Mysterious Mountain Man

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Mysterious Mountain Man Page 2

by Annette Broadrick

  “Maybe I shoulda kept my mouth shut. Looks like you’re gonna beat me if I don’t do somethin’ mighty fast here.”

  Jake scratched his chin. He hadn’t shaved in a couple of days, another sign of his abstraction. He’d been taking long hikes lately, now that he’d finished all the construction plans for his place. Sometimes he would end up camping out overnight if he was too far from the cabin when the winter dusk caught up with him.

  “Gettin’ restless up there in them mountains, aren’t you?”

  “A little,” Jake admitted.

  “I could never figure out why you wanted to live up there all alone, anyway.”

  Jake grinned. “I’m far from alone, Mel. There’s plenty of company. Most of the time I much prefer Mother Nature and her wildlife to people. At least the predators are easier to recognize.”

  “Don’t you ever miss that job you had out in Seattle?”

  Jake frowned. “Sometimes.”

  “I can’t rightly remember what it was they made at that factory.”

  “They manufactured various parts used in the building of airplanes, helicopters—whatever the aeronautical industry needed.”

  “Do you suppose that guy that was here is wanting to offer you a job?”

  “Wouldn’t matter if he was.”

  Neither one of them spoke for a while. One game ended and they started another without a word. Occasionally Betty came over and refilled their coffee cups.

  “You guys gettin’ hungry?” Betty finally asked.

  Mel grunted. Jake glanced up. “I could probably eat a sandwich.”

  The sound of tires on the gravel driveway outside announced that the tiny restaurant would soon have more business. Jake leaned back in his chair and watched a couple with two small children get out of a late-model minivan.

  “Looks like your noon rush just arrived,” he drawled, grinning. Mel hurried to the kitchen while Betty reached for the stack of menus, a smile on her face for the children.

  * * *

  Rebecca Adams had been following the arrow-straight highway east out of El Paso for what seemed like hours, looking for the Dry Gulch Café. The desolate West Texas terrain had so mesmerized her with its sameness that she almost drove past the small settlement without noticing it. She was almost upon it before she noticed the sign advertising the café.

  She peered at the cluster of weathered, gray buildings while hurriedly braking to make the turn. There were only two vehicles in the gravel parking lot—a minivan and a pickup truck.

  Rebecca quickly glanced into the rearview mirror of her rental car, thankful there was no one to see that she hadn’t bothered to signal her intentions as she pulled off the highway. She parked neatly beside the angled truck and turned off the car engine.

  She’d left Seattle early that morning and hadn’t paused in her travels since. Woody had told her that the only people he’d found who seemed to know anything about Jake Taggart were here at this café.

  She took a deep breath and slowly released it. She was here now, ready to begin her search for the elusive Mr. Taggart. She’d made up her mind that nothing was going to stop her from finding Jake and talking to him, no matter what she had to do.

  She quickly ran a comb through her dark, shoulder-length hair, powdered her nose and checked to make sure she still had on her lipstick. Her wide-set gray eyes stared back at her apprehensively from her compact mirror. She couldn’t remember when she’d ever been so nervous before, but then she’d never had to deal with such high stakes before. She couldn’t afford to lose this particular gamble.

  She could think of any number of people she would have preferred to look for besides Jake Taggart. She’d never understood her father’s enthusiasm about the man. He may have been a genius at what he did for the company, but he’d been an impossible person to get to know.

  She’d always taken pride in the fact that she could figure most people out. She’d made human behavior her main study, but Jake had always managed to elude her analysis.

  As soon as she stepped out of the car, Rebecca paused to straighten her slim dark skirt and adjust the tailored matching jacket that stopped a few inches above the mid-thigh length of her skirt. She reached for her briefcase, which held her purse, and straightened, inwardly seeking the professional calm that carried her through her daily working routine.

  The gravel made walking in heels difficult. She picked her way carefully across the dusty expanse. The last thing she needed was an injury of some sort out here in this godforsaken wilderness.

  She was relieved to reach the smoother surface of the picturesque porch, which held a cluster of chairs—straight-backed and rockers—and a couple of tables. She glanced around her, perplexed by the evidence of her own eyes. Had Jake Taggart actually grown up in this area? In no way did it fit the image of the man she remembered.

  The sagging screen door protested with a squeal when she pushed it open and stepped inside.

  Her appearance seemed to have frozen the few occupants in the room into suspended animation. Every eye seemed to be trained on her. A casually dressed man and woman occupied a nearby booth with two small children. The little girl sat in a high chair at the end of the table, while the boy was perched on a booster seat beside his father.

  All four stared at her as though she’d just stepped off a space ship and was there to make inquiries of the local inhabitants.

  The woman behind the counter stood with a forgotten coffeepot in her hand, her eyes round as she stared at the newcomer.

  Only the cowboy in the back seemed uninterested in her. He sat with his chair leaning against the wall, balanced on two legs, as though he had nothing better to do than to hang around a café all day. His thick black hair was worn too long, brushing his collar and tumbling across his forehead. He’d glanced at her when she’d first walked in, then he’d looked away as though unimpressed, while casually twirling a pair of sunglasses by one of the earpieces.

  Rebecca gripped her briefcase tighter and approached the woman behind the counter.

  “Good afternoon, miss,” the woman said before Rebecca could speak. “Are you here for lunch?”

  Intent on her mission, Rebecca paused, feeling a little off-balance. For the first time in several hours she realized she hadn’t eaten since she’d left home. She took in the room in another sweeping glance before replying.

  “I—uh—yes, actually, that would be nice.”

  She was a little irritated with herself for not thinking about eating here. The woman must think her ridiculous to appear surprised to be offered a meal in a café. What, after all, had she expected? She certainly hadn’t walked into a lending library!

  Rebecca noticed an empty booth in the back and had started toward it before she realized that she would be sitting near the cowboy. She certainly hoped he didn’t think she was trying to get his attention!

  Taking another firm grip on her briefcase, she straightened her shoulders slightly and continued toward the back of the room without looking at anyone.

  “Hello, Rebecca,” a deep voice drawled from somewhere close by.

  She spun around, almost losing her balance. How could anyone here know who she—? Only one person could possibly recognize her. Her gaze darted around the room before she made eye contact with the cowboy, who continued to watch her without moving from his comfortable, laid-back position.

  For the first time since she’d entered the café Rebecca really looked at the man leaning his chair against the wall.

  “Jake,” she whispered almost to herself as she stared at him. Her breath seemed caught in her throat. Whatever her expectations had been for this trip, finding Jake within moments after her arrival had never crossed her mind.

  He took his time looking at her, allowing his gaze to wander from the top of her head, lingering over the trim-fitting suit, before pausing on her now dusty pumps.

  Eventually his gaze met her eyes. “What brings you to these parts?” he drawled. “Did you make a wrong turn

  In the year since she’d last seen him, Rebecca had forgotten how his low voice had always caused her spine to tingle in a most unexpected and unprofessional way. The tingle was back, darn it, and they’d barely exchanged any words. She stood taller in an effort to combat her unwanted reaction to the man.

  The waitress spoke from directly behind her. “You can sit anywhere, miss. Just pick a spot and light.”

  Rebecca glanced around at the waitress just as she heard the other two legs on Jake’s chair hit the floor.

  “She’ll take the back booth, Betty,” he said, straightening in slow motion to his full height. “Bring her Mel’s special. Let’s show the city lady what down-home cookin’s all about.”

  Gently he touched Rebecca’s arm and guided her over to the booth. He didn’t take his eyes off her as she numbly slid onto the bench seat, staring at him as he sat down across from her.

  This long-haired, unshaven cowboy was Jake Taggart? She could scarcely believe the evidence of her own eyes. What had happened to the man in the business suits and ties with the professionally styled hair and freshly laundered shirts?

  Nothing about this meeting was going as she had planned. She hadn’t tried to guess how she’d find him or where a meeting between them would take place but this unexpected encounter had left her reeling. All of the remarks she’d carefully planned to say to him had left her mind.

  While she was frantically searching for a light remark, Jake said, “Betty, I’d like you to meet Rebecca Adams. She works for CPI Enterprises in Seattle.” He glanced at Rebecca out of the corner of his eye before adding, “Besides being the head of the personnel department, she’s the boss’s daughter.”

  He glanced back at her, no doubt waiting for her reaction to his remark. Since he wasn’t the first person through the years to imply that she held a responsible position in the company only because of her father, she chose not to comment.

  She really didn’t care what Jake Taggart thought of her. She knew she was good at her job. She didn’t owe anyone any explanations or apologies for the position she held.

  When she remained silent, he continued. “Betty and Mel own the restaurant. They serve the best food west of the Mississippi.”

  Rebecca noticed the older woman—Betty had he called her?— blushed like a schoolgirl. But then, Jake seemed to have that effect on most women—even her, darn him—despite her determination to keep a professional distance between them. How could she have forgotten this man’s charisma? Hadn’t she once accused her father of being unduly influenced by Jake’s magnetism as well as his professional expertise?

  “Pleased ta meet cha, Ms. Adams. What would you like to drink?”

  “I think I’ll have—”

  “They don’t have any of your herbal teas, ‘Becca, and the coffee is chock-full of caffeine,” Jake drawled, deliberately baiting her.

  Ignoring him, she smiled at Betty and said, “Coffee sounds wonderful. Thank you.”

  Betty hurried away, presumably for a cup since she was still holding the pot of coffee in her hand. Jake, meanwhile, turned sideways in the booth—his back resting against the wall, his elbow on the table, and his long legs stretched along the length of the bench seat.

  Rebecca folded her hands together on the table and studied them in an effort to organize her thoughts.

  “You never said what brings you to these parts, ‘Becca.” The slight tilt of his mouth revealed his awareness of her efforts at control.

  She lifted her gaze to meet his. Thankfully, to her, her voice sounded steady when she replied, “That should be obvious, Jake. I came looking for you.”


  Jake studied her for a long moment. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but then, she never could. This man continued to be an enigma to her. Despite her working knowledge of human nature, she’d never been able to figure out what made Jake Taggart tick.

  She knew she was at a disadvantage with him and that she would have to call on everything she had to convince him to do what she so desperately needed him to do. She’d come this far. She couldn’t blow it now.

  She took a deep breath, prepared to make her pitch, when he said, “I’m downright flattered, ‘Becca.” There wasn’t an ounce of sincerity in his voice. “I’ll admit to being surprised to see you here.”

  Now that she could believe despite the fact that he’d concealed his surprise well. She looked toward the dusty windows and beyond to the brightly lit sky. “West Texas is certainly different from Seattle, I must admit.” She turned back to face the man across from her. She’d always found him formidable. “Did anyone tell you that we’ve been trying to contact you?”

  He opened his mouth as though to answer her, then paused, glancing past her shoulder. Betty arrived with a cup of coffee. She set it in front of Rebecca before turning to Jake. “You want some more coffee?”

  “No, thanks. Water’s fine.”

  Betty smiled at Rebecca, her eyes reflecting her curiosity. “So you came to see Jake, did ya?” she asked, making no attempt to hide her interest.

  Rebecca was surprised. She wasn’t used to having a server make personal conversation. “I—uh—” She stopped, not knowing how to respond. She was out of her element and wasn’t certain what was called for here, according to proper etiquette.

  “It’s all right,” Betty said, her voice filled with sympathetic understanding. “He’s used to women chasing after him.” She turned to Jake. “So. You expectin’ to hang around here overnight, or do you intend to git back home?”

  Jake lazily stretched before replying. “Haven’t decided yet, Betty.”

  “Well, we always keep your room ready for ya,” she said casually, before returning to the cash register where the other diners were waiting to pay for their meal.

  Rebecca knew it was none of her business, but she asked, anyway. “Are you related to Betty?”

  “In a manner of speaking.”

  She nodded, more to herself than anything. “I wondered about that when I saw them listed in your personnel file. It was our only lead to your whereabouts.”

  After straightening the knife, fork and spoon that Betty had placed in front of him, Jake picked up the spoon with his thumb and forefinger and began to flip it, tapping one end on the table, flipping it, then tapping the other end, as though he had nothing better to do than to make a repetitive noise no doubt designed to irritate her. She glanced at his long fingers, then away.

  “Well, now you’ve found me. So what do you want?”

  She took a sip of the coffee, her mind racing with questions and comments. She mentally replayed what Betty had said just now and surprised herself by verbalizing the least important question flitting through her mind.

  “Is that true?” she asked.

  “Is what true?”

  “Are you used to women chasing after you?”

  He twitched his shoulders and gave a quick shake of his head. “That was Betty’s way of pulling my leg.”

  She dropped her gaze to the steaming liquid. She was stalling and she knew it, but she couldn’t seem to bring any order to her thoughts at the moment. To immediately find the man for whom she’d been prepared to make a diligent search had thrown her off her stride. She needed a moment to regroup and to marshal all her arguments.

  “What do you want, Rebecca?” he repeated, impatiently. “Did Brock send you?”

  She stiffened for a moment before answering him. “No.”

  “I didn’t think so.” Tension filled the silence between them before he continued, his tone mocking. “As I recall, you never went out of your way to spend much time in my company when I worked at CPI, so it’s hard for me to guess what prompted this little visit.”

  Rebecca lowered her cup, carefully replacing it on the table. He certainly wasn’t making this meeting an easy one. What, after all, had she expected? Before she could comment on his remark, he continued by saying, “You think I never noticed how studiously you managed to avoid
me?” His mouth curled slightly. “I was aware I wasn’t your idea of a corporate executive. Well, don’t worry. After a few years I came to the same conclusion, myself. Guess I don’t have the necessary killer instinct.”

  She controlled her surprise at this unexpected glimpse into the way his mind worked. “On the contrary, Jake. I thought you were an excellent executive. Since my father planned for you to take his place in the company, his views were obvious, as well.” She paused, searching for an explanation of something she’d never before attempted to put into words. “As for me, I’ll admit that I never went out of my way to get to know you, that’s true.” She forced herself to meet his dark-eyed gaze before saying, “I’m not particularly proud of the fact, but the truth is, for some time I was jealous of you.”

  His eyes narrowed and he quirked one of his eyebrows at her, but he made no comment.

  She shrugged. “Hopefully I’ve gotten over that rather adolescent reaction to the fact that my dad treated you like the son he never had.”

  “And that bothered you?”

  “It shouldn’t have, of course. There was no rational reason for me to see you as a threat. I never had any interest in learning to run the company. I much prefer working with the employees and leaving the rest of the business to the engineering and business majors. I never made any secret of my professional preferences.”

  “But you aren’t talking about professional preferences now, are you?”

  This wasn’t the topic she’d intended to discuss with him. Somehow, she’d lost control of their meeting before she’d had an opportunity to state her reasons for being there. He’d gotten a reaction from her. He was good at that—causing a reaction without giving anything of himself away.

  She sighed and shook her head. “I’ve had the past year to look at my behavior, to recognize and face how childish I was acting by distancing myself from you.” She glanced away before forcing herself to meet his gaze. “However, you have to admit you’re not an easy man to get to know, even in the best of circumstances.”

  “I had a job to do. I was never out to win any popularity contests...with you or anybody else.”


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