floor. The impish grin lit her face again as she asked him a question. “Do you want me to lose the bra too?” Jim’s trousers twitched in response, one part of his anatomy certain of the reply. He knew that at that moment an affirmative would be fol owed by the action but he knew she wanted to go further stil , so he shook his head 'no'
and grinned back at her.

  “No, not yet, but I think the skirt could go, don’t you?”

  The return challenge was out in the air and Jim knew she realised he had just upped the stakes again. If she complied with his request and removed the skirt she would know that she would shortly be naked in front of the camera. Still, that was why she was here, wasn’t it? She reached back and popped the hook and eye at the top of the skirt's zip and slowly pul ed the zip down. With both her hands occupied behind her in this way the stretch of her arms pushed her chest forward. Jim was happily snapping pictures of her bra-encased breasts as they jiggled this way and that while she twisted from side to side wriggling out of the skirt. Her hands had caught her panties slightly on the way and they hung at a rakish angle, giving her a more wanton appearance as the skirt slid down her legs. Carol finally stood there in front of him, only two small items of lace covering her private treasures. He had seen more of her before when she had worn a bikini but the fact that this was lingerie rather than swimwear seemed to enhance the near nakedness. Indeed it was becoming increasingly difficult for Carol to conceal anything as her nipples burrowed enthusiastically into the lace covering them, making extremely pointed statements about her arousal. Jim continued to point the camera at her, taking in different parts of her aroused body with each shot, and Carol acted without waiting for instructions from him. She flicked the shoulder straps off her pale shoulders and slowly drew each arm clear of the offending straps one at a time. Next her hands dropped to her hips and, instead of pul ing the panties tightly back into place, she pushed them down a couple of inches at each side so that the uppermost section of her pubic hair showed above the lowered waistband.

  “Put the camera on a tripod.”

  Her voice sounded hoarse to both of them and Jim could only look into her passion-inflamed eyes as she casually flicked the bra catch undone, allowing the globes of her magnificently proportioned breasts to hang free. He reached behind himself with one hand to snag a tripod and drag it into place as she continued the strip. Neither of them would call it a striptease. It was a strip, nothing more, nothing less - a way to get naked in a very short period of time. As her panties drifted down her legs to join the rest of her clothes on the floor, Jim finally managed to secure the camera on its tripod. He set the camera to auto mode and stood to one side as Carol posed, making no attempt to cover her nakedness. Her breasts stood out proud on her chest with hardly a hint of sag. Her extended nipples pointed upward as much as outwards and her chest heaved with passion as she panted for air. His gaze travelled down to her taut, albeit slightly rounded, stomach to the thin tram line strip of pubic hair that pointed the way to her cleanly-shaved mound.


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