Jason (Kings of Guardian #4)

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Jason (Kings of Guardian #4) Page 6

by Kris Michaels

  She lifted her hand and caressed his cheek. He turned into her hand and she saw the glimmer of moisture on his lashes. The absolute desolation he felt radiated around him. Faith pulled him down into a hug, trying to ease his pain.

  “It was my fault. You lost your brother because of me.”

  “What penance are you paying? Why are you blaming yourself for events you had absolutely no control over? From what I can see, this isn’t your cross to bear, Jason.”

  “It is.”

  “You are not to blame. I lost a good friend that day. Theo was my half-brother. We have different mothers. His mom tried to keep him away from our father. But when Theo found out he had a sister, he came back for me. He moved me here to Savannah, helped me get this trailer and supported us until I found a job. He wanted to give me more money, but I needed to be able to fend for myself, to prove I could. I will always miss him, but I know he wouldn’t have wanted to die any other way than in the line of duty. He loved what he was, what he did. You could see it when he spoke of his teammates and of the importance of what they did.”

  Faith felt the hard clenched muscles in the man’s back relax slightly as she spoke. His hands rested on her hips, warm and heavy. “Why haven’t you bought a house with the insurance money Theo left you?”

  The question stopped her tender strokes to his back. She pulled away and angled her face so she could see his eyes. “Theo didn’t leave me any money.”

  Jason straightened to his full height. “He had half a million in insurance. Every team member does.”

  “He left it to Reece because that was the safest. He set up a trust that can only be accessed by Reece when he turns twenty-one. It is set up that way for his protection. I never saw a penny of money from Guardian, and I really don’t need anything. I have a job, some savings, and Reece and I are okay.”

  “That doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t you use the money to make life easier for you?”

  “Some things aren’t up for discussion. This is one of them.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  Faith reached up and caressed his cheek again. “It’s just… Well, let’s not talk about that.” Faith saw a quick glimpse of surprise in his eyes before the heated lust-filled look he’d given her at the table reappeared. She leaned into him, running her hands up the man’s hard chest.


  “This isn’t the reason I came here.” Jason had to make sure she knew that before he gave in. Something told him if he didn’t say it now, he wouldn’t get the chance.

  “I know, but it’s one heck of a reason to stay.”

  Faith’s body felt so damn good against his. Soft, decadent and so fucking sexy. She fit against him. He lowered his lips toward hers as he pulled her in. The rush of her hot breath as he pulled her tight and the small gasp she exhaled went straight to his cock.

  A mere whisper of contact sent sensation exploding to every nerve ending of his body. Heated need, desire… fuck, even lust, fought against whatever shreds of professionalism remained. He pulled away and searched for a sign from her. Did she really want this? Him?

  Faith’s fingertips touched his bottom lip as she spoke. “Whatever this is, I’d like to pursue it.”

  The look of hesitation in her eyes gave her away. “I sense a ‘but’ to that statement.”

  “But, my son is asleep in the next room.”

  Jason lowered his forehead to hers. “Then sit with me on the couch. Let me hold you, touch you. I want to get to know you, Faith…”

  Her low, sultry laugh sent more blood to his already rock-hard cock. “Turnabout is fair play, because Superman, I think you may be my kryptonite.”

  “Believe me, I’m not a hero.” More like a walking disaster with anger issues.

  “Good. I’d rather have a real man. Perfection is overrated.”

  “I’m as far from perfect as you can get.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  “You feel damn close to perfect to me.” Jason stepped backward, tugging Faith with him. When his calves hit the couch, he pulled her down on top of him. Her little squeal when they fell brought a smile to his lips. He lifted her over him and cupped her neck with his hand. Her eyes sparkled. The blush on her cheeks and the smile on her lips sucked him in like quicksand. Unable to resist, he pulled her down to him and sipped at her lips. He needed to taste her, to absorb the wonderful sensations between them. It had been so damn long since he felt this light.

  Her lips opened and automatically his hips bucked, grinding his erection into her as his tongue plunged deep into her mouth. Faith moaned and shuddered in his arms. Holy hell, the screaming need he felt for this woman. This was more than him wanting to get off. He wanted… Faith’s hand traveled down his chest, past his waist and cupped his hard-as-steel cock, and it was Jason’s turn to moan.

  She pulled away and smiled down at him. “Oh my, you are a big boy, aren’t you?”

  He couldn’t help it; he laughed as he flipped her underneath him. He held himself off her with his arms but lay cradled between her gloriously long legs.

  “Proportional, I’d say.” He dipped to taste the curve of her neck, the woman’s scent and taste surrounding his senses.

  “Then I have to believe, someday, I might be a very happy woman.” Faith’s chest rose, arching toward him as his lips traveled across her neck and down to the exposed flesh of her chest.

  “I want you.” Like there was any doubt, but Jason’s urge to make it clear forced the words.

  “You can have me. Just not tonight. I’ll get a sitter. We’ll… Ahh!” Jason smiled against her breast. He’d pushed aside her shirt and licked under her bra, swiping her nipple. He did it again and she cupped his head, holding him against her. No further encouragement needed, Jason pushed her bra aside and feasted on her soft, succulent skin. The nipple pearled tight under his tongue. He used his teeth to worry the pebbled skin. Her hips bucked under him, grinding her core against his weight. He pushed his hips into her on her next upward thrust. The sound of their mutual moan filled the room.


  Jason and Faith froze at the exact same second, whipping their heads toward the hall where Reece stood rubbing his eyes.

  “Hi, baby.” Faith pulled her shirt down and scrambled to sit up. Jason lifted off her and rolled to his side, lying the length of the couch behind Faith. He wasn’t bending to sit up. That wasn’t happening for a hot minute, not with his cock as hard as a crowbar.

  “Were you playing?” Reece walked over to the couch and climbed up, but instead of sitting on Faith’s lap he settled in between them and closed his eyes.

  “Yeah, baby, grownup games.” Faith’s eyes rounded and her smile brightened the room. Jason chuckled at her expression and answer.

  “Okay. Can I stay?” Reece turned to his side, cuddling closer to Jason. The little boy’s head dropped on his arm. Jason fucking melted. The flush of fever on the little guy’s cheeks, coupled with the kid’s complete innocence, sucker-punched him in the gut. Got his attention and held it, but he was damned if he could figure out why.

  Faith scooted down on the sofa and ran her hand through Reece’s hair. She looked up at Jason with a questioning look.

  “Sure, buddy. You can stay.” Jason’s whisper brought Reece’s eyes open.

  “I’m glad you like us, Superman.” His eyes drooped again, closing as his little body twitched with sleep.

  “I’m glad he likes us, too.” Faith whispered her words while staring at Jason.

  He smiled back at her. What he was feeling right now? This was something he never imagined he’d want to feel. This wasn’t him needing to get laid. It wasn’t about his past, about Theo or about Guardian. The feelings he had right now had everything to do with his present. Jason lifted Reece’s head and ran his arm under Faith, too, allowing her to snuggle closer.

  “Is this okay?” Faith’s whisper drifted over to him.

  “Nowhere I’d rather be.” His hushed answ
er wasn’t a line. It was the truth.

  “You’re making me believe in fairy tales, Mr. King.”

  “I’m no Prince Charming.”

  “And I’m no Cinderella, but I’d dance with you and I wouldn’t run away at midnight. You’ve seen most of my ugly step-sister reality already.”

  “Most?” Jason caught the wistfulness in her voice.

  “A lady has to have some secrets.”

  “A few are authorized.”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being as wonderful as I thought you might be.”

  “When you take off those rose colored glasses, my reality won’t be pretty.”

  “Tell me about you.”

  Jason focused on her face. Her eyes were a dark chocolate brown sprinkled with tiny gold flecks. Beautiful, really.

  “You first.” He’d already talked too much about himself. He could find out everything about Faith with one phone call, but he didn’t want to learn about her from a background investigation.

  “Hmm… well, I’m twenty-one. I had Reece when I was seventeen. That makes this little guy four going on forty.” Some emotion shadowed her face. “I got into a real bad situation before Theo found me. My family life wasn’t what anyone would call ideal. Decisions were made for me that didn’t have my best interest at heart. Theo pulled me out of that mess and took me to live with him in Virginia. When he started going overseas a lot, it made sense for me to have my own place. Make my own way. We’d visited Savannah on a little getaway once and I loved the area. So I moved down here and found a job. I heard about this trailer from a co-worker. The owner had to move to California to take care of family. The price was right and Theo put up the down payment for me.” Faith laughed quietly, reflecting on something that amused her.

  The way her face lit captivated him. “What’s so funny?”

  “Theo. He was so pissed I wouldn’t consider letting him buy it or something better, something more permanent.” Her smile vanished and that specter of something haunting her returned. “But this was never meant to be permanent. It just turned out that way.”

  “Why?” She wasn’t telling him something, and that bothered him more than it probably should.

  “One of those secrets you acknowledged I could have.” Her eyes danced with humor, but he got the message.

  “Where’s Reece’s father?” The humor left her eyes and her face became unreadable.

  “Out of the picture.”

  “Legally out of the picture, or a deadbeat dad?”

  Faith’s eyes peered straight at him as she repeated, “Out. Of. The. Picture.”

  Jason nodded. “All right, I’ll respect your privacy.” For now. Something wasn’t adding up, but he wouldn’t dig. Yet. Maybe.

  Reece squirmed between them, shifting for more room. Jason winked at Faith before he scooped the boy up and rolled to his back. Reece’s small form lay on his chest, the boy’s head tucked under his chin. Jason’s right arm pulled Faith up closer, moving her head onto his shoulder. He let out a satisfied sigh. “Much better. My arm was falling asleep.”

  “I could’ve moved.”

  “I didn’t want you to.”

  Faith reached up and brushed the little man’s thick brown hair off his forehead. “I’d do anything to protect him. He’s my life.”

  Jason ran his hand up and down the silky smooth skin of Faith’s arm. “I’d like to see you again.”

  Faith tilted her head up, a beautiful smile spread across her face. “Yeah? Why?”

  “Why?” Jason chuckled at the question.

  “Yeah. You’re probably rich. The suit I ruined with the garden hose probably cost more than I make in three months. I’ve nearly broken your nose, and I have a son. So why?”

  Jason took a deep breath. “I don’t care about money. I’ve lived without it. I’m fortunate. I know that. There are several reasons I want to see you again. First, you are real.”

  Faith snickered against his shoulder. “Well, I should hope so. Not much fun going out with make-believe people.”

  “Agreed. No, what I meant was, in D.C. nothing is as it seems. Everyone wears a veneer. With a few exceptions, almost nobody is the person they portray. The politics, games, prestige and struggle for power change people. You say what you think, and I enjoy that. When you try to suppress that urge, it makes you squirm.”

  “It does not!” Faith’s indignant whisper sent a low laugh rumbling through his chest.

  “Dom Ops?”

  Her hands flew to her face and an almost inaudible squeak came from behind her cupped fingers. “Stoooppp!” She peeked over her fingertips, her eyes dancing with mirth.

  Jason smiled and squeezed her into him so he could kiss her forehead without disturbing Reece.

  “I like that you think I’m special when I’m not, and it amazes me that you’re raising this little guy by yourself.”

  “Thank you, but you’re selling yourself short. I’m a single mother who lives in a doublewide trailer in Georgia. I have my GED and a past that would make a horror story sound like a lullaby. I don’t understand why you’d want to see me again?”

  Jason slowly moved his head from side to side. “We both have baggage. I’m notorious for messing up anything good that comes my way. Why don’t we just take it day by day?” His hand traced lazy circles on her arm.

  Faith nodded against his shoulder. “I’d like that.”

  Jason closed his eyes and sighed under the comfortable weight of the small boy and woman in his arms.

  “Don’t make plans for tomorrow night, Mr. King.” Faith played with the collar of his shirt.

  “Oh, and why shouldn’t I?”

  “Because if this guy is feeling better, you’re getting lucky.”

  Chapter Nine

  Jason opened the hotel door for Faith. He’d taken her to dinner at Elizabeth’s on 37th. The food was fantastic, but Jason could tell she was out of her element at the posh restaurant. She watched him to see which fork to use before she picked up her own. The constant blush on her cheeks betrayed her discomfort. He remembered his first time at a five-star restaurant. He knew the embarrassment she was trying to avoid. He distracted her attention with more… immediate concerns. The tactic worked very well.

  He wasn’t sure how she’d react to the owner’s suite at the Mansion. She’d grown quiet when they’d walked through the lobby. He caught her looking at the Versace furniture as he guided her to the elevator. She huddled close to him as he opened the door to the suite and stopped altogether when he turned on the light.

  Faith shook her head and turned toward him. “You really are rich, aren’t you? This isn’t a setup to impress me.” Jason looked around the room, actually seeing it for the first time. The maid had opened the floor-to-ceiling curtains that covered the magnificent bay windows. The furniture and appointments were opulent, something he’d taken for granted.

  “The company booked the room for me. I’m well compensated for my work.” What else could he say?

  “This is probably the fanciest place I’ve ever seen.” She turned to look at the room again.

  “The only thing in this room that matters to me is you.” Jason wrapped her in his arms and drew her close for a kiss. The carefully restrained chemistry between them exploded. His cock screamed for relief. A hand job late last night, and then again this morning, had done absolutely nothing to alleviate the desire he’d felt when he’d seen her tonight. Dressed in an almost-too-small, almost-too-tight little black dress with some stiletto-type high heels, she’d stoked his raging hard-on all fucking night.

  He liked her in the heels. Liked how she felt in his arms. Her body was deadly, like taking a suicide curve on a canyon road while going a hundred miles an hour. He wasn’t going to survive the crash, but the thrill of the ride was too tempting to resist.

  Jason lowered to kiss her and felt her warm breath against his lips before they made a connection. He tried for soft—casual. But the resul
t? Flaming lightning bolts of lust-filled need. Good God, he could devour the woman, she tasted so fucking good. If the way she was climbing his body was any indication, she felt it too.

  His hand grabbed the long leg that wrapped his thigh and lifted. Her hands tightened around his neck and her other leg hugged him. His hands slipped to her ass and he carried her, still locked in a hot-as-fuck kiss, to the bedroom and the bed.

  His jacket and tie were gone. Some vague recollection of her pushing the jacket off his shoulders at the door flashed through his mind. The zipper on her dress caught about halfway down her back. Faith gave a disgruntled groan and shimmied away just far enough to pull the material over her head.

  Jason feasted on the vision in front of him. Her breath came in heavy pants and lifted her breasts, creating an insane dip in her stomach with each inhale. He leaned forward and she leaned back. He controlled the descent onto the white down comforter of the king bed. Her brown hair haloed her face. Her parted lips and dark, sex-glazed eyes held his attention for a moment, until the black lace of her bra cast an irresistible siren’s call. Jason smiled. Oh yeah, he was hungry, and food wasn’t on the menu.

  He dropped to his elbows over her and started with her mouth. He could spend forever kissing those full lips, but he wanted more. His hands explored before his lips and tongue tasted. Soft skin called to him and he followed. Her shoulders and collarbone mapped by his touch and taste would be forever imprinted on his mind. The straps of that lace bra slid down her arms, and his lips followed. He teased and nipped sensitive flesh, noting when she shivered, pressed into a caress, or—his favorite—gave a whimpered breath or moaned a response. God, the sounds the woman made should be illegal. They were more addictive than any drug. He smiled at that thought. There wouldn’t be a twelve-step program to beat this particular addiction. No, her body could be his drug of choice for the rest of his life and he’d never seek a remedy.

  His fingers slid her black lace panties down her hips as his lips played with the exposed skin. He cupped that delicious ass with both hands and lifted her toward him. His body completely between her legs, he laid feather-light kisses from the seam of her leg to her hot center. At the touch of his kiss, she jerked, and her hands found his hair.


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