SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2

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SugarDance: The Brotherhood of Devil's Comfort MC book 2 Series 2 Page 14

by Brair Lake

  ‘How about the one you’re holding.’

  Again Maggie shakes her head, as she returns the dress to the rail.

  ‘Sundance is exposed to sexy beautiful women every day, Sugar Jay. You need something that screams – ‘Hey aren’t I stunning.’’

  Maggie drags me into another boutique. This one’s much smaller than the last two we visited, and the woman who’s preening one of the dresses on a mannequin, frowns at the stroller as I step further into the small store. My smile is accompanied with an arch to my eyebrow, and when I turn to Maggie, I giggle.

  ‘I guess her usual clientele don’t bring their kids with them.’

  ‘Who cares – Hey what about this one.’

  Maggie held up a red dress. One that barely touches her thighs, and I’m the one to shake my head. ‘I don’t want something too slutty.’

  Maggie’s soft laughter carries in the air, and the sharply indrawn breath of the other woman lingers over us.

  ‘What about this one.’

  ‘Watch Charlie while I try it on.’


  With a saccharine smile at the owner, I grab the dress from Maggie and head for the changing room.

  Stepping back from the mirror, I give myself a critical look. Would Sundance find me or the dress sexy. After last night, I didn’t think I need any help. Yet the dress is gorgeous. It molds to every curve of my body, and the jersey material enhances my tits. I swivel my head to look at my ass. Heat rises in me as I remember Sundance’s taking me there, and my pants cream. Fuck, I was turning into a slut. But who fucking cared. In the bright artificial light, the dress glimmered, and I ran my hands over my hips. The silver of the dress, drew out the gray of my eyes.

  Pulling back the curtain, I search the shop for Maggie. My heart stops beating when I don’t see either her or Charlie.

  ‘The woman I came in – Where is she.’

  Chapter 25

  The street is empty, and my hands begin to shake as my stomach spins. Bile rises in my throat, and as I turn to go back in the store, I empty the contents of my stomach. My brain is racing, and with several stumbling steps, I find my purse and cell in the changing room.

  ‘Did you see which way they went.’

  My fingers tremble as I search for Sundance’s number. The woman, with her over bleached hair shook her head. While I wait for Sundance to answer, I run back into the street. When he doesn’t respond, I don’t leave a message, I simply ring him again.

  ‘You must have fucking seen something.’

  ‘No. I thought she was with you – Why would I watch her.’

  ‘Because you were fucking watching me’

  I ran my hands through my hair, and as I look up the street, I spot Charlie’s stroller and run to it. When I reach it, it is empty, and my stomach rolls. My gaze flickers to the store window. There’s no sign of Maggie. I leave another mess on the sidewalk. With a deep breath, I count slowly.

  Charlie has to be here; they have to be in one of the stores. My head is spinning and the buildings our fading in and out. When Sundance hasn’t answered on my fourth call, I scream in my head. My body slumps against the brick wall, as I slide to the ground. I tell myself to focus, but it isn’t working. I ring the club.

  ‘Hi Violet.’

  ‘Sugar Jay.’

  ‘Is Maggie there.’


  ‘What about Sundance or Twiggy.’

  ‘Sorry Hun – They’re not back yet. – Everything okay.’

  ‘Yeah – Look I’ve got to go – Someone’s calling me.’

  Oh shit, my whole body is trembling and when my cell rings, I drop it. My tears block my vision and my fingers fumble as I miss the phone when I go to grab it.

  ‘Charlie’s missing.’ I didn’t wait for Sundance’s answer. ‘What are we going to do – I should call the police – it’s not too soon is it.’


  I was still sat on the sidewalk when the sound of angry bikes erupted into the street. Several people have gathered around me, and I keep asking them if they’ve seen Maggie or Charlie. Feet are running and my head is pounding. I should be doing something, but I don’t know what.

  ‘Sugar Jay.’

  My eyes blink open. Sundance is there. He is kneeling in front of me. His touch irritates me and I brush it away.

  ‘You have to find him.’

  ‘We will.’ It’s only then I notice the others. Trax, Crabby and Twiggy. ‘Just tell me what happened.’

  ‘I was stupid – I thought she was my friend.’

  ‘Hey. They may be the park.’

  Sundance’s fingers brush at my hair. His voice is calm while I want to vent.

  ‘If they were at the fucking park – Maggie wouldn’t have dumped his fucking stroller.’

  When Sundance goes to put his arms around me, I leap from the ground, stepping away from him. ‘We need to find them.’

  ‘Have you tried the club.’

  ‘Of course I fucking have - They’re not fucking there.’

  My stomach rolls and the last of its contents land on Sundance’s biker boots. As I study the lumpy pale goo, laughter begins to build at the base of my stomach. I couldn’t hold it back and soon I’m laughing like a hyena. Sundance’s arms circle me as he pulls me in tight and it isn’t long before my laughter turns to hard sobs.

  ‘I want Charlie.’

  ‘I do to, Sugar – And we’ll have him home soon.’


  The walls are closing in. I can see them coming closer and closer. My body is burning, and a scream is stuck in my throat. If someone asks me if I want something to drink once more, I swear, I will hit them.

  Sundance has disappeared. He’d returned me to the clubhouse and handed me over to Apple-Pie and Yvette as though I was a sack of potatoes, and now he’s gone. There’s no sign of Layla, and its Layla I need to talk to. The blood pounds in my head.

  ‘Have you rung the police.’

  Yvette shakes her head as Apple-Pie’s gaze avoids mine. ‘Why not – They’ll find Charlie. They’ll bring him home. They’ll bring him to me.’

  ‘Sundance will find Charlie.’

  I stare at Yvette. Her brown eyes linger on my face. Her gaze searching. ‘You think Minty has my son.’

  ‘Sugar Jay.’

  ‘No – Your wrong. Why would Maggie take Charlie to Sam and Minty?’

  It’s Apple-Pie’s hand I shake from my arm. I don’t need or want her touch or anyone else’s.

  ‘We think Maggie may have been working for them.’

  ‘She’s my friend Apple-Pie – Have you checked her room. She’s probably asleep with Charlie.’

  As I push past the women, I make for the main door. I need to be outside. I should be looking for Charlie – ‘I’m going to check her room.’

  ‘We’ve already checked it.’

  ‘Well I’m checking it again. Maggie could have slipped through the back door.’

  Maggie’s room is empty. As I stand at the door, my gaze sweeps over the room. It’s a plain room, with a king size bed. The sheets have been stripped, and the contents of her dressing table and wardrobe lay scattered on the floor.

  ‘What happened.’

  ‘We searched her room.’

  Apple-Pie is standing next to me. Her gaze taking the same route mine had. ‘Did you find anything.’


  I stumble into the room. My fingers find and pick up a bottle of perfume. The scent of wild roses hits me, and my stomach turns again. Saliva built up in my mouth, and my fingers curl around the bottle before it lands against the far wall. Glass shatters and the room is drenched with the overpowering smell of chemical roses.

  ‘Do you think it was her intention all along Apple-Pie – To take Charlie.’

  ‘I don’t know – How would she have known you were going shopping today.’

  ‘But she was there – Waiting for me – Shit – Where’s my phone. I need to talk to Sundance.’

  ‘As soon as they have news someone will be in touch.’

  The tears burn the back of my throat, and I blink them back.

  ‘Do you think she’ll hurt him.’

  Apple-Pie came to stand beside as I leaned against the banister, looking down on to the communal room. The only biker visible is Crow. The other occupants, were the club girls.

  ‘No – they just want to frighten the club – Scare everyone away.’

  ‘She’s dead Apple -Pie – When I find her - She’s dead.’

  ‘Fuck, Sugar Jay – Where are you going.’

  As I bound down the stairs, skipping every other one. Crow watches me, and I make straight for him.

  ‘Take me to your father.’

  ‘That’s not a good idea.’

  ‘I don’t give a fuck – I want my son back, and your fucking father has him.’

  My fingers dig into the palm of my hands. Crow is shaking his head. But it’s the look in his eyes which I hate.

  ‘We don’t know that.’

  ‘Don’t play dumb, Crow – We know Maggie’s working for the bastard. For all we know – You’re working for him too.’

  With each word I spit out, my fist lands on Crow’s shoulders and he simply stands there. Then his arms are closing around me. Pulling me in close. His voice soft as he speaks.

  ‘We both know you don’t mean that.’

  Once my tears start to fall, I’m unable to stop them. Crow is warm. His scent soothing, and when his arms scoop under my knees, I don’t stop him. His hand rubbing along my back relaxes me, and I snuggle further into his body. His lips brush over my hair, and my tears turn to sobs, then hic-cups. Someone passes me a couple of pills and a glass of water, which I’d refused earlier. My eyes became heavy as Crow mutters in my ears. The room fading.


  When I wake, my hand is pressed under my cheek and when I go to lift it, it hurts and flops back down. I try again and pain shoots through my arm as I wiggle my fingers. Once I have life back in my hand, I pull myself up. It’s only then I realize the room is full of bikers. My heart sinks again when in my search for Sundance I fail to find him. Instead my eyes clash with gray ones.

  ‘Bastion.’ I’m off the sofa and in his arms before he has time to smile at me.

  ‘Charlie’s missing.’

  ‘I know – That’s why we’re here.’

  Bastion and The River Demons are not the only bikers. Inferno and Tabby are talking to Twiggy.

  ‘He’s going to be okay.’

  ‘He’s going to be fine.’

  ‘You must have dropped everything.’

  ‘We did.’

  I hug Day. His arms wrapping around me. ‘He’ll be home soon.’

  My throat hurts as I swallow back my tears, and all I can manage is a nod. ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘What for.’

  Bastion is watching me, and I step back into his arms.

  ‘For everything – for running away.’

  ‘That’s in the past, Sugar Jay. Now tell me what happened this morning. Everything.’

  ‘Why – You know Sam and Minty have Charlie. So why do I have to repeat it.’

  ‘Just indulge this old man. Okay.’

  Bastion guides me to the sofa, and as we settle back, I tell him everything I can remember.

  ‘And this Maggie – She wasn’t acting strange.’

  ‘No. Oh someone needs to ring Aunt Harriot and let her know I can’t meet her for lunch.’

  ‘Daisy and Rayven are with her.’

  My lips quiver as I smile. As I look around the room, it wasn’t only the bikers of the two Mc’s who were here.

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Is there anything you haven’t told Sundance.’

  My eyes close as I go over the morning events once more, telling Bastion about bumping into Maggie. As I repeat my tale, I frown. ‘Outside the last boutique, a black car pulled up.’

  Bastion’s hand stills, and I miss his soft touch.

  ‘Did you see who was inside the car.’

  ‘No – The windows were tinted. I think there were two of them.’

  ‘What about the make and model.’

  ‘No – Bastion you know cars aren’t my thing.’

  His lips brush against my hair.

  ‘I never could get you interest in cars could I.’

  ‘No – Have you heard from Sundance.’

  ‘Dec and Mace are with him.’

  ‘What about Sam and Minty.’

  ‘They’re missing.’

  ‘He’ll be scared Bastion – Will they be taking care of him.’

  Chapter 26

  ‘Have a shower Sugar Jay.’

  I shake my head at Violet, then wish I hadn’t as the matter swirls, and causes the room to fade in and out. The throbbing in my head hasn’t eased in four days, and my tears are dry. I have no more to give. The silence in the club doesn’t help. No one knows what to say, and although they leave me alone in the large overstuff chair with an old green blanket wrapped around my body. They watch me. There’s always someone here. Guarding me, watching me. Now it’s Violet’s turn. They make me drinks I don’t want. They place sandwiches in front of me, and my stomach turns. Bastion, and the others are out. I haven’t seen much of them.

  When the main door opens, My gaze flickers to the newcomer. My stomach dropping when it’s Crow who walks into the room, and not Sundance.

  ‘Any news – Have they found Charlie.’

  I watch Crow ambles over to the bar. A moment later he’s kneeling in front of me offering me a beer.

  ‘Not yet.’

  ‘When will it be over Crow.’

  Violet hasn’t moved from the sofa. Her dark blue eyes intense, and I look away. A blush spreads over my cheeks. Crow has spent hours talking to me, comforting me over the last ninety-six hours and twenty-five minutes.

  ‘They’re doing everything they can Sugar Jay.’

  ‘But they should have found him by now. Have they found Maggie – Spoken to her family or friends.’

  ‘We’re doing everything.’

  ‘But you won’t let me call the police.’

  ‘Sugar Jay There are two MC’s, out there looking for Charlie – That’s plenty of men. We don’t need the cops.’

  ‘But they have resources we don’t.’

  ‘And we can get to places they can’t’

  Crow’s hand covers mine, and I stare at the pale golden flesh. The veins are prominent, and his touch warms me. His thumb soft whilst it stokes my flesh. When I look into his eyes, I blink, and turn away.

  ‘Where’s Sundance – I need to speak to him.’

  Crow’s thumb stops stroking my flesh briefly, and his breath is harsh as he breaths in deeply.

  ‘He’s looking for his son.’

  ‘I need him, Crow. I need them both home.’

  ‘And they will be.’

  I finish my beer in silence. Search for my cell, which has become embedded in the folds of the blanket. The screen is blank. No missed calls or texts.


  ‘Have a sandwich, Sugar Jay.’

  ‘Fuck it, Apple-Pie. I’m fed up with people thinking I need food. I don’t – I need my son.’

  I was in the yard. The bright sun burns my face. My head still pounds and the air is stale. The keys to my car are in my pocket. They’re burning against my flesh. The gate’s only a couple of meters in front of me.

  ‘I’m sorry Apple-Pie – Why don’t you get us both a fresh drink instead.’

  My breath stills as Apple-Pie studies me. Her gaze digging deep into my soul as I return her stare without blinking. Then she’s running up the steps. The backdoor swings but it doesn’t shut. The gate is locked with a bolt only, and it came away easily. When I reach my car, my fingers tremble, causing me to drop the keys. My gaze wanders up and down the street. No-one has followed me, and eventually I open the door.

  On the first turn of the key the car refuses to start. I press on the ac
celerator, and the engine still refuses to turn. Then there’s a slight splutter and the engine purrs. As I press the pedal, and take the car out of neutral, the passenger door is flung open.

  ‘Crabby’s going to kill me.’

  ‘You don’t have to come.’

  ‘You’re not going on your own.’

  ‘I have to get out Apple-Pie. I have to find my son.’

  Apple-Pie nods vehemently as she slams her seat belt into place.

  ‘We have company.’


  My gaze flew to the rearview mirror. Behind us, a biker is following. When I turn my gaze back to Apple-Pie, she has her cell to her ear.

  ‘Who are you calling.’

  ‘Violet -Just so that she knows we’re both okay.’

  My hands shake, and my heart is drumming. I’m away from the club, and I’m not sure where I’m going.

  ‘This is where it happened.’ I’ve parked the car outside the boutique. As I look in the window. I see there are a couple of customers. ‘Her life didn’t stop - Did it, Apple-Pie.’

  ‘Fuck, Sugar Jay, where are you going?’

  The car door slams as Apple-Pie follows me. The biker has parked behind the old ford, and he’s removing his helmet as he follows me into the boutique. The woman looks up from her customer. Her smile wavering as she spots us. Her cheeks flush a pale pink, and her green eyes narrow. Her blond hair is not out of place, and I run a hand through my own brown locks. It’s heavy, and needs washing. Violet’s right – I’m in need of a shower. Which will wait until I have Charlie home.

  ‘I need to know if you remember anything.’

  At the shake of her head, I step closer. ‘You must – You never removed your eyes off us. You must have seen something. Seen which way she went.’

  ‘I told the others. I didn’t see much. The baby was crying and your friend looked at me apologetically, then went outside.’

  ‘Did she get into a car. A black one.’

  The woman’s glance flew to Crow, who’s leaning on the counter. His body is relaxed, and his gaze is lazy as he looks her over. My body shivers. There are traces of Trax in him. Maybe it’s Trax I want to see in him, and not his father, Sam, or his brother, Minty.

  ‘I’ve already told the others, I don’t know.’

  ‘You don’t know.’ I don’t care who is watching as I grab the bitch by her hair and drag her head onto the counter. My face is in her face. ‘My baby is missing. You better fucking remember.’ I taste the spittle on my lips, and my tongue cleans it away.


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