Magic and Mayhem: Witch With An Axe To Grind (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 4)

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Magic and Mayhem: Witch With An Axe To Grind (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 4) Page 8

by Isabel Micheals

  "Well, in all fairness to your sister, it was a gingerbread house and she is expecting twins. Maybe the Bambinos were hungry? Besides, my sister can be a real witch at times."

  "She has a point, Zara," Zoey concedes. "Big sis is an impulsive eater when she's not pregnant. I'm not surprised she was unable to restrain herself given the pregnancy hormones surging through her body and all of the cravings that come with being pregnant."

  "Your father is also to blame for this. If he hadn't bribed the citizens of Assjacket into going on a no-carb diet, Zelda wouldn't have been put into such a tenuous situation and left vulnerable to the carb-eating fairies," Baba Yaga snapped.

  "Wait! Dad did what?" the twins asked simultaneously.

  “That’s a story for another day. Besides, we’re wasting time. I popped in to tell you that Zelda and Fabio aren’t ignoring you. They just have their hands full trying to restore the magical balance in the world and the only way they can do that is to locate the Lurking Fucking Evil. Well, Zelda also has to restore Marge’s house.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Zara asks. Disbelief written all over her face.

  “I know we don’t know each other very well, but I assure you my dear, I would never joke about something as serious as this,” Baba Yaga said. “Now, if there’s nothing else, I have more urgent business to attend to. My stubborn sister is trying to retire and that’s not an option until we find her a replacement.”

  ‘You’re seriously just leaving us,” Zoe asked in a calmer voice.

  “I have no choice, my dear. The Goddess, the Fates and I have every confidence that you and your sister will come up with a solution to handle Serena. Just remember that there’s strength in numbers and watch for the sign,” Baba Yaga instructed before she disappeared as quickly as she had appeared.

  “Oh My Goddess. It all makes sense now. Magic is on the fritz because her sister’s job is to create and spread a magical balance in the world. I bet she’s doing it with the green goop, which is why everyone is willing to die for it. If it fell into the wrong hands, evil would reign supreme over good and life as we know it would cease to exist,” Zeva said.

  “Oh for Goddess’s sake! The hits just keep on coming,” Zara exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice.

  “What are we going to do? We have to help my sister and stop Serena?” Sarah finally said. After Zeva’s revelation, the room had gone silent, whether it was from shock or fear, she couldn’t tell. Either way, she would get her sister back and do whatever it took to stop Serena with or without the sisters’ help. She just needed a plan.

  “We’re going to stop Serena’s and save our friends,” Zara replied in a voice that brokered no argument.

  Chapter 11

  Sarah let out a sigh of relief at Zara’s declaration. While she was confident the sisters would help, as well as the rest of the magical community, she was still worried about the Dark Magic coursing through Serena’s veins. The witch was powerful; and if only Dark Magic could be defeated by Dark Magic, then she had no idea what they were going to do. Zelda was otherwise preoccupied trying to save magic in general, and to her knowledge, she was the only one who possessed Dark Magic.

  “Um. Zara. While I appreciate your enthusiasm, we have a little problem.”

  “What’s that?” Zara replied.

  “None of us possess Dark Magic and Serena does,” Sarah said with a heavy sigh.

  “I don’t understand,” Zara said, unsure of where Sarah was going with this not so new revelation.

  “We can only use Dark Magic against Dark Magic to protect the light. To protect Sophie, Alec, and the others. Your sister was the only one who possessed Dark Magic and she’s not here. Don’t get me wrong, I want your help. No, that’s not true. I need your help in order to get my baby sister back. I just don’t understand how we’re going to fight a witch who possesses Dark Magic and is getting stronger every day the more she taps into it.”

  Before Zara could reply, a voice from out of nowhere said, “Zelda’s not the only one who possesses Dark Magic.”

  Sarah turned toward the doorway to see who had spoken and gasped when she saw her mother. “Mom, I don’t understand.”

  “I know my child. Your father was after my immortality, and when he realized that I had transferred it to you, there was another reason he didn’t kill me. He wanted the Dark Magic that I too possess to make him stronger. Fortunately, I realized just in time that he was up to no good and asked the Baba Yaga to bind my powers.”

  “Okay, but if your powers are bound, how does that help us?”

  “Baba Yaga paid me a little visit this morning and apprised me of the situation. In addition, she unbound my powers, so that I could help. I would have been here sooner, but I needed to make a pit stop at Serena’s home.”

  Completely and utterly confused by her mother’s revelations and the turn of events, Sarah asked, “Why did you stop by Serena’s? She’ll never give up.”

  “Calm down, my child. She wasn’t there, but her cousin Brittney was, who assured me that she had nothing to do with casting a spell on Sophie. While I believe she told me the truth, we need to keep an eye on her because she too is up to no good. Anyways, I simply needed to borrow a lock of Serena’s hair, and I could only get that by visiting her home. We’re going to need a powerful spell to bring her down if she’s harnessed Jacob’s Dark Magic.”

  To imply everyone in the room was stunned by Phoebe’s comments would have been an understatement. It was becoming crystal clear that Jacob was a psychotic, power hungry bastard who would do anything to obtain more power, but what he had done to his wife and children was unconscionable. The warlock had no morals or boundaries. The Goddess only knew how many witches he had killed over the years to amass his power.

  It was also still unclear how he had hooked up with Bermangoggleshitz, who had the most evil, black eyes anyone had ever seen. Not to mention, he smelled like shit on a stick. The warlock was oily, ugly and pure evil to say the least. When you added in the acid green smoke that followed him around like halitosis and the black snakes, it was enough to make any witch quiver with disgust and a healthy dose of fear.

  “Okay, so what’s the plan?” Zoe asked, as she handed Nicolai Jax and scooped Max up off the floor. The two cocker spaniels slash hellhounds were whining because she wouldn’t let them play with Tom, who looked eternally grateful.

  “Sarah is correct in that only Dark Magic can fight Dark Magic, so we use Serena’s hair to cast two spells. One that will allow Sophie and Claire to reverse her Dark Magic and return to the farmhouse. Another, nastier one that will rid her of Jacob’s Dark Magic and return it to its rightful owner,” Phoebe said.

  “Mom. Are you sure you can handle more Dark Magic? You’ve been through so much already,” Sarah asked in a worried voice.

  “Relax, my child. I’m not the rightful owner of Jacob’s Dark Magic,” her mother replied in a soothing voice.

  “Then who is,” Zoe asked.

  “I’m not allowed to say, but what I can tell you is that all will become clear soon enough. Just trust in the Fates and the Goddess to know what’s best,” Phoebe said with a knowing smile.

  * * *

  Alec was about to lose his shit. Since time seemed to stand still, he had no idea how long they had been stuck in Chez Parée Deux. Yet, his gut told him the shit was about to hit the fan and the others needed their help for the battle that was coming. They just needed to figure a way to get home.

  While the club was entertaining, it was starting to grate on his nerves, and by the looks of everyone at the table, they felt the same way. Even Roger had admitted that the mystique of Chez Parée Deux had worn off and he was ready to go home. Alec just hoped that Sarah, Cole and the sisters were working on a plan because he wasn’t sure how much longer they would be able to remain in the Den of Sin before they lost their ever-loving minds. It was obvious that everyone was teetering on the edge, except for Claire, who had her eyes closed and seemed to be meditating. H
ow in the Hades the woman was able to meditate in a strip club was beyond him?

  When he went to ask, she opened her eyes and gave him a serene smile. “You saw something. Tell me,” he demanded.

  “Sarah and Cole have enlisted the help of the sisters and the entire magical community. They are working on a spell that will allow Sophie and me to counteract Serena’s spell, so we can go home.”

  “I knew Zelda, Zoe, Zara and the rest of the magical community wouldn’t let us down,” Alec said with a shit-eating grin.

  “I’m sorry. You misunderstand. Zelda’s not there. She’s busy trying to locate the Lurking Fucking Evil in order to save all of Magic. Let’s just say she’s going to be preoccupied for a while,” Claire said with a knowing smile.

  “Then why are you smiling,” Alec hissed. “We won’t be able to fight Serena without Zelda because no one else possesses Dark Magic.”

  “It seems as though that’s not truly the case. Someone by the name of Phoebe has come to our aid,” Claire replied.

  Alec quickly turned to Sophie to see if she was okay when he heard her gasp. “Little One. What’s wrong?”

  “Did you say, Phoebe?” Sophie hesitantly asked.

  “Yes,” Claire quickly replied, curious as to why Sophie looked like she wanted to faint.

  “Who in the hell is Phoebe?” Alec asked, preparing to do battle to protect his mate.

  “Phoebe is Sarah’s mother. I had no idea she was able to harness Dark Magic, but it all makes sense now,” Sophie replied with an inquisitive look on her face.

  “What makes sense?” Alec asked, still confused.

  “The reason my father kept her alive. If he couldn’t steal her immortality, he must have been trying to steal her Dark Magic. I wonder how she outsmarted him,” Sophie asked, more to herself than anyone sitting at the table.

  “I don’t know, but we need to prepare ourselves. When the time is right, we need to combine our powers and repeat the spell Phoebe, Zoe and Zara have crafted in order to get back home,” Claire instructed. “Armand. Do you have any candles around here? Preferably red, green and black. We’re going to need one of each.”

  “I’ll check and see. If not, I’m sure Little Lola has some. She’s always burning candles. Anything else?”

  “Yes. We’ll need some salt, water, and a glass,” Claire said.

  “Got it!” Armand said as he scurried away to do their bidding.

  “How will we know when the time is right,” Jasper asked.

  “From what I could see in my vision, Magic is quickly waning all over the world, which we need to use to our advantage. There’s supposed to be a full moon tonight. When the clock strikes midnight and the moon is at its peak, we need to start chanting the spell because that’s when the veil between our two worlds is the weakest. It’ll also be when Serena’s Dark Magic is the most vulnerable,” Claire replied.

  “Then let’s divide and conquer,” Alec said, feeling a sense of hope for the first time since they had returned to Chez Parée Deux.

  * * *

  Sophie’s farmhouse was buzzing with activity. Phoebe had the women cleaning the area where the spell would be cast. To anyone looking in from the outside, it looked like a bad re-enactment of a scene in Practical Magic. Only this time, it was for real.

  “How will we know when to start chanting the spell?” Sarah asked her mom.

  “When the full moon comes to life and the wolves protecting the perimeter start howling, we will begin. I’ve tried to use more light than Dark Magic in hopes there’s power in numbers. But you must promise me that if something goes wrong, you will not interfere. It’s the only way we can save Sophie. Besides, I need you and Cole in the sky watching over us,” her mother replied in a serious, unwavering voice that brokered no argument.

  Sarah nodded in agreement and gave her mother a hug before she walked out of the farmhouse with Cole. It was almost time and they needed to cast the spell before Serena discovered what was going on. The candles were set. The water, salt, and glasses were on the table with a small lock of Serena’s hair.

  Thirty minutes later, Max and Jax were placed at the two entrances to the house with Ariel and Dillen. Zara, Zoe, Phoebe, Nicolai and Stefano made up the inner circle. The outer circle surrounding them included Mikhail, Zeva and several other powerful witches and warlocks from the magical community. The remaining Shifters were on alert in case Serena arrived early.

  “Is everyone ready?” Phoebe asked as she began lighting the candles. A few minutes later, the chant to reverse Serena’s spell and bring Sophie, Alec and the others home began.

  I call upon the Goddess and Fates,

  To reverse this spell that's been cast on my mate,

  He hides under the skin of a rat bastard man,

  So only you can extend him a healing hand.

  Our friends have been swept up in an evil witch's curse,

  I beg you to release it with this simple verse.

  Our fates are on the line because Dark Magic is at play,

  Overpower it with your love so we can see the light of day.

  Three times three, I command you to reverse the hex on thee,

  As this is not the fate, the Ancient Ones have chosen for me.

  So mote it be!

  * * *

  Sophie sensed that it was time to start chanting the spell that would return them home. Fortunately, Claire had seen the spell in its entirety during her vision earlier and had written it down for everyone. Not only had Armand came through with the necessary supplies needed to cast the spell, but he also found them an open, quiet place where they wouldn’t be disturbed. Iggy and Lola and joined them figuring a few more people sending out good vibes couldn’t hurt. She hoped they were right.

  Turning to Claire for confirmation, she instructed everyone to join hands. Once the circle was complete and the candles were lit, she took in a deep breath to settle her nerves and said, “Let’s begin.”

  I call upon the Goddess and Fates,

  To reverse this spell that's been cast on my mate,

  He hides under the skin of a rat bastard man,

  So only you can extend him a healing hand.

  Our friends have been swept up in an evil witch's curse,

  I beg you to release it with this simple verse.

  Our fates are on the line because Dark Magic is at play,

  Overpower it with your love so we can see the light of day.

  Three times three, I command you to reverse the hex on thee,

  As this is not the fate, the Ancient Ones have chosen for me.

  So mote it be!

  The longer they chanted the spell, the more the wind kicked up to the point they could barely hear themselves, but no one stopped. When the Dark Magic started swirling around them trying to take over, Sophie closed her eyes and concentrated harder. Soon, the candles were snuffed out by the water and a burst of purple light shot up from the center. Only unlike before, it was surrounded by a rainbow of colors that eventually created a barrier between them and the Dark Magic.

  Sophie’s head started spinning until she was forced to close her eyes again. The nausea she felt from all of the power swirling in the air brought her to her knees, but she held on tight and never released Alec and Claire’s hands.

  “Don’t let go, Little One. It’s working,” she heard Alec yell.

  The more the Dark Magic came at her, the more she felt like it was ripping her body apart, piece by piece. The pain was excruciating, but she couldn’t give up. Too many lives depended on them succeeding and making it back home. Serena had hurt enough people and she couldn’t let it continue. When her grip started to slip from Alec’s, she started to panic. They couldn’t break the circle or all would be lost. That’s when she heard Alec’s voice in her mind.

  “Listen to me, Little One. You can do this. We can do this. I’ve waited a lifetime just for you. Don’t leave me now. Hold on. I love you. I believe in you. I believe in us.”

  Tears began to ru
n down her face when the pain became so unbearable that she thought her heart and soul were being obliterated. When she could take no more, she let out a deafening scream that released a bolt of power the equivalent of an electromagnetic pulse. Not only did it obliterate the Dark Magic, but also knocked everyone on their ass and broke the circle.

  “Oh no. What have I done?” she cried. Yet, when Sophie opened her eyes, they were no longer in Chez Parée Deux, but instead, her farmhouse. Alec, Claire, Jasper, Roger, Armand, Iggy and Lola were once again human. “The spell worked. Thank the Goddess,” she mumbled as she fell to her knees and cried.

  Alec had the mother of all headaches, but when he opened his eyes, the sight in front of him caused his heart to shatter into a million tiny pieces. His angel was in the middle of the floor crying. He immediately rushed over and scooped her up in his arms.

  “It’s okay, Little One. I’ve got you. It’s okay. Don’t cry,” he kept whispering in her ear, as he carried her upstairs to her bedroom. He was going to kill Serena for hurting his one and only, but first, he needed to take care of his mate.

  Chapter 12

  Alec knew there wasn’t enough time for Sophie to have the nervous breakdown she so rightfully deserved. Serena would be coming after them sooner rather than later. But, he couldn’t worry about that right now because his mate needed him. Between the spell casting and the lack of sleep, there was no doubt in his mind she had reached her limit. Unfortunately, they needed her to be strong for just a little longer.

  His heart ached for all the pain and anguish she’d suffered at the hands of her father. The psychotic bastard had gotten exactly what he deserved, and tonight Serena would too, especially if he had anything to say about it. However, in order for that to happen, he needed to help Sophie pull herself together.

  He quickly flicked on the light and slammed the door shut with his foot, as they entered her bedroom. When he tried to lay her down on the bed, she was reluctant to let him go. As her crying increased, he tightened his arms around her and began whispering soothing words in her ear.


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