Handlers of Dragons

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Handlers of Dragons Page 6

by Kim Cormack

  “Nope. We’re not doing this tonight. Ignore him. Happy place. Grey’s hammered. He’s being a jealous tool. Tiberius has been relentlessly hitting on Lexy. Did you hear he actually got the room next door?”

  She had heard that...from her sister’s lips. Her sister. That was still a crazy thought. Zach was still dancing in front of her all goofy because she was standing still. He started going through the list of funny dances sure to make her laugh. She slowly shook her head as he started doing the sprinkler. When he began fishing she laughed, “Don’t make me do the lawn mower.”

  “Oh, like this?” Zach joshed as he began mowing his imaginary lawn.

  Through the billowing cloud of smoke, she saw Patrick. He was watching the show, laughing. The clans had remained separate for quite a while but as their inhibitions loosened, so did the seating arrangements. She ended up in Frost’s arms. The dance floor had become a wild hedonistic free for all as they did shots and dirty danced the night away concealed by the smoke and pulsating light show. Eventually duty called and Frost had to leave because he’d missed greeting everyone as they arrived. She chose then to take a break. Exhausted and tipsy, Kayn stumbled back to her seat at the table with Zach. She felt like people watching as Frost shook hands and chatted his way through the attendees. She scanned the room, Lily was sitting with Amar. Interesting...They appeared to know each other, quite intimately. Kayn took a sip of her wine as the waiter offered her dessert. Normally, she would have passed but after all those shots, she’d be sick tomorrow if she didn’t eat something. Grey strolled past her and laughed as he ruffled up her hair. She mischievously swatted his rear as he strolled away. He glanced back and gave her a strange look. Nice. She was drunk enough to smack Grey’s ass. It occurred to her that she might be too drunk.

  Zach leaned in and whispered, “Do you need a time out?”

  She playfully shoved her Handler as she declared, “Probably.” Her eyes darted over to Triad’s table. Kevin caught her. She looked down at her cake and started picking at it with her fork. She heard the chair scraping across the ground beside her and knew who it was, without looking.

  “So... you’re in a relationship with my brother now? How’s that going?” Triad’s leader Tiberius enquired as he grabbed a spoon used to stir coffee and dug into her cake.

  Kayn stabbed him in the hand with her fork and hissed, “Get your own damn cake!” Tiberius was laughing too hard to bother retaliating as he massaged his fork impaled hand.

  Zach’s attention snapped away from Triad’s table. He scolded, “Brighton! What in the hell? No stabbing!”

  He should consider himself lucky I didn’t stab him in the eye.

  Lexy aggressively yanked out the chair Tiberius was sitting on, taking him for an unexpected three-foot ride in reverse. She ominously menaced, “You’re not bothering my sister, are you?”

  Tiberius leaned back in his chair and flirtatiously greeted her, “Hey gorgeous.”

  “Hey gorgeous yourself,” Lexy mumbled as she put her full weight on the back of his seat and tipped him over. With a loud thud, Tiberius was lying on his back on the floor. Lexy distastefully glared down at him.

  “Always so deliciously volatile. I’ve missed this,” he commentated from his naughty vantage point, while seductively caressing her calf.

  “That’s odd because I haven’t,” Lexy countered.

  “Liar,” Tiberius provoked. He held out the hand that had been touching her leg as though he expected help.

  In true Dragon style, Lexy stepped away from Triad’s notoriously naughty leader. Scorching flames of animosity flew from her lips as she sparred, “I wouldn’t hold your breath.”

  Tiberius was still lying on the ground laughing as Orin strolled over, politely helped him up and quipped, “You just never learn.”

  The leader of Triad grinned. Instead of leaving, Tiberius pushed his seat back to the table and sat down. Without saying a word, Kayn shoved her cake at him and said, “I’ll get a new one.”

  Unfazed, Tiberius dug into her slice. He pointedly looked at Orin as he enquired, “How’s Jenna doing with the whole Lexy thing?”

  Shit. That was her fault.

  Zach nudged Kayn and whispered, “This is getting good.”

  She was the one that mentioned they were dating.

  “I haven’t asked,” Orin replied. “We don’t discuss who we’re seeing.”

  “How’s her Handler taking it?” Tiberius probed. “I know Grey can get a bit emotional.”

  All eyes turned to Grey on the dance floor with Haley and Astrid. Where had Melody gone? Kayn searched the room. No Thorne either...interesting.

  Lexy kicked Tiberius under the table, scowled at him and declared, “I’m right here. If you have questions about my life... Ask me.”

  “Are you coming to my room later?” Tiberius boldly enquired.

  Lexy rolled her eyes and shook her head, trying to make it look like he was delusional but Kayn suspected she was entertaining the idea.

  “That’s not a no,” Tiberius teased as he sipped his wine. “There’s an adjoining door between our rooms. It’ll be unlocked. You know... if the mood strikes you.”

  “That’s my cue,” Orin broadcasted. As he excused himself from the table, he bent down and whispered in Lexy’s ear, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  She really had to catch up with Lexy because she was out of the loop. Were they just a casual thing, because it sounded like he’d just given her permission? Not that Lexy required anyone’s approval for anything. She spotted Frost maneuvering his way through the flashing lights and smoky air to the table. He was trying to signal her over. Kayn pretended she didn’t see him. She didn’t want to miss this conversation.

  Frost slid into the seat next to Tiberius as he casually interjected, “Still trying to get blood from a stone?”

  “Lexy knows she wants me,” Tiberius baited. He winked at her as a volatile look of distaste passed between the two.

  Oh, this was so going to happen. Any real romance between Lexy and Tiberius would probably end up being nothing more than a cautionary tale regaled for centuries but until it went down they were a titillating attraction rivalling every tabloid headliner on the market.

  Zach caught the waiter’s attention on the way by and he snagged Kayn two gigantic slices of replacement cake. She was poised to take her first bite when she noticed the conversation had stalled. Everyone was gawking at her. So, she did what any comically inclined, somewhat unstable defiant cake eating connoisseur would do. Kayn picked up the mass of chocolate and icing in both hands. It crumbled all over the table as she took a giant uncivilized chomp.

  Tiberius was sitting there with his mouth agape as Lexy’s Dragon sibling pride shone through her grin. Zach pressed his lips together to stop himself from laughing as he politely passed Kayn a napkin. Frost watched her savagely devouring her desert in absolute awe. Open adoration made her uncomfortable. Kayn grabbed Zach’s full glass of wine and chugged it to wash the cake down. She felt Tiberius’s penetrating stare and peered up from her cake just as he slid a shot glass across the table at her. Kayn was giggling as she snatched it mid slide. He was going to have to do way better than that. He slid one to Lexy.

  Lexy picked up her shot of Tequila and quipped, “I’m going to need a lot of these to forget who you are.”

  Tiberius was beaming as he shot one across the table at Zach. Her Handler hesitantly picked it up.

  Lexy’s eyes darted over to Trinity’s table. Kayn followed her gaze, Orin was standing there chatting with Thorne. The Brothers of Prophecy intrigued her. Thorne was the moral one of the three. The other two brothers were quite liberal with their gray areas. Frost was insanely gorgeous. He set her inhibitions free and that’s what she needed. Tiberius was a sexy guy with a dark charisma much like Frost’s but there was this flawed honesty in the leader of Triad that she found quite compelling. It was obvious that her sister Lexy was finding herself enraptured by the head bad boy of Triad. Her
sister...they were sisters. It was difficult to believe but it was sinking in. Someone’s leg brushed against hers and she peered up into Frost’s intrigued gaze.

  He enquired, “How much longer do you want to stay?”

  She didn’t want to leave...not yet. “Another hour?” she suggested. Zach sighed. His jaw dropped as Kayn gave his arm a pinch and scolded, “Consider yourself off duty. Just go over there and talk to him.” He gave her a weird look. She corrected herself, “Whoops, I meant her.”

  “You just stabbed Tiberius,” Zach far too calmly stated. He rolled his eyes and downed the rest of his glass of wine.

  Frost grinned as he noticed his brother’s napkin wrapped hand. While playing footsies with Kayn under the table, he playfully reprimanded, “Sweetheart, you’re supposed to play nice.”

  “That was me playing nice,” Kayn mumbled under her breath.

  Lexy pivoted in her seat as she remarked, “Stabbings happen. Tiberius makes me feel all stabby too.”

  As Grey slid into the seat beside Zach, he declared, “Go. Frost is here, I’m here. Everyone wants to stab Tiberius. He’s used to it. We’ll keep things PG.”

  Zach hesitantly got up. He looked at Kayn and asked, “Are you planning to do anything that will get me in trouble?”

  “Maybe,” Kayn nonchalantly replied as she devoured her massive slice of chocolate cake. Noticing Zach hadn’t moved she peered up at him.

  “Are you kidding? It’s getting harder to tell,” Zach questioned. “Promise me you won’t stab him again... Or anyone else.”

  Kayn felt Lexy’s eyes on her, she glanced at her grinning sister. She had her back. Kayn vowed, “I promise I won’t stab Tiberius again. Now get over there already.”

  “Or anyone else,” Zach clarified.

  She was planning on doing something to Stephanie at some point this evening. He must have felt it. Party pooper. Her sister winked at her. Lexy was down for anything. She felt so close to her right now. “Alright, nobody gets stabbed,” Kayn promised. Zach wandered away from the table shaking his head.

  Grey gave Lexy a dirty look as he said, “I guess I’m not leaving your side tonight. Come on. Let’s dance.”

  Lexy took Grey’s hand, she glanced back at Kayn and mouthed the words, “I’ll get Stephanie.”

  Tiberius was seriously perturbed as Grey towed Lexy away from the table. He got up and announced, “I’ll be right back.”

  He was probably going to warn Stephanie. Spoilsport.

  Frost got up. He came to sit beside her and took her hand as he quietly explained, “You know listening to Zach is the first step in them not having to separate us to secure your Dragon Handler bond.”

  Tiberius placed a tray with two bottles of whiskey and shot glasses on the table. He declared, “I’ve invited a few people back to my room but first, let’s do some shots. I’d like to hear about this whole sister discovery.” Thorne appeared at their table with some of the Trinity and Melody. He greeted them as they all took a seat. Tiberius filled the glasses and passed a shot to each of them. “So, you’ve only known that Seth is your father and Lexy is your sister for a couple of days?”

  Thorne’s eyes widened as he blurted out, “What? Are you joking?”

  Tiberius had done this on purpose. That tool. He’d invited Thorne over to drop a bomb. Kevin had warned her about being cocky while explaining things to people. Kayn answered, “Yes, it’s only been a few days and no, he’s not joking. It doesn’t matter though. It doesn’t change anything.” Downplaying it was probably the way to go.

  “I bet the third tiers are losing it over this,” The leader of Trinity commented. “One more daughter of Seth and the Prophecy has officially started.”

  Kayn glanced at Frost and enquired, “What Prophecy?”

  Frost ignored her direct question. He glared at his brother Thorne as he rebutted, “There’s no way they allow another one of his offspring to slip through the Correction and Testing process. It’s never going to happen.” He met Kayn’s eyes as he affirmed, “It’s nothing important. Forget about it.”

  How did he think she was going to forget about an ominous declaration like that? She slid her empty glass at Tiberius without uttering a word. He silently filled it and slid it back, while almost looking like he felt guilty for bringing it up. She downed the shot of whiskey and looked around for Kevin. He’d tell her the truth if she could get him alone. She was certain of it. He wasn’t at Triad’s table anymore. He was gone. That was probably for the best. Maybe, she’d be able to stop her mind from wandering over there. She remembered his old email address. She’d message him when she was alone.

  Thorne changed the subject, “So, you and Lexy are sisters. I can see it.” He raised his glass in salute, “To siblings!”

  Kayn downed another shot. Frost gave her knee a reassuring squeeze. She turned to look at the man she’d given her heart to. Most of it...She felt like a horrible person. She became aware of the token of affection tucked in her bra close to her heart. The purple clover hidden in her bra was an unnecessary secret. She had to get rid of it. Coveting a token of affection from an ex, was wrong. She slid her empty shot glass across the table to Tiberius again. Go big or go home. Once again, she found herself searching the room for him. What was wrong with her tonight? Tiberius sent another shot her way. She downed it and announced, “I’ll be back.”

  Concerned, Frost’s hand clasped her arm as she attempted to leave, “Is everything alright? Should I come with you?”

  “I’m fine. I just need some fresh air,” she explained. He released his grasp on her arm and she strolled away from the table full of enquiring minds. It felt like she was suffocating in this room full of flashing lights and smoke. She headed for the balcony. As she stepped out into the warm night air she knew what she needed to do. Kayn removed the crumpled-up clover from her bra and closed her hand around it protectively. She was drunk. She wasn’t thinking straight. The clover Kevin gave her was confusing their roles. There was no room for sentimentality where he was concerned. She couldn’t use that email address. What if he was planning to use it to track her somehow? She tossed the squashed-up clover over the ledge and watched it delicately fall into the courtyard below. She could see where it landed. Kayn stared at it for a while fighting the overwhelming urge to dash down there and get it.

  Kevin’s voice came from behind her, “You don’t need to keep it. I just knew you’d need proof that I remembered us.”

  Why did he have to use the word, us? She whispered, “There is no us anymore,” without looking back at the boy that she’d known her whole life.

  “Do you really believe that?” Kevin tested as he came to stand beside her.

  As the words slipped from between his lips she knew there was no point in denial. Their bond was deeper than that. “I’m glad we had the chance to talk about what happened in there but I still need to find my way back from the Testing. I’m in love with him Kevin.”

  “I know,” he replied. After a moment of silence, he added, “You still love me too though. I know you do. I can feel it.”

  “You know I begged you to admit how you felt about me in the Testing using those same words and you said, it didn’t matter,” she pointed out. “You were right. It doesn’t matter. Move on. I have and I can’t play these little romantic games with you, it’s not fair to him.”

  “Aren’t you going to ask me about the daughters of Seth Prophecy?” her old best friend enquired as he inched closer.

  “No. I won’t be using that email address to contact you either,” she added. It was easier when they were still mad at each other.

  “It doesn’t matter what you do, I’m always going to love you,” he declared. His eyes bore into her soul. It was as though he saw the fragile parts of herself she kept hidden from the world.

  “We’ll see about that,” Kayn sparred as she launched Kevin over the railing and watched him splat in the courtyard. Unwanted emotional issues resolved. She slipped back into the banquet as Tria
d’s symbols went off. They began rushing around in search of their wounded clan member. Her livid Handler aggressively took her arm and briskly led her away from the banquet into the hall.

  “What is wrong with you! You can’t be offing random people! There are rules!” Zach scolded as he escorted her back to her room.

  Kayn started giggling because it was quite funny. Kevin totally hadn’t seen that coming and he claimed to be a psychic. She’d made her intention to be with Frost quite clear. The adrenaline had quite sufficiently snuffed out any residual sentiment she’d been struggling with earlier. As they entered the room she was sharing with Frost, she was disappointed he wasn’t already waiting for her.

  “I wouldn’t plan on him showing up here for quite a while. He’ll be doing damage control,” Zach assured as he tried to stop himself from smiling. “What did he do that made you mad enough to toss him over a balcony?”

  “He gave me a flower at the beginning of the evening and there were inconvenient feelings,” Kayn explained rather emotionlessly.

  Zach’s expression softened as they sat down next to each other on the bed to wait for Frost. “I can’t leave you here all emotionally void like this...you know that, right?”

  She flopped down on the bed and sighed, “Suit yourself.”

  Zach sprawled out beside her and whispered, “You could have just walked away.”

  Kayn beamed. No. Walking away wasn’t brutal enough to shut her emotions down but tossing him off a balcony was brilliantly played. She closed her eyes for a few minutes and slipped into a deep self-satisfied slumber.

  Lexy watched Kayn leave the table with her chin perched on Grey’s shoulder as they swayed to the music. Lexy felt rather irritated. This wasn’t unusual of course but tonight her primal urges were rather impressively amped up. Tiberius’s presence at the banquet was to be expected, he was the leader of Triad. Their titillating encounter during the last Summit had left her with this driving urgency to experience all that their dark attraction had to offer. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake the sexually charged visions of him above her as he sliced his blade into her skin, showing her a little something she hadn’t known about the experienced pleasures he could show her. Their brief sensually charged encounters since the Summit had left her yearning for more alone time with him even though she’d accidentally started something with Orin. Being a thousand years old gave Orin a pretty good grasp on the realities of attractions left unfulfilled and he was all for her taking the night to see Tiberius’s chapter through till it’s end. Orin had made it quite clear that he had no intention of getting into anything more serious than booty calls and flirtations with her until she had closed her book of unknowns.


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