Blood of the Ancient Gods: The Beginning

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Blood of the Ancient Gods: The Beginning Page 4

by Johnson, Shakuita

  "Was it something I said?" Loki joked.

  "I'm not sure what's gotten into Anima, she was fine before you showed up. Have you two met before or something?" Tala asked.

  "Not that I can remember and with a face like hers, I'm sure I wouldn't have forgotten."

  "Never mind her, what about this sightseeing?" Veronica asked.

  "Oh, well if you're all free maybe I can tag along while we explore this little city."

  "Sounds like a plan," Veronica smiled.

  "Here's my info. Give me a call when you all are ready," Loki said.

  He made sure to stress that he wanted them all there. This was no time for casual hookups. If he wasn't on a mission he'd try to bed them all but he had other things on his mind. One of which was trying to find that goddess. Once he gave his information to Tala, he headed out the same way Anima did. He wondered what her real name was.

  Following the goddess's essence trail, he came upon an alley close to the campus. To his surprise, he discovered the goddess was Psyche. Before she could disappear or open her mouth, he slammed her into the wall.

  "What the hell are you doing on Earth and what do you want from those humans?" Loki shouted.

  When she didn't answer right away, Loki slammed her into the wall again and bared his teeth.

  "Answer the fucking question!"

  "I could ask you the same thing. I suggest you get your filthy hands off me," Psyche said.

  "You don't command me, now tell me what you and your father are up to or I'll take you up to Hecate…I'm sure she could get you to loosen your tongue. Whore."

  "You're one to talk…still sucking Eris's dick?" Psyche taunted.

  "Fuck you!"

  "You wish."

  Before he could blink, Psyche had pushed herself out of his hold and spun; kicking him in the head. Loki went down in a rush but she didn't stop there. She kicked him in the stomach, ignoring his groans of pain. For good measure she kicked him in the balls, twice.

  "You stay the fuck away from them. They are mine. I've claimed them. I saw them first. I'll find out what you're up to, Loki, and so help me I'll destroy you. When I'm done you'll be but a distant memory. You sorry excuse for a god! Don't follow me again. Stay the fuck out of my way or I'll harvest your soul in a jar and keep it in there."

  Loki felt the spit hit his cheek and let the rage fill him. Fucking cunt! How dare she? She would never try to pull that shit with any other god or goddess. He was going to make her pay one way or another. He'd start by definitely taking those humans off her hands. He needed to talk to Eris. He would need her help with the extraction. Psyche was going to regret ever getting on his bad side.

  Lifting himself up from the ground, Loki silently followed Psyche again. She went inside a building called Mina Hall. Once a good amount of time passed, he tracked her essence to her front door. Number thirteen. Good now he didn't have to search later to find them. Once satisfied, willed himself up to Domus. The sooner he finished this mission, the sooner he could go after Psyche to put her in her place.

  Chapter 5

  "Eris!" Loki shouted through Domus.

  He needed to find her quickly. He wasn't sure how much time they had or what Psyche had planned. Walking down the hall, Loki made a beeline for Eris's room. He should have looked there first. He was still a bit sore from the ass kicking he'd just received from Psyche, but her time was coming. Opening Eris's door slightly, Loki peeked in. She was meditating. He knew better than to startle her out of it so he eased the door open and took a seat on her bed. She would sense his presence soon enough and emerge on her own.

  "What do you need, Loki?" Eris asked.

  "I think I've found the perfect vessels. We need to act quickly."

  "Slow down…now tell me everything. From the beginning."

  Loki got up and took Eris's hand and led her to his room. He had the girls' pictures on the wall and showed them to her. He took the stolen files out that he had filled with his highlighted notes and articles he’d printed from the library and waited as she flipped through the file.

  He watched in rapt attention as Eris scanned over every single word. They stood in silence as she took in everything and churned it around in her head.

  "Is this all of it?" Eris asked.

  "No, I saw them today. Psyche was sitting with them in a coffee shop. After I followed her to an alley and cornered her, she beat me. She told me to stay away from them and to stay out of her way. She's hiding something. I followed her again and it seems she rooms with all three girls. She's calling herself Anima Grey. I know her father is somehow tied to this. We need to hurry and grab the girls before they get their claws in them. They are the perfect vessels for Hecate, Fenrir, and Oberon. I just know it."

  "I think you may be right. Take me to them. Where would they be?"

  Loki thought for a moment. He didn't get their information, didn't want to come off as too creepy. But he did see a sign for another party and knowing Psyche she would drag them to it. The girl had a thing for partying…it got her in trouble with Thanatos constantly.

  "I saw a flyer for another fraternity party tonight. I'm sure they will be making an appearance. I can introduce you to them then. You can see the spark I saw and that way we can then bring them back to Domus and start the transformations."

  "We will go to this party. If I see what you have seen we will come back and talk to Hecate, Fenrir, and Oberon first. If they agree, then we will pick up the girls and bring them here. We want to get this right the first time. I don't want any mistakes or setbacks."


  "Let's go. I'll take your lead for now."

  "We need clothes first. The party is not for a few hours."

  Heading to the mall the girls told him about, Loki and Eris stole clothes they thought would help them to blend in better. They picked up a pair of blue jeans and a plain button up shirt for Loki and a red maxi dress for Eris. They looked like they belonged now instead of trying to conjure up what they believed the latest fashion for the time was. Now the only thing let to do was head to the party.

  Loki looked up at the fraternity house in disgust. How could humans live like this? Already the party was in full swing, beer cans, half naked girls, and the faint smell of drugs in the air. He would never understand it. You could have a party and not trash the place…the gods did it all the time. But alas these are mere mortals. Inferior and beneath even the lowest of the gods. He exchanged a look with Eris before shouldering his way in. They both had altered their appearances as to not raise any suspicion.

  Loki had a one-track mind. Find the girls and introduce them to Eris. He was sure Psyche would be close so he tried to ping her first. He was right and she was close. He grabbed Eris's hand and went straight to where the feeling was coming from. He found them all in the kitchen with cups in hand. Plastering on a smile he went to Tala first.

  "Well, well, well, it's nice to see you again. Please allow me to introduce my cousin, Kara Night. Kara this is Tala, Lilia, and Veronica. I told you about them. We had a cup of coffee earlier. What brings you girls to another party?" Loki asked.

  "Anima dragged us kicking and screaming," Lilia joked.

  "Awesome. I do hope you can stay longer this time. You ran off so fast the first time," Loki said.

  "I had some business to take care of," Anima said.

  Suddenly, he could hear Psyche in his thoughts.

  I told you to stay away.

  Get the hell out of his head, bitch before I beat your ass in front of all these humans.

  Loki looked up at Eris in amusement. She always insisted on fighting his battles for him. All it did was make him look like a weak bitch but he didn't dare say a word to contradict her.

  "Novo tells me you’re all new to the area as well. We do hope you call to go have a look around with us. It would be great to make a few friends," Eris said.

  "Of course and maybe Novo and I can have a private meeting afterwards," Veronica suggested.

That won't be necessary, really," Eris said, teeth showing in a smile.

  "I'm sure he doesn't mind, isn't that right, Novo?" Veronica asked.

  "Give it a rest, V!" Tala shouted. "We've only been here two days…keep it in your pants would ya."

  Well, now was as good a time as any to excuse themselves.

  "Well, we must be going. It was nice seeing you all again. You have my number if you want to get in touch. Later!" Loki said.

  Loki gently took Eris's elbow and guided them out of the door. He led them to a secluded alley where they could transport back to Domus. It was time they talked to the other gods and made arrangements and preparations. They needed to do the transformations quickly.

  Chapter 6


  Loki and Eris walked through Domus looking for the gods. They found them in the meeting hall; their loud shouts could be heard all the way down the hallway. What the hell was going on now? Loki could hear screams of fading and growing weaker by the minute. Surely they had time before those things became too big of a problem? Several moments later they were close enough to be seen.

  "What is going on here?" Eris asked.

  She could barely be heard over all the shouting, roaring, and growling. This was getting them nowhere. Loki bought his fingers to his mouth and let out a loud whistle through the air. That cut through all the bullshit.

  "Now that we have your attention, again I ask, what the hell is going on?" Eris asked.

  "We're dying! What the hell do you think is going on?" Hecate demanded.

  "Cut the shit and screeching. You're not dying," Eris said.

  Loki sighed in disgust. If the gods died of anything it would be ignorance.

  "What are you looking like that for?" Fenrir asked. "Have you found our vessels or are you dicking around like usual?"

  "I'm going to suggest you take another tone, wolf boy," Loki threatened. "I'm not the one in need of worshippers, you are."

  "Can you just tell us what you know?" Oberon asked.

  "I don't know. Can I? Seeing as you've sent me out to be your scouting boy I'd think a little more respect would be in your tones. I didn't have to go to earth to find vessels for any of you. Why don’t you go out and look for yourself? I'm tired of some of you gods thinking you are better than the rest of us," Loki said.

  "Why don't we all just take a step back and calm down?" Eris suggested.

  Loki closed his eyes and begged for patience. First Psyche wanted to bust his balls and now this. He didn't feel like dealing with psychotic gods. When he felt he had his emotions under control he started to speak.

  "I found some potential candidates. Eris just met them. Here is the information I've gathered."

  Loki handed the gods the files he had on Tala, Lilia, and Veronica. They took their time going over each piece and asking questions. So far everything looked good. It seemed his first choices were the best ones for the situation. Loki handed over the pictures that go with the files. He could see the interest shining in each god's eyes. They wanted these girls…he could tell.

  "They look to be the perfect vessels. Tell us why you picked them?" Fenrir asked.

  Loki thought back on everything he'd read and what he'd seen in the girls in the last day. Most of it was a gut feeling but he tried to put his feelings and instincts into words.

  "Well I think Tala would be perfect for the Sucolupus because of the wolf attack on her parents and they left her alive. The wolves saw something in her and she'd make a great alpha. She's already leading her little family. Lilia would make a good Nymphacris because although she seems the weakest of the girls, she has a hidden inner strength that I believe once tapped into could make her an unstoppable force. Plus she has that ageless type of beauty that is reserved for the elves and fairies. And lastly, Veronica has the heart of a dragon and would be the only choice for the Pristis-Incantatrix. The witch and dragon combination would be deadly with her at the helm. I don't believe we will find better vessels. Plus they all survived when least expected and they will need that strength and luck to survive these transformations," Loki explained.

  "Besides, they come from broken families. Only one person may miss them and we can easily take care of her if she starts making trouble. Their sudden disappearances won't raise as many questions," Eris added.

  "Good, I don't want any issues with this. It's important that we have no delays," Hecate said.

  "We may have one problem. Psyche. She's up to something. She's attached herself to the girls for some reason and she threatened Loki and told him to stay away. Either she or her father is planning something. She needs to be watched," Eris said.

  "You're going to have to keep her busy, Eris, while Loki grabs the girls and brings them here. She wouldn't dare step foot into Domus. Doing so would be her destruction and her father isn't bold enough to come along with her. They won't make a move yet," Oberon said.

  "I'll keep her busy while Loki does what he needs to do," Eris said.

  "It does make me wonder what Thanatos is up to. He's always plotting and scheming. The fact that death happens daily only serves to make him a smug asshole," Hecate said.

  "Maybe we can get Janus to do a reading for us. Tell us what the future holds," Oberon suggested.

  "No, absolutely not. He'd run right back to Thanatos or worse tell us the wrong information just to throw us off and screw us over. He's too close to Thanatos for anything he says to be trusted," Fenrir said. "We're on our own with this and there is no more time left to waste. We must act fast, before they figure out what we're up to. You know Psyche will be telling her father everything soon enough. We want the girls here before he can order her to bring them to the Underworld. Go now, both of you. Time is of the essence."

  "Not so fast, where's that contract?" Eris asked.

  "Really? We don't have time for this right now. You will be taken care of," Hecate said annoyed.

  "Make time," Loki suggested.

  "This can wait!" Oberon growled.

  "Go get them yourself then," Loki said.

  He crossed his arms over his chest for good measure. He wasn’t moving until he looked over the contract and they all signed it. By the look on Eris's face she was thinking the same thing.

  "Just give them the fucking contract!" Fenrir yelled.

  Hecate huffed at his tone but complied. Reaching out her hand, she waited for Loki to take it. Once he did they all watched in silence as he read it then gave it to Eris to look over as well. Hecate was sure they were speaking to each other telepathically and she wished they would hurry up. Finally it seemed they had reached an agreement.

  "Everything looks to be in order. All that's left to do is sign it. Use blood please," Loki said.

  After much grumbling and bloodletting Loki tucked the signed contract firmly in his robe. He'd place it in his safe at the first chance he got. Now he could go out and do his job.

  "Pleasure doing business with you. We shall return shortly," Loki said.

  Loki and Eris made their goodbyes. The time for hiding in the shadows had come to an end. They were ready to take back their places as some of the most powerful gods ever created.

  Chapter 7

  "Father, where are you?" Psyche asked.

  She hated coming down here. The Underworld was so depressing and she'd rather be on Earth far away from all this death, despair, and decay. Her father loved every minute of it. Like usual he didn't answer her and she found him in his office pouring over old texts. What was he searching for? She gently cleared her throat to alert him to her presence. Hopefully it wouldn't take long for him to address her.

  "What do you know?" Thanatos asked.

  Well, guess it's too much of a hassle to be civil and exchange pleasantries first. No matter.

  "What are your plans, Father?" Psyche asked instead.

  "It's like you want me to kill you. Is that it? Do you have a death wish, daughter?"

  "Loki and Eris are up to something. They have their eyes on the girls I told yo
u about. The ones I said I feel something stirring inside."

  "Do you have a hint as to what they have planned? Are they working on their own accord or for someone else? It could be just mischief?"

  "No, I don't think so. They want them for something but I have no idea what. And I'm sure they aren't working along on this one."


  "Loki followed me to try to find out why I was with the girls. If it were casual, he wouldn't have bothered. I would go up to Domus but I’d probably never make it out alive. Loki is trying to get in good with the humans and even brought Eris to the party we went to last night."

  "Get back there and don't let those humans out of your sight. I want to know what they are up to. Don't fail me on this. I also need you to ask around and see what the other gods may know. Just poke around a bit but not too much that they start to ask questions. Keep it simple…just curious. I'm sure you have some contacts you can trust. And as far as sneaking into Domus goes I'm sure you can manage it if you wanted to. Now go!"

  Psyche could barely keep the annoyance off her face. She wasn't his bitch boy. She was tired of being treated like his beck and call girl. She had a life of her own. A boyfriend she hadn't seen in days and was missing something terrible. They had plans that didn't involve all the spy shit her father was talking about. But she was the good daughter…ever dutiful.

  "I'm on it. I'll check in when I have something worth sharing."

  Psyche was going to be late for her meeting with Eros. Luckily she was a goddess and she got to Virginia from the Underworld with a few minutes to spare. She could spot that curly haired, blonde, dimpled cutie anywhere. His angelic looks were hard to hide. They decided to meet in Virginia as a way to throw her father off. He thought she was in Missouri so that would be the first place he searched when looking for her. They had been seeing each other in secret for centuries.

  "There you are, beautiful! What took you so long?" Eros, the God of Love, asked.

  Psyche rolled her eyes and pursed her lips.


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