Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square)

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Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square) Page 9

by Jessica Ingro

  “Good. I was worried he’d have to work. It wouldn’t feel right without him here.”


  “Kara and I decided to try for kids sooner rather than later.” I’m usually not one to spill my guts, but I have a feeling my sister needs this right now.

  Just as I anticipated, her face lights up and she looks years younger than she did a few minutes ago.

  “That is so wonderful!” She claps her hands and exclaims. “I cannot wait to be an aunt. I’m going to spoil your children rotten and make you regret the years of torment you put me through with the girls.”

  I feign horror. “You wouldn’t, horse breath!”

  “Oh, I so would, penis face!”

  Kara joins us in the kitchen when she hears us laughing.

  “My parents just woke up. And I saw John heading into Grace’s room.” She sits on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. Leaning over I kiss the tip of her nose.

  At the sound of little girl voices and high pitched squeals, Emma stands up. “And that would be my cue to get their stockings out.”

  “Is everything okay?” Kara asks when Emma leaves the room.

  “It will be. I hope…” My voice trails off as I look out the doorway into the living room. I’ll wait until after the wedding to bring up moving. Kara doesn’t need to be concerned with that just yet. Besides it will give me a chance to work on my case. They say the best defense is a strong offense.

  “What do you say, Sunshine? Want to go open some presents?”

  “I’d love to.” She leans in and rubs her nose alongside mine before planting a quick kiss to my lips.

  “Let the fun begin,” I shout as we join everyone in the living room.


  “And this one’s for you,” Kara says as she hands me my present. I’m immediately surprised by how heavy it is for its size.

  I grab her hand before she can walk away, and I press the jewelry box in her hand. “You forgot one.”

  I smirk as she excitedly bounces into her seat. Watching her get presents never gets old. Every reaction from Kara is a genuine one. She’s never fake, and I appreciate the hell out of it.

  The living room is covered in torn wrapping paper and shredded bows. The girls are playing in the corner with their new iPad minis, while the grown ups open the last of the gifts.

  Today has been one of the best Christmas’ I can remember in a long time. The girls both have on the matching Christmas pajamas that they got, that they’ll spend the day in. Emma and I used to love getting to stay in our pajamas all day. I’m glad she continued with that tradition.

  Maggie is in the kitchen making everyone breakfast. A huge feast, including breakfast burritos, is Kara’s family tradition on Christmas morning. She vows that breakfast will be delicious, and that I’m going to crave these burritos every year hereafter. I swear the Andrews women are trying to give me a gut. I’ll just have to keep finding creative ways with my girl to burn off the extra calories.

  Bill and Maggie were gracious enough to gift us with a honeymoon for Christmas. Because the money they have saved for Kara’s wedding wasn’t needed, they thought it would be good to use it for the honeymoon. It was more than we could have ever asked for and extremely thoughtful of them. The more I think about it, the more anxious I am to whisk my girl away for two weeks of uninterrupted sexy time.

  Surprisingly enough, the munchkins haven’t realized that they didn’t get a gift from Kara and me. Bill is sneaking next door to get the puppies as we speak. I’ve been assured by Kara that they will have a green ribbon and a red ribbon tied around their respective necks. Luckily, we were able to get the brother, sister pair from the picture Emma had sent us.

  Emma still doesn’t know we got two dogs, and I’m starting to feel guilty after our conversation earlier. She certainly doesn’t need any additional stress.

  Before we leave, I’ll lecture the girls on responsibility and will make them promise that they’ll take care of them without complaint, or I’ll have to take them back. Scaring them into submission works most of the time.

  I make quick work of the wrapping paper on my gift and open the box to find a new handgun. I pick it up and study the Kimber .45 pistol. Wow… this is quite a gun.

  “Holy cow! How’d you know to pick this out?” I gush and turn my attention to Kara, who is fiddling with the bow on her unopened gift.

  “Mack went with me. You like it?”

  “Like it? I love it! Thank you!” I lean over and kiss her thoroughly. Emma and John’s catcalls make me pull away.

  “Thank you,” I whisper against her mouth.

  Gesturing to her gift, I tell her to hurry up. I’m dying for her to see the necklace.

  She gives me a mischievous grin and rips open the package. She opens the velvet box and reveals a silver necklace with a large round yellow diamond surrounded by tiny white diamonds. She picks up the card that I tucked into the velvet, and I watch her hands tremble as she opens and reads it.

  Thank you for shining your light on me and warming my heart when I thought it was permanently frozen. I love you from the bottom of my soul and will spend the rest of my life giving back to you all that you give to me.

  I watch as her chin quivers and tears pour out of her eyes. “Happy tears! I promise!” She gives me a watery smile and a little sputtering laugh.

  “Put it on me!” She exclaims and lifts her hair so that I can latch it around her neck.

  I run my finger down her neck and over her chest, before fingering the diamond. The gem sits on her like it was meant to be there. Perfect.

  “I love it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She says in between kisses.

  “Anything for you, Sunshine.” And I mean that more today than yesterday. Every day with her gets better and better.

  A few minutes later I hear the door to the mudroom open.

  Cue our rehearsed spiel.

  “Hey, Kara. Did you forget to pack the gifts for the girls?” I say loud enough for them to hear me across the room.

  Their fingers stop moving and their heads shoot up to stare us down.

  “Hmmm… I’m not sure. I thought I brought them, but I definitely didn’t see them under the tree. I wonder if Santa took them back when he came last night,” she says innocently, playing along perfectly.

  “Were you girls bad? Is that why Santa took your presents with him?” I ask with a serious tone to my voice.

  They both shake their head in unison with a dire look on their faces.

  “Then they have to be around here somewhere,” I exclaim and stand up. “Maybe you should help me find them.”

  Bill walks out into the living room and winks to let me know that we are all set. Perfect timing.

  The girls get up and start looking under chairs and behind cushions. It’s comical really. The longer it takes to locate the present, the more frantic their searching becomes.

  “Maybe I left them in the mudroom?” I murmur and both the girls take off in that direction.

  When the door to the mudroom opens, the house is filled with yips and squeals of delight as the girls and the puppies get to know one another.

  “A puppy!” Grace shrieks and runs at warp speed into the living room with the girl puppy held tightly in her arms. The puppy licks her face enthusiastically.

  “Two puppies!” Candace follows suit running in after her sister with the boy puppy.

  “Two puppies?” Emma turns and gives me the stink eye. I give her a sheepish look in return and shrug my shoulders. Then for good measure, I point to Kara behind her back trying to blame the whole thing on her.

  All I get in return is a “Yeah right” look and a shake of her fist. I’ll have to make sure I’m never alone with her from now until the time we leave. Otherwise, she might kick me in the balls.

  “What are you guys going to name them?” Kara asks from her spot on the floor where she’s playing with the dogs.

  “I want to name my Simba,” Candace announce
s. “He looks like a Simba.”

  “If he’s Simba, then mine can be Nala!” Grace shouts excitedly.

  “Your sister is going to kill you,” John whispers as he comes to stand next to me.

  “You should talk,” I scoff under my breath and then realize what I’ve done.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” He asks sounding offended.

  “Dude, I’m not going to get involved, but you need to talk to your wife. She’s run down and tired. If you don’t open your eyes, you just might lose the best thing that’s ever happened to you – your family.” I take a sip of my coffee and look at him out of the corner of my eye. A muscle in his jaw ticks and his fists clench. I refuse to apologize for overstepping my bounds and looking out for Emma’s best interest. It’s what a good brother should do.

  “The only thing stopping me from decking you right now is that I know you’re coming from a good place. In the future, keep your fucking mouth shut.”

  My mouth gapes as I watch John storm away. I’ve never seen him so pissed off. Emma gives me a glare and a worried look after witnessing his departure.


  I scrub my hands down my face and hope like hell I didn’t just make things worse.


  Lying on the floor of the basement with two puppies crawling over me, I smile when Kara lies down next to me. I reach over and lace my fingers with hers.

  I promised the girls I would watch their dogs while they went to their grandparents’ house for a few hours. They weren’t too keen on leaving, but I finally convinced them that they would be just fine while they were gone.

  Thankfully, Kara’s parents decided to go to the movies tonight after my sister and her brood left. Alone time with my girl is just how I want to end my Christmas.

  “Did you have a good Christmas, Sunshine?” I bring her hand up to my lips and kiss each of her fingertips.

  “Mmm… I did. It was the best one yet.” She rolls on her side to face me. “I love you. So damn much.”

  I pick Nala up, who has now weaseled her way in between us and set her off to the side so I can grab Kara and pull her closer.

  “I love you too, babe.” I tuck her head under my chin and lightly stroke her back.

  “I can’t wait to marry you tomorrow,” she whispers before planting a soft kiss on my chest.

  “Me too.” I kiss her hair and rest my cheek on her head. “Me too.”

  “Um, Jacob?” Kara starts to squirm, but I refuse to let her go.

  “Jacob,” she says more forcefully this time.

  “What?” I ask, slightly annoyed that she’s ruining our quiet moment together.

  “One of the dogs just tinkled on my leg.” Her voice sounds horrified.

  I throw my head back and roar with laughter. Thank God they pissed on her and not me. I don’t care if that makes me a son of a bitch or not.

  Kara jumps up and starts to squirm out of her pants, cursing and muttering under her breath.

  I sit up and grab her arm, pulling her down to me once her pants are off. I roll her under me and kiss her breathlessly.

  “There’s still time to make some more Christmas memories.” My lips suck on her neck where it meets her shoulder and a low moan leaves her mouth.

  “I’d like that,” she whispers.

  Spending the next two hours inside my girl – my future – is the perfect ending, to the perfect holiday. And tomorrow, the rest of our lives begin.

  Chapter Twelve


  There is wrapping paper everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. I think Tessa thought it was more fun to throw paper around then it was to actually have new toys to play with.

  It’s the little things that mean so much.

  I really wanted this Christmas to be special for her. Especially since this is going to be the last one with just her.

  “VIP tickets for the Dave Matthews concert in D.C. next April! That’s pretty awesome. Thanks, honey,” Aiden says after opening what he thinks is his last gift.

  Tessa is sitting next to us on the floor playing with her Big Hugs Elmo, oblivious to everything but her toy. I feel like shouting, “Take that Aiden!”

  I knew that toy would be a hit! I just hope that woman found another one. I still feel a touch guilty about that.

  “It’s your turn,” Aiden murmurs as he reaches under the couch for a gorgeously wrapped box. It’s the unmistakable size for jewelry, and my heart picks up. I love when he gets me jewelry. There is always something thoughtful and meaningful behind his purchases.

  I reach out and snatch the box from his hand, bouncing up and down while I rip off the bow and unwrap the shiny red and silver paper. The rectangular, blue velvet box creaks as I open it. I gasp as I take in the exquisite charm bracelet. It’s platinum and dainty, made up of multiple infinity knots linked together with charms hanging from them. I finger the charms as Aiden goes through each one. “The ‘B’ is for your Red Sox, the book is for your writing, the aquamarine heart is for Tessa, and the dog is for Hugo. Then there is your birthstone and mine. And this heart… is because you are the keeper of mine.”

  “It’s… I don’t know what to say.” I look up at him with blurry, tear filled eyes. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” I smile and hold out my wrist for him to put it on me. I move my arm back and forth, looking at each charm as it shifts.

  I settle into Aiden’s side. His arm rests around my shoulders, holding me tightly to his body while we watch our daughter play. Everything about this moment is perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything more in life. I’m fulfilled in ways I could never have imagined before.

  “Well, as much as I would love to lay here all day with you in my arms watching our angel play, I better go get in the shower. Then we need to get her dressed so we can go to my mothers.” Aiden moves to get up, and I launch myself at him.

  “Not yet. I think Santa left a gift over there.” I point to the corner of the room, where a large package sits propped against the wall, hidden behind a rocking chair. It’s wrapped in white and red striped paper with a big bow on it.

  “What is that?” He asks before getting up and looking at the tag on the gift. “To Aiden. Love, Santa.”

  He lifts his gaze to me and quirks his eyebrow playfully. “Love, Santa?”

  I laugh at his facial expression. “Is there something I should know about you and Santa?” I joke with him.

  “Mrs. Claus and me, sure. Santa and Me.” He shakes his head and gives me a grim look. “Not so much.”

  “Aren’t you going to open it?” I start squirming like an anxious child, waiting for him to open his last gift.

  He doesn’t keep me waiting long. After he brings the gift back to the couch, he rips off the paper and opens the white box, revealing a bunch of white tissue paper. I bite my lip in anticipation as he moves the paper aside.

  Nestled in the paper is a three foot canvas portrait of Tessa standing in a winter wonderland. She’s dressed in a white, silk dress with a red velvet sash and bow. There are red roses around the bottom of the dress, and the tulle petticoat gives it extra flounce. Her legs are encased in white tights with a rose floral design, and her feet are donning a pair of metallic gold ballet flats, embellished with a bow at the toe. Holding her silky, blonde curls back is a red headband with a red silk bow. Her smile lights up the whole canvas. She is such a happy child.

  My throat clogs at how fucking adorable my little girl is. I’m so lucky God blessed me with her.

  “This picture is gorgeous,” Aiden breathes. His finger lovingly grazes over the image of our daughter.

  “It is, isn’t it? Look at the next one.” I can’t wait to hang that picture over the fireplace, but it’s the next one that has my heart racing.

  He gently sets the canvas aside and digs through the paper once more. He pulls out a framed eight inch by ten inch picture of Tessa sitting on a wooden stool against a simple white background. She has a big smile on her face, and her little index fingers are pointing to h
er white shirt with pink and green letters, that says “I’m gonna be a Big Sister”.

  Aiden looks up at me with a look of astonishment. “Is this true? Are you having my baby again?” He asks.

  I nod and give him a watery smile. We’ve been trying for six months now to get pregnant again. As soon as I missed my period, I raced to the drug store to buy a pregnancy test. I felt bad not telling him right away, but with Christmas around the corner, I wanted it to be special.

  He reaches out and places his hand on my still flat stomach. “Best Christmas present ever,” he whispers before leaning down and kissing my belly where his hand had laid.

  I barely suppress the sob that rips from my chest as happy tears flow down my face. I never knew it was possible to be this happy.


  The doorbell ringing has me racing the rest of the way down the stairs with Tessa in my arms. She clings to my neck and laughs a loud, belly laugh as I bounce her up and down.

  “Will you please be careful?” Aiden reprimands me from his place on the couch in the family room.

  I roll my eyes and huff. It’s going to be a long eight months with him breathing down my neck. Luckily, it comes from a good place otherwise I’d have to kill him.

  I open the door and am greeted by the sight of Michelle and Kyle. Taking in their appearance, I immediately laugh at poor Kyle. His arms are overloaded with presents, so much so that I can barely see his face.

  “He’s my elf for the day,” Michelle smiles and mutters by way of explanation, before grabbing my daughter from me.

  “Aunt Shelly is here to spoil my goddaughter rotten!” She exclaims and makes her way into the family room. She kisses Aiden on the cheek and sets Tessa down by the tree.

  “Let me look at you!” Michelle coos at Tessa, holding her arms out. “Oh my God! This just might be the cutest little outfit I’ve ever seen!”


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