Francis, Mary 24–5, 42, 47, 99, 156, 164, 179, 181, 182, 189
Francois, Mark 161
Fraser, Malcolm 301, 310
Frayling, Sir Christopher 270
Freedom of Information Act 247–8
Fromont, Mark 128
Frost, David 209
G7 Summit (1991) 218
Gabriel, Rosalind 303, 304
Gaddes, Sharon 141, 145
Gallagher, Tony 289
Galloway, Alexander 158
Gambia 305
Ganga, Daren 305
garden parties 228–33, 238, 241
Garden Party Ladies 229–30
Garter King of Arms 238
Garty, Alex 134, 135
Geidt, Sir Christopher 137, 150, 153, 192–3
general elections 89–90, 163–5, 203, 215
Gentlemen at Arms 136, 180
Gentlemen Ushers 149, 153, 229, 231, 256, 257
George I, King 118
George III, King 55, 56, 71, 74, 78, 111, 113, 140n, 331
George IV, King 127n, 128, 260, 261
George V, King 32, 189, 205; and Church of England 323; and class 21; Court of 33, 236; decorations introduced by 234, 252; dislike of change 41; family life 235, 267, 337n; and Greek Royal Family 278, 279; and Ireland 315; overseas visits 314; political interference 167; and Royal Maundy 324; scandals concerning 19; Silver Jubilee 323
George VI, King 15n, 19, 33, 205, 236, 252, 335; accession 40, 85; boys’ clubs 284; bridging of social divide 234; Churchill’s audience with 271; Coronation 282; creates Commonwealth 299, 336; death and funeral 19, 207, 266; dislike of public speaking 57; as Duke of York 314; family life 48; Household of 127n, 205–06, 216; ill health 206, 280; industrial relations role 288; interference in government 167; royal tours 144, 314, 321; tax issue 87; wedding 120
George Cross 235, 252, 330
George Medal 330
Germany 62n, 279
Ghana 61, 167, 321
Gilbey, James 90
Gillett, Sir Robin, Lord Mayor of London 23
Girl Guides 232
Gloucester, Duchess of 86, 116, 146, 202, 289
Gloucester, Duke of (Prince Henry) 85, 169
Gloucester, Duke of (Prince Richard) 85–6, 87, 116
Gloucester, Prince William of 85
Golden Jubilee (2002) 26–8, 107, 112, 115, 134, 184, 192, 224
Gonsalves, Ralph 308
Goodey, Emma 201
Goodwin, Sir Fred 328
Google 39
Gordonstoun School, Scotland 200, 273, 279
Gore, Al 296
Governor-Generals 309, 311
Grafton, Duchess of 202
Graham, Billy 6
Graveney, Tom 286
Graves, Keith 68
Gray, Fusilier Aaron 330
Green Book 84
Grenada 172
Grenadier Guards 142, 146, 149, 281–2, 329
Griffiths, Dame Anne 287
Griffiths, Edward 123, 124–5, 126, 127, 145
Guardian 41, 168
Guards Polo Club 286
Gulf States 316–20
Gulf War (1991)86, 218
Hand, Moulay 67
Hague, William 300, 320
Hahn, Kurt 279
Haines, Joe 170
Hampton Court Palace 263
Harewood, Earl of 234
Harewood, Larry 304
Harman, Harriet 174
Harry, Prince: birth 74; and Charles’s second marriage 107; and Diana’s death 101, 105; London home 110; and media 107; military career 62, 73; relationship with William 110; royal visits 222; staff and office 109–11, 197; and William’s wedding 107–08, 110
Harverson, Paddy 147
Harvey, Danny 266
Hassan II, King of Morocco 66–9
Hatcher, Chuck 331
Hawke, Bob 311
Hayley, Sir William 207
Haynes, Jennifer 327
Heald, Tim 70
Heaney, Seamus 291
Heath, Sir Edward 63, 164, 170–71, 218
Henry VIII, King 240
Heseltine, Sir William 64; on Airlie 76; on Colville 206, 208, 215; on Commonwealth 301, 309; on Duke of Edinburgh 269; as Press Secretary 210–11, 216; as Private Secretary 191–2, 215; on royal finances 78, 170; on Shea 217; on Silver Jubilee tour 56–7; on Thatcher 172; and TV documentary 210–11, 212–13; on walkabouts 214
High Sheriffs 245
Historic Royal Palaces 263–4
Hogue, Oliver 208
Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh 32, 163; art collection and gallery 284, 290; garden parties 229, 232, 335; High Constables 136
Hong Kong 178
honours system 47, 234–5, 237; investitures 12, 138, 252–9; New Zealand 311–12
Hopkins, Commodore Lawrie 257
Hopper, Michael 259
Horse Guards Parade 142, 223, 331
House of Commons 162, 238, 294; Palace go-between 65, 155, 161; and royal finances 80, 81, 94–5, 190
House of Lords 86, 162, 174, 180, 181–2, 185, 238
Household Cavalry 132, 136, 142, 257
Household Division 331
Howard, John 310
Howe, Sir Geoffrey 292
Hughes, Rosemary 326
Hunka, Elizabeth 129, 130
Hunt, Sandra 198, 200
Hunt-Davis, Sir Miles 269, 271, 272, 273, 286, 287, 289, 291
Hurd, Douglas, Lord Hurd 93, 314; accompanies Queen on royal tours 66, 68, 69, 114; on Commonwealth 300; on Queen’s love of the unexpected 63; on Queen’s relations with Thatcher 172; on religion 322; on Royal Yacht 175, 176, 177
Hussein, King of Jordan 38
Hussein, Saddam 218
Hussey, Lady Susan 150–51
Imperial State Crown 160–61, 162
Independent 103
India 89, 175–6, 179–80, 293
Industrial Society 284
Ingham, Sir Bernard 196
Inland Revenue 89, 93
Insignia Clerk 255, 257
International Equestrian Federation 286
investitures 12, 138, 252–9
Iraq war (2003) 167
Ireland 13, 276n; and Commonwealth 300–01; state visit (2011) 2, 11, 42, 52–3, 57, 291, 314, 315–16
Irish Guards 55, 228, 315
Irish Republican Army (IRA) 53, 60, 172n
Irish State Coach 162
Irvine, Derry, Baron Irvine 185
Italy 41, 66
ITN (Independent Television News) 215, 221
It’s a Royal Knockout 82–3, 216, 277
ITV 178, 212, 218, 221, 223–4
Jamestown, Virginia 51
Janvrin, Lord Robin 25, 188, 192
Japan, Emperor of 255
Jay, Sir Antony 15–19, 21, 22, 24, 31, 107, 196, 212
Jebb, Miles 64, 243, 244
Jephson, Michael 36
John, King 324
John, Sir Elton 105
Johnstone, Sir Johnnie 138
Jones, Ann 58
Jones, Tom 83
Juppé, Alain 322
Kagame, Paul, President of Rwanda 297–8
Kashmir 179
Kaunda, Kenneth, President of Zambia 313, 321
Kay, Richard 221
Kealey, Christopher 258
Keating, Paul 309–10
Keeler, Christine 21n
Keeper of the Privy Purse 36, 40, 111, 130, 168, 328
Keeper of the Royal Conscience 184
Keller, Sinead 165
Kellner, Peter 306
Kelly, Angela 42, 43, 200–46, 199, 304
Kennedy, President John F. 61
Kensington Palace 40, 105, 110, 130, 206, 263, 264
Kent, Duke of 71, 87, 116, 146
Kenward, Betty 236
Kenya 89, 293
Kenyatta, Jomo 293
Kerr, Sir John 309
Kerr, Wesley 321
Key, John 300, 301, 307, 308, 311–12, 313
Khrushchev, Nikita 61, 239
Kibblewhite, Lil 165
Kikwete, Jakaya, President of Tanzania 307
King, Billie-Jean 58
King, Doug 246
King’s Speech, The (film) 57
King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery 105, 134
Kinnock, Neil 81, 89, 191–2
Kirby, Simon 292
Kittle, Margaret 327
Knatchbull, Nicholas 53n
Knights of the Garter 197
KPMG Peat Marwick 78, 111
Krizia, Mariuccia 41
Kufour, John, President of Ghana 134
Kuwait 176
Labour Party 22, 29, 89, 99, 174, 177, 179–85, 191
ladies-in-waiting 203, 218, 237
Lall, Neena 232
Lamont, Norman 177
Lampedusa, Giuseppe di: The Leopard 99
Lancaster, Duchy of 80, 88
Land Army 244
Lara, Brian 305
Lascelles, Sir Alan ‘Tommy’ 42, 190, 281, 282
Laski, Professor Harold 189
Last, Joe 135
Laurence, Commander Timothy 96
Le Bon, Yasmin 199
Leddington Wright, Andrew 326
Leddington Wright, Paul 325
Leddington Wright, Sheila 326
Lehman Brothers 82
Leibovitz, Annie 226
Leicester, Earl of 236
Leith, Scotland 178
Lennon, John 255
Lennox, Annie 115
Lineker, Gary 83
Linford, Alan Carr 291
Linley, Viscount 86
Lismore, Australia 6
Lockerbie disaster (1988) 45, 83
Loelia, Duchess of Westminster 44
London Declaration (1949) 336
London Press Club 333
London Underground 9
Longford, Elizabeth 60
Lord Chamberlain 34, 75–81, 110, 117–19, 147, 231; stage censorship 138, 209, 210
Lord Chamberlain’s Office 3, 133, 138–9, 161, 229, 230, 232
Lord Chancellor 168, 184–5, 188
Lord Great Chamberlain 117n, 181n
Lord High Almoner 324, 325, 327
Lord-Lieutenants 25, 84, 109, 213, 229, 239–44, 245, 254; Deputies 240–41, 242, 243; investitures 252–3
Lord Steward 147, 257
Lord Warden of the Stannaries 117
Luce, Lord 75
Ludwig, Karl 327
Lusaka, Zambia 61
Lyttleton, Diana 206
Mabbutt, Gary 115–16
McAleese, Mary 57n
Macclesfield, Earl of 64
McCulloch, Rt Revd Nigel 325
MacDonald, Margaret ‘Bobo’ 42
McEvoy, Nigel 124, 140–41, 146, 148
McGinley, Dinny 315
McGourty, Nuala 262
Macmillan, Lady Dorothy 236
Macmillan, Sir Harold 20, 22, 61, 166, 169, 170, 238
McMuldrow, Kim 251
McNally, Tom, Baron McNally 146
Magpie, HMS 280, 293
Mahendra, King of Nepal 316
Major, Sir John 2, 24, 44, 108–09; appointment of Lord-Lieutenants 240; audiences with Queen 153–4, 155, 173; Balmoral visits 154–5; on Charles as future monarch 333, 337; on longevity of Queen’s reign 32; on media reaction to Windsor fire 92; as Prime Minister 63, 65, 89–90; on public attitudes to monarchy 30; on Queen as Mother of the Nation 50; on Queen’s personality 34, 38; relations with Palace 173; resignation 151; and royal finances 88, 89, 94–5; and royal investitures 253; and Royal Yacht 175, 176–7; and separation of Waleses 96
Major, Dame Norma 63
Maldives 302
Malta 6, 272
Mandela, Nelson 97, 115, 143, 144, 219, 301, 315
Mandelson, Peter, Lord Mandelson 115, 174
Mann, Lionel 126
Manning, Sir David 110
Manning, Patrick 305, 306, 308
Mansell, Nigel 83
Mansion House, London 5, 7
Maori Party, New Zealand 307
Margaret, Princess 19, 24, 33, 97, 107; birth 40; death 27, 50, 274; divorce 170; home of 264; marriage 169, 209, 236; media and 206; romance with Townsend 20, 208, 234, 293; royal tours 321; youth 206
Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark 146
Marlborough House, London 297, 298
Marsden, Jonathan 260, 261–2, 263
Marshall, Steve 140
Marten, Sir Henry 15
Martin, Derek 232
Martin, Molly 290
Martin, William Keble: A Concise British Flora 290
Marxism 295
Mary, Queen 41, 43, 44, 75, 143, 235, 297
Master of the Household 109, 116, 119–22, 141, 144–5, 330; Department of 36, 121, 125, 137, 198
Masterchef 196
Matheson, Lt-Colonel Alexander 255, 257
Maundy Thursday 324–7
Maxton, James 185
Maxwell, Paul 53n
May, Brian 28
May, Erskine: Parliamentary Practice 180
MBE (Member of the British Empire) 253, 255, 258–9
media 13, 14, 24, 25, 200–01, 216; access to state banquets 147; attacks on Royal Family 86–7, 89, 179; Australian 194–7, 312; and Coronation 207; and Diana 100, 101–02, 103; and Duke of Edinburgh’s gaffes 292–4, 295; and junior royals 83, 90; local and regional 198, 200, 250; official TV cameraman 250; paparazzi 208, 225; Press Secretary and 206–09; royal broadcasts 210, 221, 298, 307, 313, 320, 322, 323; royal correspondents 152, 215, 221; royal documentaries 16, 22, 23, 37, 58, 89, 130, 203, 210–14, 217–21, 226–7, 284; royal website 17, 201–2; in Sixties 21, 22; and tax issue 87, 88, 94–5; television 191, 207, 208, 209, 210, 221–4, 285; and William’s wedding 107; and Windsor fire 92
Melbourne Age 6
Metropolitan Police 102, 104, 122, 135; Royalty Protection team 59, 136
Michael, King of Romania 278
Michael of Kent, Prince 116, 231
Michael of Kent, Princess 47, 107, 116, 231, 236
Middleton, Catherine, see Cambridge, Duchess of
Middleton, Michael 108
Millennium Dome 179, 223
Miller, Sir John 132–3
Miller-Bakewell, Archie 287
Mirzoeff, Edward 37, 64, 130, 218–20, 226
Mitterrand, Francois, President of France 38
Mobutu, Sese Seko, President of Zaire 137
Mohamed, Sheikh of Dubai 318
Monarchy: constitutional 7, 15–17, 19, 31, 40, 45–6, 72, 156–7, 160, 181, 248, 295, 309, 310; de-linking from aristocracy 181, 238; and divorce 234; finances 76, 77–82, 94, 111–13, 186–7, 190 285; history 13; and honours system 252–3, 254; Labour Party and 174; male primogeniture 108, 180, 187; public attitude towards 22, 26, 30, 197–8, 205, 224; reform of 2, 12, 13, 14–15, 22–25, 32, 174, 284–5; relevance of 198, 200, 226, 337; role of 15–17; and social hierarchy 237–8; success of 52; succession 336–7; Welfare Monarchy 17; see also Royal Family
Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work 227
Moore, Charles 252
Moore, Sir Philip 67, 191
Morocco 37, 66–9
Morrison, Mary 147
Morton, Andrew: Diana: Her True Story 90
Mott, Sgt Major Billy 243
Mountbatten, Lord Louis 53, 279, 281, 282
Mountbatten, Lady Pamela 64
Mountbatten, Lady Patricia 211
Mozah, Sheikha 317
Mthethwa, Nathi 146
Mugabe, Robert, President of Zimbabwe 301
Muggeridge, Malcolm 208, 236, 237
Mulchrone, Vincent 214
Muldoon, Robert 61
Murray, Andy 248
Murray, Deryck 305
Murray, Sandra 42
Mustique 308
Mylius, Edward 19
Nasheed, Mohamed, President of the Maldives 29, 178, 302, 336
Nasser, Gamal Abdel 20n
Natapei, Edward 308
National and English Review 20
p; National Audit Office 111
National Playing Fields Association 283–4
Nazism 279
Nehru, Jawaharlal 336
Nelson, John 162
Nepal 316
Nevill, Lord Rupert 67
New Zealand 31, 266, 311; earthquake (2011) 312–13; politics 164, 307; republicanism 311; royal tours 27, 54, 207, 214, 293, 312–13
Newton, Isaac 70
Nicolson, Sir Harold 235n
Nigeria 52
Nixon, President Richard 18n, 211
Nkrumah, Kwame, President of Ghana 61, 321
Nobel Peace Prize 296
Nolan, Sidney 290
Norfolk, Duke of 181n, 183
Northern Ireland 22, 27, 42, 56–7, 62
Northwest Regional Development Agency 249
Nye, William 109
Nyrere, Julius 321
Obama, President Barack 2, 11, 63, 117, 139, 140n
O’Dea, Patrick 214
O’Donnell, Sir Gus 165–6
O’Donovan, Tim 84
Ogilvy, Angus 75
Oldfield, Bruce 200
O’Lone, Marcus 266, 267
Olympic Games 225
Oman 317, 318–20
Oozeerally, Barbara 290
Order of Merit 71
Order of the Bath 143, 148, 234
Order of the British Empire (OBE) 234, 252, 258
Order of the Garter 88, 109, 234, 273
Order of the Thistle 234, 273
O’Regan, Marie 199
Osborne, George 187
Outward Bound Trust 284, 286
Owen, Nick 221
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies 321
Page of the Chambers 114, 147
Pakistan 179
Palace Steward 124, 140
Panorama (BBC TV) 97–8, 196, 221–2
Papua New Guinea 309
Parker, Sir Michael 223–4
Parker, Mike 20, 283
Parker Bowles, Camilla, see Cornwall, Duchess of
Parliament 65; Cabinet Ministers 159–60; changes of government 149–53, 159–60; and Civil List 80, 81, 94, 111, 186–7, 190; Coalition Government (2010) 163–4, 165; expenses scandal (2009) 18, 203; hung Parliaments 164, 166; legislation 247; Privy Counsellors 158, 159; and Royal Yacht 175, 177; swearing in of Cabinet 159; State Opening 40, 65n, 117n, 160–63, 183, 267
Parvin, Stewart 8, 148, 161, 199, 251
Peabody Trust 169
Peat, Sir Michael 78–81, 88, 94, 109, 112–13, 119, 132, 133, 283
Peel, Sir Robert 117
Peel, William, 3rd Earl Peel 231, 262; on Airlie reforms 76, 112; on Queen 14, 37; role as Lord Chamberlain 117–19; and state visits 117, 147
Pendry, Terry 43, 46
People 293
Philip, Prince, see Edinburgh, Duke of
Phillips, Captain Mark 215
Phillips, Peter 84
Phillips, Savannah 28, 204
Her Majesty Page 52